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In this paper, a novel optimal control design scheme is proposed for continuous-time nonaffine nonlinear dynamic systems with unknown dynamics by adaptive dynamic programming (ADP). The proposed methodology iteratively updates the control policy online by using the state and input information without identifying the system dynamics. An ADP algorithm is developed, and can be applied to a general class of nonlinear control design problems. The convergence analysis for the designed control scheme is presented, along with rigorous stability analysis for the closed-loop system. The effectiveness of this new algorithm is illustrated by two simulation examples.  相似文献   

飞机纵向飞行轨迹的优化与实现*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了飞机纵向飞行轨迹的优化技术,选用质点运动能量状态方程为飞机运动模型,直接操作成本为优化指标函数;飞机纵向飞行剖面被假定分为三个飞行段:爬升、巡航和下降;将能量状态引入指标函数,使其成为哈密顿函数中的独立变量,则由动态变分法和极小值原理得到对各飞行轨迹段的优化算法;尔后用Fibonacci单参数搜索法来予以实现。文中给出了部分仿真结果。  相似文献   

Several missions including surveillance, exploration, search-and-track, and lifting of heavy loads are best accomplished by multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Another important advantage to utilizing multiple vehicles is a reduction in the risk to successful completion of a mission due to the loss of a single vehicle. This increased robustness can lead to a commensurate decrease in vehicle specifications and cost, further improving the argument for swarm operations. This paper describes the development of an adaptive configuration controller for multiple vehicles executing a cooperative task in the presence of parametric uncertainty. A novel adaptive outer-loop controller that uses both local and global information is presented.  相似文献   

Self-tuning control of a pH-neutralization process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A self-tuning regulator has been used in control of a pH-neutralization process. The process is difficult to control due to great variations in process sensitivity with pH and due to process nonlinearities. Experiments on a pilot plant demonstrate that a self-tuning pH-regulator including exponential forgetting and quadratic optimal control has satisfactory static and dynamic properties even though the process is nonlinear. It is also demonstrated that the self-tuning algorithm can adapt to changes in process conditions, and it may be a useful alternative to traditional PI-controllers.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an online adaptive approximate solution for the infinite-horizon optimal tracking control problem of continuous-time nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics. The requirement of the complete knowledge of system dynamics is avoided by employing an adaptive identifier in conjunction with a novel adaptive law, such that the estimated identifier weights converge to a small neighborhood of their ideal values. An adaptive steady-state controller is developed to maintain the desired tracking performance at the steady-state, and an adaptive optimal controller is designed to stabilize the tracking error dynamics in an optimal manner. For this purpose, a critic neural network (NN) is utilized to approximate the optimal value function of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation, which is used in the construction of the optimal controller. The learning of two NNs, i.e., the identifier NN and the critic NN, is continuous and simultaneous by means of a novel adaptive law design methodology based on the parameter estimation error. Stability of the whole system consisting of the identifier NN, the critic NN and the optimal tracking control is guaranteed using Lyapunov theory; convergence to a near-optimal control law is proved. Simulation results exemplify the effectiveness of the proposed method.   相似文献   

The Clarke-Gawthrop regulator is known to stabilize nonminimum-phase plants if the poles are stable. It is shown here that it is also possible to include an integrator in the plant. A comparison of variance is made with the optimal LQ solution, for a simple nonminimum-phase system.  相似文献   

H.T. Toivonen 《Automatica》1983,19(4):415-418
A self-tuning regulator for a variance constrained optimal control problem is given. The criterion for control is to minimize the stationary variance of the output. In the cases when the regulator which gives minimum variance requires too large control signals an inequality constraint on the input variance is introduced. In practice it is easier to select a constraint on the variance of the input than to choose the relative weights in a quadratic loss function. The self-tuning regulator applies the Robbins-Monro scheme to adjust the Lagrange multiplier of the variance constrained control problem. The behaviour of the algorithm is illustrated by a simulated example. The asymptotic behaviour of the regulator is studied using a set of associated ordinary differential equations.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of model reference adaptive control (MRAS) to automatic steering of ships. The main advantages in this case are the simplified controller adjustment which yields safer operation and the decreased fuel cost. After discussion of the mathematical models of process and disturbances, criteria for optimal steering are defined. Algorithms are given for direct adaptation of the controller gains, applicable after setpoint changes, as well as for identification and adaptive state estimation, to be used when the input is constant. Solutions for applying MRAS to a certain class of nonlinear systems are dealt with. Full-scale trials at sea and tests with a scale model in a towing tank are described. It is shown that the autopilot designed indeed has the desired properties. Fuel savings up to 5% in comparison to conventional PID control are demonstrated. These savings are mainly possible because of the adaptive state estimator.  相似文献   

