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China and Peru recently signed in Beijing the China-Peru Free Trade Agreement, which is the first package free trade deal between China and a Latin American country.  相似文献   

China and Singapore recently signed a bilateral free trade agreement(FTA)in Beijing. In addition,both sides signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral labour cooperation.  相似文献   

7月1日,由瑞士大使馆经济处、中国瑞士商会主办,由瑞士商务促进中心、瑞士科技文化中心、瑞士环境科技促进署、中国商务部投资促进事务局协办的中瑞经济论坛在北京召开.2013年7月6日,中国商务部部长高虎城和瑞士联邦委员约翰·施奈德一阿曼在北京签署中瑞双边自贸协定,使瑞士成为最早与中国签订自由贸易协定的欧洲国家.中瑞自贸协定将为两国的货物贸易和服务贸易建立互利互惠的关系,为双向贸易往来提供便利并提高两国竞争力.该协定也将增强中瑞经济交流的法律确定性,促进合作及可持续发展.  相似文献   

中国电动汽车政策法规及实施效果浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活水平的提高,汽车成为重要的交通工具。但是,汽车的普及带来了能源消耗、资源短缺和环境污染等一系列问题,为此发展电动汽车,实现汽车能源动力系统的电气化,推动传统汽车产业的战略转型,是解决这些问题的有效途径。目前,我国已出台许多政策,扶持和引导电动汽车行业的快速发展。新能源汽车相关政策法规为促进汽车产品技术进步,保护环境,节约能源,实现可持续发展,国家政府部门出台了一系列政策法规,鼓励新能源汽车的研发、生产和消费。  相似文献   


对外经济贸易大学中国WID研究院院长张汉林日前表示,考虑到中国经济快速增长所带来的资源和社会环境的不协调,中央将未来5年的经济增长目标调低到7%-8%,但进出口增速仍会维持在10%以上。首先,据国际货币基金组织的分析和预测,未来5年世界经济的增长速度还会维持在2.5%-3%左右的中速增长,虽然与过去5年平均3.5%左右的增长速度相比有所放缓,但即便维持在2.5%-3%的中速增长,对中国的进出口贸易也是有积极作用的。尤其是中国比较火的贸易伙伴,如美国、日本包括欧盟等,它们的经济增长都不会比过去5年慢很多,  相似文献   

将于2007年10月20日至23日在中国广西南宁国际会展中心举行。自第一届中国-东盟博览会举办以来,中国-东盟双边贸易额以年均20%以上的速度增长,仅2006年双边贸易额就达到1608亿美元。东盟已成为我国第五大贸易伙伴、第五大出口市场和第三大进口来源地。随着2007年中国-东盟自由贸易区《服务贸易协议》的签订和施行,东盟各国在空港、交通运输、物流和边境合作等方面的基础建设也将迅速发展,这些有利机遇对我国机械设备行业的供需将提供一个良好的贸易平台。  相似文献   

China's import and export volume reached US $1,338.66 billion in the first eight months of 2009, declining 22.4% year on year. of this, exports accounted for US$730.74 billion, down 22.2%; and the imports accounted for US$607.92 billion, down 22.7%. The trade surplus in the period was US$122.82 billion,dropping 19% from the same period last year.  相似文献   

The Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council has decided to impose the negotiated tariff rate of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone on goods from six members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)including Brunei,Indonesia,Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand,from July 20,2005.(Existing negotiated tariff rate on Early Harvest commodities of also included.) W ith the im position of the tariff rate, the tariff rates on 3,408types of goods from the six nations will be lo…  相似文献   

The negotiation com m ittees of China and the A sso-ciation of Southeast A sian N ations (A SEA N ) have reached agreem ent on the m ost im portant prat-agreem ent on cargo trade, according to the Ministry of Com m erce spokesm an Chong Quan. The two sides decided to sign two agreem ents on cargo trade and dispute resolutionm echanism of the China-A SEA N free trade zone during the C hina-A SEA N leaders m eeting in Novem ber 2004. Based on the agreement, China and A SEA N will s…  相似文献   

日前,青岛高校软控股份有限公司密炼车间网络管理系统顺利通过山东八一赛轮公司验收,标志着由青岛软控自主研发的适用于橡胶行业密炼车间的制造执行和生产监控系统成功实现了整体性全模块市场化。  相似文献   

制造企业绿色生产过程实施体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的绿色制造理论在我国制造企业的生产过程中难以实施,缺乏能够应用于生产车间的切实可行的绿色制造实施体系。为此,在对制造企业生产过程绿色特性研究的基础上,构建了一种面向绿色制造的车间生产过程实施体系,包括绿色生产过程的技术基础、研究内容、软件支撑和目标;对资源环境数据中的模糊数据采用模糊实体-关系方法建模,实现了绿色生产过程数据库系统的模糊化设计,在一定程度上解决了生产过程中具有不确定性的资源环境数据在数据库中的管理问题;并基于产品数据管理提出了一种车间级绿色制造的信息集成模式,为相关软件工具的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Conventional methods to verify gears are based on manual measurement instruments, such as vernier caliper gauges, gear pitch micrometers, profilometers, among others. The use of these instruments is widely described in technical literature, while in the actual industrial arena the coordinate measurement machines (CMM) are commonly used to obtain, with the appropriate software, all the parameters including the tooth profile.Commercial software for measuring gears with a CMM is usually based on continuous touch of teeth’s flanks. In the educational centres is still common to find single-point probing point to point touch machines. To transform them into continuous touch machines, new software and accessories are required and costs can be excessive for instructional purposes.This paper presents the geometrical and mathematical principles to develop a software application for measuring gears and describes its implementation using general-purpose spreadsheet software. For this purpose, the conventionally used software of the CMM is supported by a spreadsheet that calculates the probe positions and direction of measurement. The communication between the spreadsheet and the CMM software is established by ASCII files. At the end of this process, the spreadsheet displays the measurement results, thanks to its graphical and computing power, making possible to improve the learning process of students or training professionals.  相似文献   

An enhanced Petri-net class is defined as a model suitable for describing sequence control. A sequence controller is proposed and both its software and hardware design are presented and evaluated. The use of a digital signal processor as a fast CPU in addition to suitable algorithms allows the controller to be used for real-time applications.  相似文献   

BilateraltradevolumeWiththetopthreetradingpartners,Japan,theUnitedStatesandtheEU,eachex-ceededmorethanUS$100billion,ofwhichtheUnitedStatesandEUwereforthefirsttimetoexceedUS$100billion.JapanhasrankedChinasbiggesttradingpartnerfor11successiveyearswithtradevolumereachingUS$133.58billionin2003,up31.1%andaccountingfor15.7%ofthetotal,includ-ingUS$59.43billionofexporttoJapan,up22.7%,andUS$74.15billionofimportformJapan,up38.7%,presentingatradedeficitofUS$14.72billion.TheUnitedStateswas…  相似文献   

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