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复杂曲面五坐标数控加工刀具轨迹的规划算法 总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16
提出了复杂曲面五坐标数控加工刀具轨迹的规划算法。该算法在保证刀具不与被加工曲面发生干涉的基础上 ,使得刀具扫描面与被加工曲面在刀触点处切平面上每个方向的曲率相匹配 ,由此规划的等残留高度刀具轨迹能改善曲面加工精度和加工效率 相似文献
Determination of Cutter Orientation for Five-Axis Sculptured Surface Machining with a Filleted-End Cutter 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
Y. Zhong J. Zhou T. Chen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2002,20(10):735-740
In this paper, an accurate and efficient method is proposed for determining filleted-end cutter orientation based on surface
analysis. With this method, the surface geometry is first analysed and classified according to its shape. Different kinds
of surface shape require different treatments with regard to cutter orientation, so that the local geometry of the filleted-end
cutter is matched with that of the surface as closely as possible without gouging the surface in the local region of the cutter
contact points. The proposed method has been successfully implemented using the visual C ++ language and the ACIS geometric modeller. Finally, some illustrative examples are given.
ID="A1"Correspondance and offprint requests to: Dr T. Chen, CAD Centre, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,
Hubei 430074, PR China. E-mail: tc29@chinese.com 相似文献
B. Lauwers J.P. Kruth P. Dejonghe 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2001,17(11):799-804
Multi-axis milling of sculptured surfaces with cylindrical or toroidal cutters has many advantages compared to the use of
three-axis milling with ball nose cutters. Surfaces to be machined are often of complex shape and characterised by convex,
concave and saddle areas. Today, CAM-systems do not support the user in the selection of the different operations in order
to finish the workpiece. This paper describes an operation planning system, which facilitates process planning for the multi-axis
machining of sculptured surfaces. The core of the system is surface analysis, which divides the surfaces into regions, each
characterised by a preferred milling direction and tool diameter. Further, for each region or set of regions, a drive surface
is constructed that is used as the basis for the tool-path calculation. The drive surface approximates to the original workpiece
as closely as possible, and the isoparametric lines which will be the tool-path feed direction lie in the preferred milling
direction. 相似文献
自由曲面五轴加工刀具轨迹规划技术的研究进展 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
利用五坐标设备进行自由曲面的数控加工是提高加工质量和加工效率的有效途径,自由曲面形状和五坐标机床运动的复杂性导致其刀具轨迹规划技术十分困难。针对自由曲面五坐标端铣加工、侧铣加工以及碰撞干涉分析中的关键技术,综述了近年来自由曲面五坐标数控加工领域刀具轨迹规划技术的研究进展和现状。结合自由曲面数控加工的工程实用性要求,分析了当前研究中存在的不足,指出目前的研究成果在通用性、稳定性和有效性方面尚不能完全满足工程应用,认为自由曲面五坐标数控加工刀具轨迹规划技术的研究应从三维的角度出发,在更为广域的刀具影响空间研究刀具同自由曲面之间的几何啮合关系,同时需要考虑机床的运动学和动力学特性以实现五坐标机床的高速和高效运行。 相似文献
An Enhanced Force Model for Sculptured Surface Machining 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The ball-end milling process is used extensively in machining of sculpture surfaces in automotive, die/mold, and aerospace industries. In planning machining operations, the process planner has to be conservative when selecting machining conditions with respect to metal removal rate in order to avoid cutter chipping and breakage, or over-cut due to excessive cutter deflection. These problems are particularly important for machining of sculptured surfaces where axial and radial depths of cut are abruptly changing. This article presents a mathematical model that is developed to predict the cutting forces during ball-end milling of sculpture surfaces. The model has the ability to calculate the workpiece/cutter intersection domain automatically for a given cutter path, cutter, and workpiece geometries. In addition to predicting the cutting forces, the model determines the surface topography that can be visualized in solid form. Extensive experiments are performed to validate the theoretical model with measured forces. For complex part geometries, the mathematical model predictions were compared with experimental measurements. 相似文献
《Machining Science and Technology》2013,17(3):431-448
Abstract The ball-end milling process is used extensively in machining of sculpture surfaces in automotive, die/mold, and aerospace industries. In planning machining operations, the process planner has to be conservative when selecting machining conditions with respect to metal removal rate in order to avoid cutter chipping and breakage, or over-cut due to excessive cutter deflection. These problems are particularly important for machining of sculptured surfaces where axial and radial depths of cut are abruptly changing. This article presents a mathematical model that is developed to predict the cutting forces during ball-end milling of sculpture surfaces. The model has the ability to calculate the workpiece/cutter intersection domain automatically for a given cutter path, cutter, and workpiece geometries. In addition to predicting the cutting forces, the model determines the surface topography that can be visualized in solid form. Extensive experiments are performed to validate the theoretical model with measured forces. For complex part geometries, the mathematical model predictions were compared with experimental measurements. 相似文献
Y. N. Hu Y. H. Chen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1999,15(9):630-639
Rapid prototyping plays an important role in product development. There are two ways to realise rapid prototyping: one is
to develop new prototyping equipment such as stereolithography apparatus (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), etc., and
the other is to improve existing CNC techniques. In this work, a robot system for rapid prototyping, which is an enhancement
of the CNC based method, is presented. A robot arm holding a milling tool is used to machine the prototype of a solid model
drawn using a commercial CAD system. In a previous paper, Part 1, a strategy using the robot for rough machining was discussed
and then an automatic tool-path generation method using a grid height array was presented. As a verification of the proposed
algorithm, a number of prototypes were produced, which demonstrated the feasibility and advantages of the algorithm. In this
paper, Part 2, an approach to represent C-space by incorporating possible variations in tooling orientations is proposed.
