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回顾和总结了2005年我国电信资费改革的历程和特点,对2006年和以后的电信资费改革进行了展望。认为2005年的资费改革在资费管理方式,差别定价,固定资费的多样性等方面有了实质性的进展,是电信资费改革关键性的步骤,呈现了运营商从价格竞争步入竞合时代和基础电信资费模式全面趋于多样性选择的特征,今后的电信资费改革应进一步调整电信资费监管的职能和重点,调整电信资费监管的方式和领域,协调好事前管制与事后管制的关系,主导运营商与非主导运营商的关系,以及零售资费与结算价之间的关系等等。  相似文献   

激励管制与电信改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张昕竹 《通信世界》2001,(23):21-21,26
众所周知,激励管制是当今电信管制改革的一个非常重要的方面。这些年来,我国电信行业有了很大的发展,这些成就的取得是与电信业深化体制改革密不可分的,如政企分开,引入电信竞争,甚至包括产权方面的改革。但如果与目前世界电信改革的潮流和趋势相比就会发现,我国电信改革显然忽视了激励管制方面的改革,也就是说,现有的电信管制机制与原来的管制机制相比,并没有发生很大的变化,基本上仍然沿用传统的成本加机制。这种机制的缺点是公认的:不能给企业提供提高生产效率的激励,不利于资费结构的调整,与引入电信竞争发生矛盾等。在这种情况下,我国电信行业是否有必要引入激励管制改革,是否应该实施价格上限管制,有必要加以探讨。  相似文献   

2005年是电信资费改革力度很大的一年。酝酿已久的电信资费改革在2005年有了突破性的进展。同时,为2006年的深化改革奠定了基础。  相似文献   

国外电信资费管制政策的演进与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何霞 《世界电信》2004,17(12):36-39
介绍了国外不同阶段采用的费赞模式以及目前各国不同业务通常实行的资费政策和计费方法,并揭示了国外资费政策的变化趋势;认为我国应引入激励性的资费政策。减少政府对资费的监管范围,政府和监管机构还应掌握更多的相关信息,对资费实行有效的监管。  相似文献   

电信资费及其管制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐守廉  张静 《电信科学》2000,16(11):1-4
本文力图从经济学的角度,深刻剖析垄断和步入竞争市场下电信资费的各自特点和结构不合理现象的成因,并提出在现实情况下,为理顺资费结构,电信资费可以采用综合价格管制的方法,然后逐步向资费上限管制方法过渡,以及在竞争条件下的放松管制。  相似文献   

李敏  司云龙 《现代通信》2006,(11):16-18
作为发达国家当前普遍采用的一种电信监管形式,电信资费上限管制在我国这样一个背景特殊的国度实行,能否达到政府和人们心中预期的目标,还有待时间进一步验证,现在评价为时过早。但是,这项政策实施一年多以来,对我国电信市场的影响已经初见端倪。  相似文献   

林涛 《通信世界》2005,(36):18-19
近日,信息产业部和国家发改委一纸发文明确了国内长途通话费、国际长途及港澳台通话费,移动电话漫游费和固定电话本地营业区间通话费实行资费上限管制。业界对此褒贬不一。在当前情况下,到底是否有必要实行价格上限管制,其效果如何,有必要进行一下客观分析。  相似文献   

在对电信资费上限和下限管制的研究基础上,提出了电信资费上下限区间的概念和规制方法,以此达到变单一的价格竞争模式为多元的竞争模式,变信息不完全的博弈为信息完全博弈的目的,希望通过这些方法能够对未来更加有效的电信竞争规制有所帮助.  相似文献   

自去年以来,欧盟在电信监管上连出重拳。首先是通过限价措施,让欧盟区内的漫游费猛降了六成;其次是计划迫使强势运营商向竞争对手开放网络,以增强电信市场的竞争;而最近,欧盟还打算对宽带价格也采取限价措施,以推动宽带的普及。  相似文献   

电信资费管制面临重要转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价格是一只调节市场经济运转的“无形的手”。但是,如果任由它发挥的话,就会产生非公平、低效率因素。因此如何通过政府这只“有形的手”来进行调控,进而推动产业发展,已经成为电信业中的焦点问题。下面介绍一下我国电信资费管制的过去和现在以及资费管制中的热点问题,并展望电信资费管制的未来走向。  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放步伐的加大,中国电信业在全球经济一体化及知识经济大潮中面临愈发艰巨的挑战。引入竞争机制,开放电信业经营的呼声日渐高涨。因此,如何加强经营,增强企业竞争力已成为电信企业必须给予高度重视的关键。本文旨在通过计费系统在进行企业经营中的作用表...  相似文献   

