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Numerical methods for shape design sensitivity analysis and optimization have been developed for several decades. However, the finite-element-based shape design sensitivity analysis and optimization have experienced some bottleneck problems such as design parameterization and design remodeling during optimization. In this paper, as a remedy for these problems, an isogeometric-based shape design sensitivity analysis and optimization methods are developed incorporating with T-spline basis. In the shape design sensitivity analysis and optimization procedure using a standard finite element approach, the design boundary should be parameterized for the smooth variation of the boundary using a separate geometric modeler, such as a CAD system. Otherwise, the optimal design usually tends to fall into an undesirable irregular shape. In an isogeometric approach, the NURBS basis function that is used in representing the geometric model in the CAD system is directly used in the response analysis, and the design boundary is expressed by the same NURBS function as used in the analysis. Moreover, the smoothness of the NURBS can allow the large perturbation of the design boundary without a severe mesh distortion. Thus, the isogeometric shape design sensitivity analysis is free from remeshing during the optimization process. In addition, the use of T-spline basis instead of NURBS can reduce the number of degrees of freedom, so that the optimal solution can be obtained more efficiently while yielding the same optimum design shape.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a newer approach for structural shape optimization by combining a meshless method (MM), i.e. element-free Galerkin (EFG) method, with swarm intelligence (SI)-based stochastic ‘zero-order’ search technique, i.e. artificial bee colony (ABC), for 2D linear elastic problems. The proposed combination is extremely beneficial in structural shape optimization because MM, when used for structural analysis in shape optimization, eliminates inherent issues of well-known grid-based numerical techniques (i.e. FEM) such as mesh distortion and subsequent remeshing while handling large shape changes, poor accuracy due to discontinuous secondary field variables across element boundaries needing costly post-processing techniques and grid optimization to minimize computational errors. Population-based stochastic optimization technique such as ABC eliminates computational burden, complexity and errors associated with design sensitivity analysis. For design boundary representation, Akima spline interpolation has been used in the present work owing to its enhanced stability and smoothness over cubic spline. The effectiveness, validity and performance of the proposed technique are established through numerical examples of cantilever beam and fillet geometry in 2D linear elasticity for shape optimization with behavior constraints on displacement and von Mises stress. For both these problems, influence of a number of design variables in shape optimization has also been investigated.  相似文献   

Designing devices for ultrasonic vibration applications is mostly done by intuitively adjusting the geometry to obtain the desired mode of vibration at a specific operating frequency. Recent studies have shown that with optimization methods, new devices with improved performance can be easily found. In this investigation, a new methodology for designing an ultrasonic amplifier through shape optimization using genetic algorithms and simplex method with specific fitness functions is presented. Displacements at specific functional areas, main functionality, and mode frequency are considered to determine the properties of an individual shape to meet the stated criteria. Length, diameter, position of mountings, and further specific geometric parameters are set up for the algorithm search for an optimized shape. Beginning with genetic algorithms, the basic shape fitting the stated requirements is found. After that the simplex method further improves the found shape to most appropriately minimize the fitness function. At the end, the fittest individual is selected as the final solution. Finally, resulting shapes are experimentally tested to show the effectiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

Using the level set method, a topological shape optimization method is developed for geometrically nonlinear structures in total Lagrangian formulation. The structural boundaries are implicitly represented by the level set function, obtainable from “Hamilton-Jacobi type” equation with “up-wind scheme,” embedded into a fixed initial domain. The method minimizes the compliance through the variations of implicit boundary, satisfying an allowable volume requirement. The required velocity field to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is determined by the descent direction of Lagrangian derived from an optimality condition. Since the homogeneous material property and implicit boundary are utilized, the convergence difficulty is significantly relieved.  相似文献   