In order to reduce the error on complex surfaces resulting from undercut or overcut operations, a curvature-matching algorithm
is also developed. Finally, experimental work using collsion-free planning for manipulator movement and stimulation for the
curvature matching algorithm is carried out. 相似文献
Tool Positioning Algorithm Based on Smooth Tool Paths for 5-axis Machining of Sculptured Surfaces 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
XU Rufeng CHEN Zhitong CHEN Wuyi School of Mechanical Engineering Automation Beihang University Beijing China 《机械工程学报(英文版)》2011,(5):851-858
The current research of the 5-axis tool positioning algorithm mainly focuses on searching the local optimal tool position without gouging and interference at a cutter contact(CC) point,while not considering the smoothness and continuity of a whole tool path.When the surface curvature varies significantly,a local abrupt change of tool paths will happen.The abrupt change has a great influence on surface machining quality.In order to keep generated tool paths smooth and continuous,a five-axis tool positioning algorithm based on smooth tool paths is presented.Firstly,the inclination angle,the tilt angle and offset distance of the tool at a CC point are used as design variables,and the machining strip width is used as an objective function,an optimization model of a local tool positioning algorithm is thus established.Then,a vector equation of tool path is derived by using the above optimization model.By analyzing the equation,the main factors affecting the tool path quality are obtained.Finally,a new tool position optimization model is established,and the detailed process of tool position optimization is also given.An experiment is conducted to machine an aircraft turbine blade by using the proposed algorithm on a 5-axis blade grinding machine,and the machined blade surface is measured with a coordinate measuring machine(CMM).Experimental and measured results show that the proposed algorithm can ensure tool paths are smooth and continuous,improve the tool path quality,avoid the local abrupt change of tool paths,and enhance machining quality and machining efficiency of sculptured surfaces. 相似文献
Y. N. Hu Y. H. Chen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1999,15(9):624-629
Rapid prototyping plays an important role in product development. There are two ways to realise rapid rototyping: one is
to develop new prototyping equipment such as stereolithography apparatus (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), etc., and
the other is to improve existing CNC techniques. In this work, a robot system for rapid prototyping, which is an enhancement
of the CNC based method, is presented. A robot arm holding a milling tool is used to machine the prototype of a solid model
drawn using a commercial CAD system. In this paper, Part 1, a strategy using the robot for rough machining is discussed and
then an automatic tool-path generation method using a grid height array is presented. This method can generate tool paths
for rough machining with different tolerances. As a verification of the proposed algorithm, a number of prototypes have been
produced, which have demonstrated the feasibility and advantages of the algorithm. In a companion paper, Part 2, an approach
to represent C-space by incorporating possible variations in tooling orientations is proposed. In order to reduce error on
complex surfaces resulting from undercut or overcut operations, a curvature-matching algorithm is developed. Finally, experimental
work using the collision-free planning strategy and simulation for the curvature matching algorithm is carried out. 相似文献
阐述机械加工工艺在机械加工中的重要性,结合生产设备的实际情况,以开卷机为实例.对其进行工艺改进.改进后的加工工艺方法使其在生产成本、生产周期上都有了很大的提高,是一种值得推广的加工工艺方法。 相似文献
针对航空发动机压气机辊轧叶片前后缘溢料端数控加工问题,提出了一种基于设计曲面几何调控的前后缘加工曲面自适应重建方法。根据自由变形理论以及曲面能量控制原理,建立了具有变形约束能力的自由曲面几何调控模型;利用该模型建立了基于遗传算法求解的辊轧叶片前后缘加工曲面自适应重建策略。该策略通过微量调整叶片设计曲面几何形状,使其在逼近叶身型面测量数据的同时尽可能维持初始几何形状,最终实现了辊轧叶片前后缘加工曲面的自适应重建。实例验证结果表明:利用该方法获得的辊轧叶片前后缘加工曲面可以在保证叶片形状精度的同时实现其与实际叶身的圆滑转接。 相似文献
提出加工椭球面的截面包络法,采用VB编程实现了该算法并在此基础上生成NC程序。经实践验证,用截面包络法加工椭球面克服了等间隔参数法加工残留量不均匀、表面质量和加工效率不高等不足之处,能够满足光学自由曲面的加工精度要求。 相似文献
在自动化仪表工程施工过程中经常会遇到信号不匹配的问题,常常造成误工或停工,为解决这些问题,作者设计了一种多功能智能接口,使用它能有效地解决许多困难,本文重点介绍了该智能接口电路的工作原理和软件设计方法。 相似文献
B. Li B.W. Shiu K.J. Lau 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2001,18(4):266-275
The quality of the stamping process has a direct effect on laser welded sheet metal assembly. The fixture plays an important
role in the satisfactory metal fit-up that laser welding requires. The traditional "3-2-1" locating scheme will no longer
suffice for the deformable laser sheet metal assembly process. Because of the often poor stamping quality, a complex die fixture
has to be employed to meet the metal fit-up requirements. The die fixture corresponds to an "infinite-2-1" locating scheme
where the tooling cost is very high and yet lacks flexibility. This limits the application of laser welding. In this paper,
a new locating scheme with both total locating and direct locating for welds is proposed. A total locating scheme is used
to locate the overall assembly, and a direct locating scheme is used to locate the weld location, which is critical for ensuring
correct metal fit-up. A finite-element model and a prediction and correction method for the direct locator configuration are
developed in this paper. A case study is used to show that the proposed method is effective for sheet metal assembly for laser
welding. 相似文献