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A dual-polarized two-dimensional imaging array was designed for millimeter-wave applications. The dual-polarized design consists of two dipoles perpendicular to each other and suspended on the same membrane inside a pyramidal cavity etched in silicon. The dual-polarized antenna is fully monolithic with room available for processing electronics. The IF or video signals are taken out through a novel bias and feeding structure. The measured polarization isolation is better than 20 dB at 92 GHz, and the orthogonal channels show identical far-field patterns. The antenna is well suited for millimeter-wave polarimetric synthetic aperture radars (SARs) and high-efficiency balanced-mixer receivers  相似文献   

Integrated millimeter-wave corner-cube antennas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An integrated corner-reflector antenna has been designed, fabricated and measured at millimeter-wave frequencies. The structure consists of a traveling-wave antenna integrated on a 1.2-μm dielectric membrane, and suspended in a longitudinal cavity etched in a silicon wafer. A novel traveling wave antenna design, the modified-bend antenna, with an antenna length of 1.2 λ and spacing 0.96 λ from the apex, results in a wideband input impedance centered at 140 Ω and low cross-polarization levels. Measurements at 180-270 GHz show a well-defined pattern with low sidelobe levels, and a main-beam efficiency of 93% and 83% at 180 and 222 GHz, respectively. The monolithic approach allows the integration of a matching network and a Schottky-diode or SIS detector at the base of the antenna to yield a low-noise monolithic millimeter-wave receiver  相似文献   

For dual-band dual-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications a compact low-profile design is investigated. The operating frequencies are in the L and C-bands, centered about 1.275 and 5.3 GHz, respectively. Since the C-band frequency is larger by a factor of four, its array elements and inter-element separations are smaller by the same ratio. Thus, to allow similar scan ranges for both bands, the L-band elements are selected as perforated patches to enable the placement of C-band elements within them. Stacked-patch configurations were used to meet the bandwidth requirements, especially in the L-band. The C-band element was designed numerically, but the perforated L-band one required final experimental optimization. Also, in the latter case of L-band, a balanced transmission line feed was used to minimize cross polarization. For the C-band elements, slot coupling was used and, to simplify the feed, symmetric parasitic slots were incorporated to minimize cross polarization. No vertical connections were utilized, and electromagnetic couplings resulted in a compact low-profile design, with an electrically and thermally symmetric geometry  相似文献   

Operating frequencies and radiation patterns of microstrip-fed ring slot antennas are investigated. The microstrip feed is shown to strongly affect the operating frequencies of the slot antenna. As the length of the microstrip stub is increased to exceed half the guided wavelength of the first operating frequency, then multiple operating frequencies with broadside radiation patterns become available. By extending the single microstrip feed to couple to two slot locations, the antenna's operating frequency ratios and polarizations can be tuned. A number of multifrequency microstrip-fed slot ring antennas are demonstrated. Numerical analysis based on the moment method is compared with the experimental results. A dual-frequency antenna array is also reported.  相似文献   

