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The Boundary Integral scheme developed by Dold and Peregrine1 has been extended and modified in order to allow for the investigation of non-periodic (spatial) disturbances on a free surface of water produced by a submerged body. The problem is treated as two dimensional: the body is shaped like a horizontal long cylinder with an arbitrary smooth contour, (a twice differentiable closed curve), moving in a direction perpendicular to its generators; the cylinder can execute any twice differentiable, (with respect to time), prescribed motion. The numerical code has been successfully implemented and produces accurate results with a comparatively small computational effort. The method has several features which enhance efficiency and precision. Among these: there is an economical high order discretization of the system of integral equations; the resulting system of linear algebraic equations is solved by a Gauss-Seidel iterative scheme which converges in few iterations, less than 10 usually; a fifth order Taylor series is used to march in time. Numerical results are presented; for a weir set in an otherwise uniform current, radiation of waves produced by simple oscillatory movements of a cylinder, and the interaction of an incoming solitary wave with a fixed submerged cylinder are shown.  相似文献   

For the numerical solution of flow problems past a solid body it is worth to consider boundary integral techniques for their inherent capability to manage efficiently the far-field boundary conditions as well as the approximation of the solid body contour. However, for the analysis of large Reynolds number flows, of major interest in the applications, several computational difficulties appear when using the integral representation for the velocity or for the vorticity field in its classical form with interpolating functions (BEM). In particular, the evaluation of the volume integrals is a serious drawback while the steepness of their kernel introduces artificial diffusion in the calculation. To satisfy the opposite requirements of the advective and of the diffusive part of the Navier-Stokes equations, we adopt an operator splitting scheme according to the Chorin-Marsden product formula (Chorin et al. 1978), together with a proper vorticity generation scheme at the solid boundary. A solution procedure based on the approximation of the vorticity field by a finite number of point vortices (PVM) follows as a natural evolution of the boundary integral formulation.The numerical results given by the two methods for the merging of two like-signed vortices in free space reveal the excessive numerical diffusion of BEM. The better accuracy of PVM is also established through the evaluation of some first integrals of motion. Several results are also reported for flows in presence of solid boundaries where the vorticity generation is crucial. In this case accurate solutions are only obtained with PVM, while BEM is even less satisfactory than in free space. Finally, the proposed vortex-like method (PVM) is tested on the classical problem of the wake behind a cylinder, in comparison with other well established techniques.This work was partly supported by the Italian Ministry for Scientific Research through a MURST grant and by C.N.R. through Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti II.  相似文献   

A symmetric boundary integral approach to transient poroelastic analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The problem of the transient quasi-static analysis of a poroelastic body subjected to a history of external actions is formulated in terms of four boundary integral equations, using time-dependent Green's functions of the “free” poroelastic space. Some of these Green's functions, not available in the literature are derived “ad hoc”. The boundary integral operator constructed is shown to be symmetric with respect to a time-convolutive bilinear form so that the boundary solution is characterized by a variational property and its approximation preserving symmetry can be achieved by a Galerkin boundary element procedure. Communicated by S. N. Atluri, 1 July 1996  相似文献   

Summary An orthotropic semi-infinite strip under arbitrary boundary conditions is considered. By means of Fourier transforms, boundary integral relations of special type with moving and motionless singularities of the Cauchy type are obtained. These relations lead to a system of singular integral equations corresponding to the various mixed boundary value problem. The power of singularities at the corner points, stresses and stress intensity factors are calculated for different loads and various material properties.  相似文献   

The problem of wave scattering by a plane crack is solved, either in the case of acoustic waves or in the case of elastic waves incidence using the boundary integral equation method. A collocation method is often used to solve that equation, but here we will use a variational method, first writing the problem of Fourier variables, and then writing the associated integrals in the sesquilinear form with weak singularity kernels. This representation is used in the numerical approach, made with a finite element method in the surface of the crack. Numerical tests were made with circular and elliptical cracks, but this method can be extended to other shapes, with the same convergence profiles. Extensive results are given concerning the crack opening displacement, the scattering cross-section, the back-scattered amplitude and far-field patterns.  相似文献   

