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The essential active site Fe3+ of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase [3, 4-PCD, subunit structure (alphabetaFe3+)12] is bound by axial ligands, Tyr447 (147beta) and His462 (162beta), and equatorial ligands, Tyr408 (108beta), His460 (160beta), and a solvent OH- (Wat827). Recent X-ray crystallographic studies have shown that Tyr447 is dissociated from the Fe3+ in the anaerobic 3,4-PCD complex with protocatechuate (PCA) [Orville, A. M., Lipscomb, J. D., and Ohlendorf, D. H. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 10052-10066]. The importance of Tyr447 to catalysis is investigated here by site-directed mutation of this residue to His (Y447H), the first such mutation reported for an aromatic ring cleavage dioxygenase containing Fe3+. The crystal structure of Y447H (2.1 A resolution, R-factor of 0.181) is essentially unchanged from that of the native enzyme outside of the active site region. The side chain position of His447 is stabilized by a His447(N)delta1-Pro448(O) hydrogen bond, placing the Nepsilon2 atom of His447 out of bonding distance of the iron ( approximately 4.3 A). Wat827 appears to be replaced by a CO32-, thereby retaining the overall charge neutrality and coordination number of the Fe3+ center. Quantitative metal and amino acid analysis shows that Y447H binds Fe3+ in approximately 10 of the 12 active sites of 3,4-PCD, but its kcat is nearly 600-fold lower than that of the native enzyme. Single-turnover kinetic analysis of the Y447H-catalyzed reaction reveals that slow substrate binding accounts for the decreased kcat. Three new kinetically competent intermediates in this process are revealed. Similarly, the product dissociation from Y447H is slow and occurs in two resolved steps, including a previously unreported intermediate. The final E.PCA complex (ES4) and the putative E.product complex (ESO2*) are found to have optical spectra that are indistinguishable from those of the analogous intermediates of the wild-type enzyme cycle, while all of the other observed intermediates have novel spectra. Once the E.S complex is formed, reaction with O2 is fast. These results suggest that dissociation of Tyr447 occurs during turnover of 3,4-PCD and is important in the substrate binding and product release processes. Once Tyr447 is removed from the Fe3+ in the final E.PCA complex by either dissociation or mutagenesis, the O2 attack and insertion steps proceed efficiently, suggesting that Tyr447 does not have a large role in this phase of the reaction. This study demonstrates a novel role for Tyr in a biological system and allows evaluation and refinement of the proposed Fe3+ dioxygenase mechanism.  相似文献   

Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) catalyzes the oxidative ring cleavage of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate to produce beta-carboxy-cis, cis-muconate. Crystal structures of Pseudomonas putida3,4-PCD [quaternary structure of (alphabetaFe3+)12] complexed with seven competitive inhibitors [3-hydroxyphenylacetate (MHP), 4-hydroxyphenylacetate (PHP), 3-hydroxybenzoate (MHB), 4-hydroxybenzoate (PHB), 3-fluoro-4-hydroxybenzoate (FHB), 3-chloro-4-hydroxybenzoate (CHB), and 3-iodo-4-hydroxybenzoate (IHB)] are reported at 2.0-2.2 A resolution with R-factors of 0. 0.159-0.179. The inhibitors bind in a narrow active site crevasse lined with residues that provide a microenvironment that closely matches the chemical characteristics of the inhibitors. This results in as little as 20% solvent-exposed surface area for the higher-affinity inhibitors (PHB, CHB, and FHB). In uncomplexed 3,4-PCD, the active site Fe3+ is bound at the bottom of the active site crevasse by four endogenous ligands and a solvent molecule (Wat827). The orientations of the endogenous ligands are relatively unperturbed in each inhibitor complex, but the inhibitors themselves bind to or near the iron in a range of positions, all of which perturb the position of Wat827. The three lowest-affinity inhibitors (MHP, PHP, and IHB) yield distorted trigonal bipyramidal iron coordination geometry in which the inhibitor C4-phenolate group displaces the solvent ligand. MHB binds within the active site, but neither its C3-OH group nor the solvent molecule binds to the iron. The C4-phenolate group of the three highest-affinity inhibitors (PHB, CHB, and FHB) coordinates the Fe3+ adjacent to Wat827, resulting in a shift in its position to yield a six-coordinate distorted octahedral geometry. The range of inhibitor orientations may mimic the mechanistically significant stages of substrate binding to 3, 4-PCD. The structure of the final substrate complex is reported in the following paper [Orville, A. M., Lipscomb, J. D., & Ohlendorf, D. H. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 10052-10066].  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lignin degradation leads to the formation of a broad spectrum of aromatic molecules that can be used by various fungal micro-organisms as their sole source of carbon. When grown on phenolic compounds, Penicillium simplicissimum induces the strong impression of a flavin-containing vanillyl-alcohol oxidase (VAO). The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of a vast array of substrates, ranging from aromatic amines to 4-alkyphenols. VAO is a member of a novel class of widely distributed oxidoreductases, which use flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as a cofactor covalently bound to the protein. We have carried out the determination of the structure of VAO in order to shed light on the most interesting features of these novel oxidoreductases, such as the functional significance of covalent flavinylation and the mechanism of catalysis. RESULTS: The crystal structure of VAO has been determined in the native state and in complexes with four inhibitors. The enzyme is an octamer with 42 symmetry; the inhibitors bind in a hydrophobic, elongated cavity on the si side of the flavin molecule. Three residues, Tyr108, Tyr503 and Arg504 form an anion-binding subsite, which stabilises the phenolate form of the substrate. The structure of VAO complexed with the inhibitor 4-(1-heptenyl)phenol shows that the catalytic cavity is completely filled by the inhibitor, explaining why alkylphenols bearing aliphatic substituents longer than seven carbon atoms do not bind to the enzyme. CONCLUSIONS: The shape of the active-site cavity controls substrate specificity by providing a 'size exclusion mechanism'. Inside the cavity, the substrate aromatic ring is positioned at an angle of 18 degrees to the flavin ring. This arrangement is ideally suited for a hydride transfer reaction, which is further facilitated by substrate deprotonation. Burying the substrate beneath the protein surface is a recurrent strategy, common to many flavoenzymes that effect substrate oxidation or reduction via hydride transfer.  相似文献   

采用循环伏安法(CV)测定铁泥制备Fe3O4过程中Fe3+与Fe2+浓度比值的变化,为该工艺过程提供方便、快捷的监测方法。在实验条件下,溶液中的Fe3+与Fe2+组成可逆的氧化还原体系,产生一对峰形良好的氧化还原峰。对影响峰电流的扫描速度、pH值及干扰离子等因素进行考察,结果表明,扫描速度在0.002~0.01 V/s、pH在1.5~2.5时对氧化峰电流及还原峰电流没有影响;溶液中存在的SO42-离子在实验范围内对体系基本无干扰。Fe3+的浓度在0.000 8~0.008 4 mol/L呈线性关系,相关系数为0.999 9,相对标准偏差(n=7)在 0.70%~2.0%之间。该法与标准重铬酸钾滴定法对比,相对误差为1.7%。  相似文献   

