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组合验证是数字集成电路形式化设计验证的重要方面.该文提出了一种基于增量布尔可满足性的组合等价性检验方法,通过合理选择候选等价结点和增量可满足性算法来提高算法性能,并通过对内部等价结点的置换及将等价关系转化为相应的合取范式公式,避免了误判的发生,又能缩小验证程序的搜索空间.针对ISCAS’85电路的实验结果表明,该文提出的方法比以往同类方法更快、更强健. 相似文献
以vanishing多项式理想的极小强Gr-bner基为理论基础,提出一种针对定点算术数据通路的等价性检验方法.通过使用多项式函数建模定点数据通路的设计规范和寄存器传输级实现,将等价性检验问题转化为判断一个多项式函数是否为vanishing多项式、vanishing多项式理想的极小强Gr-bner基被用来有效地解决该问题.理论分析和实验结果表明,与现有的算法相比,该方法在时间消耗上具有一定的优势. 相似文献
随着集成电路规模越来越大,系统的功能日益复杂,功能验证已成为整个设计流程的瓶颈.对于大规模的时序电路,传统基于状态空间遍历的等价性检验方法可能会遇到内存爆炸问题.为了降低等价性检验方法的复杂度,提高验证效率和处理大规模电路的能力,通常需要构造两个被验证电路的存储元素映射之间的映射关系,从而将时序电路等价性检验问题转化为组合电路等价性检验问题.较全面地介绍了时序电路等价性检验的基本方法及其研究进展,讨论了基于存储元素映射的时序电路等价检验方法的基本思想,并介绍了若干具有代表性的存储元素映射方法,展望了集成电路等价检验方法的研究发展方向. 相似文献
秦凌 《数字社区&智能家居》2012,(9X):6615-6619
文章介绍低功耗设计的方法,着重介绍CPF相关低功耗设计特点。最后总结针对CPF低功耗设计的等价性验证方法,重点讨论隔离单元的验证。 相似文献
提出一种改进的基于时间帧展开的时序电路等价验证算法,其来源于模型检查中的基于数学归纳的验证算法,在使用并简化了SAT问题中不可满足子集提取过程后,将基本条件检查和归纳检查合并处理.为了能在时间帧展开过程中减少状态搜索空间,利用结构不动点技术并提出了准动态唯一状态约束等改进的方法.实验表明,随着时间帧的不断展开,文中算法运行时间的增长速度明显慢于基于数学归纳法的验证算法,其适合验证经过时序优化后的电路. 相似文献
随着集成电路设计规模的日益增大,结合多种推理引擎已成为组合电路形式化等价性验证的重要手段.提出一种基于电路拓扑结构分析的组合等价性验证方法,将电路的拓扑结构与验证算法的复杂性关联起来.在验证过程开始之前,利用min-cut方法计算表征电路复杂性的"电路宽度",以确定最佳的推理引擎,避免了传统的引擎切换过程,提高了算法的效率.针对ISCAS85电路的实验结果表明了该方法的效率和可行性. 相似文献
利用状态缓存的时序等价性验证算法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
为了提高时序电路的等价性验证速度,提出一种改进的基于寄存器匹配的验证算法.除了利用原像计算避免误判之外,该算法还将可达状态和不可达状态引入到验证过程中.将仿真过程中从初始状态可以到达的状态记录为可达状态,将验证过程中确认不能从初始状态到达的状态记录为不可达状态,利用它们减少验证过程中的原像计算.基于mcnc91电路的实验数据表明,该算法有效地减少了验证时间. 相似文献
本文分析了基于BDD的组合电路等价性检验;讨论了构造输出函数的二叉判定图BDD的不同方法,并分析了BDD间布尔操作的不同的算法的异同;然后给出了一种基于BDD的组合电路等价性检验方法。 相似文献
Shoham Ben-David Cindy Eisner Daniel Geist Yaron Wolfsthal 《Formal Methods in System Design》2003,22(2):101-108
Over the past nine years, the Formal Methods Group at the IBM Haifa Research Laboratory has made steady progress in developing tools and techniques that make the power of model checking accessible to the community of hardware designers and verification engineers, to the point where it has become an integral part of the design cycle of many teams. We discuss our approach to the problem of integrating formal methods into an industrial design cycle, and point out those techniques which we have found to be especially effective in an industrial setting. 相似文献
We describe techniques for diagnosing errors in formal equivalence checking of RTL and transistor level models of high performance microprocessors at Freescale Semiconductor Inc. We use Symbolic Trajectory based Evalaution (STE) for combinational equivalence checking. STE accurately captures transistor level behaviors. We use simulation based error diagnosis techniques and present a seamless integration of them in our current verification environments. 相似文献
模型检验以其自动化程度和完备性高、与构件技术互补性强等特点,在软件构件可信性质的分析和验证中发挥着日益重要的作用.将基于模型检验的构件验证方法分为基于系统规约模型的验证和基于源代码的验证,分别对其研究现状和发展动态进行了详细的综合评述.首先对模型检验与构件可信性质验证的关系进行了探讨,接着对基于SOFA,Fractal,CORBA及各种特定构件模型的验证方法和基于转化思想的源码验证、面向源码的直接验证及面向可执行代码的动态验证方法分别进行了评述.最后,指出了基于模型检验的构件验证技术所面临的主要挑战和未来的发展方向. 相似文献
基于BDD或布尔SAT的等价验证方法虽然能够成功验证低层次门级电路,但却难以满足高层次设计验证要求. 由此,以多项式符号代数为理论基础,提出了一个高层次数据通路的等价验证算法. 深入研究了使用多项式表达式描述复杂数据通路行为的方法,得到了高层次数据通路的多项式集合表示的一般形式. 从多项式集合公共零点的角度定义了高层次数据通路的功能等价,给出了一个基于Grbner基计算的有效代数求解算法. 针对不同基准数据通路的实验结果表明了该算法的有效性. 相似文献