Adaptive Optimal Control (AOC) by reinforcement synthesis is proposed to facilitate the application of optimal control theory in feedback controls. Reinforcement synthesis uses the critic–actor architecture of reinforcement learning to carry out sequential optimization. Optimality conditions for AOC are formulated using the discrete minimum principle. A proof of the convergence conditions for the reinforcement synthesis algorithm is presented. As the final time extends to infinity, the reinforcement synthesis algorithm is equivalent to the Dual Heuristic dynamic Programming (DHP) algorithm, a version of approximate dynamic programming. Thus, formulating DHP with the AOC approach has rigorous proofs of optimality and convergence. The efficacy of AOC by reinforcement synthesis is demonstrated by solving a linear quadratic regulator problem.  相似文献   

为克服现有近似最优跟踪控制方法只能跟踪连续可微参考输入的局限,本文针对一类具有未知动态的连续时间非线性时不变仿射系统,提出了一种新的基于自适应动态规划的鲁棒近似最优跟踪控制方法.首先采用递归神经网络建立系统模型,然后建立评价神经网络对最优性能指标进行估计,从而得到最优性能指标偏导数的估计值,进而得到近似最优跟踪控制器,最后利用系统输出与参考输入之间的跟踪误差设计鲁棒项对神经网络建模误差进行补偿.分别针对两个非线性系统进行仿真实验,仿真结果表明了所提方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

Based on adaptive dynamic programming (ADP), the fixed-point tracking control problem is solved by a value iteration (Ⅵ) algorithm. First, a class of discrete-time (DT) nonlinear system with disturbance is considered. Second, the convergence of a Ⅵ algorithm is given. It is proven that the iterative cost function precisely converges to the optimal value, and the control input and disturbance input also converges to the optimal values. Third, a novel analysis pertaining to the range of the discount factor is presented, where the cost function serves as a Lyapunov function. Finally, neural networks (NNs) are employed to approximate the cost function, the control law, and the disturbance law. Simulation examples are given to illustrate the effective performance of the proposed method.   相似文献   

This paper provides a way to optimise the steady-state tracking performance of the adaptive control system in the presence of unknown external disturbances. A-priori knowledge of the dynamic model of the reference signal to be tracked is not completely known. Especially, the updatable non-empty admissible model set, which is consistent to the a-priori knowledge of the plant parameter and the online measurements, is computed. Treating the overall system performance as the criteria, the nominal model is optimally chosen within the admissible model set. The optimal nominal model is subsequently used to synthesise the optimal closed-loop controller that minimises the steady-state absolute value of the tracking error. Combining the above two aspects, an optimal adaptive control scheme is proposed. Because of the consistency of the identification criteria and control object, the adaptive control scheme proposed in this paper can achieve the overall optimal steady-state tracking performance, and the effect of the interplay between the identification and control of the adaptive system can be handled effectively. In addition, the computable optimal performance is also provided.  相似文献   

The theory and applications of adaptive control have developed very intensively. There are two reasons for this: variable parameters of controlled plants change within a broad range, on the one hand, and accuracy requirements to process equipment, aircraft systems etc. increase, on the other. Moreover, the wide use of digital computers permits now even complex adaptation algorithms to be easily realized. The paper attempts to review methods of design analysis and synthesis of adaptive systems (AS). Extreme systems, systems with passive adaptation and identification problems have not been considered. Since contributions of Soviet authors has been largely overlooked by the writers of earlier reviews (Åström, 1983; Fujii, 1981; and others) we have decided to focus our attention mainly on the results obtained in the U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

基于强化学习的浓密机底流浓度在线控制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
复杂过程工业控制一直是控制应用领域研究的前沿问题. 浓密机作为一种复杂大型工业设备广泛用于冶金、采矿等领域. 由于其在运行过程中具有多变量、非线性、高时滞等特点, 浓密机的底流浓度控制技术一直是学界、工业界的研究难点与热点. 本文提出了一种基于强化学习技术的浓密机在线控制算法. 该算法在传统启发式动态规划 (Heuristic dynamic programming, HDP)算法的基础上, 设计融合了评价网络与模型网络的双网结构, 并提出了基于短期经验回放的方法用于增强评价网络的训练准确性, 实现了对浓密机底流浓度的稳定控制, 并保持控制输入稳定在设定范围之内. 最后, 通过浓密机仿真实验的方式验证了算法的有效性, 实验结果表明本文提出的方法在时间消耗、控制精度上优于其他算法.  相似文献   