The development of integrated horn antennas since their introduction in 1987 is reviewed. The integrated horn is fabricated by suspending a dipole antenna, on a thin dielectric membrane, in a pyramidal cavity etched in silicon. Recent progress has resulted in optimized low- and high-gain designs, with single and double polarization for remote-sensing and communication applications. A full-wave analysis technique has resulted in an integrated antenna with performance comparable to that of waveguide-fed corrugated-horn antennas. The integrated horn design can be extended to large arrays, for imaging and phased-array applications, while leaving plenty of room for the RF and IF processing circuitry. Theoretical and experimental results at microwave frequencies and at 90 GHz, 240 GHz, and 802 GHz are presented  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of integrated horn antennas since their introduction in 1987. The integrated horn is fabricated by suspending a dipole antenna on a thin dielectric membrane in a pyramidal cavity etched in silicon. Recent progress resulted in optimized low and high-gain designs with single and double-polarizations for remote-sensing and communication applications. A fullwave analysis technique have resulted in an integrated antenna with performance comparable to that of waveguide-fed corrugated horn antennas. The integrated horn design can be easily extended to large arrays for imaging and phased array applications while still leaving plenty of room for the rf and w processing circuitry. Theoretical and experimental results at microwave frequencies and at 90, 240 and 802 GHz will be presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new design of aperture-coupled patch antennas with modified H-shaped coupling slots for achieving dual-polarization radiation with high isolation over a wide bandwidth. By using the proposed coupling slots, whose two upper side arms are bent inward with a proper angle, the isolation between the two feeding ports of the patch antenna can. greatly be improved, compared to the case with conventional H-shaped coupling slots. Also, when using a pair of modified H-shaped coupling slots for each feeding port, the isolation can further be improved; a high degree of isolation (< -34 dB) over the entire impedance bandwidth greater than 15% and good cross-polarization level (> 20 dB) for the two polarizations can be achieved. Details of the proposed design and experimental results are presented and discussed  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a deembedding technique and a direct on-substrate measurement technique for fast and inexpensive characterization of miniature antennas for wireless applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. The technique is demonstrated by measurements on a tapered slot antenna (TSA). The measured results at Ka-band frequencies include input impedance, mutual coupling between two TSA's, and absolute gain of TSA  相似文献   

Dielectric rod leaky-wave antennas have the property of being frequency scannable. Bounds are derived for the proper range of spacing of perturbations along the rod to avoid an intrusion upon a grating lobe when frequency scanning. In addition some experimental results are reported on sidelobe levels and polarizations in the far field for these antennas made from a material withepsilon_{r}= 2.33at 81.5 GHz.  相似文献   

针对5G毫米波通信,研制了一种双极化有源相控阵天线模组。厚度为2 mm的多层PCB正面印制阵列天线,在其背面集成多通道波束成形芯片,通过中间层实现天线与芯片的互连以及供电、控制等。测试结果表明,研制的板状4×4双极化相控阵模组在E面和H面均实现了不小于±40度的波束扫描范围(不大于3 dB的电平下降)和低于-18 dB的归一化交叉极化电平,在24~27.5 GHz的频率范围内实现了V极化和H极化分别为42.6~45.7 dBm和43.5~46.1 dBm的等效全向辐射功率(EIRP)。  相似文献   

Designs of broadband dual-polarized patch antennas fed by promising feed structures of a capacitively coupled feed and a slot-coupled feed (antenna A), two capacitively coupled feeds of a 180° phase shift and a slot-coupled feed (antenna B), and two capacitively coupled feeds of a 180° phase shift and two slot-coupled feeds (antenna C) are proposed and experimentally studied. The first two feed designs are for the excitation of a single-element broadband patch antenna, while the last design is for a two-element broadband patch antenna. These proposed patch antennas have a thick air substrate, and the 10 dB return-loss impedance bandwidths obtained for the two polarizations are all greater than 13%. High isolation (<-30 dB for antenna A, <-32 dB for antenna B, <-35 dB for antenna C) between the two feeding ports for the entire impedance bandwidth of the proposed antennas can be obtained. Also, improved cross-polarization levels (>20 dB) in both E and H plane patterns for the two polarizations of antennas B and C are achieved  相似文献   

Planar aperture coupled microstrip antennas for 77 GHz are demonstrated for the first time. As far as possible standard GaAs monolithic microwave/millimeter-wave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology is used to realize the antennas. The antenna patches are suspended on a thin dielectric SiNx membrane on GaAs substrate. Therefore a novel plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) process step for the fabrication of the membranes is developed and described. The single antenna patches are coupled to a microstrip line through an aperture in the ground metallization. The method of moments in spectral domain is applied to design the patches. The feed network of a 3×1 antenna array for homogeneous excitation is simulated and optimized with a microwave design system (MDS). From reflection measurements the operation frequency of this triple patch antenna is determined to be 77.6 GHz. The farfield antenna characteristics are measured in an anechoic chamber, showing good agreement between simulated and measured results and a co- to cross-polarization isolation better than 30 dB  相似文献   

