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秦山第二核电站(CNP600)汽轮机水环式电动真空泵性能常由于工作介质温度高等原因导致出力显著下降、凝汽器真空变差,进而影响整个机组的经济性。对此,以降低水环式真空泵工作介质温度为出发点,根据历史数据,充分考虑电站运行环境,探讨对水环式真空泵实施技术改造,通过增加工作介质冷却器冷源的运行方式,提高汽轮发电机组的利用效率。  相似文献   

提高火电厂抽真空系统效率的方案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱信义 《节能》2009,28(6):32-35
介绍提高火力发电厂真空泵工作效率的方法,通过对真空泵工作液冷却系统改进和降低真空泵吸入口介质温度,可有效提高真空泵的抽吸能力和降低入口极限压力,因而降低凝汽器压力,提高火电机组效率。  相似文献   

基于焓差法建立了电厂逆流自然通风循环冷却水系统热力模型,通过与15 MW机组运行数据相比较,验证了模型能够较好地模拟电厂循环冷却水系统热力过程。同时分析了影响逆流自然通风冷却系统冷却性能的因素,可为电厂循环冷却水系统的设计和实际运行提供指导。气象条件除大气压力外对冷却塔出水温度和凝汽器压力影响显著,以65 MW高温超高压机组为例,其中干球温度增加2℃,冷却塔出塔水温增加近1.4℃,凝汽器压力增加0.6~0.7 k Pa。凝汽器热负荷一定时,循环水量增加,冷却塔进水温度和凝汽器的压力下降,有利于提高全厂热效率,但出塔水温增加。  相似文献   

以某600 MW机组的低压凝汽器为例,采用数值计算方法获得了凝汽器壳侧流动细节及凝汽器随抽气压力变化的性能曲线,计算得到真空泵变工况下的抽吸体积流量,并结合真空泵与凝汽器联合运行的工程实际,在考虑真空泵变工况影响的情况下确定了凝汽器的工作点和工作压力。结果表明:真空泵工作水温度提高,凝汽器压力会增大,为了准确评价凝汽器的性能,建议考虑真空泵工作水温度变化对凝汽器压力的影响。  相似文献   

考虑真空泵汽蚀特性的300MW汽轮机凝汽器特性曲线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有的300MW机组凝汽器特性曲线没有考虑到水环真空泵汽蚀特性对凝汽器运行特性的影响,不能准确反映凝汽器的运行状态。文中首先对300MW机组凝汽器水环真空泵的汽蚀特性进行了分析,并给出了汽蚀的判断方法以及汽蚀余量的表达式。然后,以国产引进型300MW汽轮机凝汽器为例,计算汽轮机负荷及冷却水温度对水环真空泵汽蚀余量的影响。最后,给出了考虑水环真空泵汽蚀特性后的300MW机组凝汽器特性曲线及其绘制方法,该曲线能较准确地反映凝汽器的运行特性。  相似文献   

基于汽轮机冷端系统内部协同工作的实际情况,探讨了准确确定凝汽器压力的数值研究方法。以某600MW机组低压凝汽器及其配套的水环式真空泵为研究对象,采用数值计算的方法模拟凝汽器在不同冷却水温下的工作性能,确定了冷却水温变化引起的水环式真空泵抽吸能力的变化;计算了凝汽器抽气口至水环式真空泵入口抽气管道内的流动压损;在考虑冷却水温对凝汽器与水环式真空泵性能影响以及抽气管道流动压损影响的情况下,实施了与凝汽器实际运行情况相符的确定凝汽器压力的数值研究方法。研究结果表明:抽气管道流动压损对凝汽器压力的影响较小,在凝汽器压力确定的过程中可以忽略;真空泵变工况对凝汽器压力的影响较大,当真空泵工作水温低于设计工况下的工作水温,忽略真空泵变工况的影响将会使确定出的凝汽器压力偏高;反之,则确定出的凝汽器压力偏低;而且工作水温高于设计工况越远,确定出的凝汽器压力偏差值越大。以文中的研究对象为例,当真空泵工作水温高于设计工况20℃,考虑真空泵变工况与否确定出的凝汽器压力相差达到213Pa。  相似文献   

