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本文对面向对象的C++语言中提供的可维护性语言成分进行了分类,并分别进行详细讨论。  相似文献   

陈灯塔 《电脑》1996,(11):25-27
Microsoft公司的Visual Basic for Windows是Windows环境下功能强大而又极为简便的程序设计语言(以下简称VB).“我第一次看到 Microsoft Visual Basic,我认为我看到了计算机程序设计的未来”.Visual C++是Microsoft至今最完善最全面的程序开发环境(以下称简VC).在VB和VC中,都充分地体现了面向对象技术.  相似文献   

模板被誉为C++最强有力的机制之一,它在软件源代码重用方面起着很大作用,本文详尽探讨了模板的定义和实现及其对软件重用的支持,并阐述了笔者对BORLANDC++中由模板生成的基本类库的一些认识。  相似文献   

一、问题的由来 讨论利用FORTRAN语言开发软件,到底有什么意义?由于C语言及面向对象的C++语言在软件开发中的风靡一时,提到软件开发,大多数的人首先想到的就是C/C++语言以及为了加快运行速度而采用的部分汇编语言代码。为什么要用FORTRAN语言开发软件呢? 首先,FORTRAN语言与流行的C/C++语言相比,有自己的特点:缺少C/C++语言对地址、内存操作的灵活性;不适用于操作系统、编辑器等类型的  相似文献   

本讲座从面向对象语言的基本概念和主要特征出发,着重介绍了目前最为流行的面向对象语言C++。但又不是C++的编程辅导,介绍给大家的是关于面向对象语言的本质,特征和C++语言的特性,希望有助于读者对面向对象技术和面向对象语言有比较深刻和全面的了解,帮助您更好使用C++语言和从事面向对象的研究和实践。本讲座有六讲: 第一讲:什么是面向对象语言 第二讲:面向对象语言的基本特征 第三讲:C++语言的基本特性 第四讲:基于C++语言的面向对象分析与设计 第五讲:C++语言的基本类库 第六讲:对于发展中的C++语言的评价  相似文献   

面向对象的程序设计方法与C++兰州铁道学院郑丽英面向对象的程序设计方法与传统的结构化程序设计方法有很大的不同。传统的结构化程序设计技术运用于开发软件系统时,采用基于功能的,自顶向下的功能分解法设计系统结构,从而提高了软件的易读性和可靠性,是一种典型的...  相似文献   

在C++Builder中调用FORTRAN生成的DLL   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过一个在C++Builder中调用FORTRAN生成的DLL的例子,详细介绍了调用的方法和注意事项,以及与其他可视化编程工具的不同。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍 C_(++)的概貌,其中主要介绍它支持面向对象的程序设计方法的属性.  相似文献   

面向对象测试技术的研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
面向对象的测试技术是面向对象开发方法的一个重要方面,它对软件质量和软件重用至关重要。本文描述了有关面向对象测试的一些关键问题,提出了一种面向对象的测试方法,给出了利用Rational公司的测试工具TestMate对C++程序进行面向对象测试的样例。  相似文献   

为了解决领域模型和数据库之间的紧耦合问题,提出基于C++的对象关系映射(ORM)架构。给出抽象基类、映射器注册表类的关键技术和部分实现代码,通过智能指针实现领域对象的关系映射和生命周期管理。基于该架构设计并实现的ORM子系统,已应用于设备状态检测与安全评价系统中,运行情况良好。  相似文献   

异常处理是现代程序设计语言的一个重要特征,它为检测和恢复软件系统在运行时的错误、构建系统的容错处理提供了强有力的支持。本文分析了FORTRAN 2000的异常处理机制,并提出一种扩充方案,引入用户定义异常和异常处理区的概念,改进了异常的传播机制,从而使FORTRAN编程更好地实现普通代码和异常处理代码的分离,提高了程序的可读性和可维护性。  相似文献   