This paper presents an alternative level set method for shape and topology optimization of continuum structures. An implicit free boundary representation model is established by embedding structural boundary into the zero level set of a higher-dimensional level set function. An explicit parameterization scheme for the level set surface is proposed by using radial basis functions with compact support. In doing so, the originally more difficult shape and topology optimization, driven by the temporal and spatial Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation (PDE), is transformed into a relatively easier size optimization of the expansion coefficients of the basis functions. The design optimization is converted to an iterative numerical process that combines the parameterization with a derivation of the shape sensitivity of the design functions, so as to allow using mathematical programming algorithms to solve the level set-based design problem and avoid directly solving the Hamilton–Jacobi PDE. Furthermore, a numerically more stable and efficient volume integration scheme is proposed to implement calculations of the shape derivatives, leading to the creation of new holes which are generated initially along the boundary and then propagated to the interior of the design domain. Two widely studied examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization method.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the two dimensional shape of a body located in a compressible viscous flow, where the applied fluid force is minimized. The formulation to obtain the optimal shape is based on an optimal control theory. An optimal state is defined as a state, in which the performance function defined as the integration of the square sum of the applied fluid forces is minimized due to a reduction in the applied fluid forces. Compressible Navier–Stokes equations are treated as constraint equations. In other words, the body is considered to have a shape that minimizes the fluid forces under the constraint of the Navier–Stokes equations. The gradient of the performance function is computed using the adjoint variables. A weighted gradient method is used as the minimization algorithm. The volume of the body is assumed to be the same as that of the initial body. In the case of the algorithm used in this study, both the creation of a structured mesh around the surface of the body and the smoothing procedure are employed for the computation of gradient. In this study, a remeshing technique based on the structured mesh around the body changing its configuration in the iteration cycle is employed. For the correction to keep the volume constant, the surface coordinates are moved along the radial direction. For the discretization of both the state and adjoint equations, the efficient bubble function interpolation presented previously by the authors [18] is employed. The algorithm, which is known as the partial control algorithm, is applied to the numerical procedure to determine the movement of the coordinates. In the case of the gradient method, in order to avoid the convergence of the final shape to the local minimum shape, the new algorithm, which is called the partial control algorithm, is presented in this study. In numerical studies, the shape determination of a body in a uniform flow field is carried out in 2D domains. The initial shape of the body is assumed to be an elliptical cylinder. The shape is modified by minimizing the applied fluid forces. Finally, the desired shape of a body, whose performance function is reduced and converged to a constant value, is obtained. By carrying out a procedure that involves the use of the partial control algorithm, the desired shape of a body, whose performance function is reduced further, is obtained. Stable shape determination of a body in a compressible viscous flow is carried out by using the presented method. It is indicated that the optimal shape can be obtained by using the partial control algorithm.  相似文献   

The performance of a homogeneous T-mixer can be enhanced significantly by the stimulation of secondary/transverse flows in the microchannel. The groove-based micromixers generate helical flows within the microchannel to augment the mixing performance. These micromixers are extensively studied with respect to planar geometric parameters such as groove width, groove spacing, channel height, etc. The effect of groove shape on mixing performance has not been systematically studied. Previous studies have focused on two or three different predefined groove shapes, typically involving slanted grooves, asymmetric herringbone grooves, and their variations. In this computational study, we analyze the effect of groove shape on micromixing performance and search for the optimal groove shape for a pressure-driven flow across the microchannel. The groove shape is parametrically represented by Bézier curves which could take any shape within a constrained plane. The control points of the Bézier curve are chosen as optimization parameters to identify the optimal groove shape which maximizes the mixing for given operating conditions. The optimization is carried out for pressure-driven flow with and without staggered arrangement of grooves. The resulting single groove optimal design improves the mixing efficiency from 0.18 for T-mixer to 0.85 for the same operating conditions (Re ~0.42, Pe ~4,200). Unlike previous studies, axial mixing index profiles are presented for different micromixers which clearly distinguish the effect of flow field on the mixing performance. Various parametric studies are carried out to compare the optimal groove structure with other common groove type (staggered, herringbone, etc.) micromixers for a range of Pe between 400 and 6,200. The improved mixing performance in optimal designs is due to a continuously growing finger-like structure of the interface which enhances the overall mass transfer.  相似文献   