On the basis of the recently determined crystal structures of the ligand binding domains (LBDs) of the retinoic acid nuclear receptors (NRs), we present a three-dimensional (3D) molecular model of the human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha) LBD. A literature search for mutants affecting the binding properties has been performed; 45 out of 48 published mutants can be explained satisfactorily on the basis of the model. Estradiol has been docked into the binding pocket to probe its interactions with the protein. Energy minimizations and molecular dynamics calculations were performed for various ligand orientations. To evaluate their quality, the different models were scored using known structure-activity relationship (SAR) data for selected close estradiol homologues. The two best models explain largely the binding affinities of more distantly related ligands.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mononuclear non-heme iron centers are found in the active sites of a variety of enzymes that require molecular oxygen for catalysis. The mononuclear non-heme iron is believed to be the active site for catalysis, and is presumed to bind and activate molecular oxygen. The mechanism of this reaction is not understood. Phthalate dioxygenase is one such enzyme. Because it also contains a second iron site, the Rieske site, it is difficult to obtain information on the structure of the active site. We therefore used magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy to probe the mononuclear, non-heme Fe2+ site in this biodegradative enzyme. RESULTS: The MCD spectrum of the resting enzyme shows features indicative of one six-coordinate Fe2+ site; substrate binding converts the site to two different five-coordinate species, opening up a coordination position for O2 binding. MCD spectra of the corresponding apoenzyme have been subtracted to account for temperature-independent contributions from the Rieske site. Azide binds both to the resting enzyme to produce a new six-coordinate species, showing that one of the ferrous ligands is exchangeable, and also to the enzyme-substrate complex to form a ternary species. The low azide binding constant for the substrate-enzyme species relative to the resting enzyme indicates steric interaction and close proximity between exogenous ligand and the substrate. CONCLUSIONS: We have been able to provide some detailed structural insight into exogenous ligand and substrate binding to the non-heme Fe2+ site, even in the presence of the enzyme's [2Fe-2S] Rieske center. Further mechanistic studies are now required to maximize the molecular-level detail available from these spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

A general method has been developed that allows the specific substitution of both iron atoms in the enzyme bovine spleen purple acid phosphatase (BSPAP), which possesses a dinuclear iron center at the active site. The approach is demonstrated by the preparation and characterization (atomic absorption spectrometry, enzyme kinetics, optical spectroscopy, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy) of two metal-substituted forms in which the ferric iron has been replaced by Ga3+: Ga3+Fe2+-BSPAP and Ga3+Zn2+-BSPAP. Both forms are colorless but exhibit enzymatic activity comparable to that of the native Fe3+Fe2+-BSPAP. Small but consistent changes in kinetics parameters and pH profiles were detected both upon substitution of Fe3+ by Ga3+ and upon substitution of Fe2+ by Zn2+. These results constitute the first evidence that the diamagnetic Ga3+ ion can serve as a functional analogue of Fe3+ in an enzyme, and suggest a novel approach for the study of the role of Fe3+ in other iron enzymes.  相似文献   

The novel hematopoietic growth factor FLT3 ligand (FL) is the cognate ligand for the FLT3, tyrosine kinase receptor (R), also referred to as FLK-2 and STK-1. The FLT3R belongs to a family of receptor tyrosine kinases involved in hematopoiesis that also includes KIT, the receptor for SCF (stem cell factor), and FMS. the receptor for M-CSF (macrophage colony- stimulating factor). Restricted FLT3R expression was seen on human and murine hematopoietic progenitor cells. In functional assays recombinant FL stimulated the proliferation and colony formation of human hematopoietic progenitor cells, i.e. CD34+ cord and peripheral blood, bone marrow and fetal liver cells. Synergy was reported for co-stimulation with G-CSF (granulocyte-CSF). GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophage CSF), M-CSF, interleukin-3 (IL-3), PIXY-321 (an IL-3/GM-CSF fusion protein) and SCF. In the mouse, FL potently enhanced growth of various types of progenitor/precursor cells in synergy with G-CSF, GM-CSF, M-CSF, IL-3, IL-6, IL-7, IL-11, IL-12 and SCF. The well-documented involvement of this ligand-receptor pair in physiological hematopoiesis brought forth the question whether FLT3R and FL might also have a role in the pathobiology of leukemia. At the mRNA level FLT3R was expressed by most (80-100%) cases of AML (acute myeloid leukemia) throughout the different morphological subtypes (MO-M7), of ALL(acute lymphoblastic leukemia) of the immunological subtypes T-ALL and BCP-ALL (B cell precursor ALL including pre-pre B-ALL, cALL and pre B-ALL), of AMLL (acute mixed-lineage leukemia), and of CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) in lymphoid or mixed blast crisis. Analysis of cell surface expression of FLT3R by flow cytometry confirmed these observations for AML (66% positivity when the data from all studies are combined), BCP-ALL (64%) and CML lymphoid blast crisis (86%) whereas less than 30% of T-ALL were FLT3R+. The myeloid, monocytic and pre B cell type categories also contained the highest proportions of FLT3R+ leukemia cell lines . In contrast to the selective expression of the receptor, FL expression was detected in 90-100% of the various cell types of leukemia cell lines from all hematopoietic cell lineages. The potential of FL to induce proliferation of leukemia cells in vitro was also examined in primary and continuously cultured leukemia cells. The data on FL-stimulated leukemia cell growth underline the extensive heterogeneity of primary AML and ALL samples in terms of cytokine-inducible DNA synthesis that has been seen with other effective cytokines. While the majority of T-ALL (0-33% of the cases responded proliferatively; mean 11%) and BCP-ALL (0-30%; mean 20%) failed to proliferate in the presence of FL despite strong expression of surface FLT3R, FL caused a proliferative response in a significantly higher percentage of AML cases (22-90%; mean 53%). In the panel of leukemia cell lines examined only myeloid and monocytic growth factor- dependent cell lines increased their proliferation upon incubation with FL, whereas all growth factor-independent cell lines were refractory to stimulation. Combinations of FL with G-CSF, GM-CSF, M-CSF, IL-3, PIXY- 321 or SCF and FL with IL-3 or IL-7 had synergistic or additive mitogenic effects on primary AML and ALL cells, respectively. The potent stimulation of the myelomonocytic cell lines was further augmented by addition of bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor), GM-CSF, IL-3 or SCF. The inhibitory effects of TGF-beta 1 (transforming growth factor-beta 1) on FL- supported proliferation were abrogated by bFGF. Taken together, these results demonstrate the expression of functional FLT3R capable of mediating FL- dependent mitogenic signaling in a subset of AML and ALL cases further underline the heterogeneity of AML and ALL samples in their proliferative response to cytokine.  相似文献   