[目的]电厂水环式真空泵运行中出现的汽蚀、出力下降等问题已经成为项目业主们主要关注的焦点。[方法]通过对真空泵工作原理的分析,指出了产生上述现象的原因,提出了工作液冷却系统设计优化方案。[结果]结果表明:该方案可提高真空泵的抽吸能力,降低真空泵的轴功率,提高真空泵运行的安全性和机组运行的经济性。[结论]本研究对各类型机组真空泵工作液冷却水系统设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

凝汽器水环式真空泵在低负荷运行阶段和密封水温度升高的情况下会出现极限抽吸能力不足的问题,影响了机组真空的改善。叙述了真空泵工作原理及工作特性,提出了在凝汽器水环式真空泵入口加装大气喷射器的改造方案。利用OFFIPRO软件进行性能计算,分析加装大气喷射器前后机组的真空改善情况及对经济性的影响。  相似文献   

针对水环真空泵由于其初始设计考虑不够全面及运行控制技术存在一些误区造成实际运行中出现的一些问题,提出通过降低工作水温度的冷却措施,大幅度提高真空泵的抽吸能力,有效解决了机组夏季真空度偏低问题,改造后可使凝汽器真空提高1.5~2 k Pa,获得较好的经济效益,目前在国内已有类似设备成功应用。  相似文献   

多压凝汽器是现代大型电站凝汽器发展的一个重要方向,多压凝汽器比相同冷却面积和冷却水流量的单压凝汽器具有更低的平均凝汽压力,因而可以提高机组的效率和出力,近年来在我国建造的600MW及以上机组中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

华能太仓电厂630 MW机组在夏季工况下,真空泵工作液温度已远远偏离设计点,其工作特性严重恶化,造成凝汽器真空受到真空泵极限抽吸压力的制约.通过在真空泵补水旁路上加装冷水机,直接降低了补迸泵体的工作液温度;改造后对应的凝汽器真空度提高了0.3 kPa,仅7天左右即可收回成本,证明整套改造方案达到了预期的节能降耗效果.  相似文献   

热电厂的循环水所具有的热量一般是通过冷却塔释放给大气环境,为对这部分余热回收利用,进行了水源热泵能量系统的分析研究。将热泵系统供给的热量扣除消耗的驱动蒸汽热量,再考虑导致新增的驱动电耗,及以凝汽器真空下降引起发电的热耗增加作为修正,可确定最终节能量。通过对实际热电厂4台200 MW供热机组的循环水源吸收式热泵系统进行计算,可获知年节约标准煤9 985.7 t,该方案实现了比较理想的工程节能效果。  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of the cooling water temperature on the thermal efficiency of a conceptual pressurized‐water reactor nuclear‐power plant is studied through an energy analysis based on the first law of thermodynamics to gain some new insights into the plant performance. The change in the cooling water temperature can be experienced due to the seasonal changes in climatic conditions at plant site. It can also come into the question of design processes for the plant site selection. In the analysis, it is considered that the condenser vacuum varies with the temperature of cooling water extracted from environment into the condenser. The main findings of the paper is that the impact of 1°C increase in temperature of the coolant extracted from environment is predicted to yield a decrease of ~0.45 and ~0.12% in the power output and the thermal efficiency of the pressurized‐water reactor nuclear‐power plant considered, respectively. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Miniaturisation of the vapour absorption refrigerator requires replacement of the solution pump by a heat operated bubble pump and air cooled condenser and absorber. The replacement necessitates the selection of working media restricted to vacuum operation, and the air cooling poses the problem of high pressure drops in the refrigerator. Thermodynamic analysis of the absorption refrigerator with such a suitable working medium is performed considering the pressure drops in the system as parameters. The analysis shows that the effect of the evaporator to absorber pressure drop on the system performance is more significant than that of the generator to condenser pressure drop, and it becomes more predominant at the low generator temperature normally encountered in solar operated systems.  相似文献   

