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The separation of U, Pu, and Am recovered from MOX fuel with the adduct of HNO3 with N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dioctylhexylethoxymalonamide by countercurrent chromatography (CCC) was studied. Solutions of N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dibutyldodecylethoxymalonamide in dodecane were used as stationary phase. The separation of U, Pu, and Am was carried in both isocratic and stepwise elution modes. The better separation of actinides and their higher radionuclidic purity are reached with stepwise elution. The first eluate fraction contained only Am (100%). The second eluate fraction contained U (100%) and Pu (0.7%). The third eluate fraction contained 99.3% of Pu.  相似文献   

Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a liquid chromatography technique with a liquid stationary phase. Taking advantage of the liquid nature of the stationary phase, it is possible to perform unique operations not possible in classical liquid chromatography with a solid stationary phase. It is easy to avoid any solute-irreversible absorption in the CCC column. If the retention volumes of solutes become too high, the dual mode will be used. The roles of the phases are reversed. The stationary phase becomes the mobile phase, and the CCC column is started again. The solutes elute rapidly in what was previously the stationary phase. The theoretical basis of the dual-mode method is recalled. The dual-mode method is a discontinuous method. The separation should be stopped when the phase switch is performed. The elution-extrusion procedure is another way to avoid any irreversible adsorption of solutes in the column. The method uses the fact that the liquid volumes occupied by the solutes highly retained inside the column can be orders of magnitude lower than the mobile-phase volume that would be needed to elute them. The elution-extrusion method also has two steps: the first step is a regular CCC chromatogram. Next, the stationary phase containing the partially separated hydrophobic solutes is extruded out of the column in a continuous way using the liquid stationary phase. The theory of the process is developed and compared to the dual-mode theory. Alkylbenzene homologues are experimentally used as model compounds with the heptane/methanol/water biphasic liquid system to establish the theoretical treatment and compare the performance of two types, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic, of CCC columns. It is shown that the method can dramatically boost the separation power of the CCC technique. An apparent efficiency higher than 20 000 plates was obtained for extruded octylbenzene and a 160-mL hydrodynamic CCC column with less than 500 plates when conventionally used.  相似文献   

Causes of initiation of exothermic self-accelerating oxidation processes in mixtures of TBP with HNO3 are analyzed. The main condition is heating of the mixtures to temperatures (Т st) above which the heat release in the chemical reaction starts to exceed the heat removal from the system. After the initiation of selfaccelerating exothermic reactions, their development and intensity depend on whether the vessels are sealed, on the HNO3 concentration, and on the heating time. Heat treatment and radiolysis of the extractant slightly decrease Т st of its mixtures with HNO3 compared to the values for the “fresh” extractant.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to elucidate the roles played by the stationary and mobile phases in retention in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) in terms of their individual enthalpic and entropic contribution to the Gibbs free energy of retention. The experimental approach involved measuring standard enthalpies of transfer of alkylbenzenes from typical mobile phases used in RPLC (methanol/water and acetonitrile/water mixtures), as well as from n-hexadecane (a simple analogue of the stationary phase) to the gas phase, using high-precision headspace gas chromatography. By combining the measured enthalpies with independently measured free energies of transfer, the entropies of transfer were obtained. This allowed us to examine more fully the contribution that each phase makes to the overall retention. It was found that the standard enthalpy of retention in RPLC (i.e., solute transfer from the mobile phase to the stationary phase) is favorable, due to the large and favorable stationary-phase contribution, which actually overcomes an unfavorable mobile-phase contribution to the enthalpy of retention. Further, the net free energy of retention is favorable due to the favorable enthalpic contribution to retention, which arises from the net interactions in the stationary phase. Entropic contributions to retention are not controlling. Therefore, to a great extent, retention is due to enthalpically dominated lipophilic interaction of nonpolar solutes with the stationary phase and not from solvophobic processes in the mobile phase. Further, our enthalpy data support a "partition-like" mechanism of retention rather than an "adsorption-like" mechanism. These results indicate that the stationary phase plays a very significant role in the overall retention process. Our conclusions are in direct contrast to the solvophobic model that has been used extensively to interpret retention in RPLC.  相似文献   

Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a chromatographic separation technique that uses a liquid as a stationary phase. Centrifugal forces are used to immobilize the liquid stationary phase when the liquid mobile phase is pushed through it. In CCC, the solutes are separated according to their liquid-liquid partition coefficients. The solutes studied were the alkylbenzene homologues from benzene to hexylbenzene and some polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from naphthalene to coronene. Their liquid-liquid partition coefficients were measured in the five waterless biphasic systems formed by heptane, as the apolar liquid phase of the five biphasic systems, and four dipolar aprotic solvents, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide, furfural, and N-methylpyrrolidone, and the polar proton-donor solvent methanol. The coefficients were compared to the corresponding capacity factors obtained by classical liquid chromatography on octadecyl-bonded silica. For the five biphasic solvent systems studied, linear relationships were found between the partition coefficients and the sp(3) and sp(2) hybridized carbon atom number for the alkylbenzene and PAH series, respectively. The sp(2) and sp(3) transfer energies were estimated, and their ratio was used to quantify the solvent selectivity toward aromatic extraction.  相似文献   

Heating of nitric acid solutions of Np and Pu (~90°C) in the presence of hydrazine hydrate (HH) leads to the formation of their hydrated dioxides in solution, transforming into crystalline dioxides at 300°C. Thermolysis of a mixed solution of U, Np, and Pu nitrates under the same conditions initially yields hydrated (U,Np,Pu)O2·nH2O, which on heating in air to ~300°C transforms into a crystalline solid solution of (U,Np,Pu)O2. This method for stabilization of U dioxide in the presence of Pu in an oxidizing atmosphere can be used for preparing (U,Pu)O2 solid solutions of variable composition. This procedure shows doubtless prospects as a simple, efficient, and relatively low-temperature method for the production of MOX fuel for fast reactors.  相似文献   

The kinetics of reduction of Pu(IV) and Np(VI) with butanal oxime in undiluted TBP containing HNO3 was studied spectrophotometrically. In the range [HNO3] = 0.08-0.75 M the rate of Pu(IV) reduction is described by the equation -d[Pu(IV)]/dt = k[Pu(IV)]2[C3H7CHNOH]/{[Pu(III)][HNO3]2} with the rate constant k = 0.068±0.017 mol l-1 min-1 at 20°C. The kinetic equation of the reduction of Np(VI) to Np(V) in the range [HNO3] = 0.01-0.27 M is -d[Np(VI)]/dt = k[Np(VI)][C3H7CHNOH][H2O]2/[HNO3]0.5, where k = 0.058±0.007 l2.5 mol-2.5 min-1 at 25°C, and the activation energy is 79±9 kJ mol-1.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the Pu(VI) reduction with carbohydrazide in nitric acid solutions was studied by spectrophotometry. The reaction rate increases with increasing carbohydrazide concentration and temperature and decreases with increasing HNO3 concentration. The reaction order with respect to Pu, carbohydrazide, and HNO3 is 1, 2.3, and–3, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction is 111 kJ mol–1. The final reduced Pu form is Pu(III), with Pu(V) being an intermediate.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Pu(VI) and Np(VI) reduction in TBP containing HNO3 was studied spectrophotometrically. The rate of the reduction of Pu(VI) with N,N-dibutylhydroxylamine in undiluted TBP is independent of the Pu(VI) concentration and is described by the equation -d[Pu(VI)]/dt = k[(C4H9)2NOH][H2O]5, with k = (2.17±0.13) × 10-5 l5 mol-5 min-1 at 12°C. The activation energy of the reaction, E = 85.2± 4.6 kJ mol-1, was determined from the temperature dependence of k in the range 12.0-33.5°C. Reduction of Np(VI) in undiluted TBP is approximately described by the kinetic equation -d[Np(VI)]/dt = k[Np(VI)] × [(C4H9)2NOH]/[HNO3], with k 40 min-1 at 25°C, and in a 30% solutio of TBP in n-dodecane, by the equation -d[Np(VI)]/dt = k[Np(VI)][(C4H9)2NOH]/[HNO3]0.7 with the rate constant k = 18.4±1.8 l0.3 mol-0.3 min-1 at 25°C.  相似文献   

