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紫外星敏感器光学系统设计及其鬼像分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱杨  张新  伍雁雄  张建萍  史广维  王灵杰 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(1):118003-0118003(6)
针对空间紫外波段航天器自主导航姿态敏感器的特殊需求,提出基于正组为FK5和熔石英、负组为QF1的新型紫外玻璃组合方法,设计了波段330~365 nm、焦距80 mm、F数1.6、视场角88的紫外星敏感器。基于近轴鬼像能量计算的方法对鬼像抑制指标进行计算。利用Code V对系统轴上一阶鬼像进行初步的分析与判断,再利用非序列光线追迹对系统轴外多阶鬼像进行仿真计算,得到完备的轴外鬼像能量分布。结果表明,该光学系统结构紧凑,像质良好,各视场成像弥散斑均方根半径10 m内能量集中度大于80%,相对畸变优于0.05%,在相差7等星的动态范围下,像面处亮星最大鬼像光斑照度仅为暗星照度的1/21,满足紫外星敏感器的探测需求。  相似文献   

由于航空遥感器要求的分辨率愈来愈高,因此需要更为精确的像移补偿模型.本文针对拍照时飞机姿态角变化在遥感器像面处所引起的姿态像移,运用光线矢量与坐标系旋转相结合的方法建立遥感器姿态变化过程的数学模型.通过坐标系的旋转表示姿态的变化,根据遥感器姿态变化前后像面上各离散点的光线矢量之差,获得遥感器的姿态像移在像面上的大小与分布特征.运用该像移模型对遥感器姿态像移进行分析,提出减小姿态像移的工程措施.  相似文献   

提出了一种有效的星像坐标提取方法,该方法根据星像拖尾的特点,通过对拖尾星像进行预处理使之接近理想的星像特征,然后采用重心算法提取其星像坐标.仿真结果表明该方法提取的星像坐标误差比直接采用重心算法提取的星像坐标误差明显减少,从而提高了星敏感器的精度和机动性.  相似文献   

星敏感器镜头畸变模型选择   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
精确的成像模型是星敏感器高精度姿态测量的关键,尤其是成像模型中镜头畸变模型的选择。根据几何推断的最大信息量准则,对不同的镜头畸变模型在不同星点位置的噪声水平以及不同畸变系数情况进行了仿真比较,并通过实验进行了验证。实验结果与仿真分析结果一致,结果表明:在镜头畸变系数小于2e-5且星点位置噪声水平小于0.5像素时,采用一阶径向畸变模型即可;当镜头畸变系数大于2e-5或星点位置噪声水平大于0.5像素时,可采用3参数的一阶径向畸变加一阶切向畸变,更多参数及更高阶模型的优势并不明显。  相似文献   

利用仿真星图的星敏感器地面功能测试方法   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种基于仿真星图的星敏感器地面功能测试方法.该方法对卫星(飞行器)运动轨道和姿态参数及星敏感器的姿态参数进行仿真计算、模拟生成星敏感器在轨状态下的仿真星图.星敏感器以此仿真星图作为测试信号源,通过对仿真星图的处理,实现对星点定位、星图识别、姿态计算等功能的全面测试.为简化电路设计,该方法选用星敏感器现有接口作为通讯接口.为满足功能测试的实时性需求,采取局部更新的手段来减少星图传输数据量.实验表明,该方法能对星敏感器电子部件的功能进行有效验证,在使用RS232接口、波特率设置为115 200 bps的情况下,可以实现20 Hz数据更新率的测试.该方法实现简单、通用性强且不依赖其他外部设备,可以满足航天环境试验和整星联调阶段的功能测试任务要求.  相似文献   

为提高船用星敏感器姿态测量精度,对星敏感器船体姿态测量误差模型进行了理论分析。首先针对船用星敏感器的使用环境构建了船用星敏感器观测模型,然后推导了基于角度测量的船用星敏感器误差模型,最后仿真分析了星敏感器地平滚动角测量误差、安装角度对船体姿态测量精度的影响。误差模型与仿真结果表明,星敏感器地平姿态测量误差、安装角度标定误差以及安装布局等是影响船体姿态测量精度的主要因素,其中当星敏感器地平滚动角测量误差为100″时,船体姿态测量误差最大可达112″;安装布局对船体姿态测量精度有一定的影响,其中船体姿态测量误差随安装方位角的变化而呈周期性振荡趋势,纵摇测量误差随安装仰角的增加而增大;当星敏感器沿艏艉线方向安装时,航向测量误差随安装仰角的增加而增大,当沿垂直于艏艉线方向布局时,横摇测量误差随安装仰角的增加而增大。  相似文献   

