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Electron spectroscopy is now very popular particularly in surface analysis.Many manufacturers make their sophisticated machines,in which Auger electron spectroscopy(AES)and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)have been widely distributed and commonly used.Although,the electron spectroscopy is not in the category of metrology,i.e.,the SI(system international). 相似文献
A method has been developed to characterize large populations of individual respirable particles. With the use of custom data collection and data correlation computer software, the same set of particles can be analyzed in multiple instruments. The method is demonstrated by the analysis of a sample of hard-metal particles. A series of particles are analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy, and then the same particles are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy. 相似文献
Kirkland EJ 《Ultramicroscopy》2005,102(3):199-207
As an electron beam (of order 100 keV) travels through a crystalline solid it can be channeled down a zone axis of the crystal to form a channeling peak centered on the atomic columns. The channeling peak can be similar in size to the outer atomic orbitals. Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) measures the losses that the electron experiences as it passes through the solid yielding information about the unoccupied density of states in the solid. The interaction matrix element for this process typically produces dipole selection rules for small angle scattering. In this paper, a theoretical calculation of the EELS cross section in the presence of strong channeling is performed for the silicon L23 edge. The presence of channeling is found to alter both the intensity and selection rules for this EELS signal as a function of depth in the solid. At some depths in the specimen small but significant non-dipole transition components can be produced, which may influence measurements of the density of states in solids. 相似文献
We study atomic-resolution annular electron energy-loss spectroscopy (AEELS) in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging with experiments and numerical simulations. In this technique the central part of the bright field disk is blocked by a beam stop, forming an annular entry aperture to the spectrometer. The EELS signal thus arises only from electrons scattered inelastically to angles defined by the aperture. It will be shown that this method is more robust than conventional EELS imaging to variations in specimen thickness and can also provide higher spatial resolution. This raises the possibility of lattice resolution imaging of lighter elements or ionization edges previously considered unsuitable for EELS imaging. 相似文献
Valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy in monochromated scanning transmission electron microscopy
With the development of monochromators for (scanning) transmission electron microscopes, valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy (VEELS) is developing into a unique technique to study the band structure and optical properties of nanoscale materials. This article discusses practical aspects of spatially resolved VEELS performed in scanning transmission mode and the alignments necessary to achieve the current optimum performance of approximately 0.15 eV energy resolution with an electron probe size of approximately 1 nm. In particular, a collection of basic concepts concerning the acquisition process, the optimization of the energy resolution, the spatial resolution and the data processing are provided. A brief study of planar defects in a Y(1)Ba(2)Cu(3)O(7-)(delta) high-temperature superconductor illustrates these concepts and shows what kind of information can be accessed by VEELS. 相似文献
Electron radiation damage is one of the most severe problems in high resolution electron microscopy of biomolecules. The techniques of electron diffraction and electron energy-loss spectroscopy were applied to gain a better understanding of radiation damage in amino acids and nucleic acid bases. The results when compared with G-values for the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide from amino acids seem to indicate that bond scission is an important cause of radiation damage at moderate doses of irradiation. High resolution structural disorder in nucleic acid bases was found to involve loss of atoms peripheral to the main ring structure. 相似文献
H. Seiler 《Ultramicroscopy》1985,17(1):1-8
The combination of ultra high vacuum scanning electron microscopy with spectroscopy of the emitted electrons gives new possibilities for surface analysis. The paper surveys recent results in secondary, Auger, ionization loss, and elastic peak electron spectroscopy. 相似文献
Quantitative electron energy loss spectroscopy in biology 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The potential for applying electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in biology is assessed. Some recent developments in instrumentation, spectrometer design, parallel detection and elemental mapping are discussed. Quantitation is demonstrated by means of the spectrum from DNA which gives an elemental ratio for N:P close to the expected value. A range of biologically important elements that can be usefully analyzed by EELS is tabulated and some possible applications for each are indicated. Detection limits and the effects of radiation damage are illustrated by spectra from the protein, insulin, and from the fluorinated amino-acid, histidine. Calcium detectability under optimum conditions may be as low as 1 mmol/kg dry weight. The application of EELS to analysis of cryosectioned adrenomedullary (chromaffin) cells is described in order to help determine the composition of the secretory granule. Water content can be determined from the amount of inelastic scattering as measured by the low-loss spectrum. The nitrogen/phosphorus ratio can be measured to provide information about the relative concentrations of ATP, chromogranin, and catecholamines. Quantitative EELS elemental maps are obtained in the STEM mode from chromaffin cells in order to measure the distribution of light elements. 相似文献