Bubble method for topology and shape optimization of structures   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
This paper addresses a novel method of topology and shape optimization. The basic idea is the iterative positioning of new holes (so-called bubbles) into the present structure of the component. This concept is therefore called the bubble method. The iterative positioning of new bubbles is carried out by means of different methods, among others by solving a variational problem. The insertion of a new bubble leads to a change of the class of topology. For these different classes of topology, hierarchically structured shape optimizations that determine the optimal shape of the current bubble, as well as the other variable boundaries, are carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a phase-field method applied to the fluid-based shape optimization. The fluid flow is governed by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. A phase field variable is used to represent material distributions and the optimized shape of the fluid is obtained by minimizing the certain objective functional regularized. The shape sensitivity analysis is presented in terms of phase field variable, which is the main contribution of this paper. It saves considerable amount of computational expense when the meshes are locally refined near the interfaces compared to the case of fixed meshes. Numerical results on some benchmark problems are reported, and it is shown that the phase-field approach for fluid shape optimization is efficient and robust.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a semi-Lagrange scheme to solve the level-set equation in structural topology optimization. The level-set formulation of the problem expresses the optimization process as a solution to a Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation. It allows for the use of shape sensitivity to derive a speed function for a descent solution. However, numerical stability condition in the explicit upwind scheme for discrete level-set equation severely restricts the time step, requiring a large number of time steps for a numerical solution. To improve the numerical efficiency, we propose to employ a semi-Lagrange scheme to solve level-set equation. Therefore, a much larger time step can be obtained and a much smaller number of time steps are required. Numerical experiments comparing the semi-Lagrange method with the classical explicit upwind scheme are presented for the problem of mean compliance optimization in two dimensions.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary global shape optimization requires a geometric parameterization method that keeps the shape generality while lowering the number of free variables. This paper presents a reduced parameter set parameterization method based on integral B-spline surface capable of both shape and topology variations and suitable for global multidisciplinary optimization. The objective of the paper is to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method in comparison to standard parameterization and to prove that the proposed method can be used in an integrated multidisciplinary workflow. Non-linear fitting is used to test the proposed parameterization performance before the actual optimization. The parameterization method can in this way be tested and pre-selected based on previously existing geometries. Fitting tests were conducted on three shapes with dissimilar geometrical features, and great improvement in shape generality while reducing the number of shape parameters was achieved. The best results are obtained for a small number (up to 50) of optimization variables, where a classical applying of parameterization method requires about two times as many optimization variables to obtain the same fitting capacity.The proposed shape parameterization method was tested in a multidisciplinary ship hull optimization workflow to confirm that it can actually be used in multiobjective optimization problems. The workflow integrates shape parameterization with hydrodynamic, structural and geometry analysis tools. In comparison to classical local and global optimization methods, the evolutionary algorithm allows for fully autonomous design with an ability to generate a wide Pareto front without a need for an initial solution.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stochastic meshfree method for solving boundary-value problems in damage mechanics under elasto-plastic conditions. Isotropic ductile damage evolution law is used to model the coupled elasto-plastic damage growth. Uncertainty associated with initial damage in materials is considered as random field. Moving least squares shape function method and Karhunen Loève expansion method are used for random field discretization. Statistical parameters of the response quantities are computed using perturbation method. The proposed method involves a new stochastic stress update procedure to solve the nonlinear equations in terms of discretized random variables arising from perturbation of equilibrium equations system. Numerical examples comprising of one and two dimensional problems are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of proposed method.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - This paper investigates path planning strategies for additive manufacturing processes such as powder bed fusion. The state of the art mainly studies...  相似文献   

