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We describe a new method with general applicability for monitoring any protein-protein interaction in vivo. The principle is based on a protein splicing system, which involves a self-catalyzed excision of protein splicing elements, or inteins, from flanking polypeptide sequences, or exteins, leading to formation of a new protein in which the exteins are linked directly by a peptide bond. As the exteins, split N- and C-terminal halves of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were used. When a single peptide consisting of an intein derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae intervening the split EGFP was expressed in Escherichia coli, the two external regions of EGFP were ligated, thereby forming the EGFP corresponding fluorophore. Genetic alteration of the intein, which involved large deletion of the central region encoding 104 amino acids, was performed. In the expression of the residual N- and C-terminal intein fragments each fused to the split EGFP exteins, the splicing in trans did not proceed. However, upon coexpression of calmodulin and its target peptide M13, each connected to the N- and C-terminal inteins, fluorescence of EGFP was observed. These results demonstrate that interaction of calmodulin and M13 triggers the refolding of intein, which induces the protein splicing, thereby folding the ligated extein correctly for yielding the EGFP fluorophore. This method opens a new way not only to screen protein-protein interactions but also to visualize the interaction in vivo in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

This paper describes an in vitro fluorometric assay system for protein splicing based on the RecA intein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP). The assay takes advantage of the fact that polypeptides inserted adjacent to residue 129 of GFP cause the protein to form inclusion bodies when expressed in Escherichia coli and to be incapable of fluorophore formation. However, when the inserted polypeptide is an intein, the renatured fusion protein can undergo protein splicing and chromophore formation. Comparison of chromophore formation by renatured GFP-intein fusion and renatured GFP showed that under optimal conditions (pH 6.5 and 20 degrees C) protein splicing is significantly slower than GFP chromophore formation. Taking advantage of the reversible inhibition of protein splicing by zinc ion, a fluorometric protein splicing assay was developed in which the denatured fusion protein of GFP and the RecA intein was purified on a metal ion affinity column and renatured in the presence of 2 mM ZnCl2. When diluted into appropriate buffers, protein splicing could be initiated by the addition of a molar excess of EDTA and followed fluorometrically. This assay should be valuable as a high-throughput screening system for protein splicing inhibitors as potential antimycobacterial agents and as tools for studying the mechanism of protein splicing.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive microarray system for detecting protein-protein interactions has been developed. This method was successfully applied to analyze the interactions of heme-regulated phosphodiesterase from Escherichia coli (Ec DOS). To immobilize (His)6-Tag fused Ec DOS, anti-(His)6-Tag monoclonal antibody (anti-(His)6-Tag mAb) was initially immobilized on the solid surface, and (His)6-Tag fused Ec DOS was fixed by antigen-antibody interactions. For this experiment, ProteoChip, generally suitable for antibody immobilization, was used as solid substrate. In this report, we confirm the antibody immobilization ability of ProteoChip and specific binding to the F(c) region of the antibody. Based on this finding, interdomain interactions between Ec DOS and the isolated heme-bound PAS domain were investigated on the solid surface. Ec DOS immobilized via anti-(His)6-Tag mAb maintained interactions with the PAS fragment, in contrast to directly immobilized Ec DOS in the absence of anti-(His)6-Tag mAb. Heme-redox-sensitive interactions between Ec DOS and the PAS fragment were additionally detected using anti-(His)6-Tag mAb as a mediator. Our results collectively suggest that the immobilization method using anti-Tag antibody is suitable for maintaining native protein characteristics to facilitate elucidation of their structures and functions on solid surfaces.  相似文献   

