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Agile software development methods are mostly built as a set of managerial guidelines and development concepts on how to handle a software development but are not bounded to software development paradigms like object or agent orientation. Some methods, like eXtreme Programming and SCRUM are driven by operational requirements representation models called User Stories. These User Stories can be used as an anchoring point to agile methods; this means that we could take a User Stories set to drive a software transformation approach embedded in a particular development paradigm. This paper presents a process fragment for Multi-Agent Systems development with agile methods based on User Stories sets. The process fragment indeed takes advantage of an initial set of User Stories to build a reasoning model (called the Rationale Tree; typically several of these are built for a single project) that documents decompositions and means-end alternatives in scenarios for requirements realization. A Rationale Tree can then be aligned with a Multi-Agent design and implemented in an agent-oriented development language. In this paper the transformation is targeted to the JAVA Agent DEvelopment (JADE) framework. The process fragment (at least partially) covers the Requirements Analysis, Multi-Agent System Design and Multi-Agent System Implementation phases. Transformation from one phase to the other is overseen and illustrated on an example.  相似文献   

Ontologies offer significant benefits to multi-agent systems: interoperability, reusability, support for multi-agent system (MAS) development activities (such as system analysis and agent knowledge modeling) and support for MAS operation (such as agent communication and reasoning). This paper presents an ontology-based methodology, MOBMAS, for the analysis and design of multi-agent systems. MOBMAS is the first methodology that explicitly identifies and implements the various ways in which ontologies can be used in the MAS development process and integrated into the MAS model definitions. In this paper, we present comprehensive documentation and validation of MOBMAS.  相似文献   

提出采用面向自动化测试的测试用例设计格式,通过QTP的编程功能,使用外部数据源来实现较复杂的数据驱动测试。具体方法是采用Excel作为测试数据源,制定Excel中测试数据的设计格式,建立专用的函数库来操作Excel数据,实现以数据为驱动的自动化测试。这一方法能有效地实现测试数据与测试脚本的分离,同时,测试数据的设计操作变得方便,数据的可读性增强,提高了测试效率和测试数据的维护效率。  相似文献   

敏捷方法在软件项目开发中的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前很多企业内中小型软件项目面临开发时间紧迫、人手不足、需求不断变化的困难,传统重量级的软件开发方法无法应对这样的挑战.敏捷方法是基于实践的软件开发方法学,为解决这类轻量级项目管理和开发所碰到的问题提供了新的思路.通过分析敏捷方法的主要目标、观点和原则,并结合一个实际的管理信息系统项目开发,从项目计划、项目文档、重构的改进和项目维护的4个方面探讨了敏捷方法的实践应用.实践证明,采用敏捷方法的观点和原则进行必要的改进,能取得项目开发的成功.  相似文献   

软件测试的实施效果直接影响到软件的质量,目前出现了一些测试模型,并且有一定的实用性,例如V模型、W模型、X模型等,其中X测试模型正受到越来越多的关注.对当前颇为流行的敏捷开发模式进行了一定的研究之后,适当地调整模块任务分配的粒度,软件开发过程中采用了X测试模型,并根据具体开发情况对X测试模型进行了相应的调整与改进,体现出其较好的应用效果,对中小型软件开发的测试有着很好的适用性.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with modelling, analysis and implementation of embedded control systems using RT-DEVS, i.e. a specialization of classic discrete event system specification (DEVS) for real-time. RT-DEVS favours model continuity, i.e. the possibility of using the same model for property analysis (by simulation or model checking) and for real time execution. Special case tools are reported in the literature for RT-DEVS model analysis and design. In this work, temporal analysis of a model exploits a translation in Uppaal timed automata for exhaustive verification. For large models a simulator was realized in Java which directly stems from RT-DEVS operational semantics. The same concerns are at the basis of a real-time executive. The paper describes the proposed RT-DEVS development methodology and clarifies its implementation status. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to an embedded system example which is analyzed through model checking and implemented in Java. Finally, research directions which deserve further work are indicated.  相似文献   

