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空间相关对发射分集系统的多用户分集性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
唐冬  杨亮  张广驰  秦家银 《电子学报》2006,34(4):761-764
研究空间相关对发射分集结合调度策略的多用户系统下行链路性能的影响.推导出发射天线之间存在空间相关的条件下,TxAA(Transmit Adaptive Array)、STBC(Space-Time Block Coding)结合调度策略的多用户系统平均容量的表达式,在此基础上研究其平均容量.通过仿真验证理论分析的有效性.结果表明,发射天线之间的空间相关性会提高多用户系统的平均容量,另外TxAA在各种相关条件下的系统平均容量都优于STBC.  相似文献   

该文研究了下行多用户MIMO通信系统中多用户分集问题,并且提出了两种基于最大系统容量准则的多用户分组调度算法。提出了一种基于相关用户的信道向量间内积的价值因子。通过使用该价值因子作为信道容量的评价标准,有效地降低了分组调度过程的复杂度。仿真结果显示该文提出的多用户调度算法可以明显提高系统容量;且随着系统中激活用户数量的增加,系统的调度增益不断增大。  相似文献   

多天线可以用来增加通信系统的分集增益或者复用增益,二者之间存在着基本的折衷关系。相关瑞利信道的折衷性能差于i.i.d瑞利衰落信道,并且相关矩阵降秩时,折衷性能进一步下降。本文给出了相关瑞利信道下分集增益和复用增益的最优折衷关系。  相似文献   

多天线无线数据通信系统中多用户分集的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究当接收天线不少于发送天线时多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的多用户分集能力。首先从理论上分析了发送天线个数等于1和2时最大似然接收和迫零接收系统的平均吞吐量和调度增益,以及仿真分析了发送天线个数大于2时系统性能。理论分析和仿真表明:在多用户的MIMO系统中,接收的平均信噪比、用户个数、收发天线个数、接收机的结构等对于多用户分集有很大的影响。当发送天线个数为1时,接收天线较少(1,2,3)和平均信噪比为.10dB时调度增益很大,但调度增益随着天线个数和发送功率增大急剧下降。和最大似然接收相比,迫零接收具有更大的多用户分集增益,因此迫零接收机的吞吐量可以很容易超过最大似然接收机。  相似文献   

基于信道反馈的MIMO-OFDM系统多用户分集研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用包含信道质量的反馈信息,多用户分集能显著提高无线通信系统的性能。然而,在多载波多天线(MIMO-OFDM)的架构下, 反馈所有用户的所有信道质量信息(CQI)将占据大量的无线资源,从而降低了频谱效率,因此各种有限信道反馈算法被提出来减少系统的反馈开销。该文主要研究了基于两种典型的有限信道反馈的多用户分集增益,并与理想反馈进行了对比。系统平均频谱效率数学表达式的推导考虑了可选调制方式有限的特性,更符合实际。仿真用于评估各种反馈算法下的多用户分集性能,其结果与理论分析相当匹配。并且只要恰当地选取反馈参数,有限信道反馈算法可以在不损失多用户分集增益的前提下,极大的降低反馈开销,这为设计实际系统的信道反馈提供了参考。  相似文献   

多天线的发送分集系统中多用户分集的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了如何通过选择发送天线和天线组合来提高整个多用户多天线系统的性能。本文分别讨论了STOBC、选择式发送分集、相位加权等各种发送信号结构下系统的调度性能。和其它发送信号结构相比,STOBC对于调度性能有着很大危害。信道反馈信息越多,调度性能就越好。不同的发送天线选择和组合策略得到不同的性能。本文讨论了三种选择策略:max-max, max-sum和max-min。max-max的调度性能优于其它两种策略。因此,发送信号的结构和选择策略都严重影响着多用户分集。  相似文献   

唐冬  刘扳浩  吕明霞  黄高飞 《通信技术》2010,43(6):35-37,40
分析了MIMO-MRC和最优合并系统在非理想信状态信息条件下多用户分集性能的鲁棒性。考虑存在多个共信道干扰,采用多用户平均容量差(RMUD)分析了瑞利平衰落信道中两种分集合并系统的多用户分集性能对信道估计误差的鲁棒性。研究结果表明,当不存在共信道干扰时OC系统的鲁棒性优于MIMO-MRC系统,而当存在CCI时则MIMO-MRC系统优于OC系统。  相似文献   