由于计算机网络和通信技术的飞速发展,可以方便地利用通信技术进行雷达组网、采用流行的网络技术将不同功能的工作站组成局域网,实现空中交通管理自动化,因而多雷达处理的空管自动化系统在民航空中交通管理系统获得了广泛应用。本文介绍雷达组网和由工作站构成的空管自动化系统。 一、雷达组网 雷达组网可以实现本地/异地雷达信号的双向传输、空管自动化系统的信息交换与共享、与相关区域管制中心进行雷达管制移交信息的互换。雷达数据传输系统的组成与结构主要取决与雷达的种类、数量、数据传输的方式。以太原机场为例,雷达数据传输系…  相似文献   

多余物引起航天、航空产品发生故障的案例有很多。红外探测器多余物的动态位移,会导致瞬时闪现的圆形影像故障,干扰红外弱小目标检测识别与跟踪;或者碰撞焦平面阵列产生无效像元,影响热成像系统的最小可分辨温差和作用距离。通过分步拆卸查找故障器件内的可排除宏观微粒,运用扫描电镜检测识别多余物,梳理制造过程和使用过程中出现多余物的来源和产生过程,提出必须从生产源头预防和控制多余物的途径和方法。力学和光学分析计算表明,宏观微粒破坏成像光束在焦平面上的光强分布,它位移掠过视场的时间小于50 ms,线度小于1 mm衍射现象显著,圆形影像大多发生在夫琅禾费衍射区域,线度10 μm大小的多余物靠近焦平面阵列产生菲涅耳衍射斑。  相似文献   

Modern Communication technologies have developed through the process of evolution rather than revolution. The growth of telecommunications and computers have made high quality, high speed and low cost global communication a reality. These and additional benefits to people worldwide will continue to accrue with the blending of, in an intimate way, data processing and telecommunications. Future trends based on extrapolation of the present will surely be to provide greater communications and computer capability into the home and the office, at even lower cost. However, history teaches us that new, unanticipated ideas arise not simply as extrapolations of the past.  相似文献   

The optimal routing and dimensioning of circuit-switched networks operating with call revenues is examined, and F.P. Kelly's (1988) model is extended in two directions. First, the formulation is transformed in such a way that the optimality equations are significantly easier to derive, and another interpretation of Kelly's induced costs is given. Alternative routing is introduced, the corresponding values for the induced costs and the net path revenue are given, and it is shown that the optimal routing is given by an equal-revenue rule. It is also shown that the dimensioning aspect is easily decomposed into individual link dimensioning problems if the fixed-point multipliers are known. Some results for networks operating with state protection are presented to show that the method also works quite well for networks with heterogeneous traffic  相似文献   

Two recently proposed performance indexes for telecommunication networks are shown to be the s-t and overall versions of the same measure, namely, the mean normalized network capacity. The network capacity is a pseudo-switching-function of the branch successes, and hence it means value is readily obtainable from its sum-of-products expression. Three manual techniques of conventional reliability analysis are adapted for the computation of the proposed performance indexes: a map procedure, reduction rules, and a generalized cutset procedure. Four tutorial examples illustrate these techniques and demonstrate their computational advantages over the state-enumeration technique  相似文献   

User-oriented measures of telecommunication quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the deregulation and emergence of new telecommunication providers in many countries, national and international standards committees have assumed increased responsibility for the cooperative planning of new technology development and the matching of multivendor service offerings with user needs. One important focus of this effort has been the standardization of user-oriented, technology-independent measures of telecommunication service quality. The standardized measures will be used by providers to design and implement telecommunication systems and services, and by users to define telecommunication requirements and select the products that most effectively meet them. The authors discuss in particular call processing, data communication quality, video and voice quality measures  相似文献   

In this article, a clustering method based on genetic algorithm (GA) for telecommunication customer subdivision is presented. First, the features of telecommunication customers (such as the calling behavior and consuming behavior) are extracted. Second, the similarities between the multidimensional feature vectors of telecommunication customers are computed and mapped as the distance between samples on a two-dimensional plane. Finally, the distances are adjusted to approximate the similarities gradually by GA. One advantage of this method is the independent distribution of the sample space. The experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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