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李运达  李琦  丁胜晖  王骐 《激光与红外》2012,42(12):1372-1376
由于太赫兹波可穿透塑料、纸张、衣服等非金属、非极性物质,较X辐射具有较低的光子能量,且计算机辅助层析成像(CT)可获得物体内部结构信息,并可重构出物体的三维图像,因此太赫兹CT受到国际广泛关注。重点介绍了近年来太赫兹CT研究重点及具体状况,并分析了存在的问题和发展趋势。可为我国太赫兹CT技术的发展提供技术借鉴。  相似文献   

黄亚雄  姚建铨  凌福日  李丹 《激光与红外》2015,45(10):1261-1265
介绍了一种结合光学相干层析技术和太赫兹技术的太赫兹三维成像技术——太赫兹相干层析成像技术。该技术利用宽频太赫兹的弱相干原理,可以实现对待测样品进行高精度的三维成像。实验结果表明太赫兹相干层析成像技术的纵向分辨能力高于100 μm。在纵向探测精度方面,该技术相对传统的方案有了较大的提高,在高精度太赫兹无损探测领域具有巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

太赫兹波(THz)是频率介于毫米波与红外光之间的辐射。本文设计了一种太赫兹波混合器,通过透镜将太赫兹波聚焦到124×124热释电列阵相机,并对其所生成的图像进行计算机优化处理,同时,对有无透镜情况下的电场模值分布进行了仿真模拟比较。  相似文献   

系统仿真对于太赫兹雷达试验系统的优化设计具有重要意义.为对即将搭建的某多频段复用太赫兹雷达系统进行验证,本文以335 GHz 为例对该系统进行了方案设计和分析,带宽21.6 GHz,然后基于 Matlab/Simulink 设计了倍频、混频、正交解调等模块从而构建起太赫兹雷达Simulink系统,并以3个点目标为例进行了仿真,得到了雷达信号在各个阶段的频谱图,获得了3个点目标的距离像,距离像位置和分辨率与理论值一致.最后对结果误差和存在问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

吴俊政  严卫东  倪维平  张晗 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(8):825002-0825002(8)
太赫兹干涉成像原理简单,需要的探测单元少,数据获取效率高,在太赫兹成像应用中有很大发展潜力。研究了太赫兹干涉成像的原理,并设计了用于仿真成像的原理性方案。通过仿真实验分析了成像频率、圆周阵列半径、阵元数目对成像质量的影响以及成像系统的频率带宽。结果表明:在其他条件不变的情况下,成像频率越高,可有效成像要求的阵列半径越小;增加阵元数目可提高成像质量,但增加到一定数量后,提高不明显;均匀圆形阵列的有效成像带宽较宽。仿真结果所得到的结论为太赫兹干涉成像系统设计和实际应用提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

太赫兹科学与技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
太赫兹电磁波段的开发和利用具有重大的科学意义和潜在的应用价值,太赫兹科学技术已经成为本世纪最为重要的科技问题之一,除了本身具有很多重大的科学问题之外,它还是一种非常有效的研究手段。介绍了太赫兹科学技术的发展历史及国内外相关的发展情况,列举了太赫兹波的独特性质,概述了太赫兹科学技术在基础研究领域和应用研究领域的新进展。  相似文献   

太赫兹技术的独特性和优越性吸引着众多科学研究者的关注,在生物医药、信息科学、公共安全、量子研究和太空探测等领域具有巨大应用潜力。这些应用的有效性和可信度都需要以太赫兹相关参数的量值溯源为前提。文章以太赫兹光谱、频率、功率和强度等参数为对象,介绍了太赫兹计量研究的最新进展,分析了各种计量技术的特点,以期促进太赫兹计量技术发展,保障太赫兹研究和应用的量值可靠。  相似文献   

太赫兹波由于其独特的性质例如瞬态性、宽带性与相干性等,而具有非常重要的学术价值和应用前景。太赫兹成像技术是太赫兹波研究中的基础和一个重要方面,可广泛应用于无损检测、安全检查、光谱分析与生命科学等领域。本文讨论了基于太赫兹波的层析成像的过程与步骤、层析成像的方式以及相关的图像数据处理方法。  相似文献   

任姣姣  李丽娟  张丹丹  乔晓利 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(2):225002-0225002(6)
改性聚丙烯(PP)材料由于其阻燃、高抗冲性能等特点被广泛应用在汽车仪表板、保险杠等汽车配件中,采用无损探伤技术对改性PP材料进行检测是汽车配件质量保证的必要手段。搭建了透射式太赫兹时域光谱系统及反射式太赫兹时域光谱成像系统,采用透射式THz-TDS系统对改性PP材料的光学参数进行了检测,测定了该材料在太赫兹波段的折射率,其数值为1.53。设计了一种改性PP材料平底洞样品,采用反射式THz-TDS成像系统对其进行成像,采用了反卷积滤波技术对THz信号进行处理,提高了信号的信噪比,提出了一种基于飞行时间的太赫兹时域光谱层析成像技术,采用已测定的改性PP材料的折射率,通过飞行时间层析成像技术对该样品的太赫兹检测结果进行了三维重构,厚度测量精度为0.01mm。  相似文献   

