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Lupin protein isolates were prepared by alkaline extraction and precipitation at pH 5.1, 4.2 and 4.9 and their functional properties investigated. Solubility, emulsification capacity, swelling and gelation properties were determined under different conditions of pH, ionic strength and heat treatment. Lupin protein isolates showed better solubility than soybean isolate and a similar emulsification capacity. Swelling and gelation were found to be inferior, but when modifications in the methods of isolate preparation were introduced these properties were significantly improved. Consequently, it is possible to consider lupin proteins as a potential substitute for soybean proteins in food applications.  相似文献   

Full-fat sweet lupine flour (FFSL) (Lupinus albus cv Multolupa) containing 35.4% protein was used to enrich the cookies given to a group of school children. FFSL replaced 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% of wheat flour in the formula. Farinological study, physical dough properties, chemical composition, and nutritional quality of cookies were studied. The protein content of the cookies increased by 8.9% up to 55.7% for the 5% and 25% FFSL, respectively. The highest PER (1.92) was found in cookies with 20% FFSL compared with 0.15 for the control. The results show a new area for application of FFSL in human diets.  相似文献   

Cookies enriched with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% full-fat sweet lupine flour (FFSL) were evaluated by a sensory panel using the rank of preference and paired comparison tests. Cookies with 0, 5, and 10% FFSL were preferred while those containing 20 and 25% FFSL were rejected (p≤0.01). Studies conducted with school children showed similar acceptability for 0 and 10% FFSL-containing cookies which was different (p = 0.05) from those containing 20% FFSL. Fortification of the basic formula with 10% FFSL was recommended on the basis of acceptability.  相似文献   

The effects of selected NRRL strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. buchneri, L. cellobiosus and L. fermentum upon oligosaccharide, phytate and alkaloid contents, as well as on the nutritive value of lupine, were investigated. Lupine was processed to a 12% total solids suspension, inoculated with 1% (v/v) cultures and fermented until a final desired pH of 4.5. L. acidophilus B-2092 and L. buchneri B-1837 growth was related to a significant sucrose breakdown and decreases of phytates, whereas L. acidophilus B-1910 and L. fermentum B-585 reduced the content of flatulence oligosaccharides. The activity of L. acidophilus B-1910 was particularly associated with lowering of alkaloids and increase of riboflavin. Lactic acid fermentation produced slight changes in lysine and methionine contents. No significant differences in net protein ratio values and protein digestibility were found between fermented and unfermented lupine (P less than 0.05). A 1:1 ratio mixture of B-1910 and B-2092 strains of L. acidophilus lead to a final fermented lupine with nutritional advantages to those given by the individual cultures.  相似文献   

'Marraqueta' and 'Hallulla' breads, widely consumed in Chile, were enriched with 6, 9 and 12% full-fat sweet lupin flour (FFLF) containing a small amount of alkaloids (0.025%) and 42.8% protein. Physical characteristics of the dough and the chemical composition and biological quality of the breads were investigated. Farinograph measurements showed that water absorption increased gradually from 61.3% for wheat flour to 79.8% for a blend with 12% FFLF. Developing time, weakening of dough and valorimeter value were not severely modified. Different levels of FFLF increased loaf weight as compared to all wheat bread. Protein content increased from 13.2% for the control to about 16% for 12% FFLF breads. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) values significantly increased (P < 0.01) for 12% FFLF breads: 'Marraqueta' from 1.10±0.09 to 1.59±0.12 and 'Hallulla' from 1.21±0.09 to 1.63±0.07. Apparent digestibility was about 86% and was not changed by FFLF inclusion up to 12%. Twelve per cent FFLF is a recommendable level to enrich 'Hallulla' and 'Marraqueta' in biological quality without affecting the farinological parameters. The results of acceptability tests will be published in due course.  相似文献   

