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高分子偏光膜的性能及在液晶显示器上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
概述了高分子偏光膜材料的发展和性能评价方法,以及在液晶显示器上的应用。  相似文献   

聚合物稳定蓝相液晶显示器存在驱动电压高和"磁滞效应"的缺点,是其应用之路上的难题。本文在深入研究蓝相液晶显示器中所使用的各种材料介电常数的基础上,结合电动力学中电介质中的电场和电位移之间关系的知识,解释了蓝相液晶显示器驱动电压高的原因为聚合物材料和绝缘层材料的介电常数远低于蓝相液晶材料的介电常数。研究中发现提高聚合物材料和绝缘层材料的介电常数,将会明显降低聚合物蓝相液晶显示器驱动电压。理论和模拟结果表明:当聚合物材料和绝缘层的介电常数达到蓝相液晶的平均介电常数,该聚合物稳定蓝相液晶显示器的驱动电压降低一半。研究结果将对聚合物稳定蓝相液晶显示器的产业化应用起到促进作用。  相似文献   

1、前言 1973年夏普公司作为台式电子计算机用显示装置而使用液晶显示器(LCD)以来。以LCD为中心发展了薄型·轻量显示器。而且近几年作为小型自行发光显示器也使用了有机EL显示器等。该显示器为节电、可维持显示画面的反射型显示器,为扩大用途也使用了电子纸。  相似文献   

为了研究显示器中的运动图像模糊问题,我们推导出了一个简单的方程,将运动图像响应时间与液晶或者有机发光二极管的响应时间以及帧率结合起来。从方程中可以看出,减小运动图像响应时间有3种方法:(1)减小液晶响应时间|(2)提高帧率|(3)选取合适的背光开关占空比。在显示器帧率为120 Hz时,如果液晶的响应时间小于2 ms,那么液晶显示器的运动图像响应时间与有机发光二极管显示器相当。液晶的响应时间可以通过两种方法提高:(1)采用超低黏性系数的液晶材料|(2)开发快速响应液晶显示器工作模式。同时,为了使液晶显示器达到像阴极射线显像管一样快速的运动图像响应时间(< 1.5 ms),我们可以增加帧率或者减小背光开关占空比。  相似文献   

为了研究显示器中的运动图像模糊问题,我们推导出了一个简单的方程,将运动图像响应时间与液晶或者有机发光二极管的响应时间以及帧率结合起来。从方程中可以看出,减小运动图像响应时间有3种方法:(1)减小液晶响应时间;(2)提高帧率;(3)选取合适的背光开关占空比。在显示器帧率为120Hz时,如果液晶的响应时间小于2ms,那么液晶显示器的运动图像响应时间与有机发光二极管显示器相当。液晶的响应时间可以通过两种方法提高:(1)采用超低黏性系数的液晶材料;(2)开发快速响应液晶显示器工作模式。同时,为了使液晶显示器达到像阴极射线显像管一样快速的运动图像响应时间(1.5ms),我们可以增加帧率或者减小背光开关占空比。  相似文献   

沈志明 《光电子技术》1998,18(4):282-284
IPS显示是一种很有希望的制作的大面积液晶显示器的技术,用该技术制得的显示器具有很好的图像质量和视角特性,可作监视器用于台式计算机和TV 。IPS显示器对液晶的要求不同于TN-TFT显示器。考虑到这种不同要求,为了优化混合材料的设计我们确立了液晶材料的特性。用新的液晶材料,成功地改进了混合材料的粘滞特性,该混合材料能使IPS显示器实现移动图像显示。  相似文献   

五、EL显示器/OLED显示器关键概念:EL、有机、无机、低分子、高分子、顶出光、底出光基本结构:EL是指电致发光,或称电致冷光。当这些材料加上电压后就会主动发光。利用这种现象制造的显示板就叫EL板。在EL显示的发光材料里,有有机材料和无机材料两种。当发光物质用有机物时,就叫有机EL板。有机材料与一般的LED一样,利用电  相似文献   

摩擦取向技术一直是液晶显示器领域使用最广泛的取向技术和研究热点。进行了液晶显示器摩擦取向技术在取向工艺、取向理论、取向材料、检测方法等方面的调查。  相似文献   

英国和日本的两家公司最近联合研制成功一种液晶化合物,其响应时间为100μs,约比向列型液晶快100倍。目前用这种材料制成的液晶显示器已开始生产。新显示器的关键在于控制液晶材料的粘度和控制  相似文献   

