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正租赁市场规模堪称全国最大的深圳,从2017年8月起持续"祭出"一系列大力发展住房租赁市场的举措。从进一步推出城中村规模化租赁改造的相关政策,调整土地出让模式到以政府为首运行住房租赁交易服务平台,再到银行涉足租赁领域,深圳的租赁市场正在迎来一场历史性大变局。新闻回放7月深圳成首批住房租赁试点城市。8月市规土委发布《深圳市关于加快培育和发展住房租赁市场的实施意见》(征求意见稿)及《深圳市住房租  相似文献   

为了深入了解特大城市城中村非正规住房租赁市场目前的现状以及存在的问题,本文以广州大学城四个城中村的租赁市场为研究区域,开展相关调查访问,分析非正规住房租赁市场的状况。通过分析广州大学城城中村非正规住房租赁市场的结构特点,发现其市场结构存在市场集中度低、产品差别度较低、由村民主导的租赁模式成本较低,租赁经营退出困难等问题。针对存在问题,提出提高住房质量、加强租赁经营管理等建议。  相似文献   

结合住房租赁市场的现状和特点,从租赁住房利益相关者的角度对政府、住房租赁企业和消费者之间的关系进行研究,有利于加强对租赁住房市场的监管。根据三者掌握的租赁住房信息的严重不对称性,创新性地建立了动态贝叶斯博弈模型,通过求解精炼贝叶斯均衡策略分析影响各方策略选择的因素。结果表明:政府加强检查、加大对住房租赁企业的惩罚力度和增加对低质量住房的补贴,减少消费者选择租赁住房的成本或增加其选择高质量住房的收益,降低住房租赁企业提供低质量住房的收益等措施均有利于提高租赁住房的质量。利用Matlab进行模拟仿真分析,为提高租赁住房的质量提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

为研究广州市住房租赁新政对房地产市场的影响,结合广州市实际政策与理论做出假设,认为在这些政策的影响下,广州市住房租赁市场扩大从而影响住房买卖市场,同时,房价对租金的影响会减小,租金对房价的影响会增大。通过建立租金与房价的VECM 模型进一步研究,发现实际研究结论与假设相符合,即新政前后租金与房价的关系发生了变化,据此可以从统计学的角度说明新政推动了住房租赁市场与住房买卖市场的互动和融合,这对于住房租赁市场的发展具有重大意义。并提出了继续扩大政策实施、增大租赁住房供给的同时也要保障租户权益、保量也要保质的政策建议。  相似文献   

房企参与公共租赁住房开发模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以房地产企业有效参与公共租赁住房建设为研究对象,借鉴相关理论研究和实际案例运作经验,分别提出了基于"占先优势"的土地一级开发、基于资源补偿与成本控制的二级开发以及基于REITs的资产证券化资本退出的三阶段发展模式,为拓展房企市场领域和公共租赁住房建设引进社会资本提供参考。  相似文献   

梁爽 《城乡建设》2014,(12):83-85
正国际上,一般将住房所有形式分为住房自有、社会租赁、市场租赁三大类。住房自有是指住自有产权的房屋,社会租赁是指住政府或非营利组织提供的保障性租赁住房,市场租赁是指在住房市场上租住房屋。由于各国住房制度不同,三者的占比各不相同(表1)。就租赁住房的投资运营主体而言,大多数国家的经验表明,在市场租赁中,一般以个人投资者提供住房为主,机构投资者、公司持有运营租赁住房为辅;在社会租赁中,一般由政府或者非营组织持有运营。  相似文献   

近年来,重庆市为贯彻落实“房住不炒”“租购并举”的住房政策,大力推进住房租赁市场发展,并于2019年7月成功入选首批中央财政支持住房租赁市场发展试点城市。经过近3年试点探索,重庆市的住房租赁市场发展环境得到有效改善,市场规模逐步扩大。本文通过对涪陵区住房租赁市场发展现状进行分析,探讨主城新区住房租赁市场发展前景。  相似文献   

正我国房地产库存高、住房空置率高,导致住房出售、出租价格高,部分居民住房需求未满足。国务院办公厅近日发布《关于加快培育和发展住房租赁市场的若干意见》(以下简称为"意见")。意见提出,到2020年,基本形成供应主体多元、经营服务规范、租赁关系稳定的住房租赁市场体系,基本形成保基本、促公平、可持续的公共租赁住房保障体系。为加快培育和发展住房租赁市场,鼓励房地产开发企业开展住房租赁业务,允许将商业用房等按规定改  相似文献   