Functional and electrophoretic properties of the seed flour and a protein concentrate prepared by alkaline extraction from lupin seeds (Lupinus mutabilis, cultivar H-6) were investigated. SDS-PAGE indicated presence of 13 and 12 subunits in the seed flour proteins and the protein concentrate, respectively. Lupin protein concentrate had good water and oil absorption and gelation properties. Solubility of lupin proteins was minimum at a pH of 4.0 but increased rapidly beyond pH 5.0. Foaming capacity of the protein concentrate could be improved by increasing concentration as well as by adding NaCl and was influenced by pH and incorporation of certain carbohydrates. Emulsion properties of lupin proteins were concentration and pH dependent. Moist heat improved the in vitro digestibility of the seed proteins. The seed flour as well as the protein concentrate did not have detectable trypsin, chymotrypsin, and α-amylase inhibitory activities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The seeds of Ruzeiz and Sifri date cultivars, on the average, contained 6.5% protein, 10.4% fat, 22.0% fiber, 1.1% ash, and 60.0% carbohydrates on a dry weight basis. Mineral analysis showed higher concentration of K followed by P, Mg, Ca and Na. Among the microelements, Fe was in higher concentration (7.4 mg/100g dry weight) followed by Mn, Zn and Cu. Oleic (44.25%), lauric (17.35%), myristic (11.45%), palmitic (10.30%) and linoleic (8.45%) were the major fatty acids in date seed oil. Tryptophan (chemical score = 77) was the first limiting amino acid in date seed proteins (FAO/WHO, 1973). The average in vitro protein digestibility and calculated protein efficiency ratio values were 63.5% and 1.65, respectively, compared to 90% and 2.50 for ANRC-Casein.  相似文献   

Full-fat sweet lupine flour (FFLF) was used to replace 3, 6, 9 and 12% of the wheat flour (WF) in bread. Physical characteristics of the dough, and the chemical composition and biological quality of the breads were investigated. Farinological studies showed that water absorption increased gradually from 60% for WF to 77% for a blend with 12% FFLF. Developing time, weakening of dough and valorimeter value were adversely modified by addition of FFLF. Different levels of FFLF increased in water absorption, loaf volume and loaf weight as compared to all wheat bread. However, specific loaf volume remained constant (3.72) up to 6% FFLF, then decreased. Protein content of wheat bread increased from 10.3% for the control to 11.7% for 9% FFLF bread. PER increased from 1.72 for the control bread to 2.00 for 9% lupine-bread (p<0.01). Bread with 9% FFLF is a possibility for using this legume in human feeding.  相似文献   

Five N balance studies were conducted to determine the faecal composition and N excretion of feeding raw Lupinus angustifolius seed meal and its fractions for growing rats using a semi-synthetic lactalbumin-based diet as control. Diets were formulated to have equal amounts of energy. The protein was incorporated at the level of 10% bulk and contained unsupplemented lupin seed meal (LMU) and fully supplemented lupin seed meal (LMFS) at 360 g kg−1 diet, aqueous extract non-dialysed (LPAND) at 196 g kg−1 aqueous extract dialysed soluble at pH 7·0 (LPAD) at 148 g kg−1 aqueous extract dialysed insoluble at pH 7·0 (LPADI) at 124 g kg−1, buffer dialysed soluble at pH 7·0 (BUSOL) at 136 g kg−1, buffer dialysed insoluble at pH 7·0 (BUDI) at 119 g kg−1 and lupin meal residue after aqueous and buffer extraction (LMR) at 170 g kg−1 diet. Rats were pair-fed for 10 days with all the above diets which had been supplemented with essential amino acids up to the target requirements for rats. Faecal wet and dry weight were increased in rats fed on LMU, LMPS and LMR diets compared to those obtained from the control diet based on lactalbumin (milk protein) LACT. The higher faecal weight was largely due to water content. The higher faecal N excretion observed in LMU, LMFS, LPAND, LPAD, BUSOL, BUDI and LMR compared to that of LACT diet was significantly lower and thus which was assumed not to be due to a decrease in the digestibility of the dietary protein, which was over 90% as compared to that in the control group. Analysis suggested that an increase in endogenous N excretion is involved in the rise of its excretion in the faeces, and indicates a long-term effect of this seed as a protein and or fibre source in monogastrics.  相似文献   