本文简单阐述了 Windows2000环境中如何实现直接读写端口,然后以ISA接口为例介绍了一种简单实用的可在Windows2000操作系统下使用VisualC 语言直接读写I/O端口的方法。  相似文献   

This paper develops a formalism that precisely characterizes when class tables are required for C++ memory layouts. A memory layout is a particular choice of data structures for implementing run‐time support for object‐oriented languages. We use this formalism to quantify and evaluate, on a set of benchmarks, the space overhead for a set of C++ memory layouts. In particular, this paper studies the space overhead due to three language features: virtual dispatch, virtual inheritance, and dynamic typing. To date, there has been no scientific quantification or evaluation of C++ memory layouts. Our approach can help C++ implementors. This work has already influenced the memory layout design choices in IBM's Visual Age C++ V5 compiler. Applying our approach to a set of five benchmarks, we demonstrate that the impact of object‐oriented space overhead can vary dramatically between applications (ranging from 0.42% to 99.79% for our benchmarks). In particular, applications whose object space is dominated by instances of classes that heavily use object‐oriented language features will be significantly impacted by the choice of a memory layout. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文介绍了在UNIX操作系统下,用C语言和FORTRAN语言进行混合编程的技术,讨论了二种语言之间进行数据交换的方法,以及子程序之间相互调用的方法。  相似文献   

袁伟  孙永强 《软件学报》1998,9(1):47-52
面向对象的并行程序设计提供了类似于共享内存模型对通讯和计算的抽象能力,从而非常适合于大型并行软件系统的开发.但是基于远程对象调用的分布式对象的实现效率一直是面向对象方法在分布式/并行程序设计中得到广泛应用的障碍.本文介绍了并行机MANNA上所采用的面向对象的并行程序设计模型——Dual-Object模型.该模型通过引入从语义角度出发给出的数据一致特性的描述,在一定程度上解决了实现效率低下的问题.其次,文章通过程序设计实例详细地讨论了基于Dual-Object模型的扩展C++并行程序设计,并给出了部分实际测试结果.  相似文献   

The efficiency of object-oriented programs has become a point of great interest. One necessary factor for program efficiency is the optimization techniques involved. This paper presents the performance of several variations of a given C++ program and compares them with a version that uses no object-oriented features. Our result indicates that some object-oriented features in C++ are not well optimized in current C++ compilers. We thus discuss some code optimization techniques that can improve the efficiency based on the given C++ program.  相似文献   

Object Oriented Tools for Scientific Computing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of object oriented tools is presented which, when combined, yield an efficient parallel finite element program. Special emphasis is given to details within the concept of the tools which enhance their efficiency. The experience of the author has shown that the design concepts documented are crucial for the efficiency of the issuing code, and that they can easily be incorporated within existing object oriented programs.  相似文献   

实时,稳定和图形化界面是目前产品测试系统的主要要求。本文重点介绍了C Builder中多线程的编辑方法,并描述了实际开发出的测试系统的软件结构,最后给出了应用多线程技术编写WIN2000环境下测控软件的实例。  相似文献   

There is a strong prejudice against the friendship access control mechanism in C++. People claim that friendship breaks the encapsulation, reflects bad design, and creates too strong coupling. However, friends appear even in the most carefully designed systems, and if it is used judiciously (like using the attorney‐client idiom), they may be better choice than widening the public interface of the class. In this paper, we investigate how the friendship mechanism is used in C++ programs. We have made measurements on several open source projects to understand the current use of friends. Our results show various holes and errors in friend usage, like friend functions accessing only public members or not accessing members at all or the class, which declare friends has no private members at all. The results also show that friend functions actually use only a low percentage of the private members they were granted to access, which is a source of errors. These results have motivated us to propose a selective friend language construct for C++, which can restrict friendship only to well‐defined members. Such a new language element may decrease the degradation of encapsulation and significantly increase the diagnostic capacity of the compiler. We have created a proof‐of‐concept implementation based on the LLVM/Clang compiler infrastructure to show that such constructs can be established with a minimal syntactical and compilation overhead.  相似文献   

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