太赫兹片上系统是一种将太赫兹产生和探测装置以及波导传输装置集成在同一基片上的设计,应用于晶体材料的共振吸收以实现对太赫兹时域光谱的探测。太赫兹产生与探测装置都由光电导天线构成,波导传输装置由微带线构成。微带线是一种能够传输高频电磁波的波导结构,但相比于自由空间波导具有高损耗和散射特性。为了研究微带线的结构参数对太赫兹波传输损耗的影响,采用模拟仿真的方法,得出了传输损耗随着传输长度和频率的增加而增加,随着微带线金属层厚度与介质层厚度的增加而减少的规律,从而证明了传输损耗的减少能够通过合理设计微带线结构来实现。  相似文献   

This paper describes a statistical image reconstruction method for X-ray computed tomography (CT) that is based on a physical model that accounts for the polyenergetic X-ray source spectrum and the measurement nonlinearities caused by energy-dependent attenuation. We assume that the object consists of a given number of nonoverlapping materials, such as soft tissue and bone. The attenuation coefficient of each voxel is the product of its unknown density and a known energy-dependent mass attenuation coefficient. We formulate a penalized-likelihood function for this polyenergetic model and develop an ordered-subsets iterative algorithm for estimating the unknown densities in each voxel. The algorithm monotonically decreases the cost function at each iteration when one subset is used. Applying this method to simulated X-ray CT measurements of objects containing both bone and soft tissue yields images with significantly reduced beam hardening artifacts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive a monotonic penalized-likelihood algorithm for image reconstruction in X-ray fluorescence computed tomography (XFCT) when the attenuation maps at the energies of the fluorescence X-rays are unknown. In XFCT, a sample is irradiated with pencil beams of monochromatic synchrotron radiation that stimulate the emission of fluorescence X-rays from atoms of elements whose K- or L-edges lie below the energy of the stimulating beam. Scanning and rotating the object through the beam allows for acquisition of a tomographic dataset that can be used to reconstruct images of the distribution of the elements in question. XFCT is a stimulated emission tomography modality, and it is thus necessary to correct for attenuation of the incident and fluorescence photons. The attenuation map is, however, generally known only at the stimulating beam energy and not at the energies of the various fluorescence X-rays of interest. We have developed a penalized-likelihood image reconstruction strategy for this problem. The approach alternates between updating the distribution of a given element and updating the attenuation map for that element's fluorescence X-rays. The approach is guaranteed to increase the penalized likelihood at each iteration. Because the joint objective function is not necessarily concave, the approach may drive the solution to a local maximum. To encourage the algorithm to seek out a reasonable local maximum, we include in the objective function a prior that encourages a relationship, based on physical considerations, between the fluorescence attenuation map and the distribution of the element being reconstructed.  相似文献   

低剂量CT重建中的双边滤波权值优化新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提升低剂量CT重建图像质量,本文提出了一种基于投影数据恢复导引的双边滤波权值优化方法.新方法有效地将CT投影数据恢复和图像数据恢复的两种低剂量成像策略进行结合,实现优质的低剂量CT重建.具体而言,本文中投影数据恢复采用三维块匹配滤波进行,图像数据恢复采用双边滤波进行,其中双边滤波权值进行优化设计.在双边滤波权值设计...  相似文献   

Thermoacoustic tomography (TAT) is an emerging imaging technique with great potential for a wide range of biomedical imaging applications. In this paper, we propose and investigate reconstruction approaches for TAT that are based on the half-time reflectivity tomography paradigm. We reveal that half-time reconstruction approaches permit for the explicit control of statistically complementary information that can result in the optimal reduction of image variances. We also show that half-time reconstruction approaches can mitigate image artifacts due to heterogeneous acoustic properties of an object. Reconstructed images and numerical results produced from simulated and experimental TAT measurement data are employed to demonstrate these effects.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional edge-preserving image enhancement for computed tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computed tomography (CT) images exhibit a variable amount of noise and blur, depending on the physical characteristics of the apparatus and the selected reconstruction method. Standard algorithms tend to favor reconstruction speed over resolution, thereby jeopardizing applications where accuracy is critical. In this paper, we propose to enhance CT images by applying half-quadratic edge-preserving image restoration (or deconvolution) to them. This approach may be used with virtually any CT scanner, provided the overall point-spread function can be roughly estimated. In image restoration, Markov random fields (MRFs) have proven to be very flexible a priori models and to yield impressive results with edge-preserving penalization, but their implementation in clinical routine is limited because they are often viewed as complex and time consuming. For these practical reasons, we focused on numerical efficiency and developed a fast implementation based on a simple three-dimensional MRF model with convex edge-preserving potentials. The resulting restoration method provides good recovery of sharp discontinuities while using convex duality principles yields fairly simple implementation of the optimization. Further reduction of the computational load can be achieved if the point-spread function is assumed to be separable. Synthetic and real data experiments indicate that the method provides significant improvements over standard reconstruction techniques and compares well with convex-potential Markov-based reconstruction, while being more flexible and numerically efficient.  相似文献   

