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根据中国海关统计的2017进出口数据并结合行业内的重大新闻,从产能、各应用市场等方面对2017年全球碳纤维复合材料市场做出尽可能详尽、客观的分析。希望此报告能给业界同仁传播更多行业信息与思想,带来更多启发和思考。同时也让世界更多地了解中国产业,为中国企业走出去和深度融入国际复合材料产业链做一些宣传推广工作。  相似文献   

The ablation behavior of (Hf–Ta–Zr–Nb–Ti)C high-entropy carbide (HEC-0) was investigated using a plasma flame in air for different times (60, 90, and 120 s) at about 2100°C. The effect of SiC content on the ablation resistance of HEC–xSiC composites (x = 10 and 20 vol%) was also studied. The linear ablation rate of HEC-0 decreases with increasing ablation time, showing the positive role of the oxide layer with a complex composition. The linear ablation rate of HEC–10 vol% SiC (0.3 µm s−1) is only a 10th of that of HEC-0, showing a significant improvement in ablation resistance, probably due to the formation of a protective oxide layer containing melted SiO2 and refractory Hf–Zr–Si–O oxides.  相似文献   

正"中国日用化学工业论坛"是中国境内规模最大、水平最高和最具影响力的综合性专业学术和技术盛会,自1997年创办以来已成功召开10届,2017年将迎来其创办以来的20年。20年连续10届的成功举办,"中国日用化学工业论坛"已经发展成长为中国日化行业知名度较高的品牌性学术和技术盛会,受到中国日化行业的瞩目和企盼。"2017(第11届)中国日用化学工业论坛"(以下简称论坛2017)将于2017年7月举办,现在开  相似文献   

<正>中国日用化学工业论坛是中国境内规模最大、水平最高和最具影响力的综合性专业学术和技术盛会,自1997年创办以来已成功召开10届,2017年将迎来其创办以来的20年。20年连续10届的成功举办,中国日用化学工业论坛已经发展成长为中国日化行业知名度较高的品牌性学术和技术盛会,受到中国日化行业的  相似文献   

<正>中国日用化学工业论坛是中国境内规模最大、水平最高和最具影响力的综合性专业学术和技术盛会,自1997年创办以来已成功召开10届,2017年将迎来其创办以来的20年。20年连续10届的成功举办,中国日用化学工业论坛已经发展成长为中国日化行业知名度较高的品牌性学术和技术盛会,受到中国日化行业的瞩目和企盼。2017(第11届)中国日用化学工业论坛  相似文献   

正"中国日用化学工业论坛"是中国境内规模最大、水平最高和最具影响力的综合性专业学术和技术盛会,自1997年创办以来已成功召开10届,2017年将迎来其创办以来的20年。20年连续10届的成功举办,"中国日用化学工业论坛"已经发展成长为中国日化行业知名度较高的品牌性学术和技术盛会,受到中国日化行业的瞩目和企盼。"2017(第11届)中国日用化学工业论坛"(以下简称论坛2017)将于2017年7月举办,现在开始进行论坛征文和报告征集以及赞助商邀请。  相似文献   

© 2016 American Association for Aerosol Research  相似文献   

Hydrous lithium aluminosilicate (L–A–S–H) and lithium aluminate (L–A–H) gels are candidate precursors for glass-ceramics and ceramics with potential advantages over conventional processing routes. However, their structure before calcination remained largely unknown, despite the importance of precursor structure on the properties of the resulting materials. In the present study, it is demonstrated that L–A–S–H and L–A–H gels with Li/Al ≤ 1 can be produced via an organic steric entrapment route, while higher Li/Al ratios lead to crystallization of gibbsite or nordstrandite. The composition and the structure of the gels was studied by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, 27Al and 29Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, and Raman spectroscopy. Aluminium was found to be almost exclusively in six-fold coordination in both the L–A–H and the L–A–S–H gels. Silicon in the L–A–S–H gels was mainly in Q4 sites and to a lesser extent in Q3 sites (four-fold coordination with no Si–O–Al bonds). The results thus indicate that silica-rich and aluminium-rich domains formed in these gels.  相似文献   

We present an investigation of the adhesion modulation mechanisms of silica-like nanoparticles (MQ resins) incorporated in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers and acrylic adhesives. The Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) test has been used to gain information on the both zero velocity and the velocity dependence of the adhesive strength, avoiding as much as possible contributions to the adhesive strength of bulk dissipation in the adhesive (which is not the case with peel tests). As the incorporation of the MQ resins into the elastomers deeply affects their own mechanical properties, the loading and unloading curves of small poly(butylacrylate) (PBA) lenses on either PDMS elastomers, adsorbed PDMS and pure MQ resin layers are compared in a systematic manner. The PBA chains are observed to have a neat affinity for the MQ resin nanoparticles. When MQ resins are present at the interface, they tend to prevent facture propagation, thus producing a larger deformation of the PBA lens. The modulation of adhesion is then dominated by the corresponding dissipation inside the acrylic adhesive.  相似文献   

2017年5月2日,商务部发布了《中国再生资源回收行业发展报告2017(摘要)》(简称《报告》)。《报告》显示,截至2016年底,我国废钢铁、废有色金属、废塑料、废轮胎、废纸、废弃电器电子产品、报废汽车、废旧纺织品、废玻璃、废电池等十大品种的再生资源回收总量约为2.564亿吨、同比增长3.7%,回收总价值约为5902.8亿元,同比增长14.7%。现将《中国再生资源回收行业发展报告2017(摘要)》刊载,以飨读者。  相似文献   

<正>(第一轮通知)中国日用化学工业论坛是中国境内规模最大、水平最高和最具影响力的综合性专业学术和技术盛会,自1997年创办以来已成功召开1 0届,2017年将迎来其创办以来的20年。20年连续10届的成功举办,中国日用化学工业论坛已经发展成长为中国日化行业知名度较高的品牌性学术和技术盛会,受到中国日化行业的  相似文献   

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