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Data hiding used to embed data, such as copyright information, into various forms of media such as image, audio, or text with a minimum amount of perceivable degradation to the “host” signal. Therefore, in many cases, the cover media contain distortions even after the hidden data have been extracted. Thus, to extend the application of data hiding to some sensitive domains such as military, medical, and fine arts, which require the embedded cover images to be properly covered, reversible data hiding has become another new branch of this field. Our proposed scheme is inspired by Chang et al.’s idea. In this paper, we propose adaptive real-time reversible data hiding for JPEG images using successive zero coefficients in zigzag sequences of discrete cosine transformation blocks. The contribution of our proposed scheme successfully enhances the hiding capacity while the image quality of stego image and reversibility are maintained. The result of experiments conducted indicates that the proposed scheme enhances data hiding capacity, image quality, and improves performance. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Protecting the security of information transmission over the Internet has become a critical contemporary issue. Compressed images are now widely used in mobile... 相似文献
提出了一种新的医学图像无损数据隐藏算法,根据医学图像特点,将隐秘信息分别嵌入在感兴趣区域和非感兴趣区域中。在非感兴趣区域中,采用自适应整数变换方法增大嵌入容量并控制失真;在感兴趣区域,采用最低有效位替换方法控制水印图像质量。实验结果表明,算法的嵌入容量在1.2bpp到1.7bpp之间,而峰值信噪比保持在43dB左右。与现有相关算法相比,嵌入容量具有明显优势并保持较高的图像质量。另外,本方法计算复杂度低,能方便应用于实际的医学信息系统中。 相似文献
The current paper describes a new technique for embedding secret data in JPEG compressed color digital images. Emphasis is given in improving effective payload percentage over file size increase while retaining low distortion levels. The proposed technique is based on modification of non-zero quantized coefficients. In contrast to previously proposed techniques, the present one does not require the use of non-standard Huffman tables. Apart from that, no side information needs to be included in a JPEG header to assist the decoder in extracting the hidden message. The main idea behind the technique is to create zero population bins in the coefficient histogram in order to accommodate the secret message bits. Specifically, all coefficients whose absolute value is L are modified by 1 in the direction of their sign when a bit 1 is to be embedded or are not modified when a bit 0 is to be embedded. Coefficients with absolute values greater than L are also incremented by one in the direction of their sign, so that they are not confused with coefficients where embedding has occurred. At the side of the decoder, both the message bits can be extracted from coefficients with absolute values L and L+1, and the original image can be restored by shifting all coefficients with absolute value greater than L in the opposite direction of their sign. The results show significant improvement in comparison with representative state-of-the-art techniques, in terms of ratio of payload over file size increase. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Analyzing multimedia data in mobile devices is often constrained by limited computing capacity and power storage. Therefore, more and more studies are trying to... 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding scheme that exploits the centroid formula. Specifically, we use it to define a centroid boundary vector and a centroid state codebook CSCB. Initially, our centroid boundary vectors and CSCBs are the same as the side match vector quantization (SMVQ) algorithm’s boundary vectors and state codebooks SCBs. For each VQ index, the proposed scheme exploits the centroid formula to update its centroid boundary vector and the corresponding CSCB. The updating is coupled with a heuristic to select the best state codebook (i.e., either SCB or CSCB) for each VQ index, which generates a highly compressible distribution of index values. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme can embed n = 1, 2, 3, and 4 bit per index (bpi) at bit rates of 0.332, 0.394, 0.457, and 0.519 bit per pixel (bpp), respectively, for the main codebook size N = 256. These results confirm that the proposed scheme improves recent VQ and SMVQ based reversible data hiding schemes. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The performance of prediction-error expansion (PEE) for reversible data hiding (RDH) is excellent. 2D and 3D PEE has a great improvement than the conventional... 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Due to high embedding capacity and security, dual stego-image based data hiding has become so popular. This paper proposes a two-level data encoding approach for... 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Constructing the auxiliary data is important in some reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques, where both the auxiliary data and the secret data are embedded into... 相似文献
Data hiding, as the term itself suggests, means the hiding of secret data in a cover image. The result is a so-called stego-image. Reversible data hiding is technique, where not only the secret data can be extracted from the stego-image, but the cover image can be completely rebuilt after the extraction of secret data. Therefore, reversible data hiding is the choice in cases of secret data hiding, where the recovery of the cover image is required. In this paper, we propose a high-capacity reversible data hiding scheme based on pattern substitution. Our scheme gathers statistical data concerning the occurrence frequencies of various patterns and quantifies the occurrence frequency as it differs from pattern to pattern. In this way, some pattern exchange relationships can be established, and pattern substitution can thus be used for data hiding. In the extraction stage, we reverse these patterns to their original forms and rebuild an undistorted cover image. Our experimental results demonstrate the practicability of the proposed method. In fact, our new scheme gives a better performance than pair-wise logical computation (PWLC) in terms of both hiding capacity and stego-image visual quality. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a new method for reversible data hiding by employing the hierarchical relationships of original images. There are many parameters for accessing the performances of reversible data hiding algorithms, including the output image quality, the hiding capacity, and the overhead for decoding. Considering the ease of implementation and the little overhead needed for decoding, we employ modification of difference values between pixels by using histogram-based scheme with extensions to pyramidal structure by utilizing inherent characteristics of original images. By doing so, global and local characteristics of original images can be utilized for hiding more capacity with acceptable quality of output image. With our method, better performances can be obtained with enhanced image quality, the more embedding capacity, and comparable amount of side information for decoding. More importantly, the reversibility of our method is guaranteed, meaning that original image and hidden message can both be perfectly recovered at the decoder. Simulation results demonstrate that proposed method in this paper outperforms those in conventional algorithms. 相似文献
For some applications such as satellite and medical images, reversible data hiding is the best solution to provide copyright protection or authentication. Being reversible, the decoder can extract the hidden data and recover the original image without distortion. In this paper, a reversible data hiding scheme based on prediction error expansion is proposed. The predictive value is computed by using various predictors. The secret data is embedded in the cover image by exploiting the expansion of the difference between a pixel and its predictive value. Experimental results show that our method is capable of providing a great embedding capacity without making noticeable distortion. In addition, the proposed scheme is also applicable to various predictors. 相似文献
This paper proposes a new separable reversible data hiding method for encrypted images. Proposed scheme employs the pixel redundancy of natural images to construct embedding space. First, cover image is divided into multiple blocks with different scales. According to the pixel average value of each block, the lowest two bits of every pixel are vacated as reserved rooms. Subsequently, the whole image is encrypted by using stream cipher and the secret messages are finally embedded into the reserved rooms by the embedding key. Proposed scheme is separable in the sense that the recipient can achieve different function by the following ways: (a) If the recipient has only decryption key, an approximation plaintext image containing the embedded information can be obtained. (b) If the recipient has only embedded key, secret messages can be extracted correctly. (c) If the recipient has both decryption key and embedded key, he can not only extract the secret messages, but recover the original cover image perfectly. Extensive experiments are performed to show that our proposed schemes outperform existing reversible data hiding schemes in terms of visual quality, embedding capacity and security performance, even if a large-scale image database is used. 相似文献
Existing prediction-based works on reversible data hiding in encrypted images usually embed the secret messages by referring to the difference between current pixel and its predicted value. An accurate prediction model may promote an improvement of embedding capacity. Existing schemes, however, may not work well due to involving a bad prediction model so that their embedding capacity cannot be improved further. To address the problem, this paper proposes a new reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted images by designing double linear regression prediction model. Proposed model can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of current pixel based on neighboring pixels, more auxiliary rooms are thus vacated to embed secret data. Furthermore, a prediction error map is constructed to mark the error positions caused by inaccurate prediction, which can be further compressed lossless to lower the capacity of auxiliary data. Reversible recovery for original image can be finally achieved successfully. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly improves prediction accuracy and data embedding capacity by combining double linear regression prediction model and prediction error map, and then can achieve separable and lossless recovery for the original image. Compared with existing works, the proposed scheme can implement a higher visual quality of decrypted images, while maintaining a larger embedding capacity. 相似文献
Reversible data hiding has drawn considerable attention in recent years. Reversibility allows original media to be completely recovered from marked media without distortion after embedded message has been extracted. In this paper we propose a multilevel reversible data hiding scheme based on the difference image histogram modification that uses the peak point to hide messages. Through a joint imperceptibility and hiding capacity evaluation, we show that our proposed scheme uses a multilevel hiding strategy to achieve large hiding capacity and keep distortion low. Performance comparisons with other existing reversible hiding schemes are provided to demonstrate the validity of our proposed scheme. 相似文献
A reversible data hiding method allows recovery of the cover image after the secret data have been extracted. In this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method is proposed using neighboring interpolation and pixel-value differencing on block expansion. A consecutive embedding technique for a sub-block is proposed to maintain a higher embedding capacity, and a neighboring pixel-value referencing is also proposed to maintain a good visual quality in stego-images. The results of experiment demonstrate that the proposed method has higher capacity and maintains a better image quality than previous reversible data hiding methods. 相似文献
针对现有可逆信息隐藏算法嵌入容量偏低、不适合多光谱图像等问题,提出一种基于预测误差直方图移位和波段顺序重排的多层嵌入的多光谱图像可逆信息隐藏算法。对于每层嵌入,首先用提出的排序算法对波段进行重新排序,然后利用多光谱图像的空间相关性和谱间相关性对图像进行自适应联合预测,最后通过预测误差直方图移位技术嵌入秘密信息。Landsat卫星多光谱图像仿真结果表明,提出的算法和典型可逆信息隐藏算法相比具有更好的视觉质量和更大的隐藏容量。 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a reversible data hiding scheme for digital images with high hiding capacity is proposed. Original image is segmented into smooth and rough... 相似文献