针对光伏组件表面温度影响光伏电站出力的技术难题,以2行4列的光伏阵列为例,在拉萨搭建光伏阵列输出功率实验测试平台,采用液冷方式在背板铺设冷却循环管道构建背板冷却系统,并基于冷却系统的连续运行(实验Ⅰ)、先停后启(实验Ⅱ)、先启后停(实验Ⅲ)3种运行工况,分别进行光伏组件有无背板冷却的对比实验,探究高原高寒地区组件表面温度对光伏阵列输出功率的影响规律。研究表明:采用背板冷却技术降低光伏组件的表面温度,可有效提升光伏阵列的输出功率,在实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ中光伏阵列输出功率分别提升了1.4%、1.3%、1.0%;光伏组件采用背板冷却技术时,冷却介质循环泵耗功高于光伏阵列提升的输出功率,但在高原高寒地区可回收利用冷却介质吸热量,加热生活用水,可使采用背板冷却的光伏阵列综合效益提高。  相似文献   

厂水泥熟料纯低温余热发电所用的是1×12 MW的机组,自投运以来凝汽器真空较长时间低于设计值运行,同时机组在运行中出现过凝汽器真空恶化的现象。经全面分析真空系统工作原理及设备运行工况,得出汽轮机真空系统不严密、射水抽气器工作不正常、循环水流量不足、循环水温升高、凝汽器传热端差大等是造成凝汽器真空低的主要原因。结合各种故障给出提高凝汽器真空的方法与措施,提高了真空值。  相似文献   

汽轮机凝汽器真空应达值的确定方法及其应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
凝汽器真空应达值通常是通过查取制造厂家提供的凝汽器特性曲线来得到,但这种方法只适用于冷却水流量,汽轮机排汽焓均为设计值的工况。针对实际运行的凝汽器,暂出一种确定凝汽器真空应达值的方法,并给出了这种方法在汽轮机凝汽器运行状态分析中的应用,为凝汽器真空降低故障的诊断,奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the novelty pumpless organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and its choice of working fluids. Based on the selection criteria, the refrigerant of R1233zd(E) is firstly chosen and investigated in the pumpless ORC system. In the system, the feed pump is removed, and the refrigerant flows back and forth between two heat exchangers, which act as the evaporator or condenser, respectively. The impacts of the heating water temperature and loads on the system performance are studied to find out the best operating conditions. The low‐grade heat source is simulated by an electric boiler. The temperature of the heat resource ranges from 80°C to 100°C with the interval of 5°C. The temperature of the cooling water inlet is 10°C and is kept constant. The largest average power output is 127 W under the condition of 100°C heating water with nine loads. Because the cycle efficiency with heating steam temperature of 100°C cannot be determined, the highest energy and exergy efficiencies are 3.5% and 17.1%, respectively, for heating water of 95°C with seven loads. The experimental results show that the energy and exergy efficiencies increase with the increase of the heating temperature. The power and current outputs increase when the loads increase under the condition of the constant heating water temperature, whereas the voltage output decreases meanwhile. The generating time increases when the loads increase. This phenomenon is mainly caused by the increasing evaporating pressure and decreasing condensing pressure when the loads increases.  相似文献   

F.W. Yu  K.T. Chan 《Applied Energy》2008,85(10):931-950
This study investigates the energy performance of chiller and cooling tower systems integrated with variable condenser water flow and optimal speed control for tower fans and condenser water pumps. Thermodynamic-behaviour chiller and cooling tower models were developed to assess how different control methods of cooling towers and condenser water pumps influence the trade-off between the chiller power, pump power, fan power and water consumption under various operating conditions. Load-based speed control is introduced for the tower fans and condenser water pumps to achieve optimum system performance. With regard to an example chiller system serving an office building, the optimal control coupled with variable condenser water flow could reduce the annual system electricity use by 5.3% and operating cost by 4.9% relative to the equivalent system using constant speed fans and pumps with a fixed set point for cooling water temperature control.  相似文献   

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