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The chemotherapeutics cisplatin and oxaliplatin are important tools in the fight against cancer. Both compounds are platinum complexes. Aberration‐corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy using the annular dark‐field imaging mode now routinely provides single‐atom sensitivity with atomic number contrast. Here, this imaging mode is used to directly image the platinum within the two drugs in their dried form on an amorphous carbon support film. The oxaliplatin is found to have wetted the supporting amorphous carbon, forming disordered clusters suggesting that the platinum has remained within the complex. Conversely, the cisplatin sample reveals 1.8‐nm‐diameter metallic platinum clusters. The size and shape of the clusters do not appear to be dependent on drying rate nor formed by beam damage, which may suggest that they were present in the original drug solution.  相似文献   

The discovery of the superconducting electron-doped compound Nd185Ce015CuO4?δ has stimulated great interest in its micro- and crystal structure, since the superconducting properties depend on parameters such as nonstoichiometry, phase composition, heat treatment and microstructure. The work presented herein is focused on the determination of the oxygen environment in the undoped parent compound Nd2CuO4 and in the structural modification Nd2CuO35 The analysis of the oxygen K (O 1s) edge extended electron energy-loss fine structure (EXELFS) of the tetragonal parent compound Nd2CuO4 and of the orthorhombic modification Nd2CuO35 is reported by using electron energy-loss spectroscopy in combination with transmission electron microscopy. Nd2CuO35 is produced by in situ heating and reduction of Nd2CuO4 in the transmission electron microscope. The EXELFS of the O 1s electron energy-loss edges is analysed with the classical extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) treatment and compared with ab initio multiple scattering EXAFS calculations for both structural modifications. Highly accurate information on the local atomic environment of the oxygen atoms in Nd2CuO35 is obtained from EXELFS analysis using Nd2CuO4 as a standard. The results are in accordance with the structural data gained from X-ray diffraction analysis. This applies especially to the more complicated structure of Nd2CuO35 determined recently.  相似文献   

The progress in transmission electron microscopy as applied in materials science is reviewed briefly, from the era of replica techniques in the 1940s and 1950s, through the development of the diffraction contrast technique in the late 1950s and 1960s, to the present day when instrumental resolution is sufficient to obtain structure images of a wide variety of crystalline solids. One of the most important advances has been the development of combined imaging and microanalytical techniques in a single instrument. The versatility of the TEM technique with atomic resolution and microanalytical facilities, the variety of signals and contrast effects available, and its universal application, establishes it as an essential tool in materials science for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

In a previous study, the dislocations in Fe30Ni20Mn25Al25 (at. %), which consist of 50 nm wide alternating b.c.c. and B2 phases, were shown to have a/2<111> Burgers vectors after room temperature deformation. The dislocations were found to glide in pairs on both {110} and {112} slip planes and were relatively widely separated in the b.c.c. phase, where the dislocations were uncoupled, and closely spaced in the B2 phase, where the dislocations were connected by an anti‐phase boundary. In this article, we analyze the dislocations in the two ~5 nm‐wide B2 phases in a related two‐phase alloy Fe30Ni20Mn20Al30, with compositions Fe‐23Ni‐21Mn‐24Al and Fe‐39Ni‐12Mn‐34Al, compressed to ~3% strain at a strain rate 5 × 10?4 s?1 at 873 K (the lowest temperature at which substantial plastic flow was observed). It is shown that slip occursby the glide of a<100> dislocations. A review of the literature suggests that the differences in the observed slip vector between these B2 phases could be due to the differences in composition, differences in deformation temperature, or possibly both. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:263–267, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In situ composites were prepared via melt blending of a liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) and polycarbonate using a twin screw extruder. The structure and morphology of these composites were analysed using both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy. The LCP phases were able to orientate and form in situ submicrometre fibres during the extrusion and post-extrusion drawing. TEM images as well as selected-area diffraction patterns were obtained from the materials. The effects of both composition, i.e. LCP content, and post-extrusion draw-down ratio on the development of the in situ formed LCP fibres were studied in detail. A skin–core morphological differentiation is observed in these materials where well-defined LCP fibres of higher aspect ratios were formed in the skin region. However, a significant amount of unelongated LCP particles were found coexisting with the less well-defined fibres in the core region of the extrudates. This skin–core differentiation was found to be dependent on the composition and the processing conditions, e.g. draw ratio. In this instance, electron microscopy is proven to be a powerful technique not only for direct observation of the formation, dimensions and morphology of the in situ LCP fibres, but also for the qualitative and quantitative characterization of the molecular orientation and crystalline structures in these fibres using selected-area electron diffraction. It is observed that the skin–core differentiation becomes more distinct in the in situ composites containing a higher percentage of LCP but diminishes when the material is processed at higher post-extrusion draw ratio.  相似文献   

