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What is the optimum size for a metropolitan areas? Is the quality of life in urban areas related to population size? The results of this study indicate that there is an apparent paradox. They demonstrate that for the 277 U.S. metropolitan areas there is a strong positive relationship between size of population and the quality of life using objective data from the Places Rated Almanac. Yet most attitudinal studies indicate that there is a negative correlation between SMSA size and the perceived quality of life. Possible reasons for this service paradox are investigated.  相似文献   

城市人居环境与满意度评价研究   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
陈浮 《城市规划》2000,24(7):25-27,53
从安全、舒适、和谐、方便等原则出发 ,选择建筑质量等 5个准则 ,房型设计等 5 6个因素作为调查与评价因子 ,建立了城市人居环境满意度评估指标体系的基本框架 ,运用社会调查统计方法对城区主要居住地域进行综合评价 ,指出南京市区人居环境总体处于发展阶段 ,并提出了各居住地域人居环境优化措施和方案  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article discusses the potential effects of emerging telematics technologies on urban life. Effects of specific technologies on employment, domestic life, commerce, and leisure activities are considered. The general conclusion is that these technologies will have a greater effect on how people spend their time than where they spend it. This suggests that information technologies alone will probably not lead to the development of a new urban form, the Information City.  相似文献   

殴美城市理论在城市活力方面的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对当代欧美城市理论及思潮的探讨和分析,强调了城市的活力对于一个城市的重要性,以及我国城市在高密度人口和高容积率的现象下,不应忽视一个城市的城市活力。  相似文献   

浅谈集团项目管理中质量风险的控制与防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建筑工程质量管理过程是一个全方位、全过程、多角度的全面质量管理过程。本文结合青岛建设集团公司现状,详细分析了集团公司项目管理过程中质量风险的影响因素,如质量管理意识不强、工程竣工回访保修服务差、过分依赖分包队伍、生产设施陈旧、工艺落后而且工程质量事故频繁发生。然后提出了应针对项目质量风险因素采取相应的控制与防范措施,如明确质量目标、以人为本和加强岗位技能训练、加强过程检验、建立健全质量管理制度、加强竣工服务、实施名牌战略。最后指出要从多角度、全方位分析、预测项目质量管理风险因素,采取有效的控制与防范措施,增强施工企业规避质量风险的能力。  相似文献   

<正>代表作深邃·灰项目运用极简主义的原则,在室内留下足够的"灰空间",运用硬朗、冷峻的直线条,力求从视觉感官上体现简约、纯粹、高雅、时尚的风格。设计师非常重视各种材料与色调的选取和运用,大多以浅色系为主,但为了提亮空间,局部少量运用夸张强烈的高彩度颜色,让人产生丰富而细腻的审美体验。极简主义最开始是一种艺术派系,后来逐渐延伸成一种建筑风格和室内设计风格。但极简主义并不局限于艺术或设计,它也是一种哲学思想、价值观以及生活方式。  相似文献   

由勒柯布西耶的巴黎意象看起,这位20世纪最伟大的建筑大师之一,身处1925年工业革命如火如荼的时代,向未来的人们描绘了对于未来世界性大都市的城市意象愿景。随着人类社会史无前例的发展,至20世纪末,在中国大地上,从上海的陆家嘴到北京的国贸商圈,也出现了如我们前辈所描绘的,宽敞的城市大道、高耸的摩天大楼,人们看到了日益升级...  相似文献   