Several statistical methods of image reconstruction are described and objectively compared through the use of receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) analysis based on a specified detection task performed by a human observer. The simulated imaging system is a multiple-pinhole coded-aperture system for dynamic cardiac imaging, and the objects represent cross sections of the left ventricle at end systole. The task is detection of a profusion representing an akinetic wall segment. Thirteen different reconstruction algorithms are considered. Human observers perform the specified task on this set of reconstructions, and the results are analyzed through the use of ROC analysis. The results show that the methods that utilize the largest amount of (accurate) prior information tend to perform the best.  相似文献   

Reconstructing low-dose X-ray computed tomography (CT) images is a noise problem. This work investigated a penalized weighted least-squares (PWLS) approach to address this problem in two dimensions, where the WLS considers first- and second-order noise moments and the penalty models signal spatial correlations. Three different implementations were studied for the PWLS minimization. One utilizes a Markov random field (MRF) Gibbs functional to consider spatial correlations among nearby detector bins and projection views in sinogram space and minimizes the PWLS cost function by iterative Gauss-Seidel algorithm. Another employs Karhunen-Loève (KL) transform to de-correlate data signals among nearby views and minimizes the PWLS adaptively to each KL component by analytical calculation, where the spatial correlation among nearby bins is modeled by the same Gibbs functional. The third one models the spatial correlations among image pixels in image domain also by a MRF Gibbs functional and minimizes the PWLS by iterative successive over-relaxation algorithm. In these three implementations, a quadratic functional regularization was chosen for the MRF model. Phantom experiments showed a comparable performance of these three PWLS-based methods in terms of suppressing noise-induced streak artifacts and preserving resolution in the reconstructed images. Computer simulations concurred with the phantom experiments in terms of noise-resolution tradeoff and detectability in low contrast environment. The KL-PWLS implementation may have the advantage in terms of computation for high-resolution dynamic low-dose CT imaging.  相似文献   

At present, the choice of bandwidth in emission computed tomography (ECT) reconstruction is done by subjective means. The authors develop an automated objective selection technique for linear reconstruction algorithms such as filtered backprojection. The approach is based on the method of unbiased risk estimation. A set of 2-D validation studies using computer simulated and physical phantom data from the Hoffman et al. (1990) brain phantom are carried out. These 2-D studies incorporate measured corrections for object attenuation and lack of uniformity in detector sensitivity. It is found that the unbiased risk approach works very well. Over a range of count rates and brain slice source distributions, the root mean square (RMS) error of the fully automated reconstruction, with the data-dependent choice of bandwidth, is around 5% greater than the RMS error for the reconstruction with an ideal choice of the bandwidth.  相似文献   

At the advent of multislice computed tomography ICT) a variety of approximate cone-beam algorithms have been proposed suited for reconstruction of small cone-angle CT data in a spiral mode of operation. The goal of this study is to identify a practical and efficient approximate cone-beam method, extend its potential for medical use, and demonstrate its performance at medium cone-angles required for area detector CT. We will investigate two different approximate single-slice rebinning algorithms for cone-beam CT: the multirow Fourier reconstruction (MFR) and an extension of the advanced single-slice rebinning method (ASSR), which combines the idea of ASSR with a z-filtering approach. Thus, both algorithms, MFR and ASSR, are formulated in the framework of z-filtering using optimized spiral interpolation algorithms. In each view, X-ray samples to be used for reconstruction are identified, which describe an approximation to a virtual reconstruction plane. The performance of approximate reconstruction should improve as the virtual reconstruction plane better fits the spiral focus path. The image quality of the respective reconstruction will be assessed with respect to image artifacts, spatial resolution, contrast resolution, and image noise. It turns out that the ASSR method using tilted reconstruction planes is a practical and efficient algorithm, providing image quality comparable to that of a single-row scanning system even with a 46-row detector at a table feed of 64 mm. Both algorithms tolerate any table feed below the maximum value associated to the detector height. Due to the z-filter approach, all detector data sampled can be used for image reconstruction.  相似文献   

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