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单晶硅和太阳能电池多晶硅都需要将硅锭用金属丝和碳化硅粉研磨切割成硅片,在切割过程中有约43%的硅被研磨成粉末进入切割料浆中,如果能将这部分Si回收利用,意义很大。本文对晶体硅切割料浆中Si的回收方法进行了实验研究,提出了水中沉降分离Si和在Zn金属或Zn-Mg合金熔体中偏析提纯Si生产太阳能级多晶硅的方法。  相似文献   

针对目前多晶硅切割废料大量堆积造成环境污染的问题,提出了以多晶硅切割废料为原料,经过盐酸浸出除Fe后,配加活性炭高温反应制备SiC的工艺。首先,对废料成分与碳的反应进行了热力学计算;然后,使用差热分析、X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜等分析手段,研究了反应温度、反应时间以及废料中的Fe对产物物相组成和形貌的影响。结果表明,切割废料经过酸浸后的主要成分为SiC和Si。碳不能与Fe-Si系合金(FeSi、Fe_5Si_3等)中的Si反应生成SiC,所以为了制备纯度较高的SiC,多晶硅废料反应前必须预先除Fe。当反应温度高于1 400℃时,酸浸后的切割废料与活性炭的反应能够迅速地发生,且反应生成的SiC遗传碳颗粒的形貌。  相似文献   

通过在烧结锰矿时添加一定量的单晶硅片切割过程中产生的废浆料,来提高烧结锰矿中SiO_2的含量,加入矿热炉后进行锰硅合金的冶炼,不仅有效降低了硅石消耗,带来经济收益,同时对单晶硅片切割浆料进行资源回收利用处理,避免其对生态环境造成污染,实现了经济循环发展,具有一定的社会及环境意义。  相似文献   

多晶硅生产中回收氢气的净化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘建军 《有色冶炼》2000,29(6):17-19
本文介绍了回收氢气净化的基本原理、工艺流程,及用回收氢气生产多晶硅的实践结果,分析了半导体多晶生产中,利用活性炭净化从还原炉尾气中回收的氢气。  相似文献   

用过滤法对废料液中的C10号切割润滑油进行分离,再对分离出的油液进行分馏提纯,C10号润滑油回收率可达到72.6%。过滤分离油后的锗和碳化硅粉的残渣经灼烧后,在NaOH溶液中用过氧化氢进行氧化溶解锗,使其进入溶液,然后过滤分离出溶液中不溶解的碳化硅粉,进行加热洗涤净化后得到纯净的碳化硅粉,碳化硅粉的回收率可达到95.6%。对富含锗的溶解滤液进行蒸发浓缩水分后,用盐酸蒸馏得到GeCl4,锗回收率可达到98%以上。  相似文献   

为了有效处理及回收有机硅浆渣废料,利用冶金法将其制备成碳化硅粉体,研究了不同温度(1 550,1 650,1 750,1 850℃)对碳化硅粉体冶炼效果的影响;在较优冶炼温度条件下,分析了不同冶炼时间对制备碳化硅粉体的影响.结果表明:不同的冶炼温度所制备的碳化硅晶型不同,最佳冶炼温度为1 750℃,此时产物中碳化硅的纯度(质量分数)为88.4%;最佳冶炼时间为45 min,且随着冶炼时间的变长,碳化硅的晶型会发生变化.本研究结果可为浆渣废料的有效处理及硅元素的高值回收提供参考.  相似文献   

多晶硅生产中回收氢气再利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多晶硅生产系统干法回收氢气排放所带来的物料浪费、"三废"末端处理成本高、污染物排放量大等问题,研究了一种新的方法将需要排放的干法回收氢气再利用。通过气体成分分析、产污分析,总结出回收氢气再利用在多晶硅生产中对环保、安全、成本的巨大作用,并分析了利用该方法带来的经济效益以及对环境带来的积极影响。  相似文献   

本文介绍了回收氢气净化的基本原理、工艺流程 ,及用回收氢气生产多晶硅的实践结果 ,分析了半导体多晶硅生产中 ,利用活性炭净化从还原炉尾气中回收的氢气  相似文献   

应用炭浆法从南非矿石中回收金的进展P.A.Laxen等一、前言19世纪90年代由马克阿兆尔和福雷斯特兄弟提出的方法,即金、银溶解于氰化物溶液中,然后以锌沉淀所溶解的金,这一方法开创了回收金的新纪元'''。许多年来,这一基本方法虽然在原则上只做了很少变...  相似文献   

Cerium was extracted from rare earth slurry waste used for polishing a glass substrate.Initially,glass frit and flocculant were removed by froth flotation and dissolution.The recovered rare earth slurry exhibited almost the same particle size distribution as original slurry,which could be reused as slurry for glass polishing.From the rare earth slurry,the cerium solution was obtained by an oxidative thermal treatment and subsequent chemical leaching.The cerium solution was further purified up to 94% by selective precipitation of rare earth species.  相似文献   

The recovery of TiCl4 from the slurry formed in raw titanium tetrachloride was studied and a new environment friendly process was developed by selective extraction, gravity sedimentation and distillation. The results from the experiment confirmed that this technology was an effective method for the recovery of TiCl4 from the slurry. During selective extraction and gravity sedimentation process, dichloromethane was considered to be the best extractant comparing to chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. Meanwhile, nearly 91% of TiCl4 was recovered by extracting with dichloromethane in the solvent/slurry (L/S) ratio of 2 : 1 for 5 min. The study of gravity sedimentation also indicates that the concentration of TiCl4 in the extracting solution should be controlled to ensure the separation of extracting solution and residue by gravity sedimentation. Raman spectroscopy analysis and relative volatilities of CH2Cl2 and TiCl4 indicates that titanium tetrachloride and dichloromethane can be separated effectively by distillation. Finally, the experiment confirmed the separation of CH2Cl2 and TiCl4, and crude titanium tetrachloride with TiCl4 and CH2Cl2 concentration of 8·46 and 0·09 mol L?1, respectively were obtained by distilling the extracting solution at 120°C.

