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奶牛养殖作为奶业产业链中间环节,连接上游饲料种植与下游乳制品加工,是产业链中关键环节。本研究基于2013-2022年黑龙江省奶牛养殖统计数据,采用描述性统计法从牛奶产量、奶牛存栏量、养殖规模、奶牛养殖区域分布、高产牧场、生鲜乳收购价格、养殖效益等方面阐述黑龙江省奶牛养殖业发展变化,以期为乳企提供参考。  相似文献   

美国的乳及乳制品产量在世界上是名列前茅的。联合国粮农组织(FAO)资料指出:1979年全世界乳产量为42082万吨。苏联夺魁,美国第二。美国1956年有奶牛2321万头,牛奶总产量5691万吨;25年后,1979年奶牛总头数减少了一半,即1080万头,但牛奶总产量仍为5570万吨,奶牛的半均单产翻了一番。50年代以后,美国的牛奶产量已难持稳定。  相似文献   

中国的乳业成为人们对食品行业最为敏感的风向标之一,由此导致了人们的消费心理极度恐慌的同时,也对进口产品萌生了超过产品本身的期待。虽然极度不安,但人们对牛奶的重要性和难以替代的认识还是十分清晰的,因此市场对乳品需求量逐步加大,市场潜力十分诱人。为了满足国内对牛奶不断上升的需求,同时重塑国内乳品行业,中国做出很多努力。2008年曝出的牛奶丑闻严重影响了中国的乳业,导致消费者倾向进口牛奶。目前,中国奶牛的产乳量只有美国奶牛的一半,鼓励外国投资者带着资金和技术进入这一行业。同时也在通过航运购买国外高产奶牛,由此在中国上演了一场轰轰烈烈的进口奶牛的热潮。目前,澳洲奶牛出口量已经膨胀到了前所未有的地步。据估计,今年逾八成的出口奶牛都将落脚于中国。尽管如此,依然难以满足国内快速增长的喝奶需求。  相似文献   

时下,牛乳几乎成为乳业毋庸置疑的代名词,这与牛乳的产量、养殖以及其他乳品的短板所决定的,但落差和短板常常也成为空间和机遇。在中国牛奶行业的发展陷入风波不断、消费者不断流失的藩篱尴尬之中的时候,一直波澜不惊的特色乳业品类如山羊奶、水牛奶、牦牛奶等特殊乳业的发展却带给我们不断的惊喜,给中国乳业沉闷的市场天空涂抹了一丝靓丽风...  相似文献   

<正>新西兰在全球乳业有着举足轻重的地位,虽然产量在世界上排名第八,但却是世界上主要的乳制品出口国,2014/2015年度,新西兰生产的牛奶仅占全世界产量的3%,但出口量却占世界奶类贸易额的1/3以上,这意味着国内有限的乳业消费市场难以满足新西兰生产的牛奶,所以绝大多数乳制品都用于出口了。谈到新西兰乳业的成功之处,往往会从自然环境说起。新西兰得天独厚的优势条件,适宜的气候,优质的牧草,奠定了行业生存的根基。在加上低成本的奶牛养殖系统,有技术、有积极性的农场经营者和员工,政府的出口导向,产品  相似文献   

小规模养殖散户是奶牛养殖行业不可忽视的力量,但是2008年三鹿牌"婴幼儿奶粉事件"发生后,政府提出优质化、规模化、标准化、机械化、合作化的养殖建议,小规模养殖散户有逐渐退出乳业的趋势。本文针对不同学者关于奶牛养殖模式的演化、影响因素及效率的研究进展做较详细的文献综述,有望梳理奶业发展演化轨迹,理清影响奶牛养殖模式及效率的主要影响因素,探寻奶牛业可持续发展的路径。  相似文献   

(一)日本奶牛饲养业概况: 日本奶牛饲养业及以此为基础的乳品工业的历史,还不到一百年。1955年以后,才有了较快的发展。从那时起,饲养奶牛的农户数和奶牛头数日益增多,生奶产量每年递增7~12%。1963年日本饲养奶牛的农户达到42万户。以后,由于资本主义的激烈竞争,规模较小的饲养奶牛的农户每年减少3~5%。日本奶牛饲养业也趋向集团化。1971年~1972年,由于奶牛头数减少,牛奶产量也受到影响,1974年以后,日本牛奶价格大幅度上涨,予计日本牛奶主要产地的北海道的奶牛饲养业将会再次有新的发展。  相似文献   