在购买液晶显示器时,会常听到广视角WVA(Wide Viewing Angle)这个名称。这是因为液晶显示器会有视角的限制,也就是说,当您不是正面观看液晶显示器,而是与液晶显示器有一定的夹角时(图1),所观看到的液晶显示器画面便会变得模糊,有视角的限制主要是因为所使用的液晶材料所引起的,所以会在某个角度范围外,大约是与正面方向夹角30度以上时,由侧面看画面就会模糊不清了。  相似文献   

第五代TFT-LCD生产线的工艺设备和材料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TFT-LCD是当前平板显示器(FPD)的主流显示器.从整个产业链上对第五代TFT-LCD生产线的工艺、设备、材料及发展趋势作一概要的介绍,为大家初步了解第五代TFT-LCD生产线提供参考.  相似文献   

TFT-LCD面板光学检测自动聚焦算法研究与比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对当前TFT-LCD玻璃基板在线检测过程中存在的显微图像对焦模糊问题,对基于图像处理的自动调焦方法在TFT-LCD玻璃基板检测中的应用进行了研究。基于对TFT-LCD液晶面板的光学检测,重点介绍了目前较为常用的、具有代表性的几种基于图像处理的清晰度评价算法,并从算法的单峰性、无偏性、灵敏性以及计算量等方面进行了比较与分析,提出了一种粗细调相结合的复合自动对焦方法,分别选取斜边缘检测算子和梯度滤波器算子作为调焦粗搜索和精搜索阶段的对焦评价算子。实验结果表明:使用调焦行程为15步的全局搜索算法,传统单一算法耗时2.18s,得到图像的清晰度评价函数值为46.78;粗细调相结合的复合自动对焦方法时间仅为1.41s,得到图像的清晰度评价函数值为52.49。该方法不仅对焦精度高,有较大的对焦范围,还能保证高的计算效率。  相似文献   

以TFT-LCD为代表的液晶显示技术是当前最热门和最具潜力的平板显示技术之一,并已成为平板显示技术中的支柱产品。经过多年的发展,TFT-LCD技术已经相当成熟。由于液晶的固有属性特点,长时间工作在直流偏置电场中会严重影响使用寿命,文章介绍了一种适合中小尺寸LCD-TV(液晶电视)液晶屏使用的防老化驱动电路设计方案。该方案电路结构简单,容易实现且性能完全能达到实用要求。  相似文献   

At present a variety of companies and institutes in the world are working on the development of organic field-effect transistors (OFET) and integrated polymer circuits (IPCs) to create a new low-cost low-performance electronics. This is especially suited for low-end electronics and RFID applications like electronic labels, smart cards, ident tags, electronic bar codes etc., which are needed in large amounts at lowest prices. The transistors are made as thin film transistors on flexible or rigid substrates by successive coating with the appropriate functional materials (polymer semiconductor, insulator, layers for electrodes). This setup can be realized either by organic and polymer materials only as well as by a combination of organic with inorganic materials. All-polymer field-effect transistors (PFETs) which completely consist of polymer layers (source, drain and gate electrodes, semiconductor, insulator) are of special interest. Later on they will offer the chance to use printing techniques for their production which enables high-volume printing of electronic circuits.  相似文献   

Zara Domain是高PPI TN型TFT-LCD制成中较为常见的一种不良,为了提高产品品质,急需改善Zara Domain。以3.97in TN产品(PPI 235)为例,Zara Domain发生率30%,对产品良率影响较大,文章结合生产情况对Zara Domain发生的原因进行理论分析和实验验证,得出改善Zara Domain的方法。首先,产品设计上可以通过增加平坦膜改善彩膜侧平坦度。其次,材料上可以选择高预倾角的配向膜以及低Pitch的液晶分子。最后工艺上优化摩擦强度和对盒后冷却工艺。实验结果表明:通过设计,材料,工艺三方面改善,最终生产过程中Zara Domain发生率1%,提高了产品品质。  相似文献   