The modulatory action of Ca2+-calmodulin on multiple targets is inhibited by trifluoperazine, which competes with target proteins for calmodulin binding. The structure of calmodulin crystallized with two trifluoperazine molecules is determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.74 A resolution. The X-ray data together with the characteristic and distinct signals obtained by circular dichroism in solution allowed us to identify the binding domains as well as the order of the binding of two trifluoperazine molecules to calmodulin. Accordingly, the binding of trifluperazine to the C-terminal hydrophobic pocket is followed by the interaction of the second drug molecule with an interdomain site. Recently, we demonstrated that the two bisindole derivatives, vinblastine and KAR-2 [3"-(beta-chloroethyl)-2",4"-dioxo-3, 5"-spirooxazolidino-4-deacetoxyvinblastine], interact with calmodulin with comparable affinity; however, they display different functional effects [Orosz et al. (1997) British J. Pharmacol. 121, 955-962]. The structural basis responsible for these effects were investigated by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. The data provide evidence that calmodulin can simultaneously accommodate trifluoperazine and KAR-2 as well as vinblastine and KAR-2, but not trifluoperazine and vinblastine. The combination of the binding and structural data suggests that distinct binding sites exist on calmodulin for vinblastine and KAR-2 which correspond, at least partly, to that of trifluoperazine at the C-terminal hydrophobic pocket and at an interdomain site, respectively. This structural arrangement can explain why these drugs display different anticalmodulin activities. Calmodulin complexed with melittin is also able to bind two trifluoperazine molecules, the binding of which appears to be cooperative. Results obtained with intact and proteolytically cleaved calmodulin reveal that the central linker region of the protein is indispensable for simultanous interactions with two molecules of either identical or different ligands.  相似文献   

StudyofTemperatureEnhancementofthePhotorefractiveEffectinCe:Fe:LiNbO_3CrystalLiMinghua(李铭华);WangJiachang(王家昌);XuYuheng(徐玉恒);X?..  相似文献   

