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This paper develops a quantitative model to predict the power of coolant penetration into the grinding zone of a segmented wheel. The model accounts for the coolant properties and system design characteristics governing the penetration mechanism revealed by the theory established in Part 1 of this series study. By coupling with the author's previous mist formation analysis, the model offers a quantitative control guideline for the optimal use of grinding coolants.  相似文献   

Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are relatively new and promising materials for many high-technology engineering applications in harsh and severe environments due to their superior properties. Despite being mostly at the development phase, CMCs have some very successful applications in several high technology fields. However, in spite of all advantages, the employment of CMCs has been impeded by their high machining and finishing costs. Many recently developed CMCs are very difficult to machine with conventional machining technology, and improvement of the existing machining process is required and crucial. The main objectives for overcoming these technological constraints are reducing high grinding forces and tool wear, improving surface integrity and increasing material removal rate. To overcome the existing technological constraints in the grinding of CMCs, a specially designed segmented wheel has been developed. Reducing the static cutting edges via segmenting the wheel, which automatically leads to reduction of momentarily engaging cutting edges, results in a reduction of rubbing and plowing regimes. Consequently, the specific grinding energy decreases. Experimental results illustrate the high performance of the presented method. A significant reduction in normal and tangential grinding forces and an increase in G-ratio have been achieved.  相似文献   

Grinding efficiency measured in terms of material removal rate is achieved by employing ultra high wheel speeds. The spindle is a key component for ultra-high-speed grinding machine tools and the development of a “high power–high rotational speed” spindle is a daunting task owing to the lubrication challenges. The oil/air mist lubrication system with an effective heat dissipation method simplifies the spindle configuration. This paper emphasizes two main issues: (1) the development of an oil/air mist lubricated ultra-high-speed grinding spindle and (2) the grinding performance of such a spindle for hard and tough materials.  相似文献   

本文从成型磨削特点出发,引出新型计算机数控成型磨轮修整概念,提出了平面三座标数控修整方法,为了提高修整精度,从原理上详细介绍和分析了无累积误差插补计算机控制方法。  相似文献   

Dispersed grinding wheel profiles are proposed to replace its ideal ones for planning 3D tool paths in CNC grinding. Its advantage is to register irregular and discontinuous grinding wheel profiles and directly eliminate their form-truing error for the accurate freeform surfaces of a large-size workpiece. First, the actually form-trued grinding wheel profiles were dispersed to be a tool point cloud by rotating the measured 2D wheel-section profile points; then a discrete-form algorithm was constructed to plan 3D tool paths on the base of a mutual-tangency between tool point cloud and workpiece point cloud; finally, the effects of discrete-form variables such as wheel spacing angle, lattice grid size and searching interval were investigated on discrete-form accuracy and efficiency. It is shown that the discrete-form algorithm may improve the form accuracy of ground freeform surface by about 37% compared with a normal-form algorithm. In discrete-form algorithm, the discrete-form accuracy increases and the discrete-form efficiency greatly decreases with decreasing wheel spacing angle, lattice grid size or searching interval, but the discrete-form error may converge to the wheel-section profile error. It is confirmed that the lattice grid size in 0.5 mm and a large searching interval may be employed to enhance the discrete-form accuracy and efficiency simultaneously.  相似文献   

cBN砂轮在高速设备上使用非常广泛,但在老式低速磨床上采用cBN砂轮的非常少。我们在这方面做了大胆的尝试,就是在老式磨床上不做任何改进,直接更换相同直径的陶瓷cBN砂轮,通过更换皮带轮改变传动比,把砂轮速度从51.4 m/s提升到64.8 m/s,增大冷却液流量、压力,确定冷却液冲刷位置,改变切削的进给量,使cBN砂轮的一个修整频次内寿命大幅提升。最后证明陶瓷cBN砂轮在低速磨床中一样可以替代刚玉砂轮,并且不需要大的改造投资,可以获得非常好的综合经济效益。  相似文献   

基于对CBN端面砂轮的研究,提出一种高效率深度端面磨削的砂轮主轴系统.主轴单元的静态特征和影响因素分析了理论计算和建模仿真分析,并验证主轴结构和参数的合理性.基于模态分析理论,砂轮主轴系统的模态测试是由锤击方法,并得到了前6阶模态参数和分析结果.结果表明:该磨削主轴系统满足了高效深磨技术要求.最后,研磨应用开发测试平台应用了磨削主轴单元和一些实验来完成高效深磨的研究.对Cr12Mo1V1工件在砂轮转速为80 ~ 100 m/s时进行了端面磨削实验,其结果为:切削深度0.175~0.5 mm,表面粗糙度0.8~3.2 μm以及圆柱度5-10 μm.  相似文献   

