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为了使用虚拟现实(VR)技术对工业产品进行外观建模,以便利用其先进的人机交互技术来提高产品造型设计的工作效率,提出基于虚拟现实技术的工业产品造型设计方法。首先对工业产品造型设计的影响因素和美学法则进行分析,并构建了虚拟设计环境的总体框架;然后建立了立体视觉模型并采用Vega虚拟现实开发平台创建虚拟环境;最后给出了虚拟环境下产品造型的效果分析。通过将虚拟技术应用于产品造型设计能够在产品制造前对产品造型及人机交互效果进行评价和改进,从而达到缩短开发周期的目的,降低产品的生产成本。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2000,37(7):26-31
Rapid improvements in computing power have opened the way for desktop virtual reality trainers that incorporate realistic graphics and, in some cases, the sense of touch. Affordable commercial simulators, for instance, are now available for practising such tasks as threading flexible endoscopes down a virtual patient's throat or manipulating the long surgical instruments used in laparoscopy. Companies and universities are also developing systems that simulate more complex procedures, such as suturing tissue and inserting a catheter into a vein using laparoscopic tools. These VR trainers can be adjusted to the user, to pinpoint areas of weakness, and they can be used at any time, without the need for supervision. What's more, they prepare the student psychologically for surgical tasks, because complications can be simulated in a safe manner. They can also give objective scores of a student's ability. Indeed, studies show that computer based training simulations are at least as good as standard training methods  相似文献   

本文简述了水体仿真的应用领域、特性及建模方法,并以虚拟系统中的瀑布仿真为例,为满足虚拟场景对真实性和实时性的需求,提出替代式的建模方式。文中阐述了替代式仿真构建的全过程,并通过多案例对比证实替代式建模方式的可行性和优越性。以替代式建模方法作为构建瀑布场景的主要方式,即用简单模型结合纹理贴图、粒子效果等形式替代复杂模型,在确保仿真效果的同时将复杂模型用最简化的方式表现出来,使虚拟场景在真实性和实时性两个方面都得到很好地表现。  相似文献   

针对当前场景设计可视化建模精度低等不足,为了获得更加理想的场景设计可视化建模效果,提出一种基于虚拟现实技术的场景设计可视化建模方法.首先,对当前场景设计可视化建模的研究进展进行分析,找到各种方法的局限性;然后,通过基于真实感模型的沉浸可视化建模方法建立场景可视化,优化场景可视化立体感;最后,采用缓慢剔除算法优化场景的可...  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1994,31(1):21
The author describes how virtual reality-and its ability to immerse users in interactive three-dimensional worlds-was presented as amazing and miraculous, both a salvation and a danger by the media in the USA. He describes how one effect of the media attention has been a broadening of the definition of virtual reality. Initially used only for systems with helmet displays and control gloves that fully immersed users in interactive worlds, the term is now used to describe everything from augmented reality (looking through a display at the real world but with some computer information superimposed on it) to telepresence (remotely controlling a robotic device) to three-dimensional movies  相似文献   

通过先进的人机交互方式,虚拟现实技术可以有效提高工业造型设计的工作效率。但是,工业产品的造型设计问题一般性质十分复杂,传统的优化方法很难实现该问题的求解。因此,提出一种基于虚拟现实技术和多目标遗传优化的工业造型设计系统。对采用的虚拟现实系统整体结构及其相关软硬件参数进行介绍。对产品造型设计的流程进行分析,并在产品造型设计中应用排序多目标遗传算法。软件开发语言为Visual C++6.0,并采用模拟开发软件Vega实现CAD数据转换。系统运行测试结果表明,所提出系统能够有效提高产品造型优化设计的质量、缩短设计周期。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术以及测绘技术的不断发展,虚拟现实技术也得到了很大的发展,三维虚拟现实技术在城市建模中得到了广泛应用。3D MAX就是一种基于矢量的三维造型以及动画设计软件,能够制作出逼真形象的图像以及动画,被广泛应用于城市虚拟现实建模中。本文对虚拟现实做一介绍,阐述3D MAX在城市虚拟现实建模过程中的实施步骤以及方法,探讨在城市虚拟现实建模中应该注意的几个关键技术。若有不当之处,望加以斧正。  相似文献   

虚拟现实环境下工业产品造型设计方向种类繁杂且多由人为操作,得到全局最优设计结果的速度不佳,因此,提出在虚拟现实环境下遗传算法在工业产品造型设计中的运用。通过层次化产品造型结构设计产品造型基因编码,利用适应度函数对个体进行适应值评价,确定编码个体适应度;由遗传算子支撑产品造型设计方案的进化,满足人工参与条件后在虚拟现实环境下由人工评估设计方案,直至产生用户满意的方案。实验结果显示,在相同条件下,基于遗传算法生成的工业产品造型设计结果较常规方法生成的设计结果少迭代410次,即可精确收敛到全局最优设计结果,表明虚拟现实环境下遗传算法在工业产品造型设计中收敛到全局最优结果速度更快,效果更佳。  相似文献   

As virtual reality becomes more and more mainstream, the role of affordances in virtual environments becomes an important question. The goal of this study is to explicate users’ motivational affordances and examine how they influence the acceptance of a virtual reality learning environment (VLE). It examines how motivational affordances in an educational virtual reality (VR) system affect user experience to track and achieve goals for users. A multimixed approach was used by combining qualitative methods and a quantitative survey. First, a critical incident technique was used to explore a range of affordance factors related to VLE. Second, based on the affordance factors identified from the qualitative methods, a survey was conducted to examine the effects of affordance on user cognitive processes and the influence of affordance on the learning process. The results of the user model confirmed the heuristic role of presence and immersion affordance regarding their underlying link to educational affordances, such as empathy and embodied cognition. The findings imply the embodied cognition process of VLE in which technological qualities are shaped by users’ perception and context. The results establish a foundation for VR technologies through a heuristic assessment tool from a user-embodied cognitive process. They confirm the validity and utility of applying affordances to the design of VR as a useful concept and prove that the optimum mix of affordances is crucial to the success of VR design.  相似文献   