Numerical integration errors and volumetric locking in the near-incompressible limit are two outstanding issues in Galerkin-based meshfree computations. In this paper, we present a modified Gaussian integration scheme on background cells for meshfree methods that alleviates errors in numerical integration and ensures patch test satisfaction to machine precision. Secondly, a locking-free small-strain elasticity formulation for meshfree methods is proposed, which draws on developments in assumed strain methods and nodal integration techniques. In this study, maximum-entropy basis functions are used; however, the generality of our approach permits the use of any meshfree approximation. Various benchmark problems in two-dimensional compressible and near-incompressible small strain elasticity are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and optimal convergence in the energy norm of the maximum-entropy meshfree formulation.  相似文献   

This research is based on a new hybrid approach, which deals with the improvement of shape optimization process. The objective is to contribute to the development of more efficient shape optimization approaches in an integrated optimal topology and shape optimization area with the help of genetic algorithms and robustness issues. An improved genetic algorithm is introduced to solve multi-objective shape design optimization problems. The specific issue of this research is to overcome the limitations caused by larger population of solutions in the pure multi-objective genetic algorithm. The combination of genetic algorithm with robust parameter design through a smaller population of individuals results in a solution that leads to better parameter values for design optimization problems. The effectiveness of the proposed hybrid approach is illustrated and evaluated with test problems taken from literature. It is also shown that the proposed approach can be used as first stage in other multi-objective genetic algorithms to enhance the performance of genetic algorithms. Finally, the shape optimization of a vehicle component is presented to illustrate how the present approach can be applied for solving multi-objective shape design optimization problems.  相似文献   

We present a variational binary level-set method to solve a class of elliptic problems in shape optimization. By the ‘ersatz material’ approach, which amounts to fill the holes by a weak phase, the original shape optimization model is approximated by a two-phase optimization problem. Under the binary level-set framework, we need to optimize a smooth functional under a binary constraint. We propose an augmented Lagrangian method to solve the constrained optimization problem. Numerical results are presented and compared with those obtained by level-set methods, which demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

This paper aims at developing new methodologies for shape optimization of openings on three-dimensional curved panels that are used widely in aeronautical and aerospace engineering. To circumvent the difficulties associated with the hole boundary shape parameterization, a virtual punching method that exploits Boolean operations of the CAD modeler is proposed for the definition of shape design variables. Compared with the parametric mapping method developed previously, the virtual punching method is shown to be an implicit boundary representation for this specific kind of structure. Instead, the parametric mapping method is based on the explicit boundary representation.A zero-order genetic algorithm (GA) is correspondingly implemented into the design procedure of the virtual punching method to execute the optimization process for two reasons. First, it makes it possible to avoid sensitivity analysis that is relatively difficult due to the implicit boundary representation formulation and the use of an unstructured mesh. Second, the computing cost of the GA is practically affordable in shape optimization because often only a small number of design variables are involved. Numerical tests are carried out for typical examples of the stress concentration minimization around openings on the curved panels.  相似文献   

We present a method for the shape and topology optimization of truss-like structure. First, an initial design of a truss-like structure is constructed by a mesh generator of the finite element method because a truss-like structure can be described by a finite element mesh. Then, the shape and topology of the initial structure is optimized. In order to ensure a truss-like structure can be easily manufactured via intended techniques, we assume the beams have the same size of cross-section, and a method based on the concept of the SIMP method is used for the topology optimization. In addition, in order to prevent intersection of beams and zero-length beams, a geometric constraint based on the signed area of triangle is introduced to the shape optimization. The optimization method is verified by several 2D examples. Influence on compliance of the representative length of beams is investigated.  相似文献   

Structural shape optimization using self-adjusted convex approximation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study researches the applications of Self-Adjusted Convex Approximation (SACA) in structural shape optimization problems. The B-spline curve is adopted as the mathematical representation of the structural shapes. The SACA method is based on the CONvex LINearization (CONLIN) method and has better accuracy and convergent rate. Numerical examples are offered and the results show that the proposed method is effective in the structural shape design.  相似文献   

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