通过测量磨削力,研究细粒度钎焊金刚石砂轮磨削花岗岩过程磨削力随加工参数的变化特征。结果表明:磨削力是随着砂轮线速度的增大而减小,随着工件进给速度的变大而增大,随着磨削深度的增大而增大。回归分析表明,磨削力受磨削深度的影响程度最大。不同加工条件下,法向磨削力与切向磨削力之间存在良好的线性关系,比值约为7.6。磨削过程中,金刚石与花岗石之间的运动符合Coulomb定律描述的滑动摩擦方式。  相似文献   

A survey of recent grinding wheel topography models   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
This paper provides a survey of grinding wheel topography models. Recent 1D, 2D, and 3D models are reviewed, and the important model components for a state-of-the-art 3D topography model are identified. Future directions for topography modeling are recommended and, based on this survey, a general modelling approach using grain size, shape, arrangement, and wheel dressing is proposed.  相似文献   

本研究开发采用金刚石磨料砂轮精密成形磨削陶瓷材料新工艺,实现采用金刚石磨料砂轮精密(微米级)成形磨削复杂形状陶瓷零件.文章介绍了磨削工艺中采用的提高成形磨削砂轮工作形面精度保持性、金刚石磨料砂轮的高效精密成形修整、砂轮修锐等关键技术.采用的砂轮是1A1 305×20×127×10 MBD 150 B 100,其特别之处是采用了新型树脂结合剂,具有良好的高温强度性能,磨削速度为40 m/s,新的砂轮修正方法将金刚石砂轮修整过程分为修形、修磨和修锐几个阶段.采用切入式成形磨削,磨削余量约1 mm,磨削得到的陶瓷零件形面圆弧精度可达到:0.005 mm,齿距误差:0.0025 mm;此外还进行了磨削陶瓷轴承环试验,磨削后获得的陶瓷零件圆弧精度达0.005 mm,沟道形位精度:0.003 mm,尺寸分散度在微米级.采用本方法可以成形磨削几乎任意形面的陶瓷或其他适合金刚石磨料砂轮加工的材料零件.  相似文献   

通过分别采用国产陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮与刚玉砂轮对45淬硬钢工件进行磨削试验,对磨削过程中的参数:磨削比和砂轮磨损进行对比。试验结果表明:砂轮线速度对磨削比有显著影响。①当采用普通速度(Vs=35m/s)对45淬硬钢工件进行磨削时,陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮的磨削比是白刚玉砂轮的36倍;②当把砂轮线速度Vs提高到50m/s时,陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮的磨削性能得到了显著提高,其磨削比为白刚玉砂轮的300倍左右。试验结果说明,陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮在高速磨削条件下,砂轮磨损率低,而且具有较高的磨削能力和效率。  相似文献   

单层钎焊金刚石砂轮在制作完成之初由于砂轮基体加工存在误差以及磨粒粒径大小不一等原因造成磨粒等高性不一致,这使其难以在硬脆材料的精密磨削中得到广泛的应用。采用自制的钎焊碟轮对80/100#单层钎焊金刚石砂轮进行了修整试验研究。在修整试验前后跟踪了砂轮磨粒等高性的变化,进行了SiC陶瓷的磨削试验,并观测了工件表面质量的变化情况。试验结果表明:采用此方法能够实现单层钎焊金刚石砂轮的高效精密修整。修整试验结束后砂轮磨粒等高性较好,磨削SiC陶瓷的表面质量得到明显改善,表面粗糙度Ra值达到了0.1μm以下。  相似文献   

Mechanisms in the generation of grinding wheel topography by dressing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
For the process of dressing vitrified bonded grinding wheels with diamond tools it has been unknown how the wheel topography is generated. Moreover, the influence of the kinematical dressing parameters on the wheel wear behavior has not been quantified. In the course of this article the grinding wheel was dealt with as a porous ceramic composite. In FEM simulations common dressing forces and usual dressing tool geometries were applied. The results were verified by dressing tests and grinding wheel scratch tests which show the wheel wear mechanisms. The common practice of decreasing the grinding wheel surface roughness by a finishing dressing stroke has to be reconsidered, because previous dressing strokes with higher depths of cut can weaken the grinding wheel structure and lead to an unsteady phase with high grinding wheel wear after dressing.  相似文献   

不平衡量对砂轮跳动影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用激光位移传感器,在线采集砂轮基体外圆表面的振动信号,通过对信号的处理分析,得出砂轮基体的跳动值.在相同转速不同不平衡量的条件下,分析了砂轮基体的跳动值,结果表明:砂轮基体的跳动值随着不平衡量的增大而增大;在相同转速、相同不平衡量下,45#钢砂轮基体的跳动值比铝砂轮基体的跳动值平均约大0.05 μm.  相似文献   