<正> 当今的中国乳业正在实现发展转型,乳业对外开放程度也在不断加大,乳业面临的国际国内市场竞争压力也在加大,一方面已经有两家企业进入世界20强之列,另一方面,乳品进口猛增,贸易逆差不断扩大,中国正在逐步融入国际市场,而国际乳品市场的不确定性正在加大,波动加剧,如何认识我国乳业的现状,如何应对两个市场两种资源的挑战,实现我国乳业的健康可持续发展,是我们必须回答的课题。一、乳业产业链条各个节点对现状和竞争力的影响1.奶业原奶是乳业的第一车间中国奶牛存栏量和奶类产量均居世界第三位,增长速度远高出世界平均水平,高于大部分奶业强国数倍,具有一定的优势。另一方面,目前中国只能算一个奶业大国,离奶业强国的差  相似文献   

目的:分析校园奶牛养殖的成本-效益,评估其在农村学生营养改善中的作用,探讨农村学校开展校园奶牛养殖的可行性和可持续性,为农村学校选择适宜的营养改善措施提供科学依据。方法:使用问卷调查收集校园奶牛养殖的成本、牛奶产量和收益;通过与校长访谈,了解开展校园奶牛养殖的总体情况;实地考察学校食堂和奶牛养殖场地,分析学生就餐情况以及在奶牛养殖项目中的受益情况。结果:校园奶牛养殖为盈利项目。通过校园奶牛养殖提供牛奶的方式,提供10g蛋白质的成本为0.6元,低于直接购买牛奶的成本(2.1元)。一头奶牛每学年的产奶量(6 205kg)能给93名学生补充一学年的优质蛋白质(10g/人/d)。满足一所中等规模学校(400人)学生一学年的优质蛋白质需要量(25g/人/d),每学年需要养殖11头奶牛。结论:校园奶牛养殖是获得优质动物蛋白质成本较低的方式,在无法购买市售奶类、并在提高管理技能和食品安全意识的情况下,可将校园养殖奶牛作为学生饮用奶类来源之一。  相似文献   

<正>据外媒报道,欧盟将于4月起废牛奶配额制度,然而欧盟委员会预计,受奶牛数量减少影响,2015年至2016年间牛奶产量的增长率会低于2%欧盟奶农已受牛奶配额制度限制30年,相关人士担心配额制度废除后,牛奶产量会大幅提升。然而专家认为,由于目前奶牛数量呈现小幅下滑,任何增长都应该是提升生产率的结果  相似文献   

Addition of whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI) or soy protein isolate (SPI) to salt-soluble muscle proteins (SSP) decreased the gel strength. WPI:SSP gels had higher water-holding capacity than SSP, SSP:WPC or SSP:SPI gels. Myosin heavy chain was a principal contributor to gel network formation in SSP, SSP:WPC, SSP:WPI and SSP:SPI systems. The characteristic fibrous network formed by SSP was the dominant feature of the microstructure of SSP:WPC and SSP:WPI gels. SSP:SPI gels had a more aggregated appearance due to the occurrence of clusters of SPI throughout the gel matrix.  相似文献   

The addition of dairy proteins to exhaustively washed chicken breast muscle improved the emulsion stability in heated cream layers (emulsions) containing whey protein concentrate (WPC) or whey protein isolate (WPI). The initial weight of the heated cream layers made with WPC or WPI was heavier than those for sodium caseinate (CNate) or milk protein isolate (MPI). The addition of CNate or MPI resulted in decreased emulsion stability and increased inhibition of myosin heavy chain and actin participation in the emulsion formation compared to WPC or WPI.  相似文献   

The functionality of whey proteins can be modified by many approaches; for example, via complexation with carbohydrates, enzymatic cross-linking, or hydrolysis, and the objective of this work was to research the effects of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) treatments on the functionalities of commercial whey protein products including whey protein isolates (WPI) and whey protein concentrates (WPC). The WPI and WPC powders and a 10% (wt/vol) WPI solution were treated with scCO2. The WPI solution was treated at 40°C and 10 MPa for 1 h, whereas WPI and WPC powders were treated with scCO2 at 65°C and 10 or 30 MPa for 1 h. Dynamic rheological tests were used to characterize gelation properties before and after processing. Compared with the unprocessed samples and samples processed with N2 under similar conditions, scCO2-treated WPI, whether dispersed in water or in the powder form during treatments, formed a gel with increased strength. The improvement in gelling properties was more significant for the scCO2-treated WPC. In addition, the scCO2-processed WPI and WPC powders appeared to be fine and free-flowing, in contrast to the clumps in the unprocessed samples. Proximate compositional and surface hydrophobicity analyses indicated that both compositional and structural changes may have contributed to enhanced whey protein functionalities. The results suggest that functionalities of whey proteins can be improved by scCO2 treatment to produce novel ingredients.  相似文献   