The creation and characterization of histidine-tagged fusion protein arrays using nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) capture probes on gold thin films for the study of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions is described. Self-assembled monolayers of 11-mercaptoundecylamine were reacted with the heterobifunctional linker N-succinimidyl S-acetylthiopropionate (SATP) to create reactive sulfhydryl-terminated surfaces. NTA capture agents were immobilized by reacting maleimide-NTA molecules with the sulfhydryl surface. The SATP and NTA attachment chemistry was confirmed with Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. Oriented protein arrays were fabricated using a two-step process: (i) patterned NTA monolayers were first formed through a single serpentine poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchannel; (ii) a second set of parallel microchannels was then used to immobilize multiple His-tagged proteins onto this pattern at discrete locations. SPR imaging measurements were employed to characterize the immobilization and specificity of His-tagged fusion proteins to the NTA surface. SPR imaging measurements were also used with the His-tagged fusion protein arrays to study multiple antibody-antigen binding interactions and to monitor the sequence-specific interaction of double-stranded DNA with TATA box-binding protein. In addition, His-tagged fusion protein arrays created on gold surfaces were also used to monitor antibody binding with fluorescence microscopy in a sandwich assay format.  相似文献   

Targeting sites that modulate protein-protein interactions represents an ongoing challenge for drug discovery. We have devised an assay principle, named ligand-regulated competition (LiReC), in an effort to find non-ATP competitive small-molecule regulators for type Ialpha cAMP-dependent Protein kinase (PKA-Ialpha), a protein complex that is implicated in disease. Our assay based on the LiReC principle utilizes a competitive fluorescent peptide probe to assess the integrity of the PKA-Ialpha complex upon introduction of an allosteric ligand. The developed fluorescence polarization method screens for small molecules that specifically protect (antagonists) or conversely activate (agonists) this protein complex. In high-throughput format, various cyclic nucleotide-derived agonists and antagonists are successfully detected with high precision. Furthermore, assay performance (Z'-factors above 0.7) far exceeds the minimum requirement for small-molecule screening. To identify compounds that operate through novel modes of action, our method shields the ATP-binding site and purposely excludes ATP-competitive ligands. These proof-of-principle experiments highlight the potential of the LiReC technique and suggest its application to other protein complexes, thereby providing a novel approach to identify and characterize modulators (small molecules, proteins, peptides, or nucleic acids) of protein-protein systems.  相似文献   

Xu G  Chance MR 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(5):1213-1221
Hydroxyl radical-mediated footprinting coupled with mass spectroscopic analysis is a new technique for mapping protein surfaces, identifying structural changes modulated by protein-ligand binding, and mapping protein-ligand interfaces in solution. In this study, we examine the radiolytic oxidation of aspartic and glutamic acid residues to probe their potential use as structural probes in footprinting experiments. Model peptides containing Asp or Glu were irradiated using white light from a synchrotron X-ray source or a cesium-137 gamma-ray source. The radiolysis products were characterized by electrospray mass spectrometry including tandem mass spectrometry. Both Asp and Glu are susceptible to radiolytic oxidization by gamma-rays or synchrotron X-rays. Radiolysis results primarily in the oxidative decarboxylation of the side chain carboxyl group and formation of an aldehyde group at the carbon next to the original carboxyl group, giving rise to a characteristic product with a -30 Da mass change. A similar oxidative decarboxylation also takes place for amino acids with C-terminal carboxyl groups. The methylene groups in the Asp and Glu side chains also undergo oxygen addition forming ketone or alcohol groups with mass changes of +14 and +16 Da, respectively. Characterizing the oxidation reactions of these two acidic residues extends the number of useful side chain probes for hydroxyl radical-mediated protein footprinting from 10 (Cys, Met, Trp, Tyr, Phe, Arg, Leu, Pro, His, Lys) to 12 amino acid residues, thus enhancing our ability to map protein surface structure and in combination with previously identified basic amino acid probes can be used to examine molecular details of protein-protein interactions that are driven by electrostatics.  相似文献   