德国住房自有率低,租赁率高且租赁关系稳定,重要的原因在于其完善的住房租赁制度,促使住房租赁市场长期平稳发展。我国有着庞大的流动人口规模,租赁住房需求旺盛,中央层面多次强调要建立租购并举的住房制度。而与此同时,我国租赁市场发展尚不成熟,租赁制度有待进一步完善。在此背景下,本文通过梳理德国住房租赁的相关制度,归纳总结其主要内容和特点,以期为我国优化和完善住房租赁制度,培育和发展住房租赁市场提供思路。  相似文献   

2015年中央经济工作会议提出“建立购租并举的住房制度”,提出“要发展住房租赁市场,鼓励自然人和各类机构投资者购买库存商品房,成为租赁市场的房源提供者,鼓励发展以住房租赁为主营业务的专业化企业”.科学合理的住房租赁税制设计,对于租赁市场发展至关重要.新一轮财税机制改革和国家层面对于住房租赁市场日益重视的背景下,有必要梳理我国现行住房租赁税制现状及问题,提出有利于租赁市场发展的税收政策建议.  相似文献   

张建武 《山西建筑》2012,38(11):244-245
为解决公租房的资金及建设问题,利用BOT方式建设公租房,从结构框架、主要参与方责任、运行程序等方面进行了探析,以期为我国公租房的建设提供可参考意见。  相似文献   

租售并举的住房制度将深刻影响我国房地产市场,在发展住房租赁市场过程中涉及政府、消费者、企业三方利益相关者。基于利益主体协同演化的视角,构建住房租赁市场发展过程中多主体协同演化博弈模型,通过 Vensim 软件进行仿真模拟,分析各主体演化路径趋势、识别内部主要驱动因素。仿真结果表明,三方主体最终在政府不监管、消费者倾向于租房、企业主动发展租房业务处达到均衡稳定状态。政府监管所需成本、对企业惩罚力度、企业获取的长期经济效益、短期经济效益是三方演化的主要驱动因素。研究表明,在发展住房租赁市场过程中,政府要强调发展住房租赁市场的重要性,提高消费者及企业此方面意识;发展初期,政府对企业宜强力推动;在中后期,政府可缓和态度,企业将逐步采取主动措施,进而形成健康可持续的住房租赁市场。  相似文献   

郭俊辉  徐浩鸣 《建筑经济》2021,42(3):115-120
随着互联网技术的发展,在线租房平台为人们提供了新型的租房模式。基于问卷调研和数据分析,本文重点分析通过在线租房平台获得的实体房源质量感知对居住体验的影响,得到以下研究结果:在线租房质量感知由信息完整性、服务保障性、价格透明性、城市引导性构成,它显著影响租房满意度和居住幸福感;房屋租赁企业可通过优质服务、优选房源等提高租房业务的运营效益,倒逼房屋租赁市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

Swedish cities are not only segregated but also segmented along ethnic lines; i.e., different ethnic groups are unevenly distributed across the different tenure segments in the housing market. Immigrants are generally overrepresented in rental housing and underrepresented in home ownership and tenant–owner cooperative housing. In this paper, an attempt is made to evaluate the importance of socioeconomic resources in explaining this segmentation, using the Uppsala housing market as a case. By means of binary logistic regression an evaluation is made of the relative importance of socioeconomic resources and ethnic background, while controlling for demographic factors, in explaining whether a person leaves rental housing for home ownership or cooperative housing or remains in the rental segment. The results show that the socioeconomic situation of the individual is indeed very important. A high income and a stable position in the labor market seem to be crucial in order to advance in the housing market. Demographic and socioeconomic factors cannot, however, fully account for the differences found between Swedes and immigrant groups such as Africans and Eastern Europeans. The results imply that ethnic discrimination cannot be ruled out as an explanation for the underrepresentation of immigrants in the cooperative and owner-occupied segments.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房供给是现阶段我国住房保障体系建设的重点,在解决特定群体住房困难的同时,公共租赁住房供给对房地产要素市场也产生作用。从公共租赁住房供给的预期目标出发,分析公共租赁住房供给在不同时期、不同市场条件下对土地市场和商品住房市场供需的作用路径,从而从宏观层面对公共租赁住房供给的市场效应进行评估,纠正公共租赁住房供给的非理性预期,为公共租赁住房供给制度的目标设计提供参考。  相似文献   