In this interview, three scholars discussed the problems in China’s urban renewal practice in the Internet Era and the context of inventory development. They first reviewed the factors that impact the characteristics and identity of urban space, and pointed out that urban renewals should not neglect the social, cultural, artistic, historical, and ecological qualities of space. They then underscored the aesthetic education will be future research and practice interest in the field of urban renewal. They noted that, under the impact of “attention economy” and ”online influence,” urban spatial construction across Chinese cities would be homogenized, compromising the diversity of spatial characteristics. Nonetheless, urban planners and designers can leverage the online platforms as communication channels and resources for the protection of spatial characteristics and identities, and to foster new urban development paradigms. In addition, the scholars believed that the public should have a greater discourse power in urban renewals, which requires the the promotion of Community Co-building Initiative, and designers’ efforts in promoting related research and education programs. In the end, they discussed the challenges faced by the protection of historical sites, including the outdated urban governance methods, flawed urban development institution, and the lack of funds due to the slowdown of economic growth. They also encouraged designers to respond to these challenges with long-term, proactive, and innovative perspectives, truly meeting citizens’ daily needs, improving urban governance methods, optimizing urban renewal mechanisms, and impelling the growth of local economy.  相似文献   

文章采用2008—2014年我国零售业上市公司的面板数据,利用主成分分析法构建了我国零售业上市公司发展指数。研究表明:第一,我国零售业上市公司整体发展稳定,自2009年出现大幅下降之后又有所发展,近年来一直保持稳定,面对电商的冲击,零售业正在找寻新的出路和增长点,外部压力也带来了零售业自身实力的增强。第二,企业普遍存在只重视规模增长、不重视质量提高的问题。第三,在严峻的市场环境下,企业的营运能力、存货管理水平都有所提高,但受市场环境不利因素的影响,赢利能力和销售管理水平有所下降。  相似文献   

建筑摄影家朱利斯·舒尔曼是20世纪美国现代建筑发展和演变的见证人与记录者,他的建筑摄影作品不仅记录了美国现代建筑形式与空间的发展,还把握了时代氛围,见证了生活方式的演变。本文以舒尔曼的建筑摄影作品为主线,探讨其技法和观念,并揭示现代建筑与生活方式、影像记录之间的关联性。  相似文献   

冯浩  戴慎志  宋彦 《城市规划》2018,(4):100-106
美国城市综合防灾规划编制体系有着完善的顶层设计,强调部门协作、注重规划过程,具备系统的规划工具,在内容上将防灾目标与行动高度契合,并建立动态持续的规划循环。我国城市综合防灾规划编制尚处于起步阶段,体系建设并未成熟,主要有引导机制不健全、规划技术不完善、操作模式不规范等问题;参考美国的经验,需要在法律法规、组织机构、规范标准、规划技术、部门协作、公共参与等领域进行系统建设。  相似文献   

The empirical investigation of urban fiscal stress could be characterized as a wealth of independent variables in search of an appropriate dependent variable. In the array of important social, economic and fiscal measures which influence urban fiscal stress, none alone appears to provide an adequate surrogate for it. Municipal bond ratings have been proffered as an appropriate dependent variable for studies of urban fiscal stress. While far from perfect, ratings have the advantages of both simplicity and their stated purpose of summarizing and reflecting the various socio-economic and fiscal attributes which result in continued fiscal health. This paper first examines the theoretical and practical arguments in support of bond ratings as a surrogate measure of fiscal stress. We find that whether or not ratings are accepted as an adequate measure of fiscal health, they are sufficiently important to warrant further study. We then develop a model to predict bond rating changes using socioeconomic and fiscal data from time periods prior to the rating change. Based on a sample of all cities with populations over 25.000 persons which experienced a rating change between 1975 and 1980, the model is 89% accurate in predicting up and downgraded cities.  相似文献   

城市定位理论与城市核心竞争力   总被引:76,自引:4,他引:76  
仇保兴 《城市规划》2002,26(7):11-13,53
城市定位理论在经历了长期的实践之后 ,已呈现出某些不足之处。这种建立在以外部环境长期不变 ,而且城市政府无所不能的假设上的城市规划学说 ,显然需要从实际出发进行修改补充。本文正是基于这样的观点 ,从城市定位理论存在的三方面基本缺陷分析入手 ,介绍城市竞争力的基本概念 ,尤其是通过引进城市核心竞争力的内涵及其与城市定位理论的比较 ,从而得出必须以基于增强城市自身适应性的城市竞争力理论来补充完善传统的定位理论的结论。综合竞争力概念只适应于产业和功能多元化的大城市 ,而对于量大面广的中小城市而言 ,城市核心竞争力更为适用。  相似文献   