为分析星敏感器内部各误差因素对其测量精度的影响,建立了星敏感器的理想模型和实际模型;基于几何成像理论,分析了焦距误差、主点偏移、光学镜头畸变、焦平面倾斜以及焦平面绕视轴方向的旋转等误差因素对星光成像矢量测量精度、视场内星间角距测量精度的影响,设计了测量精度评价指标,并通过仿真实验进行了定量分析,论证了不同参数误差、不同观星方位与测量精度的关系,焦距误差、主点偏移和镜头畸变是影响测量精度的主要因素,在使用时必须加以校正。  相似文献   

星敏感器高动态下自主星跟踪算法   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
当飞行器大角速度机动时,采用传统的星跟踪算法来提取星像坐标时,必须选取较大的扫描星图区域,从而增加了区域内包含其它星像部分像元或全部像元的可能,需要多次采用星对角距比较来选取正确的星像坐标,因此,在选取正确的星像坐标时增加了误匹配的可能。为此,文中提出一种星敏感器高动态下自主星跟踪算法,首先根据前邻时刻的瞬时姿态来预测下一时刻的输出姿态,再利用预测姿态预测当前时刻恒星在下一时刻的星像坐标,最后扫描在以预测的星像坐标为中心的星图范围内提取实际的恒星星像坐标。这样克服了采用传统星跟踪算法带来的数据更新率低、可能误匹配高甚至不能提取正确地星像坐标的缺点。最后,采用该方法进行了仿真验证以及外场观星试验。  相似文献   

为了验证高精度星敏感器是否能承受飞行器发射过程中产生的随机振动载荷,对其进行了随机振动分析.从振动理论人手,详细阐述了高精度星敏感器随机振动分析过程中功率谱密度的确定.利用有限元分析软件Patran和Nastran对其进行随机振动分析,结果表明发射过程中产生的随机振动对高精度星敏感器的影响非常小,为其结构设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

星敏感器地面标定设备的设计   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了实现星敏感器的地面标定试验,设计一套视场大且星间角距模拟精度高的星敏感器地面标定系统,对标定系统的组成、光学系统设计和模拟仿真精度等进行研究。根据星敏感器的地面标定要求介绍系统组成,提出实现星间角距模拟精度优于20的方法;采用新型显示器件LCOS 作为星图显示器,通过像面拼接的方法扩大视场,并据此利用Zemax 软件设计光学系统。在原有测量方法的基础上,给出地面标定设备的精度评价方法。并提出一种能够提高星间角距模拟精度的星点修正方法。实验结果表明:星敏感器地面标定设备的星间角距模拟精度小于20,满足对星敏感器进行地面标定试验的要求。  相似文献   

CMOS图像传感器及其研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了CMOS图像传感器的工作原理,比较了CCD图像传感器与CMOS图像传感器的优缺点,指出了CMOS图像传感器的技术问题和解决途径,综述了CMOS图像传感器的现状和发展趋势.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new three-dimensional electromechanical model of the two cardiac ventricles designed both for the simulation of their electrical and mechanical activity, and for the segmentation of time series of medical images. First, we present the volumetric biomechanical models built. Then the transmembrane potential propagation is simulated, based on FitzHugh-Nagumo reaction-diffusion equations. The myocardium contraction is modeled through a constitutive law including an electromechanical coupling. Simulation of a cardiac cycle, with boundary conditions representing blood pressure and volume constraints, leads to the correct estimation of global and local parameters of the cardiac function. This model enables the introduction of pathologies and the simulation of electrophysiology interventions. Moreover, it can be used for cardiac image analysis. A new proactive deformable model of the heart is introduced to segment the two ventricles in time series of cardiac images. Preliminary results indicate that this proactive model, which integrates a priori knowledge on the cardiac anatomy and on its dynamical behavior, can improve the accuracy and robustness of the extraction of functional parameters from cardiac images even in the presence of noisy or sparse data. Such a model also allows the simulation of cardiovascular pathologies in order to test therapy strategies and to plan interventions.  相似文献   

Pixel image lag in a 4-T CMOS image sensor is analyzed and simulated in a two-dimensional model. Strategies of reducing image lag are discussed from transfer gate channel threshold voltage doping adjustment, PPD N-type doping dose/implant tilt adjustment and transfer gate operation voltage adjustment for signal electron transfer. With the computer analysis tool ISE-TCAD, simulation results show that minimum image lag can be obtained at a pinned photodiode n-type doping dose of 7.0 × 1012 cm–2, an implant tilt of –2o, a transfer gate channel doping dose of 3.0 × 1012 cm-2 and an operation voltage of 3.4 V. The conclusions of this theoretical analysis can be a guideline for pixel design to improve the performance of 4-T CMOS image sensors.  相似文献   