With the expansion of institutional investors into urban rental markets, many cities have witnessed a rise in Build-to-Rent (BtR). This article reviews the financialization of rental housing literature and identifies opportunities for urban housing scholars to progress understandings of BtR through future empirical and theoretical efforts. In particular, it proposes a broadening of the housing research agenda around three analytical entry points. These entry points relate to relatively understudied structural transformations of our urban housing systems implicated in the rise of BtR, namely: (1) the diversification of build-to-sell development models; (2) the evolution of the private rental sector; and (3) labour market–housing market realignments. Comparative inquiry promises to enrich understandings of BtR by revealing how city rental accommodation and tenancies are recalibrated by the investment imperatives of institutional investors and BtR asset shareholders, and with what benefits and at what costs to whom. Such contributions will also provide rich data to progress conceptual efforts to locate BtR within broader processes of housing financialization.  相似文献   

“商改租”政策的提出不仅有利于扩大租赁住房供给来源,也为我国商办市场去库存提供了一个解决思路。但目前“商改租”的实践效果并不理想,针对企业积极性不高的问题,在相关文献研究和案例分析的基础上,从法律与政策、市场、企业和存量商办房自身4个方面,系统归纳出影响企业参与意愿的26个因素。运用系统工程方法,建立了影响因素间的6级多层递阶解释结构模型,明确各因素之间的相互影响关系和作用路径,找出了影响企业参与意愿的10个根源性因素。并针对法律与政策、政府激励措施、商办与住房租赁市场需求、改造市场经验、存量状况与满足转化条件程度等根源性影响因素,提出“商改租”工作推进政策建议。  相似文献   

The proportion of public housing is very low in Norway. Low-income groups must therefore enter the private rental market in order to rent a dwelling. This paper focuses on tenancy conditions in the private rental market in two cities, Oslo and Trondheim, for recipients of social assistance. The analysis offers valuable insight into overall differences between social assistance recipients and other tenants. In particular, it is demonstrated that recipients of social assistance are predominantly found in the most expensive segment of the private rental market. However, within this segment the analysis is not conclusive with respect to differences in rental fees. Furthermore, in Oslo the tenancy conditions of social assistance recipients differ somewhat from the general rental market in that short-term contracts are used more often while this is not the case in Trondheim. In Oslo private landlords generally have information that the tenants receive social assistance, while they generally do not have such information in Trondheim.  相似文献   

Since the Second World War, the Dutch rental market has been subject to close government regulation. In the 1970s, however, landlords started to gain greater freedom in setting the initial rental price and in determining the level of annual rent increases. In late 2004, the government announced plans whereby the hitherto cautious liberalization of the market would be continued with greater vigour. The proposed modernization of rental policy will be achieved by removing all restrictions on one quarter of the rental stock, and by implementing substantial rent increases in the remaining regulated sector. This paper gives a critical analysis of the new rent policy. This is done in the light of two considerations: the current context of the housing market, and the objectives and effects which the government hopes to achieve through the new rental policy. The author concludes that the implementation of this policy will have many disadvantages, and that alternative strategies exist which will not only serve to attain the objectives of public housing policy, but will have a less disruptive influence on the Dutch housing market.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the Swedish rental system has missed the central significance of the Swedish system for international comparative purposes by neglecting the rent‐setting system and by unwittingly adopting an Anglo‐Saxon perspective. In this paper I attempt to rectify this by developing a comparative conceptual framework for the analysis of rental systems. I outline the post‐war history of the Swedish rent‐setting system, and argue that this constitutes an example of a unitary social rental market in the making, whereby public and private renting are integrated and public renting expands to become market leader for rent‐setting purposes. According to this model, public renting is allowed to compete with private renting such that its cost structure increasingly determines the rent levels on the rental market as a whole. This ‘market strategy’ constrasts to the Anglo‐Saxon model in which public renting is segregated from private renting, its growth suppressed (or even reversed through discounted sales) to prevent public renting competing with private renting and owner occupation. The ‘command policy’ uses the principles of the command economy to achieve the goal of sheltering both owner occupation and private renting from competition from a non‐profit form of rental housing. Other countries where a market policy has been adopted, such as Germany and the Netherlands, are also discussed.  相似文献   

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