A time-harmonic boundary element formulation for elastic wave scattering in 3D is adapted to ultrasonic NDE. Defect classes addressed are volumetric voids and inclusions, and crack-like elliptical voids. For axisymmetric flaws, comparisons are made with method of optimal truncation (MOOT) and transition-matrix calculations. Comparison to experiment is made for more general shapes. For crack-like voids, comparisons are made with the Kirchhoff, geometric theory of diffraction (GTD), and quasistatic asymptotic approximations. The efficiency and usefulness of the boundary element method (BEM) in finding the bounds of applicability of these approximate theories are demonstrated. An example of a flaw characterization technique based on intermediate frequency scattering data simulated by BEM is given. The ability of BEM to handle nonplanar incident fields, as described by a transducer beam model, is shown. Other computational and modeling efficiencies of the BEM are noted.  相似文献   

The problem of scattering of Rayleigh waves at a rectangular groove is addressed. Grooves are known to excite bulk waves upon scattering and, hence, are potential sources (albeit secondary) in bulk-acoustic-wave (BAW) devices. The groove is formulated as a volume perturbation of the geometry. A modal method is used, and the results of Rayleigh wave reflection as well as bulk wave radiation are obtained and compared with the results available in the literature. The method is compared with the boundary perturbation formulation. The equivalence of the boundary perturbation method and the volume perturbation method is shown.  相似文献   

Scattering of electromagnetic radiation by an object of arbitrary shape or a structured surface, infinite in extent, is considered. When radiation is incident on an interface separating vacuum from a material medium, a current density is induced in the bulk and a surface current density may appear on the boundary surface. The electromagnetic field is then the sum of the incident field and the field generated by the current densities. This concept leads to expressions for the electric and magnetic fields that can easily be shown to be exact integrals of Maxwell's equations both in the vacuum and in the medium. At the boundary surface, the electric and magnetic fields must be discontinuous, with the discontinuity determined by the surface charge and current densities. This is usually referred to as boundary conditions for Maxwell's equations. We show that the integrals for the electric and magnetic fields automatically satisfy these boundary conditions, no matter the origin of the current densities.  相似文献   

A hypersingular boundary integral formulation for calculating two dimensional elastic wave scattering from thin bodies and cracks is described. The boundary integral equation for surface displacement is combined with the hypersingular equation for surface traction. The difficult part in employing the traction equation, the derivation of analytical formulas for the hypersingular integral by means of a limit to the boundary, is easily handled by means of symbolic computation. In addition, the terms containing an integrable logarithmic singularity are treated by a straightforward numerical method, bypassing the use of Taylor series expansions. Example wave scattering calculations for cracks and thin ellipses are presented.  相似文献   

The scattering of a scalar incident wave by a thin oblate body of revolution is studied. The scattering wave is represented as a distribution of ring singularities in a disk inside the body. Boundary conditions result in one-dimensional integral equations for singularity distributions. The asymptotic solution of these equations for thin bodies furnishes the singularity distribution as well as the radius α of the disk containing ring singularities. Example of the plane wave axially incident upon an oblate ellipsoid is presented. The total scattering cross-section is computed.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with discretization and numerical solution of a regularized version of the hypersingular boundary integral equation (HBIE) for the two-dimensional Laplace equation. This HBIE contains the primary unknown, as well as its gradient, on the boundary of a body. Traditionally, this equation has been solved by combining the boundary element method (BEM) together with tangential differentiation of the interpolated primary variable on the boundary. The present paper avoids this tangential differentiation. Instead, a “pure” BEM method is proposed for solving this class of problems. Dirichlet, Neumann and mixed problems are addressed in this paper, and some numerical examples are included in it.  相似文献   

Time-domain analysis of electromagnetic wave fields is popularly performed by the Finite Difference Time-Domain method. Then the Boundary Integral Equation Method (BEM) still has advantage comparing with FDM or FEM type scheme in open boundary problems, moving boundary problems and coupled problems of charge particle and electromagnetic fields. However, the time-domain boundary integral equation method still do not well developed, numerical instability in long time range calculations frequently appear except for special cases. In this paper, a stable scheme of the time-domain boundary integral equation method is presented and numerical example of particle accelerator wake fields is shown.  相似文献   

A simplified approach for imposing the boundary conditions in the local boundary integral equation (LBIE) method is presented. The proposed approach employs an integral equation derived using the fundamental solution and the Green’s second identity when the collocation node is at the boundary of the solution domain (global boundary). The subdomains for the nodes placed at the global boundary preserve their circular shapes; avoiding in this way any integration over the global boundary. Consequently, the difficulties related to evaluation of singular integrals and determination of intersection points between the global and local circular boundaries are avoided. So far, attempts to avoid these issues have focused on using schemes based on meshless approximations. The downside of such schemes is that the weak formulation is abandoned. In this study the interpolation of field variables over the boundaries of the subdomains is carried out using the radial basis function approximation. Numerical examples show that the proposed approach despite its simplicity, achieves comparable accuracy to the classical treatment of the boundary conditions in the LBIE.  相似文献   