MIMO技术可以在不增加系统带宽和发射功率的前提下大大增加系统容量,提高系统频谱利用率,改善系统性能。多用户分集是多用户无线通信中固有的分集,合理的利用多用户分集增益可以有效的提高系统性能。  相似文献   

分析了分布式移动通信系统中,Rayleigh-lognormal复合信道下,发送分集对下行链路多用户分集的影响,发现基于最大比发送(MRT)和基于选择发送分集(STD)调度算法获得了几乎相同的多用户分集增益。该结论表明,在分布式移动通信系统中,采用基于发送分集的调度方案并不能有效地提高系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

针对多用户MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)无线通信系统潜在的多用户分集增益,该文提出了一种基于一位反馈信息的多用户调度算法.理论分析表明,设置合理的门限可以从统计意义上最大化系统平均频谱效率.同时,该文从理论上对最优门限的选择进行了分析.仿真结果表明所提算法可有效利用多用户分集来提高系统的频谱性能.  相似文献   

This letter studies the diversity advantage of single and multiuser systems utilizing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas for known channels at the transmitter and receiver(s) by investigating the overall distribution of the resulting channel. For the single-user case, the resultant channel is taken as the largest singular value of the MIMO channel whereas for the multiuser scenario, the resultant channel is obtained by a recently proposed joint-channel diagonalization. The channel distribution is studied using hypothesis testing with the hypothesis that the distribution follows a Nakagami-m distribution with given parameters. It is concluded from the chi-square goodness-of-fit test that the distribution of the resultant channel for single or multiuser MIMO channel is well matched with a Nakagami-m distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive performance analysis for multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) systems with multiuser diversity over Rayleigh fading channels. We derive exact closed‐form expressions of the outage probability and the average bit error rate (BER) for different MIMO schemes, including the selective combining (SC), maximum ratio combining (MRC) and space‐time block codes (STBC). We also provide the explicit upper bounds on the BER performance. Finally, the mathematical formalism is verified by numeric results that study the interaction between the antenna diversity and the multiuser diversity. It is observed that the system performance is deteriorated as the number of transmit antennas increases in multiuser scenario, which is unlike the case in single‐user systems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of space-division multiple access (SDMA) in the downlink of a multiuser multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications network can provide a substantial gain in system throughput. The challenge in such multiuser systems is designing transmit vectors while considering the co-channel interference of other users. Typical optimization problems of interest include the capacity problem - maximizing the sum information rate subject to a power constraint-or the power control problem-minimizing transmitted power such that a certain quality-of-service metric for each user is met. Neither of these problems possess closed-form solutions for the general multiuser MIMO channel, but the imposition of certain constraints can lead to closed-form solutions. This paper presents two such constrained solutions. The first, referred to as "block-diagonalization," is a generalization of channel inversion when there are multiple antennas at each receiver. It is easily adapted to optimize for either maximum transmission rate or minimum power and approaches the optimal solution at high SNR. The second, known as "successive optimization," is an alternative method for solving the power minimization problem one user at a time, and it yields superior results in some (e.g., low SNR) situations. Both of these algorithms are limited to cases where the transmitter has more antennas than all receive antennas combined. In order to accommodate more general scenarios, we also propose a framework for coordinated transmitter-receiver processing that generalizes the two algorithms to cases involving more receive than transmit antennas. While the proposed algorithms are suboptimal, they lead to simpler transmitter and receiver structures and allow for a reasonable tradeoff between performance and complexity.  相似文献   

This paper studies the multiuser diversity with constellation selection based on a virtual representation of realistic Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) correlated channels. To realize multiuser diversity in slow fading channels, random beamforming is adopted. Random beamforming matrix exploiting virtual channel representation is constructed, which can match the channel matrix of the desired user better. Sirnultaneously, adaptive coded modulation is applied to each sub-channel of the selected user to improve the system performance further.  相似文献   