Radiation characteristics and performance of Gaussian beam antennas (GBAs) are studied theoretically and experimentally in the 60 GHz band. A GBA consists of a plano-convex half-wavelength Fabry-Perot (FP) resonator excited by a guided source with a metal flange. Two reflecting metal mesh mirrors are formed on both faces of the cavity. After a review of the principles and quasi-optical performance of plano-convex FP resonators illuminated by a plane wave, a new formulation is proposed to compute the radiation patterns of GBAs: the usual expression of the waist radius inside open resonators is modified to account for the horn aperture and for the grid parameters of the plane mirror. Standard closed-form relations of vector Gaussian beams are then used to compute the radiated copolar components. In particular, it is shown that the plane mirror is not an equiphase surface, due to the metal flange of the horn. The true phase distribution is approximated by a spherical wavefront. As a result, the directivity of the antenna becomes lower than its quasi-optical value. Experimental data obtained at 60 GHz with several pyramidal horns and various cavities agree very well with the theory. Sidelobes are lower than -25 dB, and the cross-polarization level is the same as that of the primary radiator. Universal curves showing the variations of resonant frequency, -3 dB bandwidth, gain, and radiation efficiency as a function of mirror reflectivity are very useful for the design of GBAs.  相似文献   

宽波束柱面共形毫米波微带天线设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种利用保距变换设计宽波束圆柱共形毫米波微带天线的方法,并利用保角变换设计了该天线的馈线.作为实例设计了一个宽波束柱面共形毫米波微带天线单元以及一个由八个该天线单元组成的天线线阵,ANSOFT HFSS软件的模拟结果证明了该设计方法的可靠性.与传统的微带天线和阵列相比,本文提出的微带天线单元具有较大的波束宽度,由其构成的线阵在大角度扫描时,具有低副瓣以及较宽的周向波束.  相似文献   

It is shown that a conical beam 5.2-GHz antenna suitable for HIPERLAN application, but working in horizontal polarization, can be realized as a group of microstrip patch radiators in a ring formation. Layouts with three and four patches are described, and radiation patterns are found to agree well with predictions from a simple array model. The three-patch form is smaller and gives a closer approximation to an azimuth-independent pattern. Patterns are very similar to those achieved in vertical polarization with previously reported disk antenna realizations, giving peak radiation at about 50/spl deg/ elevation. Two methods of impedance matching are found to give satisfactory results. A dual-polarized conical-beam microstrip antenna, with a strictly uniplanar conductor pattern, is also presented and realized as an array of three square patches whose corners meet a central feed point. For the second polarization, the antenna functions as a series fed array. Fairly good conical beam patterns have been obtained, though only moderate polarization purity appears to be obtainable from three-element arrays.  相似文献   

The tunable phase shift of a planar magnetized semiconductor phase shifter is presented, suitable for an integrated environment due to its miniature size, low-biasing requirements, and lower material related problems at millimeter-wave frequencies. A linear microstrip phased array antenna with an integrated semiconductor phase shifter is designed and the calculated beam steering properties are tabulated. The design process is verified by simulating similar ferrite-based linear phased array antennas.  相似文献   

The theory and performance of a quasi-optical Fabry-Perot diplexer employing two rectangular meshes and capable of polarization-independent operation at large angles of incidence are presented. The diplexer is suitable for use in a dual-polarization dual-frequency beam feed system for millimeter-wave antennas. An experimental diplexer operating at an angle of incidence of56.5deg pm 1degwas found to separate two 1.1-GHz bands centered at 21 and 31.5 GHz with a loss of less than 0.3 dB in either band and a cross-polarization discrimination of more than 40 dB in the higher band and 30 dB in the lower band.  相似文献   