Mechatronic design aims to integrate the models developed during the mechatronic design process, in order to be able to optimize the overall mechatronic system performance. A lot of work has been done in the last few years by researchers and software developers to achieve this objective. However, the level of integration does not yet meet the purposes of mechatronic system designers, particularly when dealing with modeling changes. Therefore, new methodologies are required to manage the multi-view complexity of mechatronic design. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent methodology for the multi-abstraction modeling issue of mechatronic systems. The major contribution deals with proposing a new method for the decomposition of the multi-level design into agents linked with relationships. Each agent is representing an abstraction level and both agent and relationships are managed with rules. By considering an application to a piezoelectric energy harvesting system, we show how we associate agents, rules and inter-level relationships to multi-abstraction modeling. We also show how modeling errors are identified using this approach.  相似文献   

The design of a complex embedded control system involves integration of large number of components. These components need to interact in a timely fashion to achieve the system level end-to-end requirements. In practice, the component level timing specification consists of design attributes like component task mapping, task period and schedule definition but often lack details on their real-time (functional) requirements. As we observe, there is no systematic methodology in place for decomposing the feature level timing requirements into component level timing requirements. This paper proposes an early stage time-budgeting methodology to bridge the above gap. A salient proposal of this methodology is to consider parameterized component timing-requirements. A key step in the methodology involves computing a set of constraints by relating component requirements with feature requirements. This enables the separation of timing constraints from functionality decomposition, and facilitates early optimization of the component time-budget for a complex component based embedded system. This paper formalizes the proposed methodology by using Parametric Temporal Logic. A case study involving two advanced features from the automotive domain, namely Adaptive Cruise Control and Collision Mitigation is given to demonstrate the methodology.  相似文献   

A radio-frequency identification (RFID) system including hardware and software may be updated from time to time after first time deployment. To ensure the reliability of the system, extensive tests are required. However, enumerating all test cases is infeasible, especially when the tests involve time-consuming hardware operations. To solve this problem, we propose a testing methodology for RFID systems which does not enumerate all test cases but rather those which are representative. A clustering method is adopted in selecting representative test cases. Although a small number of selected test cases are run, we can still obtain a relatively high bug detection rate compared with running the enumerated test cases. Our extensive experiments show the efficiency and effectiveness of our testing methodology.  相似文献   

Decision-making and control are two of the foremost key ingredients in any autonomous intelligent system. Their codesign has been well-recognized even since the early days of control [1]. Recently, motivated by the wide applications of physical networked systems in different areas to cooperatively meet some cyber computation/communication objectives and constraints, there is an urgent need towards an efficient decision-making and control co-design for these cyber-physical systems. In such designs, we are required to determine distributed rules that can steer these physical plants to a steady-state corresponding to system-level decisionmaking problems. Nevertheless, the twisted complexities resulting from different aspects related to optimization, control, and computation become a great challenge to resolve such problems....  相似文献   

本文针对速度不可测下的多智能体系统提出一种基于滑模观测器的有限时间一致性控制算法.首先, 利用滑模观测器在有限时间内估计每个智能体的速度信息. 然后,利用估计信息设计非奇异终端滑模控制律,该控制律能够保证智能体系统在有限时间内达到一致性. 最后,通过数值仿真验证了该一致性控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

As product life cycle becomes shortened, high product quality becomes necessary for survival, and continuous and unexpected change becomes key obstacles in success, the need for a method of rapidly and cost-effectively developing products, production facilities and supporting software including design, process planning, shop floor control systems becomes urgent. The essence of this concept of manufacturing would be characterized by adopting a new term “agility”. Agile manufacturing can be successfully accomplished using various well-defined system architecture. This paper provides a primary sketch of architectural requirements for rapid development of agile manufacturing systems.There are several aspects of system architecture : control, function, process, information, communication, distribution, development, and implementation.In the past, the confusion of those architectures prohibited the successful construction of the automated CIM systems.  相似文献   