Protein footprinting utilizing hydroxyl radicals coupled with mass spectrometry has become a powerful technique for mapping the solvent accessible surface of proteins and examining protein-protein interactions in solution. Hydroxyl radicals generated by radiolysis or chemical methods efficiently react with many amino acid residue side chains, including the aromatic and sulfur-containing residues along with proline and leucine, generating stable oxidation products that are valuable probes for examining protein structure. In this study, we examine the radiolytic oxidation chemistry of histidine, lysine, and arginine for comparison with their metal-catalyzed oxidation products. Model peptides containing arginine, histidine, and lysine were irradiated using white light from a synchrotron X-ray source or a cesium-137 gamma-ray source. The rates of oxidation and the radiolysis products were primarily characterized by electrospray mass spectrometry including tandem mass spectrometry. Arginine is very sensitive to radiolytic oxidation, giving rise to a characteristic product with a 43 Da mass reduction as a result of the loss of guanidino group and conversion to gamma-glutamyl semialdehyde, consistent with previous metal-catalyzed oxidation studies. Histidine was oxidized to generate a mixture of products with characteristic mass changes primarily involving rupture of and addition to the imidazole ring. Lysine was converted to hydroxylysine or carbonylysine by radiolysis. The development of methods to probe these residues due to their high frequency of occurrence, their typical presence on the protein surface, and their frequent participation in protein-protein interactions considerably extends the utility of protein footprinting.  相似文献   

This work presents near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as an in-line process analyzer for monitoring protein unfolding and protein-lyoprotectant hydrogen bond interactions during freeze-drying. By implementing a noncontact NIR probe in the freeze-drying chamber, spectra of formulations containing a model protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) were collected each process minute. When sublimation was completed in the cake region illuminated by the NIR probe, the frequency of the amide A/II band (near 4850 cm(-1)) was monitored as a function of water elimination. These two features were well correlated during protein dehydration in the absence of protein unfolding (desired process course), whereas consistent deviations from this trend to higher amide A/II frequencies were shown to be related to protein unfolding. In formulations with increased sucrose concentrations, the markedly decreased amide A/II frequencies seen immediately after sublimation indicated an increased extent of hydrogen bond interaction between the protein's backbone and surrounding molecules. At the end of drying, there was evidence of nearly complete water substitution for formulations with 1%, 5%, and 10% sucrose. The presented approach shows promising perspectives for early fault detection of protein unfolding and for obtaining mechanistic process information on actions of lyoprotectants.  相似文献   

A microfluidic chip consisting of parallel channels designed for rapid electrophoretic enzyme assays was developed. Radial arrangement of channels and a common waste channel allowed chips with 16 and 36 electrophoresis units to be fabricated on a 7.62 x 7.62 cm(2) glass substrate. Fluorescence detection was achieved using a Xe arc lamp source and commercial charge-coupled device (CCD) camera to image migrating analyte zones in individual channels. Chip performance was evaluated by performing electrophoretic assays for G protein GTPase activity on chip using BODIPY-GTP as enzyme substrate. A 16-channel design proved to be useful in extracting kinetic information by allowing serial electrophoretic assays from 16 different enzyme reaction mixtures at 20 s intervals in parallel. This system was used to rapidly determine enzyme concentrations, optimal enzymatic reaction conditions, and Michaelis-Menten constants. A chip with 36 channels was used for screening for modulators of the G protein-RGS protein interaction by assaying the amount of product formed in enzyme reaction mixtures that contained test compounds. Thirty-six electrophoretic assays were performed in 30 s suggesting the potential throughput up to 4320 assays/h with appropriate sample handling procedures. Both designs showed excellent reproducibility of peak migration time and peak area. Relative standard deviations of normalized peak area of enzymatic product BODIPY-GDP were 5% and 11%, respectively, in the 16- and 36-channel designs.  相似文献   

The recognition process between a protein and a partner represents a significant theoretical challenge. In silico structure-based drug design carried out with nothing more than the three-dimensional structure of the protein has led to the introduction of many compounds into clinical trials and numerous drug approvals. Central to guiding the discovery process is to recognize active among non-active compounds. While large-scale computer simulations of compounds taken from a library (virtual screening) or designed de novo are highly desirable in the post-genomic area, many technical problems remain to be adequately addressed. This article presents an overview and discusses the limits of current computational methods for predicting the correct binding pose and accurate binding affinity. It also presents the performances of the most popular algorithms for exploring binary and multi-body protein interactions.  相似文献   