Two phase titanium alloys are important for high‐performance engineering components, such as aeroengine discs. The microstructures of these alloys are tailored during thermomechanical processing to precisely control phase fractions, morphology and crystallographic orientations. In bimodal two phase (α + β) Ti‐6Al‐2Sn‐4Zr‐2Mo (Ti‐6242) alloys there are often three microstructural lengthscales to consider: large (~10 μm) equiaxed primary α; >200 nm thick plate α with a basketweave morphology; and very fine scaled (<50 nm plate thickness) secondary α that grows between the larger α plates surrounded by retained β. In this work, we utilise high spatial resolution transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD, also known as transmission‐based electron backscatter diffraction, t‐EBSD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)‐based forward scattering electron imaging to resolve the structures and orientations of basketweave and secondary α in Ti‐6242. We analyse the α variants formed within one prior β grain, and test whether existing theories of habit planes of the phase transformation are upheld. Our analysis is important in understanding both the thermomechanical processing strategy of new bimodal two‐phase titanium alloys, as well as the ultimate performance of these alloys in complex loading regimes such as dwell fatigue. Our paper champions the significant increase in spatial resolution afforded using transmission techniques, combined with the ease of SEM‐based analysis using conventional electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) systems and forescatter detector (FSD) imaging, to study the nanostructure of real‐world engineering alloys.  相似文献   

We present an integrated light‐electron microscope in which an inverted high‐NA objective lens is positioned inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM objective lens and the light objective lens have a common axis and focal plane, allowing high‐resolution optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on the same area of a sample simultaneously. Components for light illumination and detection can be mounted outside the vacuum, enabling flexibility in the construction of the light microscope. The light objective lens can be positioned underneath the SEM objective lens during operation for sub‐10 μm alignment of the fields of view of the light and electron microscopes. We demonstrate in situ epifluorescence microscopy in the SEM with a numerical aperture of 1.4 using vacuum‐compatible immersion oil. For a 40‐nm‐diameter fluorescent polymer nanoparticle, an intensity profile with a FWHM of 380 nm is measured whereas the SEM performance is uncompromised. The integrated instrument may offer new possibilities for correlative light and electron microscopy in the life sciences as well as in physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

The distribution of polyphosphate (polyP) within the cytoplasmic membrane of Streptomyces lividans hyphae or protoplasts has been determined at high spatial resolution by elemental mapping using energy‐filtered electron microscopy (EFTEM). The results revealed that polyP was best traceable after its interaction with lead ions followed by their precipitation as lead sulphide. Concomitant studies of the S.lividans wildtype (WT) strain and its co‐embedded mutant ΔK (lacking a functional kcsA gene) were conducted by labelling as the surface matrix of either one was labelled by cationic colloidal thorium dioxide. Within the WT strain, additional polyP was found to accumulate distinctly at the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane. After removal of the cell wall (within protoplasts), the polyP‐derived lead‐sulphide (PbS) precipitate formed clusters of fibrillar material extending up to 50 nm into the cytoplasm. This feature was absent in the ΔK mutant strain. Together the results revealed that the presence of the KcsA channel and the structured polyP coincide.  相似文献   

An imaging technique to determine in situ the shape and atomic structure of nanosized Xe crystals embedded in Al is described using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The Xe nanocrystals, with sizes less than 5 nm were prepared by the implantation of 30 keV Xe+ into Al at room temperature. The fcc Xe nanocrystals are mesotactic with the Al lattice and have a lattice parameter ≈ 50% larger than that of Al. HRTEM images of the Xe were not clear in [110] zone axis illumination because of the small number of Xe atoms relative to Al atoms in any atom column. An off-axial imaging technique that consists of tilting the specimen several degrees from a zone axis and defocusing to suppress the Al lattice fringes is employed for the 110 projection of the Xe/Al system and the structure of the Xe nanocrystals is successfully imaged. The Xe images clearly represent projections of cuboctahedra with faces parallel to eight Al {111} planes truncated by six {100} planes. The results of multislice image simulations using a three-dimensional atomic model agreed well with the results obtained by the off-axial imaging technique. The usefulness of the technique is demonstrated with observations of crystal defects introduced into the Xe under intense 1000 keV electron irradiation.  相似文献   