A multiple-angle, parallel detection scheme for ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and LEED has been developed based on a minicomputer-controlled vidicon camera and a LEED-grid energy analyzer. This system allows rapid data acquisition and display so that one can obtain energy spectra over a 70 degrees x70 degrees collection geometry with +/-1.5 degrees resolution in 30-40 min, or collect the intensities of all visible LEED beams in a few seconds. This is nearly two orders of magnitude faster than a conventional movable single-detector system. Operating principles and design limitations will be discussed. 相似文献
It is undoubtedly true that the advent of efficient energy loss spectrometers for transmission microscopes over the last few years has been of considerable assistance, at least qualitatively, for the analysis of light elements and, to a more limited extent, in structure interpretation. Rather frustratingly, given the potentially better spatial resolution of EELS over EDX, realistic quantitative analysis remains difficult, and similarly - while fascinating effects are seen in, for example, the crystallographic orientation dependence of the signal - these are currently only broadly interpretable in relation to those observed in EDX. The reasons for this are discussed, as are the relative advantages of large and small collection angles for different types of experiment. 相似文献
J. F. Watts 《Journal of microscopy》1985,140(2):243-260
The basic principles of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy are described and their relative advantages as analysis methods for ceramic materials are reviewed. Their application in ceramics technology is illustrated by examples taken from the fields of catalysis and mineralogy. In particular, attention is drawn to recent developments of XPS which make it especially attractive for the study of ceramic materials. These include quantitative application of the X-ray photoelectron diffraction effect to layered, single crystal minerals; the development of higher energy X-ray sources for XPS, and the attendant study of the Sils–KLL Auger parameter as a probe of molecular and crystalline structure; and the analysis of small (?250 μm) surface features by XPS. 相似文献
Z. L. Wang 《Microscopy research and technique》1990,14(1):13-20
Several basic physical concepts of applying eq. Ik = IσNxt to surface microanalysis by reflection electron energy-loss spectroscopy (REELS) are clarified. Here Ik and I are the integrated intensities of the core ionization edge and the low loss part, σ is the scattering cross section of element x with atomic concentration Nx, and t is the specimen thickness. The reflected inelastic electrons are found to be distributed almost symmetrically around the Bragg sports and can be reasonably described by a Lorentzian function. EELS microanalysis can be performed by using the diffracted sports. The ω correction, arising from the angular contributions of the neighbouring spots into the spectrometer collecting aperture, is required to be considered. 相似文献
Iakoubovskii K Mitsuishi K Nakayama Y Furuya K 《Microscopy research and technique》2008,71(8):626-631
Measurements of thickness using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) are revised. Absolute thickness values can be quickly and accurately determined with the Kramers-Kronig sum method. The EELS data analysis is even much easier with the log-ratio method, however, absolute calibration of this method requires knowledge of the mean free path of inelastic electron scattering lambda. The latter has been measured here in a wide range of solids and a scaling law lambda approximately rho(-0.3) versus mass density rho has been revealed. EELS measurements critically depend on the excitation and collection angles. This dependence has been studied experimentally and theoretically and an efficient model has been formulated. 相似文献
场发射俄歇电子能谱显微分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
场发射俄歇电子能谱的显微分析是一项新的分析技术,可对微尺度样品进行点、线、面的元素组分及元素化学态分析。本文简要介绍这项新技术的功能原理和在微电子器件检测等方面的具体应用。 相似文献
In the electron microscope, spectroscopic signals such as the characteristic X-rays or the energy loss of the incident beam can provide an analysis of the local composition or electronic structure. Recent improvements in the energy resolution and sensitivity of electron spectrometers have improved the quality of spectra that can be obtained. Concurrently, the calculations used to simulate and interpret spectra have made major advances. These developments will be briefly reviewed. In recent years, the focus of analytical electron microscopy has moved away from single spectrum acquisition to mapping and imaging. In particular, the use of spectrum imaging (SI), where a full spectrum is acquired and stored at each pixel in the image is becoming widespread. A challenge for the application of spectrum imaging is the processing of such large datasets in order to extract the significant information. When we go beyond the mapping of composition and look to map bonding and electronic structure this becomes both more important and more difficult. Approaches to processing spectrum imaging data sets acquired using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) will be explored in this paper. 相似文献
Buried interfaces have traditionally been inaccessible to direct investigation by surface-sensitive techniques. A unique and novel electronic probe, which is sensitive to subsurface electronic structure, has been utilized to probe Schottky barrier interfaces. The method, ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM), is based on scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) techniques. A theoretical treatment has been developed to describe the ballistic electron spectra obtained by BEEM and this treatment is applied to data obtained on the Au-Si Schottky barrier interface system. Excellent agreement between experiment and theory is obtained. In addition, the treatment pradicts nanometre spatial resolution for interface imaging by BEEM. 相似文献
Z. YANG D. SCHRYVERS F. ROELS† P. C. D'HAESE‡ & M. E. DE BROE‡ 《Journal of microscopy》2006,223(2):133-139
The appearance of lanthanum in liver cells as a result of the injection of lanthanum chloride into rats is investigated by advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques, including electron energy loss spectroscopy and high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy. It is demonstrated that the lysosomes contain large amounts of lanthanum appearing in a granular form with particle dimensions between 5 and 25 nm, whereas no lanthanum could be detected in other surrounding cellular components. 相似文献