We present novel homobifunctional amine-reactive clickable cross-linkers (CXLs) for investigation of three-dimensional protein structures and protein-protein interactions (PPIs). CXLs afford consolidated advantages not previously available in a simple cross-linker, including (1) their small size and cationic nature at physiological pH, resulting in good water solubility and cell-permeability, (2) an alkyne group for bio-orthogonal conjugation to affinity tags via the click reaction for enrichment of cross-linked peptides, (3) a nucleophilic displacement reaction involving the 1,2,3-triazole ring formed in the click reaction, yielding a lock-mass reporter ion for only clicked peptides, and (4) higher charge states of cross-linked peptides in the gas-phase for augmented electron transfer dissociation (ETD) yields. Ubiquitin, a lysine-abundant protein, is used as a model system to demonstrate structural studies using CXLs. To validate the sensitivity of our approach, biotin-azide labeling and subsequent enrichment of cross-linked peptides are performed for cross-linked ubiquitin digests mixed with yeast cell lysates. Cross-linked peptides are detected and identified by collision induced dissociation (CID) and ETD with linear quadrupole ion trap (LTQ)-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) and LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometers. The application of CXLs to more complex systems (e.g., in vivo cross-linking) is illustrated by Western blot detection of Cul1 complexes including known binders, Cand1 and Skp2, in HEK 293 cells, confirming good water solubility and cell-permeability.  相似文献   

Displacer lead compounds were selected from a commercially available database to identify potential selective displacers for a binary protein mixture in ion exchange chromatography. Parallel batch screening experiments were carried out with these lead compounds to study the effect of displacer concentration on the relative amounts of the proteins displaced. Experiments were conducted with a mixture containing ribonuclease A and alpha-chymo-trypsinogen A which exhibited very similar retention behavior under linear gradient conditions. The batch displacement results indicated that most of these lead compounds were indeed selective for displacing ribonuclease A. In fact, one of these displacers exhibited extremely high selectivity, displacing essentially all of the ribonuclease A while displacing minimal alpha-chymotrypsinogen A at a displacer concentration of 10 mM. These results were validated under column conditions, with the ribonuclease A being displaced and the alpha-chymotrypsinogen A remaining on the column after the displacer breakthrough. In order to examine whether this was mass action or chemically selective displacement, an affinity ranking plot based on the Steric Mass Action (SMA) model was generated, and the results confirmed that this was not a mass action displacement. In order to test the hypothesis that displacer protein binding was playing a role in these separations, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) was carried out. The results suggest that while the chemically selective displacer interacted with alpha-chymo-trypsinogen A, it had no interaction with ribonuclease A. The ability to exploit protein displacer binding in concert with appropriate displacer resin affinities opens up new possibilities for creating selective displacement systems.  相似文献   

Due to the ability to detect multiple parameters simultaneously, protein microarrays have found widespread applications from basic biological research to diagnosis of diseases. Generally, readout of protein microarrays is performed by fluorescence detection using either dye-labeled detector antibodies or direct labeling of the target proteins. We developed a method for the label-free detection and quantification of proteins based on time-gated, wide-field, camera-based UV fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy to gain lifetime information from each pixel of a sensitive CCD camera. The method relies on differences in the native fluorescence lifetime of proteins and takes advantage of binding-induced lifetime changes for the unequivocal detection and quantification of target proteins. Since fitting of the fluorescence decay for every pixel in an image using a classical exponential decay model is time-consuming and unstable at very low fluorescence intensities, we used a new, very robust and fast alternative method to generate UV fluorescence lifetime images by calculating the average lifetime of the decay for each pixel in the image stack using a model-free average decay time algorithm.To validate the method, we demonstrate the detection and quantification of p53 antibodies, a tumor marker in cancer diagnosis. Using tryptophan-containing capture peptides, we achieved a detection sensitivity for monoclonal antibodies down to the picomolar concentration range. The obtained affinity constant, Ka, of (1.4 +/- 0.6) x 10(9) M(-1), represents a typical value for antigen/antibody binding and is in agreement with values determined by traditional binding assays.  相似文献   