The phosphate buffer saline (PBS) extracts of defatted lupin seed flour showed haemagglutin activity only with trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes. The lectin tested in crude extracts showed specificity towards galactose and lactose. Heat stability studies of PBS extracts on incubation for 10 min showed no reduction of haemagglutinin activity in the temperature range 40°C to 80°C while no haemagglutination was observed when incubated at 90°C for 8 min. The trypsin inhibitor activity of flour extracts was 14.4 TUI/mg protein.  相似文献   

Flours of wheat (WH-157) and triticales (TL-183, THS-9, JNK6T-229 and URT-217), and chapatis prepared after substituting different proportions of wheat flour with triticale flours were evaluated for nutritional quality. Flours of triticale varieties contained higher amounts of protein, crude fibre, total and available lysine, and lower contents of gluten than wheat. Losses of amino acids due to chapati making were negligible. As the proportion of triticale flours in chapatis increased the protein quality of chapatis improved.  相似文献   

Mubarak AE 《Die Nahrung》2001,45(4):241-245
Sweet lupin Lupinus albus seed flour (SLSF), two sweet lupin protein isolates (SLPI-I and SLPI-II) and sweet lupin seed protein concentrate (SLSPC) were added to wheat flour (WF) in an amount of 3, 6, 9 and 12% of wheat flour. The effects of lupin products supplementation on physical dough properties were studied using a Brabender farinograph. Loaves were prepared from the various blends using the straight dough procedure and then evaluated for volume, crust and crumb colour, crumb texture, flavour and overall quality. Water absorption, development time and dough weakening were significantly (P < 0.05) increased as the lupin product levels increased in all doughs; however, dough stability decreased. Lupin products could be added to WF up to 9% level (SLPI-I and SLPI-II) and 6% level (for other lupin products), without any observed detrimental effect on bread sensory properties. No significant (P > 0.05) differences were recorded in loaf volume between control and breads containing SLPI-I and II (up to 9% level) and SLSPC (up to 3% level). Addition of lupin products increased the content of protein and total essential amino acids, especially lysine. The addition also improved in-vitro protein digestibility.  相似文献   

The published scientific data concerning the effects of germination on chemical composition, biochemical constituents and anti-nutritional factors of soya bean are reviewed. The amino acid profile did not change to a great extent; only a noticeable increase in aspartic acid was observed whereas there was a gradual decrease in the available lysine level and lipid content as germination progressed. Both the total protein content and the nonprotein nitrogen increased after 5 days of germination. Dietary fibres are partially degraded in germinated seeds. Germinated soya bean is an excellent source of ascorbic acid and riboflavin. Niacin contents increased distinctly after germination. Germination induced a reduction in lipase inhibitor activity. The galactosyl oligosaccharides drastically decreased in germinated seeds. After 4 days of germination, the activity of certain lectins decreased to 4% of that of ungerminated soya beans. The phytic acid in the seeds was degraded by the phytase activated during germination, thus increasing the availability of the minerals present in the germinated seeds. Germination can degrade both Kunitz soya bean trypsin inhibitor and the major Bowman–Birk soya bean trypsin inhibitor; the degradation is enhanced, if germination process lasts more than 4 days. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellins on tea leaf chemical composition and quality was investigated. The results showed that application of gibberellins was beneficial to green tea quality. Content of amino acids increased by 9·8% and that of vitamin C by 17·8% and tea catechins index increased by 12·9%. The content of tea polyphenols and ratio of tea polyphenols to amino acids decreased by 9·9% and 11·5%, respectively. Differences of all the indicators were statistically significant (P<0·05). Quality scores of the treated leaf increased significantly (P<0·05). It was also revealed that tea plant response to gibberellins was dependent not only on genetics, but also on shoot development stage.  相似文献   