Functionality of extrusion--texturized whey proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whey, a byproduct of the cheesemaking process, is concentrated by processors to make whey protein concentrates (WPC) and isolates (WPI). Only 50% of whey proteins are used in foods. In order to increase their usage, texturizing WPC, WPI, and whey albumin is proposed to create ingredients with new functionality. Extrusion processing texturizes globular proteins by shearing and stretching them into aligned or entangled fibrous bundles. In this study, WPC, WPI, and whey albumin were extruded in a twin screw extruder at approximately 38% moisture content (15.2 ml/min, feed rate 25 g/min) and, at different extrusion cook temperatures, at the same temperature for the last four zones before the die (35, 50, 75, and 100 degrees C, respectively). Protein solubility, gelation, foaming, and digestibility were determined in extrudates. Degree of extrusion-induced insolubility (denaturation) or texturization, determined by lack of solubility at pH 7 for WPI, increased from 30 to 60, 85, and 95% for the four temperature conditions 35, 50, 75, and 100 degrees C, respectively. Gel strength of extruded isolates increased initially 115% (35 degrees C) and 145% (50 degrees C), but gel strength was lost at 75 and 100 degrees C. Denaturation at these melt temperatures had minimal effect on foaming and digestibility. Varying extrusion cook temperature allowed a new controlled rate of denaturation, indicating that a texturized ingredient with a predetermined functionality based on degree of denaturation can be created.  相似文献   

Influence of dialyzable compounds on the Theological properties (shear stress and shear strain at failure) of heat-induced whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein isolate (WPI) gels was examined. Dialyzing WPC and WPI suspensions prior to gelation increased the stress of two of three WPC gels and a WPI gel. Dialysis also significantly increased the strain of the same two WPC gels, normalizing all strain values. Replacement of calcium lost through dialysis did not significantly change gel rheology. However, chelating calcium caused a significant decrease in the stress of all gels: a minimum amount of calcium and/or a calcium complex appears to have a major role in whey protein gelation.  相似文献   

Encapsulation performance of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) produced by whey proteins and maltodextrin were examined for microencapsulation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) using spray-drying. CLA was encapsulated using 3 different wall materials containing a single constituent such as whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI), and maltodextrin (MD), and 4 different MRPs. For the development of MRPs, ratios of WPC to MD were 1:2 and 1:3, whereas those of WPI to MD were 1:5 and 1:10. CLA and wall material were mixed and homogenized, and then spraydried. The physical properties of encapsulated CLA powders were characterized by particle size and morphology, ζ-potential, flowability, solubility, and dispersibility. The CLA powders coated with WPI-based MRPs have better encapsulation efficiency, water solubility, and smaller particle size than those coated with WPI, WPC, or MD alone. These encapsulated CLA powders have a number of possible utilities as ingredients in a variety of foods.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in understanding the basic chemical and structural properties of the principal whey proteins, that is, β‐lactoglobulin β‐Lg), α‐lactalbumin (α‐La), bovine serum albumin (BSA), and immunoglobulin (Ig). This knowledge has been acquired in terms of: (1) procedures for isolation, purification, and characterization of the individual whey proteins in buffer solutions; and (2) whey fractionation technologies for manufacturing whey protein concentrates (WPC) with improved chemical and functional properties in food systems. This article is a critical review of selected publications related to (1) whey fractionation technology for manufacturing WPC and WPI; (2) fundamental properties of whey proteins; and (3) factors that affect protein functionality, that is, composition, protein structure, and processing.  相似文献   

<正> 乳清和乳清蛋白产品在过去的60多年中已经被成功应用于冰淇淋和其他冷冻乳制品甜食中。甜乳清、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量34~89%)和乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量≥90%)是最常用的乳清产品。其他的乳清配料,如脱乳糖乳清和脱盐乳清也是常用的配料。成本优势和提升产品质量是使用乳清产品的主要出发点,  相似文献   

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