Magnetic nanoparticles have many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. A method termed magnetic spectroscopy of nanoparticle Brownian motion (MSB) was developed to interrogate in vivo the microscopic environment surrounding magnetic nanoparticles. We can monitor several effects that are important in thermal therapy and screening including temperature measurement and the bound state distribution. Here we report on simulations of nanoparticle localization. Measuring the spatial distribution of nanoparticles would allow us to identify ovarian cancer much earlier when it is still curable or monitor thermal therapies more accurately. We demonstrate that with well-designed equipment superior signal to noise ratio (SNR) can be achieved using only two harmonics rather than using all the harmonics containing signal. Alternatively, smaller magnetic field amplitudes can be used to achieve the same SNR. The SNR is improved using fewer harmonics because the noise is limited.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on different approaches for tailoring the resistance as well as the sensitivity of interphase sensors based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The two main aspects in affecting their initial resistance as well as the sensitivity of the systems during mechanical loading are the yarn coating content and the CNT-weight fraction of the coating. Varying those factors, the conducted tensile tests show that the initial resistance as well as the sensitivity of the interphase sensors can be adjusted within a certain range. Additionally, it is shown that glass fibre (GF)-yarns with low coating contents allow identifying critical loads for the interphase, which are found to be below the ones for GF failure. Performing cyclic tensile loading above and below this critical stress value has a significant effect on the interphase life-time. In order to assess the interphase damage quantitatively, new parameters based on the resistance change are introduced. Those parameters allow for direct comparison and characterisation of different GF modifications, i.e. interphases, during mechanical testing by cyclic loading of the interphase sensors.  相似文献   

A novel and practical technique for performing both parent and neutral loss (P&NL) monitoring experiments on a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer is presented. This technique is capable of performing scans analogous to the parent and neutral loss scans routinely applied on tandem-in-space instruments and allows for the screening of a sample to detect analytes of a specific compound class on a chromatographic time-scale. Acylcarnitines were chosen as the model compound class to demonstrate the analytical utility of P&NL monitoring because of their amenability to electrospray ionization (ESI), their unique and informative MS/MS fragmentation pattern, and their importance in biological functions. The [M + H]+ ions of all acylcarnitines dissociate to produce neutral losses of 59 and 161 amu and common product ions at m/z 60, 85, and 144. Both the neutral loss monitoring of 59 amu and the parent ion monitoring of m/z 85 are shown to be capable of identifying acylcarnitine [M + H]+ ions in a synthetic mixture and spiked pig plasma. The neutral loss monitoring of 59 amu is successful in detecting acylcarnitines in an unspiked pig plasma sample.  相似文献   

The interstitial spaces between spherical particles in a packed column can act as a sieve that passes microorganisms below a certain size. If the bed is a perfusion-type material (containing a binary distribution of large and small pores), colloidal-size microorganisms are subject only to pore exclusion, while all molecules are subject to size exclusion among the various pores. Thus, microorganisms elute first, followed by macromolecules, and then small molecules. Coupling this separation method to an ICP magnetic sector mass spectrometer provides a sensitive, direct means to study the microbial uptake of heavy metals (i.e., uranium) from their surrounding environments. Multiple metal ions can be monitored in the microorganism and in the surrounding solution. In this way, definitive information can be provided for the remediation of radioactive waste sites. The effect of uranium on microbial growth is also discussed.  相似文献   

Yao S  Bakajin O 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(15):5753-5759
Using a microfluidic laminar flow mixer designed for studies of protein folding kinetics, we demonstrate a mixing time of 1 +/- 1 micros with sample consumption on the order of femtomoles. We recognize two limitations of previously proposed designs: (1) size and shape of the mixing region, which limits mixing uniformity and (2) the formation of Dean vortices at high flow rates, which limits the mixing time. We address these limitations by using a narrow shape-optimized nozzle and by reducing the bend of the side channel streamlines. The final design, which combines both of these features, achieves the best performance. We quantified the mixing performance of the different designs by numerical simulation of coupled Navier-Stokes and convection-diffusion equations and experiments using fluorescence resonance energy-transfer (FRET)-labeled DNA.  相似文献   

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