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为了提高集中式认知网络的吞吐量,提出了基于信任度的吞吐量优化算法.该算法在主用户充分保护的前提下,以认知用户的吞吐量为目标函数,融合中心采用双门限值对本地感知结果进行融合.从理论上证明了吞吐量是全局漏检概率的增函数,当全局漏检概率等于门限值时,吞吐量达到最大值.并利用牛顿迭代法求出单节点概率,然后采用遍历法可得到认知用户吞吐量最大值.仿真结果表明,当信噪比为-14 dB时认知用户融合优化算法相对\"AND准则\"OR准则\"以及\"HALF准则\"归一化吞吐量分别提高了0.62、0.3和0.09. 相似文献
协作频谱感知的认知无线电网络中,已有研究表明增加参与协作频谱感知的次用户数量能够提高感知性能,进而提高信道吞吐量。然而,由于信道容量的限制,不断增加参与协作感知的次用户数量并不会使信道吞吐量无限提高,反而会使次用户平均可获得的吞吐量不断降低。针对上述问题,该文以次用户平均吞吐量为优化目标,证明多信道条件下,对于任意给定的融合参数,次用户的平均吞吐量是感知时间的凸函数,并提出交叉迭代算法进行2维优化。仿真结果表明,当信噪比为-10 dB时,次用户使用交叉迭代算法获得的平均吞吐量较已有算法可提高20%以上。 相似文献
无线认知网络(Wireless Cognitive Network,WCN)是在认知无线电(Cognitive Radio,CR)技术基础上形成的网络形态,是当今通信技术的前沿研究领域之一。无线认知网络具有高度智能化能力,能感知网络的环境信息和分辨当前的网络状态,并根据这些状态进行相应的规划、决策和响应。WCN主要应用于机会频谱接入(Opportunistic Spectrum Access)主用户(合法的授权用户,具有较高的优先权接入频谱),而次用户(具有认知功能的非授权用户)通过智能感知周围的无线环境,并在对主用户不造成有害干扰的情况下机会接入授权频谱。 相似文献
考虑两个无线Ad Hoc网络(主网络与次级网络)的并存模型:主网络与次级网络节点依照不同密度的空间泊松点过程并存于同一区域并共享同一频谱,两种网络节点均采用时隙ALOHA协议,按照各自的传输概率进行通信。本文首先根据随机几何理论对来自本网络的自干扰与来自其它网络的互干扰进行建模,然后分别推导了在AWGN信道和Rayleigh衰落信道下,单网络及并存式网络时节点平均吞吐量的闭合表达式,最后采用优化准则得到最佳传输概率,使节点平均吞吐量达到目标性能上的最优。仿真结果表明:经推导的闭合表达式与仿真值相近;在比例公平准则下,传输控制策略能达到主网络与次级网络之间公平性与高效性的折中。 相似文献
认知无线电系统不仅要具有自适应性,更应具备一定的智能性。该文将强化学习理论引入到认知无线电系统中,用于解决次用户在频谱感知过程中的信道选择问题,提出了一种基于强化学习的信道选择算法。该算法在未知主用户占用规律和动态特性的前提下,仅通过不断与环境进行交互学习,便能够引导次用户选择“较好”信道优先进行感知,使次用户吞吐量得到提高。仿真结果表明,相对于现有信道选择算法,所提算法可有效提高次用户的吞吐量,并且在主用户使用规律发生变化时,能够自动实现二次收敛,可作为认知无线电系统迈向智能化的一种尝试。 相似文献
Lei Chen 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2010,27(5):618-624
In Cognitive Radio (CR) Networks, especially in Cellular-based CR networks, in order to obtain the precise spectrum state which is available in the whole coverage, the spectrum sensing function need to be accomplished by the cooperation of multi-sensing nodes, i.e., cooperative spectrum sensing. This paper mainly focuses on the key question of the cooperative spectrum sensing: How many sensing nodes are required and how to allocate the sensing tasks to these sensing nodes in an effective way? In this paper, we classify the spectrum bands into three categories by a pre-sensing mechanism, in order to firstly exclude unavailable channels and select candidate channels for fine sensing in the next stage. Then the required number of sensing node for each candidate channel is determined by the proposed scheme. Through the scheme proposed in this paper, the sensing tasks allocation in cellular-based CR network can be accomplished in a high effective way and the sensing overhead could keep a low level. 相似文献
Spectrum sensing is the key problem for Cognitive Radio (CR) systems. A method based on the Peak-to-Average Amplitude-Ratio (PAAR) of the Spatial Spectrum (SS) of the received signals is proposed to sense the available spectrum for the cognitive users with the help of the multiple antennas at the receiver of the cognitive users. The greatest advantage of the new method is that it requires no information of the noise power and is free of the noise power uncertainty. Both the simulation and the analytical results show that the proposed method is robust to noise uncertainty, and greatly outperform the classical Energy Detector (ED) method. 相似文献
序贯检测的检测时间是随实际接收信号采样点的变化而不同的随机变量,在平均意义上,序贯检测有较高的检测速度,但是个别情况下可能需要很长的检测时间,为了避免这种现象的发生,同时提高认知无线电中频谱感知的速度,该文提出了一种截断序贯检测算法。首先分析了截断对传统序贯检测性能的影响,给出了虚警概率和漏检概率的上限,然后基于该性能上限得到了截断序贯检测的检测门限,最后给出了截断序贯检测算法的流程。仿真结果表明,该算法在有限的检测时间内,能够满足系统的性能要求,且其平均检测时间小于传统的能量检测。 相似文献