为了实现粗磨粒金刚石砂轮延性域磨削加工SiC陶瓷材料,采用碟轮对粒径为297~420μm的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮进行了精密修整。然后,使用经过修整好的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮对SiC陶瓷进行磨削加工。在此基础上,对不同的砂轮线速度、工件进给速度、磨削切深对SiC陶瓷表面粗糙度和表面形貌的影响进行了研究。试验结果表明:经过精密修整的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮是能够实现SiC陶瓷材料的延性域磨削的,表面粗糙度值Ra达到0.151μm;随着砂轮线速度增大、工件进给速度和磨削切深减小,SiC陶瓷表面的脆性断裂减小,塑性去除增加。  相似文献   

采取顺磨和逆磨两种磨削方式,采用电镀金刚石砂轮对火成岩质水晶进行了平面磨削实验。通过测量磨削过程中的水平磨削力和垂直磨削力,得出了磨削深度、进给速度对磨削力的影响规律。结果表明,随着磨削深度的增大磨削力增大,随着进给速度的增大磨削力也增大。同时分析并讨论了火成岩质水晶的磨削力比,磨削力比Ft/Fn为0.33~0.36。  相似文献   

根据半人工热电偶测温原理制备了磨削测温试样,利用感应钎焊金刚石砂轮和电镀金刚石砂轮进行硬质合金YG6的磨削试验,研究了磨削深度、工件进给速度对工件表面磨削温度的影响。试验结果表明:在相同的磨削参数下感应钎焊金刚石砂轮的磨削温度要远低于电镀金刚石砂轮,且随着磨削深度和工件进给速度的增大磨削温度上升较为平缓,钎焊金刚石砂轮磨粒出露高度高、容屑空间大,磨粒呈有序排布是磨削温度较低的主要原因。  相似文献   

铁路机车速度的提高对钢轨的材料和尺寸磨损提出了更高的要求。为了适应这种提速的要求,必须对新铺设的钢轨进行预防性修磨处理,并对在线使用的钢轨必须进行修磨,从而消除钢轨中固有的缺陷、钢轨顶面的不平顺以及钢轨焊接头的不半顺和钢轨的疲劳破坏层。通过对钢轨的修磨可减少由于滚动接触疲劳引起的钢轨损伤,减少钢轨侧面磨损,可延长钢轨的使用寿命0.5~1倍。本文分析了铁路钢轨产生磨损的原因和磨损的种类,介绍了钢轨的修磨方法、修磨工艺和修磨设备,提出了钢轨修磨用砂轮的基本设计原则,同时对砂轮的生产工艺和配方进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Performance of a new segmented grinding wheel system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the mechanical and thermal effectiveness of a new segmented grinding wheel system with controlled radial coolant supply. The applicability of the system was examined in terms of grinding forces, specific energy and ground surface integrity in plunge grinding of AISI 4140 steel. It was found that compared with a standard grinding wheel, the new system enhanced the grindability with a lower specific energy and less application of coolant. It was also found that the new grinding system could effectively maintain the sharpness of active cutting edges, evidenced by the minimisation of ploughing and rubbing deformation in ground workpieces. The cleaning capacity of the wheel was improved and chip loading on wheel surfaces was avoided. Meanwhile, the new wheel system generated better surface integrity without tensile residual stresses.  相似文献   

A coarse diamond grinding wheel is able to perform smooth surface grinding with high and rigid grain protrusion, but it is very difficult to dress it. Hence, the dry electro-contact discharge (ECD) is proposed to dress #46 diamond grinding wheel for dry grinding of carbide alloy. The objective is to understand micro-topographical removals of diamond grain and metal bond for self-optimizing dressing. First, the pulse power and direct-current (DC) power were employed to perform dry ECD dressing in contrast to mechanical dressing; then the micro-topographies of diamond grains and metal bond were recognized and extracted from measured wheel surface, respectively; finally, the relationship between impulse discharge parameters and micro-topographical removals was investigated with regard to grain cutting parameters, dry grinding temperature and ground surface. It is shown that the dry ECD dressing along with spark discharge removal may enhance the dressing efficiency by about 10 times and dressing ratio by about 34 times against the mechanical dressing along with cutting removal. It averagely increases grain protrusion height by 12% and grain top angle by 23%, leading to a decrease 37% in grinding temperature and a decrease 46% in surface roughness. Compared with the DC-25V power along with arc discharges, the Pulse-25V power removes the metal bond at 0.241 mm3/min by utilizing discharge energy by 73% and diamond grain at 0.013 mm3/min through surface graphitization, respectively, leading to high and uniform grain protrusion. It is confirmed that the impulse discharge parameters are likely to control the microscopic grain protrusion topography for efficient dressing according to their relations to the micro-removal of metal bond.  相似文献   

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