何侯设计由从纽约回到台北的夫妻档建筑师——何以立和侯贞夙共同创立,他们的设计偏向现代风格,倡导简约明静的设计,热衷于将艺术感融入空间设计之中。这些在本案中都有所体现。  相似文献   

本文通过对东京、香港等城市轨道沿线发展的经验总结,提出城市轨道在满足交通需求的同时,更应作为串联城市生活的线索,轨道站点应成为城市生活的中心,使乘客能够结合换乘,完成每日购物、餐饮、接送孩子等活动。基于这一理念,本文分析了国内外城市轨道站点周边建设四个方面的特点,并结合中国既有问题提出改善轨道沿线城市发展的五点建议。  相似文献   

结构可靠度与安全使用寿命的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为引入结构可靠度和安全使用寿命作为评价指标 ,通过建立评价模型 ,运用层次分析法 (AHP)和模糊综合评判方法 ,实现了对建筑项目设计方案的评价和选优  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of citizen attitudes toward growth, and the quality of life in an expanding Sunbelt community. We find considerable continuity in our results with those of earlier research on “community satisfaction” in more stable metropolitan areas. A t the same time there are unusual findings here—in particular regarding how evaluations of certain kinds of local public services and of public sector efforts to control growth—influence perceptions of quality of life. These and other results in the paper suggest directions for future research on Sunbelt communities. They point, as well, to the importance of both population and community dynamics and local political reactions to such changes for a general understanding of perceptions of quality of life.  相似文献   

城市旅游地生命周期的模式研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在旅游目的地发展的内部机制研究基础之上,探索城市旅游地的一般演变规律,为城市旅游地生命周期的研究提供基本思路.应用分解和系统的方法,在对城市旅游的市场和产品进行细分前提下,先找出细分产品的演变规律,最后综合考察整个城市的旅游生命周期.研究发现:即使整个城市旅游地处于持续增长的趋势,城市旅游产品结构也可能出现根本性的转变;完整的城市旅游地演变模式应包括3个发展阶段,每个阶段可能存在交叉和重叠;城市旅游生命周期的研究关键在于把握城市旅游产品系统结构的演变.  相似文献   

Rather than a uniformity of affluence, many suburban areas are characterized by a diversity as great as within the core cities, and their poorest segments often exhibit conditions resembling those of the most distressed neighborhoods of the inner city. But, unlike poverty areas of the urban core, the troubled suburbs are unable under most existing arrangements to draw upon the variegated resources of the larger whole because of the fragmented nature of the metropolis. Nationally, with few exceptions, those suburbs which manifest the greatest distress are minority enclaves, products of the availability of low value housing, of income disparities and the forces of discrimination within the larger society. Because of depressed income levels and inequitable properly resource distribution, low income commmunities must have access to a broader asset base to resolve relevant problems. The article examines the forces contributing to suburban differentiation, the consequences of uneven property resource distribution, and possible alternative approaches designed to make a broader range of resources available to needy suburban communities. The point is stressed that political fragmentation has enabled affluent communities to avoid direct responsibility for the problems perpetuated by income and property resource segregation, and that with the advent of Reaganomics, local areas, with some state involvement, will need to develop cooperative efforts to offset the void left by federal disengagement.  相似文献   

<正>私宅设计与商业空间最大的不同,是家的意义。它富含生活的温度,是专属于业主的生活方式;也富含宽度,装满了家人幸福的世界。设计团队面对私宅设计,退避设计师身份,通过与业主的深入沟通和不断取舍,找到最能理解其生活的观点和打动他们的设计线索。本案位于京城,设计团队关注人与家的关系,从业主的起居日常、收藏爱好、个性气质、对物质的看法、对美学的接受度等出发,推论出更符合其美学追求的家居设计方案。进屋之后,左起是开敞式的早餐厅、餐厅与客厅,透过纱帘,阳光带来缓缓的生活暖意。右起是主人  相似文献   

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