In multiuser cooperative relay networks, cooperative diversity can be obtained with the help of relays, while multiuser diversity is an inherent diversity in multiuser systems. In this letter, the performance analysis of multiuser diversity in cooperative multi-relay networks is presented. Both the case of all relay participating and the case of relay selection are considered. We first derive asymptotic expressions of outage probability and symbol error probability for amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols with joint multiuser and cooperative diversity. Then, the theoretical analysis are validated by Monte Carlo simulations. Both the theoretical analysis and simulations show that a multiuser diversity order of K and a cooperative diversity order of M+ 1 can be achieved simultaneously for both AF and DF protocols (where K is the number of accessing users and M is the number of available relays). These demonstrate that the multiuser diversity can be readily combined with the cooperative diversity in multiuser cooperative relay networks.  相似文献   

Error probability of an adaptive multiuser diversity receiver is evaluated in terms of channel fading rate and the number of code-division multiple access users. Fading-induced performance loss, which leads to the error probability floor, is established for the proposed coherent combining scheme and compared to that of the differentially coherent receiver with equal-gain combining  相似文献   

In this paper, the efficiency of various multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) detectors was analyzed from the perspective of highly correlated channels, where MIMO systems have a lack of performance, besides in some cases, an increasing complexity. Considering this hard but a useful scenario, various MIMO detection schemes were accurately evaluated concerning complexity and bit error rate performance. Specifically, successive interference cancellation, lattice reduction, and the combination of them were associated with conventional linear MIMO detection techniques. To demonstrate effectiveness, a wide range of the number of antennas and modulation formats have been considered aiming to verify the potential of such MIMO detection techniques according to their performance‐complexity trade‐off. We have also studied the correlation effect when both transmit and receiver sides are equipped with uniform linear array and uniform planar array antenna configurations. The performance of different detectors is carefully compared when both antenna array configurations are deployed considering a different number of antennas and modulation order, especially under near‐massive MIMO condition. We have also discussed the relationship between the array factor and the bit error rate performance of both antenna array structures.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate receiver techniques for maximum likelihood (ML) joint channel/data estimation in flat fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, that are both (i) data efficient and (ii) computationally attractive. The performance of iterative least squares (LS) for channel estimation combined with sphere decoding (SD) for data detection is examined for block fading channels, demonstrating the data efficiency provided by the semi-blind approach. The case of continuous fading channels is addressed with the aid of recursive least squares (RLS). The observed relative robustness of the ML solution to channel variations is exploited in deriving a block QR-based RLS-SD scheme, which allows significant complexity savings with little or no performance loss. The effects on the algorithms’ performance of the existence of spatially correlated fading and line-of-sight paths are also studied. For the multi-user MIMO scenario, the gains from exploiting temporal/spatial interference color are assessed. The optimal training sequence for ML channel estimation in the presence of co-channel interference (CCI) is also derived and shown to result in better channel estimation/faster convergence. The reported simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness, in terms of both data efficiency and performance gain, of the investigated schemes under realistic fading conditions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the performance of systems with dual-polarized antennas in correlated Nakagami-m fading channels as a function of envelope correlation and cross-polarization discrimination by means of the characteristic function of the instantaneous post-maximal ratio combining (MRC) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Systems of interest include systems with receive polarization diversity and systems with transmit and receive polarization diversity employing Alamouti space-time code. The expressions for the average symbol error probability as a function of SNR assuming no power control, and the expressions for the average required transmit power to achieve the constant desired post-MRC SNR assuming perfect fast power control, are derived. Finally, a comparison between analytical and simulation results is used to validate the analysis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the asymptotic uniform power allocation capacity of frequency nonselective multiple-input multiple-output channels with fading correlation at either the transmitter or the receiver. We consider the asymptotic situation, where the number of inputs and outputs increase without bound at the same rate. A simple uniparametric model for the fading correlation function is proposed and the asymptotic capacity per antenna is derived in closed form. Although the proposed correlation model is introduced only for mathematical convenience, it is shown that its shape is very close to an exponentially decaying correlation function. The asymptotic expression obtained provides a simple and yet useful way of relating the actual fading correlation to the asymptotic capacity per antenna from a purely analytical point of view. For example, the asymptotic expressions indicate that fading correlation is more harmful when arising at the side with less antennas. Moreover, fading correlation does not influence the rate of growth of the asymptotic capacity per receive antenna with high E/sub b//N/sub 0/.  相似文献   

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