On a étudié la récupération du TiCl4 de la suspension formée dans le chlorure de titane brut et l’on a développé un nouveau procédé vert par extraction sélective, décantation par gravité et séparation par distillation. Les résultats ont indiqué que cette technologie constituait une méthode efficace de récupération du TiCl4 de la suspension. On a examiné les conditions affectant l’efficacité de l’extraction du TiCl4 dans le procédé, incluant le rapport de masse L/S et la durée de contact. L’expérience de sédimentation a indiqué que le résidu avait une plus grande vitesse de sédimentation dans le mélange de chlorure de titane et de chlorure de méthylène par rapport au chlorure de titane. On a estimé le diamètre moyen de la particule de résidu au moyen de l’équation de Navier–Stokes, d’après les résultats expérimentaux. L’analyse de spectroscopie Raman a indiqué qu’il ne se produisait pas de réaction et qu’il n’y avait pas de nouvelles espèces engendrées lorsque le chlorure de titane était dissous dans le chlorure de méthylène. L’expérience de distillation a montré que l’on pouvait séparer efficacement le mélange de chlorure de titane et de chlorure de méthylène par distillation.  相似文献   

Gave 6 rhesus monkeys a unilateral temporal lobectomy, contralateral occipital lobectomy, and section of the splenium of the corpus callosum. These operations produced some of the components of the Kluver-Bucy syndrome, particularly the hypoemotionality and visual defects. The visual defects recovered only to the objects tested. With the presentation of new objects the deficits reappeared and subsequently recovered. Cutting the optic tract on the side of the occipital lobectomy had varying consequences. Subsequent removal of the remaining temporal lobe did not produce a return of recovered visual deficits. Comparison was made with 2 bilateral temporal lobectomies and 2 normals on all tasks. (17 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

段飞虎  朱荣  林腾昌  李联生 《炼钢》2012,28(1):44-47,65
研究了氧含量对硫系易切削钢中硫化物夹杂及对切削性能的影响。结果表明:在一定范围内,钢中氧含量越高越有利于改善切削性能,其原因是氧含量高时,钢中会形成大量的纺锤形(Mn、Fe)(S、O)复合夹杂物。在切削过程中,这类硫化物能割断基体的连续性,在刀具表面形成一层保护膜,从而降低刀具的磨损。实验室切削试验表明:w(O)=0.014%时,硫系易切削钢的切削性能优于45钢,能够获得理想的切削性能。  相似文献   

采用甲苯/HEMA凝胶体系并加入合适的添加剂对TiC/Fe复合粉末的凝胶注模成形工艺进行了研究.通过对浆料流变性、固化过程及坯体性能的分析,确定了单体、分散剂及引发剂的最佳含量.制备出大尺寸、复杂形状的坯体,坯体相对密度为59.6%、抗拉强度为28MPa,经真空脱胶烧结制备出复杂形状的烧结体.  相似文献   

An octadecyl-silica (ODS) stationary phase with light surface coverage of octadecyl ligands was introduced for capillary electrochromatography (CEC) at moderate electroosmotic flow (EOF) velocity. The ODS stationary phase was intentionally produced with light surface coverage in order to ensure a moderate EOF velocity across the packed capillary column, thus allowing relatively rapid analysis time. Despite the fact that the stationary phase leaves 75% of the surface silanols unreacted, fused-silica capillary columns packed with this ODS stationary phase exhibited reversed-phase behavior toward neutral alkylbenzene homologous solutes using hydroorganic eluents. Closely related p-nitrophenylglycosides including some p-nitrophenyl-monosaccharides and p-nitrophenyl-maltooligosaccharides were readily separated on the ODS capillary column within a relatively short analysis time. Also, alpha- and beta-anomers of some p-nitrophenyl-monosaccharides were readily separated in the presence of a small amount of borate buffer in the hydroorganic eluent.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 2"- or 3"-monoglycosylated alpha-galactosylceramides (alpha-GalCers) and 2",3"-diglycosylated alpha-GalCers on allogeneic MLR and the proliferation of murine spleen cells. It was found that their ceramide portions greatly affect their immunostimulatory activities, and that the 3"-hydroxyl group plays a more important role in the immunostimulatory effects of alpha-GalCer derivatives than the 2"-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Clinical researchers frequently neglect to distinguish whether criterion or construct validity is appropriate for their validation efforts. Operationally, the critical difference lies in mono-operationalization (criterion) vs multiple operationalization (construct) of the index to be employed as the standard. In the present study, 90 male undergraduates were given 4 assessments (e.g., a survey of heterosexual interactions and a social desirability scale) of their heterosexual social skill and anxiety to investigate the effects of mono-operation bias in construct validation efforts relative to 2 different approaches to aggregating multiply operationalized construct estimates. Results demonstrate that mono-operation bias serves to spuriously deflate validity coefficients, suggesting that much of the existing clinical validation literature might be overly conservative. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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