Rare earth complexes with trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (DCTA) of the Ln(dcta)- ype exhibited an unusual sequence of affinity on the polystyrene anion exchangers: pm3 >Nd3 >Sm3 >pr3 >Ce3 >Eu3 >Gd3 >La3 >Sc3 >Tb3 >Dy3 >Ho3 >y3 >Er3 >Tm3 >yb3 >Lu3 [1]. Taking into account the position of Y3 , Sm3 , and Nd3 in this affinity series, for the monodispersive polystyrene anion exchangers, Lewafit MonoPlus M 500, Lewatit MonoPlus M 600, Lewatit MonoPlus MP 500, Lewatit MonoPlus MP 64,and for the heterodispersive anion exchanger, Lewatit MP 62, the weight (Dg,) and bed (Dv) distribution coefficients of these complexes and working ion exchange capacities (Cw) were determined. Based on these values, purifications of Y3 from Nd3 and y3 from Sm3 in the macro-micro component system on these anion exchangers were studied. The application potential of this method was highlighted for the separation of yz3 in the presence of Nd3 and Sm3 . With 1 L of monodispersive and strongly basic polystyrene gel anion exchanger Lewatit MonoPlus M 500 in the acetate form, it is possible to obtain approximately 79 g Y2O3 purified from Nd2O3 and 70 g Y2O3 purified from Sm2O3 in the same process condition.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGC) open in response to the binding of 3'5'-cyclic nucleotides. Members of the CNGC family vary as much as 100-fold in their ability to respond to cAMP and cGMP. Molecular models of the nucleotide binding domains of the bovine retina and catfish and rat olfactory CNGCs were built from the crystal structure of cAMP bound to catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) with AMMP, a program for molecular mechanics and dynamics. The nucleotide conformation can be predicted from the number of strong and weak interactions between the purine ring and the binding site. The amino acids predicted to be important for determining the nucleotide affinity and specificity are residues 61, 83 (mediated through a water molecule), 119 and 127 (CAP sequence numbers) which interact with the purine ring. These residues also dictate the conformation of the ligand in the binding pocket. cGMP is preferentially bound in the syn conformation in bovine retina, bovine olfactory and rat olfactory CNGCs due to Thr83, while either conformation can bind in catfish olfactory CNGC. cAMP is predicted to bind either in syn or anti conformation, depending on the interaction with residue 119: the anti conformation is preferentially bound in olfactory CNGCs.  相似文献   

Among the numerous strategies to design an oxygen carrier, we outline in this work the engineering of a stable homotetrameric hemoglobin, expressed in Escherichia coli. The chimeric globin (Psi) consists of the first 79 residues of human beta globin (corresponding to positions NA1 --> EF3) followed by the final 67 residues of human alpha globin (corresponding to positions EF3 --> HC3). The molecular mass for beta-EF3-alpha (Psi) globin was measured using mass spectrometry to be equal to its theoretical value: 15782 Da. Correct protein folding was assessed by UV/visible and fluorescence spectra. The subunit interaction free energies were estimated by HPLC gel filtration. In the cyanometHb species, the formation of the dimer-tetramer interface is 2 kcal/mol less favorable (Delta G = -7 kcal/mol) than that of Hb A (Delta G = -9 kcal/mol), whereas the dimer-monomer interface is tightly assembled (< -10 kcal/mol) as for the Hb A alpha 1 beta 1 interface. In contrast to Hb A, oxygen binding to Psi Hb is not cooperative. The free energy for binding four oxygen molecules to a Psi homotetramer is slightly increased compared to a Hb A heterotetramer (-28 and -27.5 kcal/4 mol of O2, respectively). The intrinsic O2 affinity of a Psi homodimer is 6-fold higher than that of a homotetramer. The linkage scheme between dimer-tetramer subunit assembly and the noncooperative oxygenation of Psi Hb predicts a stabilization of the tetramer after ligand release. This protein mechanism resembles that of Hb A for which the dimers exhibit a 100-fold higher O2 affinity relative to deoxy tetramers (which are 10(5) times more stable than oxy tetramers). A potent allosteric effector of Hb A, RSR4, binds to Psi Hb tetramers, inducing a decrease of the overall O2 affinity. Since RSR4 interacts specifically with two binding sites of deoxy Hb A, we propose that the chimeric tetramer folding is close to this native structure.  相似文献   

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