Regression testing is a well-established practice in software development, but in recent years it has seen a change of status and emphasis with the increasing popularity of agile methods, which stress the central role of regression testing in maintaining software quality. The objectives of this article are to investigate regression testing strategies in agile development teams and identify the factors that can influence the adoption and implementation of this practice. We have used a mixed methods approach to our research, beginning with an analysis of the literature to identify research themes related to the adoption of regression testing techniques under agile methodologies, from which we developed an analytical framework for the study. This was followed by three exploratory case studies that we used to exercise the main elements of the framework, develop some key themes of interest, and devise a questionnaire for the final stage of the study, an on-line survey to explore the main issues identified in the case studies across different contexts. Within our specific sample, our results suggest that organizational maturity is a key factor in effective regression testing practices and that the adoption of such practices is helped by a coherent testing philosophy and change management processes. We also found that the return on investment in automated regression testing was positive for our respondents and that adopting these practices in the context of agile methods had been a relatively painless process for the organizations in our survey. We conclude that investing in regression testing tools and processes is likely to be beneficial for organizations. However, further work is needed in assessing how organizational culture impacts on the quality process and the financial outcomes for commercial software development organizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, three optimal linear formation control algorithms are proposed for first-order linear multiagent systems from a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) perspective with cost functions consisting of both interaction energy cost and individual energy cost, because both the collective object (such as formation or consensus) and the individual goal of each agent are very important for the overall system. First, we propose the optimal formation algorithm for first-order multi-agent systems without initial physical couplings. The optimal control parameter matrix of the algorithm is the solution to an algebraic Riccati equation (ARE). It is shown that the matrix is the sum of a Laplacian matrix and a positive definite diagonal matrix. Next, for physically interconnected multi-agent systems, the optimal formation algorithm is presented, and the corresponding parameter matrix is given from the solution to a group of quadratic equations with one unknown. Finally, if the communication topology between agents is fixed, the local feedback gain is obtained from the solution to a quadratic equation with one unknown. The equation is derived from the derivative of the cost function with respect to the local feedback gain. Numerical examples are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches and to illustrate the geometrical performances of multi-agent systems.  相似文献   

Robotics is an area of research in which the paradigm of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) can prove to be highly useful. Multi-Agent Systems come in the form of cooperative robots in a team, sensor networks based on mobile robots, and robots in Intelligent Environments, to name but a few. However, the development of Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS) still presents major challenges. Over the past decade, a high number of Robotics Software Frameworks (RSFs) have appeared which propose some solutions to the most recurrent problems in robotics. Some of these frameworks, such as ROS, YARP, OROCOS, ORCA, Open-RTM, and Open-RDK, possess certain characteristics and provide the basic infrastructure necessary for the development of MARS. The contribution of this work is the identification of such characteristics as well as the analysis of these frameworks in comparison with the general-purpose Multi-Agent System Frameworks (MASFs), such as JADE and Mobile-C.  相似文献   

There are virtually no methods or techniques available for developing expert systems in law. Further, with the exception of the UK government's Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency project, GEMINI, [1] there has been no attempt to lay the foundations for an expert systems development methodology in general. This paper discusses a number of conventional software engineering methodologies and explains why the spiral model is most suited to the development of legal expert systems. This also happens to be the same model which was advocated by the results of the GEMINI project.[2]  相似文献   

提出了一种基于多智能体(Multi-Agent System,MAS)的可重构网络化控制系统体系结构,该系统中的各控制节点可根据实际工况重新配置并相互配合完成控制任务,从而有效提高系统的灵活性和可扩展性。利用面向对象Petri网给出了该可重构网络化控制系统系统的通信模型,并提出了一种带宽调度策略以确保其中数据传输的实时性。  相似文献   



A particular strength of agile systems development approaches is that they encourage a move away from ‘introverted’ development, involving the customer in all areas of development, leading to more innovative and hence more valuable information system. However, a move toward open innovation requires a focus that goes beyond a single customer representative, involving a broader range of stakeholders, both inside and outside the organisation in a continuous, systematic way.


This paper provides an in-depth discussion of the applicability and implications of open innovation in an agile environment.


We draw on two illustrative cases from industry.


We highlight some distinct problems that arose when two project teams tried to combine agile and open innovation principles. For example, openness is often compromised by a perceived competitive element and lack of transparency between business units. In addition, minimal documentation often reduce effective knowledge transfer while the use of short iterations, stand-up meetings and presence of on-site customer reduce the amount of time for sharing ideas outside the team.


A clear understanding of the inter- and intra-organisational applicability and implications of open innovation in agile systems development is required to address key challenges for research and practice.  相似文献   

Considerable strides have been made in the use of components in software development. Many proprietary enterprise resource planning (ERP) software environments use modular components to develop and customize “best practices” to meet a specific organizational need. In agile application development, many developers and users are asked to design systems in a short period of time. These applications may use components that are embedded in software repositories. The challenge then is how to select the right software components (data and procedures) to meet an application requirement. Although experienced developers may select and customize components to meet the needs of an application, such expertise may not be available to other applications. This paper presents a knowledge-based framework to select and customize software components and demonstrates its value in deriving quality specifications, even when the developers are relatively inexperienced.  相似文献   

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