手机用彩色TFT-LCD驱动控制芯片的驱动电路设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目前TFF-LCD彩色液晶显示屏被广泛应用于中高档彩屏手机中。TFT-LCD驱动控制芯片作为手机主机与TFT-LCD显示屏之间的接口电路,控制和驱动显示屏的彩色显示,其性能直接影响着显示画面的质量和系统功耗。文章从TFF-lED的驱动原理出发,提出了手机用26万色彩色TFT-LCD驱动芯片的驱动电路设计方法,包括gamma校正电路,gate driver电路和source driver电路的结构与功能分析,最后给出了Hspiee的仿真结果。  相似文献   

The liquid crystal displays (LCDs) possess the most mature technology and best consuming competitiveness in the flat panel display (FPD) industries. Of all the LCDs, thin film transistor-liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) keeps some real advantages. It is thinner, smaller and lighter than other displays and has low power consumption, low-radiation, high-contrast and high-dpi at the same time. Hence, the TFT-LCD panel is widely applied in daily electronic products, and the demand for the TFT-LCD panel increases. The product life cycle of the TFT-LCD panel is gradually getting into the mature stage, and meanwhile, Taiwan’s firms face fierce competition from South Korea and Japan. Thus, at present, continual cost reduction is an all-out pursuing topic for Taiwan’s panel manufacturers. If the quality and yield of the TFT-LCD panel can be effectively enhanced, the non-conforming rate and the cost of the TFT-LCD panel will be reduced. In this study, TFT-LCD panel manufacturing process is discussed, and then five critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics (or sub-processes) are identified and summarized. At the early stages, the assessing model of process quality index (Cpm) and the MAIC (i.e., measure-analyze-improve-control) approach of Six Sigma are used to measure and analyze the CTQ characteristics that make TFT-LCD panel unqualified and incapable. During the later stages, Hartley’s homogeneity test and joint confidence intervals were conducted to determine the optimal parameter setting of the critical factor in TFT-LCD panel manufacturing process. By using these optimal settings, Six Sigma quality level can be achieved.  相似文献   

We report active-matrix organic polymer light-emitting displays (LEDs) based on a three hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin-film transistor (TFT) pixel electrode circuit that supplies a continuous output current to organic polymer light-emitting devices. The output current level drift induced by either process variations or device aging can be reduced in this design by adjusting the driver TFT operating point with the active resistor. Our first green light-emitting engineering prototype had a brightness of 120 cd/m/sup 2/ and fill factor of about 45%.  相似文献   

On p. 2298, Gion Calzaferri and co‐workers of the University of Bern, Switzerland report on a new, simple preparation procedure for highly transparent zeolite‐polymer hybrid materials and polymer covered zeolite L monolayers. The thus‐obtained new transparent host–guest inorganic–organic hybrid materials offer fascinating novel possibilities for the development of optical devices such as lenses, special mirrors, filters, polarizer, grids, optical storage devices, and windows. We report here on a simple preparation procedure for highly transparent zeolite‐polymer hybrid materials and polymer covered zeolite L monolayers. Wrapping up zeolites containing, e.g., dye molecules as guest species with alkoxysilane derivatives results in an efficient dispersion of the nano particles into the organic liquid monomer. The following copolymerisation process leads to a hard, insoluble and transparent material containing zeolites. Optical properties such as colour, luminescence, refractive index or photochromism can be adapted by simply changing the type and amount of the guest in the zeolite crystals, while transparency is maintained.  相似文献   

Organic photovoltaic materials incorporating either chlorine atoms or ester groups have been studied as replacement strategy for fluorinated compounds. However, the characteristics of such materials when used in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) remain unclear. The present work synthesized three polymers via the copolymerization of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) with monothiophene units having no substituents or incorporating either chlorine atoms or ester groups. All three materials were found to have similar photophysical and electrochemical properties even though their repeating units had different substituents. The maximum hole mobility values for the polymer specimens were determined to be 0.37 cm2 V−1 s−1. The introduction of chlorine into the DPP-based polymer generated an amorphous semiconductor material that makes it a very promising candidate for commercial OFETs since its properties are independent of fabrication conditions. The new polymeric semiconductors demonstrated herein suggest the viability of such materials with regard to incorporation in organic field-effect transistors.  相似文献   

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