A biotinylated-DNA aptamer (molecular weight 16,600) that binds adenosine and related compounds in solution was immobilized by reaction with streptavidin, which had been covalently attached to porous chromatographic supports. The aptamer medium was packed into fused-silica capillaries (50-150-microm i.d.) to form affinity chromatography columns. Frontal chromatography analysis indicated that the dissociation constants (Kd) of cyclic-AMP, AMP, ATP, ADP, and adenosine were 138 +/- 18, 58 +/- 2, 38 +/- 2, 28 +/- 6 and 3 +/- 1 microM, respectively, for aptamer immobilized on a controlled pore glass support. Similar values were obtained for aptamer immobilized on a polystyrene support except for a slightly higher Kd for adenosine. The Kd for adenosine is similar to the previously reported value of 6 +/- 3 microM for adenosine-aptamer in solution indicating that immobilized aptamers can have affinity similar to that of the solution forms. Columns had 20 nmol of binding sites/100 microL of support media, which is 3.3-fold higher than that previously reported for immobilization of IgG on similar media, indicating that the aptamer can be immobilized with higher density than antibodies. Variation of mobile-phase conditions revealed that ionic strength and Mg2+ level had strong effects on retention of analytes while pH and buffer composition had less of an effect. It was demonstrated that the column could selectively retain and separate cyclic-AMP, NAD+, AMP, ADP, ATP, and adenosine, even in complex mixtures such as tissue extracts.  相似文献   

The kinetics of thermochemical reaction of 30% TBP in hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) saturated with HNO3 (1.35 M HNO3) in two-phase systems with 12 M HNO3 at temperatures from 90 to 115°C was studied. The kinetic parameters of thermolysis of organic solutions of TBP in HCBD, contacting with HNO3 in open and closed vessels, were determined experimentally for the subsequent estimation of the explosion hazard of these systems under conditions of extraction recovery of high-level radioactive materials. It was shown that, in two-phase systems, solutions of TBP in HCBD exhibit increased resistance to thermochemical oxidation with nitric acid in comparison with hydrocarbon solutions of the extractant in the entire temperature range.  相似文献   

The reaction of 30% solutions of TBP in hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) with dissolved HNO3 at its initial concentration of 1.2 M was studied in the range from 90 to 150°C. The kinetic parameters of HNO3 consumption, gas release, and accumulation of dibutyl hydrogen phosphate were determined. The boundary temperature conditions for transition of oxidation processes to thermal explosion mode under conditions of extraction reprocessing of high-level radioactive materials were estimated from the kinetic data.  相似文献   

Fatty alcohol ethoxylates (FAEs) are applied in commercial formulations (laundry detergents) as complex mixtures of alkyl and ethoxylate homologues. Therefore, efficient analytical methods are required for product control. Capillary electrophoresis, a modern analytical separation technique, was used to separate FAEs in technical products and household formulations after derivatization with phthalic anhydride. The well-established high-performance liquid chromatography was used as reference and supplementary method. UV detection after derivatization with phenyl isocyanate or light scattering detection has been carried out. Sample components have been identified by standard addition or by comparison to known products. The peak pattern can be considered as a "fingerprint" of the product and is characteristic for a defined composition.  相似文献   

建立了固相萃取-高效液相色谱法测定糕点中的脱氢乙酸、苯甲酸、山梨酸的方法。实验结果表明,在(0.02~0.15)mg/mL时有良好的线性关系(r>0.997),相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.0%~2.5%,回收率96.2%~102.1%。该方法简单、快速、灵敏度高,并具有良好的精密度与准确度,可作为糕点中检测防腐剂的有效定量方法。  相似文献   

Reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) is demonstrated for hydrophobic analytes such as aromatic hydrocarbons using only water as the mobile phase. Achievement of reasonable capacity factors for these types of compounds without the need for toxic and costly organic modifiers in the mobile phase is accomplished by substantially decreasing the phase volume ratio of stationary phase relative to the mobile phase volume and by increasing the polarity of the stationary phase relative to stationary phase materials commonly used for RP-HPLC. Applying a stationary phase of trifluoropropylsiloxane, which is a common gas chromatographic stationary phase material, to nonporous glass microspheres yields a stationary phase with a phase volume ratio reduced by about 2 orders of magnitude as compared to common liquid chromatographic packing materials. As a result, a separation was obtained for hydrophobic organic analytes such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and isopropylbenzene using a water mobile phase at ambient temperature. A separation of sodium benzoate, benzaldehyde, benzene, and butyrophenone is shown in less than 3 min using a water mobile phase and UV/visible absorbance detection. Additionally, the separation of the ionic surfactant species octyl sulfate and dodecyl sulfate in water in less than 3 min, using unsuppressed conductivity detection, is achieved with a separation mechanism based on interactions with the hydrophobic portion of the surfactant. A water mobile phase offers many potential advantages over traditional mixed aqueous/organic solvent systems. In addition to saving on the cost and expense of buying and disposing of toxic solvents and waste, there is less exposure of the operator to potentially harmful solvents. Increased consistency in reproducing retention times can be expected, since there will not be any variability in solvent strength due to slight variations in mobile phase composition. A water mobile phase produces an environment that should provide an inherent advantage of increased signal-to-noise ratio for detection. Additionally, excellent predictions of the octanol/water partitioning coefficient and aqueous solubility for hydrophobic analytes are obtained from a single measurement of the capacity factor in the water mobile phase.  相似文献   

A thermally induced irreversible conformational transition of amylose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) (i.e., Chiralpak AD) chiral stationary phase (CSP) in the enantioseparation of dihydropyrimidinone (DHP) acid racemate was studied for the first time by quasi-equilibrated liquid chromatography with cyclic van't Hoff and step temperature programs and solid-state ((13)C CPMAS and (19)F MAS) NMR using ethanol and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)-modified n-hexane as the mobile phase. The conformational transition was controlled by a single kinetically driven process, as evidenced by the chromatographic studies. Solid-state NMR was used to study the effect of the temperature on the conformational change of the solvated phase (with or without the DHP acid enantiomers and TFA) and provided some viable structural information about the CSP and the enantiomers.  相似文献   

研究了一种用蒸馏法提取、高效液相色谱法测定食醋中苯甲酸和山梨酸的方法.用蒸馏法提取食醋中的苯甲酸和山梨酸.收集蒸馏液直接进行液相色谱分析.苯甲酸和山梨酸标准溶液在0.25 mg/L~100mg/L内线性良好,其线性相关系数分别为0.9999和0.9998,加标回收率为95.0%~105.2%,测量结果的相对标准偏差为2.46%~3.45%.该方法用于测定食醋样品中的苯甲酸、山梨酸,检测下限均为0.5mg/L.  相似文献   

The extraction of U(VI), Am(III), and Pu(VI) from nitric acid solutions in the form of complexes with alkylenebis(diphenylphosphine) dioxides and their sorption with POLIORGS F-6 sorbent prepared by noncovalent immobilization of methylenebis(diphenylphosphine) dioxide (MDPPD) on a KhAD-7M? polymeric matrix were studied. The preconcentration conditions and distribution coefficients of U(VI), Am(III), and Pu(IV) in their sorption from 3 M HNO3 were determined. The possibility of concentrating actinides from multicomponent solutions was demonstrated. The composition and nature of complexes of U(VI) with MDPPD were determined from the 31P NMR data.  相似文献   

Marchenko  V. I.  Dvoeglazov  K. N. 《Radiochemistry》2020,62(3):308-316
Radiochemistry - Behavior of carbamide in HNO3 solutions on Pt and SnO2 electrodes was studied. It was found that the oxidation rate of Co(NH2)2 on the SnO2 electrode is approximately two orders of...  相似文献   

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