Winged beans were germinated using the between paper technique. The nonprotein nitrogen was found to increase gradually and the protein nitrogen content to decrease. A slight decrease in the lipid content was also observed. Trypsin inhibitor activity was uneffected by germination. However, lipoxygenase activity was found to decrease; 77% of the original activity was lost after 120 hr. These changes are compared to the changes in proximate composition of other legumes during germination. Following a decrease in the amino acid composition of the seeds after 48 hr of germination, significant increases in the concentrations of cysteine, aspartic acid, and histidine were found after 72 hr incubation.  相似文献   

Chemical composition, nutritional quality of protein and mineral content of cod, whiting, scup, squid and monkfish were determined. With a protein content ranging between 15 and 18%, the amino acid composition, in vitro enzymatic digestibility and PER evaluation indicated variation among two species. Protein quality of scup was significantly superior and that of squid was significantly inferior (p < 0.05) when compared to other species. The ratio of essential to nonessential amino acids ranged between a high of 0.72 for whiting and a low of 0.62 for squid. The cholesterol values for all the species, except squid (80.65 mg/100g tissue), were between 18.58 and 37.69 mg/100g tissue. The elemental analysis indicated scup and squid values deviating from the other species for major essential trace elements.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) seed for food or feed, favoured by the availability of well-performing varieties with low content of alkaloids. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of the environmental and agricultural factors on the content and fatty acid composition of lupin oil. The investigation was performed on the sweet variety Luxe grown in three Italian locations (one continental and two Mediterranean) and 13 environments in total. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and principal component analysis) indicated that oil content and composition of fatty acids were affected largely by the growing location. Mediterranean sites tended to lower crop yield, but to increase oil content and absolute α-linolenic acid content compared to the continental location; large variation occurred also between the Mediterranean sites. The α-linolenic acid content ranged from 1.41 to 3.24 mg/g flour, highlighting the possible value of white lupin in order to reach the recommended daily intake of this fatty acid. The observed ω-3/ω-6 ratio, ranging from 0.45 to 0.63, was much higher than that of most vegetable oils.  相似文献   

Southern pea seeds were grown 2 yrs with treatments of ammonium nitrate fertilizer 0, 30, and 60 kg/ha and simazine 0, 2,000, and 4,000 ppm applied as a foliar spray. Yield, proximate analysis, amino acid content, and protein quality were determined. No differences were found in yield, crude fat, and crude fiber. Ash, protein, and several of the amino acids increased with the 30 and 60 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Treatments with simazine had no effect on the essential amino acid content. In the Southern pea seeds, protein quality was decreased by the treatments with nitrogen fertilizer, simazine, and combinations of these treatments.  相似文献   

The organoleptic properties of a diet are influenced by technological processes and have to be taken into account in food intake studies. The authors studied the food intake suppression associated with rancidity occurring during the storage of diets based on casein or heated or lyophilised lupin protein concentrates, and with or without ascorbic acid supplementation in five groups of 10 weanling Wistar rats for 21 or 26 days. After 15 days of storage, the unsaturated fatty acids were oxidised in heated lupin-protein-based diet without ascorbic acid. Compared to casein, food intake was decreased slightly during the first 10, 16 or 20 days for, respectively, heated lupin protein diet without ascorbic acid, heated lupin protein diet with ascorbic acid, and lyophilised lupin protein diet with or without ascorbic acid. After these periods, food intake decreased strongly. Body weight gain variations did not exactly follow food intake variations. The storage at 20°C could induce first an accumulation of free radicals, which were not detectable in measurement of fatty acids but perceived by rats, and then a fast oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids that increased rancid smell, modified nutritional quality and caused a dramatic decrease of rat food intake. Supplementing ascorbic acid into the diet could diminish the formation of free radicals at the beginning of storage, and consequently could delay food intake decrease. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

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