于俊庭  李斌桥  于平平  徐江涛  牟村 《半导体学报》2010,31(9):094011-094011-5
Pixel image lag in a 4-T CMOS image sensor is analyzed and simulated in a two-dimensional model.Strategies of reducing image lag are discussed from transfer gate channel threshold voltage doping adjustment,PPD N-type doping dose/implant tilt adjustment and transfer gate operation voltage adjustment for signal electron transfer.With the computer analysis tool ISE-TCAD,simulation results show that minimum image lag can be obtained at a pinned photodiode n-type doping dose of 7.0×10~(12) cm~(-2),an implant ...  相似文献   

The authors have developed a novel image sensor for continuous conditioned monitoring of high-precision tolerances of a complex automotive product. A novel mechanooptical arrangement has been designed and validated to capture the images/silhouettes of the components as input into a neural network designed on approximate reasoning architecture. The design is extensible to handle a large number of rules, and the speed of inference is almost independent of the number of rules.  相似文献   

CMOS图象传感器技术及其研究进展*   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
简要介绍了图象传感器的技术原理,比较了CCDs和CMOS图象传感器的技术特点。通过了解单片CMOS图象传感器的系统结构功能与器件类型,分析了单片CMOS图象传感器的性能要求与技术难点,总结出了提高性能所要进一步研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic texture motion analysis: theory and simulation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A theoretical model was previously developed to evaluate the relationship between the dynamics of ultrasonic speckle and its underlying tissue. The model is divided into an instrumental part represented by the point spread function (in the far field) of the ultrasonic apparatus and a moving tissue component described by a collection of scatterers. By computing the convolution of these terms and then the envelope, one obtains a simulated ultrasonic speckle pattern sequence which shows speckle motions closely linked to the tissue dynamics when small motion amplitudes are involved. Here, a theoretical study of the correlation between various linear transformations of the tissue and the corresponding ultrasonic speckle motions is performed, based on a 2D extension of the envelope cross-correlation analysis of a narrow-band Gaussian noise. In the linear scan case, obviously, tissue translation generates an identical speckle translation. However, tissue/speckle motion correlation decreases with increasing rotation and/or biaxial deformation, lateral deformation (perpendicular to the beam propagation axis) being much less sensitive. With respect to the transducer frequency, the rotation and the axial deformation of the tissue show a better relationship with their respective speckle motion at lower frequencies while lateral deformation correlation is independent of the pulse frequency. With respect to beam (pulse) size parameters, tissue/speckle correlation decreases with rotation when a wide ultrasonic beam is used while the axial deformation correlation decreases with the axial duration of the pulse. This study sets the ground for the development of an ultrasonic strain gauge particularly useful for the assessment of biomechanical soft tissue and fluid flow properties based on speckle tracking.  相似文献   

施春强  郭道省 《电讯技术》2012,52(5):741-747
分析了临近空间通信信道的衰减特性,从多径衰落和降雨衰减两个方面综合考虑, 建立了一种新的两状态信道统计模型,使用MATLAB进行了计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,该模 型能够较好地反映临近空间通信的信道特性,对于临近空间通信的开发和研究具有重要意义 。  相似文献   

传统的运动合理性判断方法判断效率和判断准确度不高,为此,提出基于三维图像的运动合理性判断方法。利用三维图像人体运动模型采集人体运动数据,并以人体的新陈代谢速度和肌肉中乳酸含量为分类依据,对隐含运动损伤数据和人体合理运动数据进行分类。分类结果经由人体状态特征解析函数,解析出分类结果中的人体状态是否合法。将解析出的合法数据输入到运动合理性判断仿真模型中,利用正逆向动力学确定人体结构参数、给出运动合理性判断结果。实验结果证明,所提方法的运动仿真误差较低、判断效率和判断准确度较高。  相似文献   

The logarithmic image processing (LIP) model is a mathematical theory providing generalized linear operations for image processing. The gigavision sensor (GVS) is a new imaging device that can be described by a statistical model. In this paper, by studying these two seemingly unrelated models, we develop a generalized LIP (GLIP) model. With the LIP model being its special case, the GLIP model not only provides new insights into the LIP model but also defines new image representations and operations for solving general image processing problems that are not necessarily related to the GVS. A new parametric LIP model is also developed. To illustrate the application of the new scalar multiplication operation, we propose an energy-preserving algorithm for tone mapping, which is a necessary step in image dehazing. By comparing with results using two state-of-the-art algorithms, we show that the new scalar multiplication operation is an effective tool for tone mapping.  相似文献   

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