传统的合作频谱感知一般将感知环境建模为单级信道,且次用户一般都以相同的发射功率向数据融合中心报告感知数据,难以体现并利用不同次用户感知数据之间的空间分集差异。为解决此问题并有效地设置次用户在感知数据上报阶段的发射功率,该文提出了3种最优功率控制方案,以获得相应设计准则下参与合作感知的次用户最优发射功率。在融合中心理想具备感知信道和报告信道的统计特性时,通过理论推导获得了基于信道统计特性的功率控制闭式解方案;当信道统计特性难以现实具备时,分别获得了基于联合信道统计特性估计的最大特征功率矢量及盲加权多特征功率矢量方案。理论分析和仿真实验表明,在不同的先验信息条件下,3种方案的性能皆远优于缺少功率控制的合作感知方案。 相似文献
频谱感知是认知无线网络(CRN)中的关键功能,其可以识别空闲频谱以提高频谱利用率且避免对授权用户产生有害干扰。然而,由于多径衰落,阴影,接收机不确定性等各种问题带来的重大挑战,导致授权用户的检测失败。利用协作频谱感知(CSS)技术可以最大限度地减少这些问题的影响,并通过利用空间分集来提高检测性能。本文首先介绍了认知无线网络和频谱感测技术的简要历史,然后对协作频谱感知进行了简要的研究,讨论了协作频谱感知的不同类型、技术、协作模型、特征比较,并分析了一些前期研究方案及其所面临的挑战。 相似文献
为满足次用户不同时延需求并提高信道利用率,该文提出一种基于次用户分级的PRP M/G/m排队论频谱切换模型。首先,根据次用户主要业务的时延需求不同,对次用户进行分级评价,将次用户分为时延敏感型和非时延敏感型用户,时延敏感型次用户具有更高的优先级来接入信道。其次,采用PRP M/G/m排队论来建立基于用户分级的频谱切换模型。同时推导和分析了该模型下不同优先级次用户扩展数据传输时间,进而提出了面向各级次用户自适应频谱切换策略。仿真结果表明,相较于已有频谱切换策略,该模型能有效降低次用户切换时延以及扩展数据传输时间,保证高优先级次用户的服务质量,提升次用户频谱切换的综合性能。 相似文献
Cognitive Radio (CR) has been proposed as a system-level means to improve the spectrum utilization efficiency. The most significant premise for CR networks is to avoid harmful interference to the licensed users. Therefore, it is very important to estimate the potential interference introduced by the deployment of CR networks so that CR networks can be coexistence with Licensed User (LU) networks by designing proper system parameters. In this paper, two statistical models of potential interference due to CR networks are developed based on transmitter and receiver oriented spectrum sensing schemes, respectively. The approximate probability distributions of aggregate interference introduced by CR networks are then derived with respect to the obtained models. With the help of these probability distributions, a method is further presented to get the critical system parameter, i.e., sensing distance and user density of the CR networks, so that the introduced interference can be controlled to predefined level. Numerical results validate the proposed interference estimation method and confirm the effectiveness of interference distribution based system parameter design. 相似文献
针对认知无线电先应式决策频谱切换,该文提出按照信道平均空闲时间递减的顺序对目标信道进行访问的机制,证明了该机制在主用户信道空闲时间服从均匀分布、Rayleigh分布以及Weibull分布下均能够保证频谱切换失败概率最小。仿真结果表明所提机制得到的频谱切换失败概率要远远小于随机访问机制的切换失败概率。另外,当能够获得数十次信道空闲时间观测样本情况下,虽然存在估计误差,但所得频谱切换失败概率与理想最优频谱切换失败概率非常接近。 相似文献
Dynamic spectrum access technologies based on Cognitive Radio (CR) is under intensive research carried out by the wireless communication society and is expected to solve the problem of spectrum scarcity. However, most enabling technologies related to dynamic spectrum access are considered individually. In this paper, we consider these key technologies jointly and introduce a new implementation scheme for a Dynamic Spectrum Access Network Based on Cognitive Radio (DSAN-BCR). We start with a flexible hardware platform for DSAN-BCR, as well as a flexible protocol structure that dominates the operation of DSAN-BCR. We then focus on the state of the art of key technologies such as spectrum sensing, spectrum resources management, dynamic spectrum access, and routing that are below the network layer in DSAN-BCR, as well as the development of technologies related to higher layers. Last but not the least, we analyze the challenges confronted by these mentioned technologies in DSAN-BCR, and give the perspectives on the future development of these technologies. The DSAN-BCR introduced is expected to provide a system level guidance to alleviate the problem of spectrum scarcity. 相似文献