The synthesis and the optimization of three-dimensional (3-D) lens antennas, consisting of homogeneous dielectric lenses of arbitrary shape and fed by printed sources, are studied theoretically and experimentally at millimeter(mm)-wave frequencies. The aim of the synthesis procedure is to find a lens profile that transforms the radiation pattern of the primary feed into a desired amplitude shaped output pattern. This synthesis problem has been previously applied for dielectric lenses and reflectors. As far as we know, we propose, for the first time, to adapt and implement it for the design of substrate lens antennas. The inverse scattering problem is solved in two steps. In the first one, the geometry of the 3-D lens is rigorously derived using geometrical optics (GO) principles. The resulting second-order partial-differential equation is strongly nonlinear and is of the Monge-Ampe/spl grave/re (M.A) type. The iterative algorithm implemented to solve it is described in detail. Then, a surface optimization of the lens profile combined with an analysis kernel based on physical optics (PO) is performed in order to comply with the prescribed pattern. Our algorithms are successfully validated with the design of a lens antenna radiating an asymmetric Gaussian pattern at 58.5 GHz whose half-power beamwidth equals 10/spl deg/ in H plane and 30/spl deg/ in E plane. The lens is illuminated by a microstrip 2/spl times/2 patch antenna array. Two lens prototypes have been manufactured in Teflon. Before optimization, the measured radiation patterns are in very good agreement with the predicted ones; nevertheless, the -12 dB side lobes and oscillations appearing in the main lobe evidence a strong difference between the desired and measured patterns. This discrepancy is significantly reduced using the optimized lens.  相似文献   

As new antenna designs require higher frequencies and smaller sizes, traditional large-scale antenna measurement systems become ill-suited for such measurements. External mixing, room-sized chambers, and expensive test equipment add large costs and burdens to antenna measurement systems. A smaller and more cost-effective system is presented in this paper. Using the bipolar planar scanning technique developed at UCLA, a portable millimeter-wave antenna measurement system has recently been constructed. The system was designed to fit on the end of a standard optical table, and enjoys the spacesaving and accuracy inherent to the bipolar planar configuration. Simple construction of the chamber allows for relatively easy assembly and disassembly, and allows movement of the system from one table to another, if needed. Antennas of diameters up to 24 in can be accommodated, and scan planes of up to a diameter of 60 in can be measured. Millimeter-wave frequencies from around 30 GHz to 67 GHz can be measured, with potential extension to higher frequencies. Planar nearfield- to-far-field techniques are used to construct the antenna's far-field patterns from the measured near field. In particular, the post processing follows the OSI/EFT method for pattern reconstruction and diagnostics. The design of the scanner configuration allows the incorporation of the phase-retrieval techniques developed for the bipolar configuration. These phaseless measurements allow the use of scalar millimeter-wave test equipment, with much lower cost than comparable vector test equipment.  相似文献   

A unified approach for representing the surface-wave fields and for computing the corresponding radiation efficiencies from arbitrarily shaped slot-type antennas on thick dielectric substrates at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies is presented. In this approach, two different representations of the surface-wave fields, i.e., the one based on the idea that the surface-wave power can be associated with a substrate radiation pattern and the other based on the cylindrical wave expansion, are linked together in a unified way. The developed theory is then applied for investigating the surface wave characteristics of printed twin offset slots and uniform linear slot arrays. Based on the developed theory, new insight into the mechanism with which surface-wave power is coupled by the slot pair is presented. Subsequently, the optimum number of elements and corresponding interelement spacing for linear, uniformly excited, slot dipole arrays is explored for achieving maximum radiation efficiency and gain. In order to provide guidance on practical mm-wave integrated slot antenna array design, supportive numerical results are presented for Substrates of dielectric constant /spl epsi//sub r/ = 4.0 and /spl epsi//sub r/ = 12.0.  相似文献   

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