A new weight function approach to determine SIFs (stress intensity factors) using the indirect boundary integral method has been presented. The crack opening displacement field was represented by one boundary integral term in the form of a single-layer potential whose kernel was modified from the fundamental solution. The proposed method enables the calculation of SIFs using only one SIF solution, without any modification for the crack geometries symmetric in the two-dimensional plane, e.g. a center crack in a plate with or without an internal hole, double edge cracks, circumferential cracks or radial cracks in a pipe. The application procedure for this variety of crack geometries is very simple and straightforward with only one SIF solution. The necessary information in the analysis is two reference SIFs. The analysis results using several examples verified that the present closed-form solution was in good agreement with those of the literature and applicable to various crack geometries.  相似文献   

A frequency domain boundary element methodology of solving three dimensional electromagnetic wave scattering problems by dielectric particles is reported. The method utilizes a computationally attractive surface integral equation containing only weakly and strongly singular integrals in the contrast to most formulations involving not only strongly singular but hypersingular integrals as well. The main advantage of this integral equation is the fact that its strongly singular part is similar to the one appearing in the corresponding integral equation of dynamic elasticity. Thus, well known advanced integration techniques used successfully in elastic scattering problems can be directly applied to the present analysis. Both continuous and discontinuous quadratic elements are employed in order to accurately treat dielectric scatterers with smooth and piecewise smooth boundaries. Numerical examples dealing with three dimensional electromagnetic wave scattering problems demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed boundary element formulation.  相似文献   

A new weight function approach to determine SIF (stress intensity factor) using the indirect boundary integral method has been presented. The crack opening displacement field was represented by one boundary integral in the form of a single-layer potential whose kernel was modified from the fundamental solution. The proposed method enables the calculation of SIF using only one SIF formula without any modification of the crack geometries symmetric in a two-dimensional plane, e.g. a center crack in a plate with or without an internal hole, double edge cracks, circumferential crack or radial cracks in a pipe. The application procedure for this variety of crack geometries is very simple and straghtforward with only one SIF formula. The necessary information in the analysis is two reference SIFs. The analysis results, using several examples, verified that the present closed-form solution was in good agreement with those of the literature and applicable to various crack geometries.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for analysing one-dimensional wave propagation in a layered medium is presented. It is based on Duhamel integrals in combination with the convolution quadrature method (CQM) [9, 10]. The CQM is a technique which approximates convolution integrals, in this case the Duhamel integrals, by a quadrature rule whose weights are determined by Laplace transformed fundamental solutions and a multi-step method. Duhamel integrals are used to ensure equilibrium between the layers. The methodology is closely related to structural engineering and should be more familiar to engineers in practice than the usual boundary element method. In order to investigate the accuracy and the stability of the proposed algorithm, two benchmark problems are studied. The method is presented for one-dimensional problems, namely rods, but it can be readily extended to two- or three-dimensional dynamic interaction problems, e.g., dynamic soil-structure interaction. The results are very stable with respect to time step size and they are in very good agreement with analytical solutions.  相似文献   

A novel application of the boundary integral method to horizontal well analysis in the field of petroleum engineering is presented. The transient pressure satisfies the heat equation, non‐local and non‐linear boundary conditions. The turbulent flow inside the well is modelled by considering a pressure gradient along the well. The heat potential is used and Chebyshev collocation along with a time discretization is employed. Some numerical results are presented to show the features of this new approach. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new monolithic approach based on the fluid pressure Poisson equation (PPE) to solve an interaction problem of incompressible viscous fluid and an elastic body. The PPE is derived so as to be consistent with the coupled equation system for the fluid‐structure interaction (FSI). Based on this approach, we develop two kinds of efficient monolithic methods. In both methods, the fluid pressure is derived implicitly so as to satisfy the incompressibility constraint, and all other unknown variables are derived fully explicitly or partially explicitly. The coefficient matrix of the PPE for the FSI becomes symmetric and positive definite and its condition is insensitive to inhomogeneity of material properties. The arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method is employed for the fluid part in order to take into account the deformable fluid‐structure interface. To demonstrate fundamental performances of the proposed approach, the developed two monolithic methods are applied to evaluate the added mass and the added damping of a circular cylinder as well as to simulate the vibration of a rectangular cylinder induced by vortex shedding. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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