The initial stage of oxidation of Ti-47Al-2Nb-2Cr-0.15B and Ti-45Al-15Nb alloys was studied. Studies reveal that the X and NbCr2 phases will form in advance in the transition layer of the 2Nb2Cr alloy compared with the 15Nb alloy. The adherence between the nitride layer and underling layer is good. However, an obvious boundary exists between the mixed layer and the inner layer. The recrystallizing of the base alloy leads to an increase of the volume fraction of grain boundaries that can increase the oxidation rate at the initial oxidation stage. An Nb-based compound forms in the transition layer, which can prevent the formation of X phase.  相似文献   

Although bone minerals have been widely studied by various techniques in previous studies, crystal structures, morphology of bone minerals and its building pathway remained still controversy. In this work, the ultrastructure of the mineralization front of rabbit femur has been studied by conventional and high‐resolution (HR) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In order to induce a healing and demineralization process the animals were subjected to a standardized osteotomy stabilized with titan screws and sonic pins. After 84 days follow‐up time the newly build bone was investigated. The mineralization front of rabbit femur osteotomy contains partly mineralized collagen fibrils with a pronounced striped pattern together with a large number of agglomerated apatite platelets. The striation is caused by mineralization in the hole zones of the collagen fibrils, corresponding to the early stage of mineralization. In the TEM micrographs, the mineralization zone appears denser and compact when compared with fully mineralized bone, although most of the collagen fibrils are completely mineralized in the latter (higher concentration of interfibrillar apatite platelets within the mineralization zone). In bone some partly mineralized collagen fibrils are also observed, revealing the same arrangement, regular shape, and size of apatite platelets as collagen fibrils in the mineralization zone. Apatite platelets with irregular shapes are observed at the vortex‐shaped outer boundary of the mineralization zone, i.e. at the interfaces with nonmineralized collagen or osteoblasts. HR TEM micrographs reveal that the platelets are assumably semicrystalline and that within the platelet nanocrystalline domains of apatite are embedded in an amorphous calciumphosphate matrix. SCANNING 35: 169‐182, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fixation of biological samples is an important process especially related to histological and ultrastructural studies. Chemical fixation was the primary method of fixing tissue for transmission electron microscopy for many years, as it provides adequate preservation of the morphology of cells and organelles. High pressure freezing (HPF) and freeze substitution (FS) is a newer alternative method that rapidly freezes non‐cryoprotected samples that are then slowly heated in the FS medium, allowing penetration of the tissue to insure adequate fixation. This study addresses several issues related to tissue preservation for electron microscopy. Using mice liver tissue as model the difference between samples fixed chemically or with HPF immediately after excision, or stored before chemical or HPF fixation were tested with specific focus on the nuclear membrane. Findings are that immediate HPF is the method of choice compared to chemical fixation. Of the chemical fixatives, immediate fixation with 2.5% glutaraldehyde (GA)/formaldehyde (FA) is the best in preserving membrane morphology, 2.5% GA can be used as alternative for stored and then chemically processed samples, with 10% formalin being suitable as a storage medium only if followed by HPF fixation. Overall, storage leads to lower ultrastructural preservation, but HPF with FS can minimize these artifacts relative to other processing protocols. Microsc. Res. Tech. 76:942–946, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

王升平 《中国机械工程》2012,23(9):1117-1121
使用金相显微镜、透射电子显微镜观察了TC4钛合金在不同切削速度下形成的锯齿形切屑的绝热剪切带的微观组织形貌,测量了绝热剪切带的显微硬度。结果表明,在较低切削速度下,绝热剪切带为形变带;在较高切削速度下,绝热剪切带为由细小等轴晶粒和局部发生了β相转变为α″相的马氏体相组成的转变带;随着切削速度的进一步提高,在绝热剪切带中观察到了非晶化这一新现象。无论绝热剪切带是形变带还是转变带,其显微硬度都随切削速度的增大而增大。根据绝热剪切带微观组织和显微硬度的变化规律,绝热剪切带显微硬度的强化可分为三个阶段:形变强化、细晶和马氏体相变强化、非晶强化。  相似文献   