We present two dual control approaches to the model maintenance problem based on adaptive model predictive control (mpc). The controllers employ systematic self-excitation and design experiments that are performed under normal operation, resulting in improved control performance with smaller output variance and less control effort. Our control formulations offer a novel approach to the question of how to excite the plant input to generate informative data within the context of mpc and adaptive control. One controller actively tries to reduce the parameter-estimate error covariances; the other controller maximizes the information in the signals for enhanced learning. Our approach differs from existing ones in that we let our controllers converge to standard certainty equivalence (ce) mpc when the parameter uncertainty decreases or more information is generated, and as a result we avoid plant excitation when the uncertainty is low or enough information has been generated. We demonstrate that the controllers work well with a large number of tuning configurations and also address the issue of models that are not admissible for control design.  相似文献   

R.L. Lozano 《Automatica》1982,18(4):455-459
This paper considers a discrete-time adaptive control algorithm with a forgetting factor applicable to minimum phase plants. The tracking and regulation objectives are independently specified. The relevance of the eigenvalues of the gain matrix (Fk) used in the updating equation for the adaptive parameters (\?gq(k)) is shown. It is proved that if the maximum eigenvalue of the inverse of the gain matrix Fk has an upper bound and a non-zero lower bound then the global convergence of the control algorithm is insured. The result of the design is a simple control scheme using a linear constant feedforward controller and a nonlinear feedback controller. The performance of the control structure in tracking and regulation are evaluated by simulations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an observer-based adaptive optimal control method for unknown singularly perturbed nonlinear systems with input constraints. First, a multi-time scales dynamic neural network (MTSDNN) observer with a novel updating law derived from a properly designed Lyapunov function is proposed to estimate the system states. Then, an adaptive learning rule driven by the critic NN weight error is presented for the critic NN, which is used to approximate the optimal cost function. Finally, the optimal control action is calculated by online solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation associated with the MTSDNN observer and critic NN. The stability of the overall closed-loop system consisting of the MTSDNN observer, the critic NN and the optimal control action is proved. The proposed observer-based optimal control approach has an essential advantage that the system dynamics are not needed for implementation, and only the measured input/output data is needed. Moreover, the proposed optimal control design takes the input constraints into consideration and thus can overcome the restriction of actuator saturation. Simulation results are presented to confirm the validity of the investigated approach.   相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a novel reinforcement learning (RL) scheme for linear continuous-time dynamical systems. Different from traditional batch learning algorithms, an incremental learning approach is developed, which provides a more efficient way to tackle the on-line learning problem in real-world applications. We provide concrete convergence and robust analysis on this incremental-learning algorithm. An extension to solving robust optimal control problems is also given. Two simulation examples are also given to illustrate the effectiveness of our theoretical result.   相似文献   

基于自适应动态规划的导弹制导律研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孙景亮  刘春生 《自动化学报》2017,43(7):1101-1113
自适应动态规划(Adaptive dynamic programming,ADP)作为最优控制领域的近似优化方法,是求解复杂非线性系统最优控制问题的有力工具.近年来,已成为控制理论与计算智能领域的研究热点.本文着重介绍ADP算法的理论研究进展及其在航空航天领域的应用.分析了几种典型的制导律优化设计方法,以及ADP方法在导弹制导律设计中的应用现状和前景.  相似文献   

The aircraft energy-climb trajectory for configurations with a sharp transonic drag rise is well known to possess two branches in the altitude/Mach-number plane. Transition in altitude between the two branches occurs instantaneously, a ‘corner’ in the minimum-time solution obtained with the energy-state model. If the initial and final values of altitude do not lie on the energy-climb trajectory, then additional jumps (crude approximations to dives and zooms) are required at the initial and terminal points. With a singular-perturbation approach, a ‘boundary-layer’ correction is obtained for each altitude jump, the transonic jump being a so-called ‘internal’ boundary layer, different in character from the initial and terminal layers. The determination of this internal boundary layer is examined and some computational results for an example presented.  相似文献   

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