提出一新的验证算法,利用电路拓扑信息选择有效割集,以减小验证规模,并对割集进行无依赖性处理,减少伪错误发生概率,提高验证效率;同时,利用启发式信息选择复杂度较高的节点变量进行量化,进一步减小二叉决策图(BDD)的内存要求.最后用ISCAS’85电路的实验结果证明了该算法的有效性. 相似文献
We introduce the notion of combinational equivalence to relate two speed-independent asynchronous (sequential) circuits: a golden hazard-free circuit C
1 and a target circuit C
2 that can be derived from C
1 through only combinational decomposition and extraction. Both circuits are assumed to be networks of single-output basic gates; multiple output gates such as arbiters, toggles, and dual-rail function blocks are not considered. We say that the circuits are combinationally equivalent if the decomposition and extraction preserves the essential functionality of the combinational blocks in the circuit and does not introduce hazards. The paper's focus is the bottleneck of the verification procedure, checking whether C
2 is hazard-free. We show that C
2 is hazard-free if and only if all of its signals are monotonic and acknowledged . We then show how cubes that approximate sets of reachable circuit states can be used to give sufficient conditions for monotonicity and acknowledgement. These sufficient conditions are used to develop a verification technique for combinational equivalence that can be exponentially faster than applying traditional, more general verification techniques. This result can be useful for verifying logic synthesis and technology mapping procedures. 相似文献
On-the-fly equivalence checking consists in comparing two Labeled Transition Systems (Ltss) modulo a given equivalence relation by exploring them in a demand-driven way. Since it avoids the explicit construction of Ltss, this method is able to detect errors even in systems that are too large to fit in the memory of a computer. In this paper, we aim at further improving the performance of on-the-fly equivalence checking using several machines connected by a network. We propose DSolve, a new algorithm for distributed on-the-fly resolution of Boolean Equation Systems (Bess), which enables equivalence checking modulo various relations characterized in terms of Bess. DSolve serves as verification engine for the distributed version of Bisimulator, an on-the-fly equivalence checker developed within the Cadp verification toolbox using the Open/Cæsar environment. Our experimental measures show quasi-linear speedups and a good scalability of the distributed version of Bisimulator w.r.t. its sequential version. 相似文献
Yael Abarbanel-Vinov Neta Aizenbud-Reshef Ilan Beer Cindy Eisner Daniel Geist Tamir Heyman Iris Reuveni Eran Rippel Irit Shitsevalov Yaron Wolfsthal Tali Yatzkar-Haham 《Formal Methods in System Design》2001,19(1):35-44
We examine IBM's exploitation of formal verification using RuleBase—a formal verification tool developed by the IBM Haifa Research Laboratory. The goal of the paper is methodological. We identify an integrated methodology for the deployment of formal verification which involves three complementary modes: architectural verification, block-level verification, and design exploration. 相似文献