A method of direct visualization by correlative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence light microscopy of cell structures of tissue cultured cells grown on conductive glass slides is described. We show that by growing cells on indium–tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides, secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images of uncoated cells can be obtained in high-vacuum SEM without charging artefacts. Interestingly, we observed that BSE imaging is influenced by both accelerating voltage and ITO coating thickness. By combining SE and BSE imaging with fluorescence light microscopy imaging, we were able to reveal detailed features of actin cytoskeletal and mitochondrial structures in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We propose that the application of ITO glass as a substrate for cell culture can easily be extended and offers new opportunities for correlative light and electron microscopy studies of adherently growing cells.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ovariole sheath along the Diatraea saccharalis ovariole was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each ovariole is surrounded by an epithelial sheath, a tunica propria and scattered lumen cells. These three components of the ovariole sheath show different ultrastructural features along the ovariole, in the germarium or in the vitellarium; these differences are more evident in the epithelial sheath cells. The epithelial sheath is composed by two layers of cells, the external one running longitudinally and the internal one running circularly in the ovariole. These cells, in vitellarium, present cytoplasmic bundles of myofilaments that are arranged parallel to the long axis of the cells; these myofilaments are apparently related to the contraction movements of the follicles within the ovariole. The acellular tunica propria, composed of finely filamentous material, is attached to the adjacent follicle cells by adhesive dense plates. Between the epithelial sheath and the tunica propria there is a population of lumen cells, with morphological features of secretory activity  相似文献   

High emission current backscattered electron (HC-BSE) stereo imaging at low accelerating voltages (≤ 5 keV) using a field emission scanning electron microscope was used to display surface structure detail. Samples of titanium with high degrees of surface roughness, for potential medical implant applications, were imaged using the HC-BSE technique at two stage tilts of + 3° and − 3° out of the initial position. A digital stereo image was produced and qualitative height, depth and orientation information on the surface structures was observed. HC-BSE and secondary electron (SE) images were collected over a range of accelerating voltages. The low voltage SE and HC-BSE stereo images exhibited enhanced surface detail and contrast in comparison to high voltage (> 10 keV) BSE or SE stereo images. The low voltage HC-BSE stereo images displayed similar surface detail to the low voltage SE images, although they showed more contrast and directional sensitivity on surface structures. At or below 5 keV, only structures a very short distance into the metallic surface were observed. At higher accelerating voltages a greater appearance of depth could be seen but there was less information on the fine surface detail and its angular orientation. The combined technique of HC-BSE imaging and stereo imaging should be useful for detailed studies on material surfaces and for biological samples with greater contrast and directional sensitivity than can be obtained with current SE or BSE detection modes.  相似文献   

A method for scanning electron microscopy imaging of nonconductive specimens, based on measurement and utilisation of a critical energy, is described in detail together with examples of its application. The critical energy, at which the total electron yield curve crosses the unit level, is estimated on the basis of measurement of the image signal development from the beginning of irradiation. This approach, concentrated onto the detected signal as the only quantity crucial for the given purpose of acquiring a noncharged micrograph, evades consequences of any changes in an irradiated specimen that influence the total electron yield curve and possibly also the critical energy value. Implementation of the automated method, realised using a cathode lens-equipped scanning electron microsope (SEM), enables one to establish a mean rate of charging over the field of view and its dependence on the electron landing energy. This dependence enables one to determine the energy of a minimum damage of the image of the given field of view. Factors influencing reliability and applicability of the method are discussed and examples of noncharged micrographs of specimens from both life and material science fields are presented.  相似文献   

Cathodoluminescence imaging is a technique which may combine a high-resolution spectroscopic method with a high-spatial resolution electron imaging technique to characterize chemical identity as well as physical size, shape, and spatial distribution of the materials which have cathodoluminescence. Cathodoluminescence imaging has been used to characterize yttrium aluminates in aluminum nitride ceramics. By digitally combining cathodoluminescence and backscat-tering electron images, it is possible not only to distinguish between different yttrium aluminates, but also to determine the size, shape, and spatial distribution of these phases. This information provides a route to understanding the local residual oxygen concentration before sintering, the amount of sintering aid to be added, and possible sintering schedule. Furthermore, this information may be related to other properties of aluminum nitride such as residual oxygen concentration and thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

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