实验在教学活动中有着不可替代的作用,它可以帮助学生更好了解知识的产生发展过程,帮助学生增加对理论知识的理解,同时还能够培养学生独立思考的能力和动手能力,对学生的发展具有非常重要的意义。虚拟现实技术是近年来发展较快的技术,其在实验教学中得到了较为广泛的应用,而且取得了非常好的效果。本文主要分析了虚拟现实用于实验教学的关键技术、实现方法等,对该应用的可行性进行了一些分析和探索。  相似文献   

Imagine that you're chatting with a good friend who tells you about her new cashmere pullover, and that you're able to touch it and appreciate the soft sensation of the cashmere wool - remotely over the Web in your virtual chatroom! In this article, the authors present their work on haptic sensing of virtual textiles. This is work done in the context of the Haptex research project that aims at integrating the human sense of touch into multimodal user interfaces. Being able to support haptic perception in the user interface will be a great step toward next-generation immersive multimedia experiences.  相似文献   

这几年,一种信息交换方式再次成为业界关注的热点,那就是虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality),特别是Facebook用20亿美元收购虚拟现实头盔制造商Oculus,让这块蛋糕的市场价值瞬间提升,同时也引爆了整个产业链.相比之下,我国虚拟现实技术还仅仅处于高校科研阶段,在普通教育阶段运用虚拟现实技术还面临着巨大的难题,本文将对教育领域的虚拟现实技术的运用谈谈自己的理解,供大家参考.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一种高端的综合性信息技术,从诞生到现在已经经历了50多年的历史,从最开始的这种技术集中运用于军事、科研等领域,到后来逐渐应用于军事、医学、娱乐等各个领域。虚拟现实技术在教育系统中的应用也有非常大的现实意义,本文将对这方面进行深入研究分析。  相似文献   

基于虚拟现实技术对电子显微镜外观结构及其操作流程进行虚拟动态仿真。首先运用三维建模软件对电子显微镜进行精细建模,并对其中涉及到的关键问题,如模型优化、材质制作等进行了阐述。在此基础上,研究运用虚拟现实引擎对电子显微镜的操作流程模拟进行了设计与实现。采用这种的模拟系统,用户可以在虚拟环境下直观、交互地了解电子显微镜的复杂结构,并体验电子显微镜的操作流程。该项工作对电子显微镜的三维动态展示、使用流程演示、用户体验式培训都具有很好的应用意义。文章给出了实例和可视化结果。  相似文献   

王朝晖 《信息技术》2006,30(11):173-176
针对目前电子商务存在的不足,对虚拟现实在电子商务中的应用技术进行了研究。设计了一个适合虚拟商店的电子商店模型,研究了虚拟现实建模技术及实现中的关键技术和虚拟商品的网上发布技术等。  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a new head-tracking solution for human–machine real-time interaction with virtual 3D environments. This solution leverages RGBD data to compute virtual camera pose according to the movements of the user’s head. The process starts with the extraction of a set of facial features from the images delivered by the sensor. Such features are matched against their respective counterparts in a reference image for the computation of the current head pose. Afterwards, a prediction approach is used to guess the most likely next head move (final pose). Pythagorean Hodograph interpolation is then adapted to determine the path and local frames taken between the two poses. The result is a smooth head trajectory that serves as an input to set the camera in virtual scenes according to the user’s gaze. The resulting motion model has the advantage of being: continuous in time, it adapts to any frame rate of rendering; it is ergonomic, as it frees the user from wearing tracking markers; it is smooth and free from rendering jerks; and it is also torsion and curvature minimising as it produces a path with minimum bending energy.  相似文献   

在提高设计效率方面,对室内景观进行重建具有重要作用,传统室内景观重建技术,不能完成复杂真实场景三维图形重建,无法满足用户视觉真实感要求。对此,提出基于虚拟现实的室内景观重建方法,运用虚拟现实技术与VRGIS理论结合的方法,对室内景观信息及图像进行绘制,生成室内景观重建全景图,建立室内景观重建数字模型,完成室内景观重建。分析对比试验结果表明,室内景观重建数字模型,可以构建动态虚拟场景,完成复杂真实场景三维图形重建;也可以实现虚拟室内景观锚点转换,满足用户视觉真实感要求。  相似文献   

孙晋 《电子测试》2014,(10):76-77
文章分析了虚拟现实技术在健美操训练中的应用。首先对虚拟现实技术进行了分析,其具有沉浸性、交互性、构想性;然后阐述了基于虚拟现实的体育仿真系统的三维建模过程,由输入系统、输出系统、虚拟环境产生器三部分组成,最后阐述了虚拟体操训练系统在健美操训练中的应用。  相似文献   

孙晋 《电子测试》2014,(19):76-77,75
文章分析了虚拟现实技术在健美操训练中的应用。首先对虚拟现实技术进行了分析,其具有沉浸性、交互性、构想性;然后阐述了基于虚拟现实的体育仿真系统的三维建模过程,由输入系统、输出系统、虚拟环境产生器三部分组成,最后阐述了虚拟体操训练系统在健美操训练中的应用。  相似文献   

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