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This paper describes the analysis and generation grammars for English and Japanese as they were employed in the KBMT-89 program. We discuss word order, coordination, subcategorization, morphological rules, rule ordering and bi-directional grammars.  相似文献   

基于图算法的二元组合文法分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为解决二元组合文法(BCG)的算符优先计算分析中不能共享分析树空间的问题,并降低分析算法的空间花费以提高分析效率,提出了一种基于图算法的BCG分析方法。该方法以表格方式存储分析过程中产生的所有边,分析完成后根据边的跨度构造分析树,从而使边不再局限于某一特定分析树中,再根据BCG文法的特性实现分析过程中的剪枝。实验结果表明,该方法在花费的时间、产生边的数量和最终结果树的数量上都明显低于传统的图算法和基于算符优先的算法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a formalism called feature grammar and its application to several problems of semantic analysis. Our extension concerns the structure of the feature value sets, which can be complex, and the definition of unification, which is dependent on this structure. Moreover, we introduce generation rules for feature symbols in order to determine well-formed symbols, which form the alphabet of a formal language for natural language analysis.  相似文献   

We present a compiler that can be used to automatically obtain efficient Java implementations of parsing algorithms from formal specifications expressed as parsing schemata. The system performs an analysis of the inference rules in the input schemata in order to determine the best data structures and indexes to use, and to ensure that the generated implementations are efficient. The system described is general enough to be able to handle all kinds of schemata for different grammar formalisms, such as context‐free grammars and tree‐adjoining grammars, and it provides an extensibility mechanism allowing the user to define custom notational elements. This compiler has proven very useful for analyzing, prototyping and comparing natural‐language parsers in real domains, as can be seen in the empirical examples provided at the end of the paper. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

自然语言处理中逻辑词的知识图分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
知识图是一种新的知识表示方法。本文从本体论的角度出发,将知识图的本体论分别与Aristotle、Kant和Peirce的三种知识表示的本体论进行了比较,表明知识图方法的有效性以及本原性,说明知识图是一种更为一般的知识表示方法。从知识图本体论的观点,研究了各类逻辑词的知识图表示。本文结合汉语的特点,从结构的角度,研究并揭示了逻辑词的共性和规律性。进一步阐明知识图“结构就是含义”的思想。逻辑词的知识图分析将为自然语言分析中词典的建立奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了给基于可逆逻辑综合、可逆电路技术的可逆硬件平台设计可逆软件系统,提出基于JDK的可逆编程语言RJAVA.首先总结可逆编程语言的设计原则,然后为可逆语言R-JAVA设计文法规则和语言处理系统,其语言处理系统提取源程序中的可逆代码段并将其翻译成分别对应正反语义的等价JAVA代码,再将翻译后的JAVA代码交由JDK解释执行.最后通过示例程序表明R-JAVA源程序中的可逆函数既可正向运行,又可反向运行,从软件层次上实现了可逆计算.  相似文献   

自然语言生成(NLG)技术利用人工智能和语言学的方法来自动地生成可理解的自然语言文本.NLG降低了人类和计算机之间沟通的难度,被广泛应用于机器新闻写作、聊天机器人等领域,已经成为人工智能的研究热点之一.首先,列举了当前主流的NLG的方法和模型,并详细对比了这些方法和模型的优缺点;然后,分别针对文本到文本、数据到文本和图...  相似文献   

In natural language generation, a meaning representation of some kind is successively transformed into a sentence or a text. Naturally, a central subtask of this problem is the choice of words, orlexicalization. In this paper, we propose four major issues that determine how a generator tackles lexicalization, and survey the contributions that researchers have made to them. Open problems are identified, and a possible direction for future research is sketched.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and function of the English generation phase in JETS, a minimal transfer, Japanese-English machine translation system that is based on the linguistic framework of relational grammar. To facilitate the development of relational grammar generators, we have built a generator shell that provides a high-level relational grammar rule-writing language and is independent of both the natural language and the application. The implemented English generator (called GENIE) maps abstract canonical structures, representing the basic predicate-argument structures of sentences, into well-formed English sentences via a two-stage plan-and-execute design. The modularity inherent in the plan-and-execute design permits the development of a very general and stable deterministic execution grammar. Another major feature of the GENIE generator is that it iscategory-driven, i.e., planning rules and execution rules are distributed over a part-of-speech hierarchy (down to individual lexical items) and are invoked via an inheritance mechanism only if appropriate for the category being processed. Categorydriven processing facilitates the handling of exceptions. The use of a syntactic planner and category-driven processing together provide a great deal of flexibility without sacrificing determinism in the generation process.  相似文献   

This article describes the natural language processing techniques used in two computer-assisted language instruction programs: VERBCON and PARSER. VERBCON is a template-type program which teaches students how to use English verb forms in written texts. In the exercises verbs have been put into the infinitive, and students are required to supply appropriate verb forms. PARSER is intended to help students learn English sentence structure. Using a lexicon and production rules, it generates sentences and asks students to identify their grammatical parts. The article contends that only by incorporating natural language processing techniques can these programs offer a substantial number of exercises and at the same time provide students with informative feedback. Alan Bailin is director of the Effective Writing Program at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. Philip Thomson is a programmer in the Faculty of Medecine, University of Western Ontario.  相似文献   

The process of understanding natural language can be viewed as the process of model construction.This paper,employing Kripke frame for intuitionistic logic semantics as the implement of model construction for natural language,introduces a method of incremental model constuction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce and initiate a formalism to represent syntactic and semantic features in logic-based grammars. We also introduce technical devices to express feature-checking and feature-inheritance mechanisms. This leads us to propose some extensions to the basic unification mechanism of PROLOG. Finally, we consider the problem of long-distance dependency relations between constituents in gapping grammars rules from the point of view of morphosyntactic features that may change depending on the position occupied by the moved constituents. What we propose is not a new linguistic theory about features, but rather a formalism and a set of tools that we think will be useful to grammar writers to describe features and their relations in grammar rules.  相似文献   

A truly parallel logic programming system is proposed. The system is based on the commercially available parallel logic programming language STRAND, which has been extended in order to overcome the inherent limitations of such systems, like AND-type of parallelism, lack of backtracking, limited unification, etc. The system has been tested using an example from the area of natural language processing.  相似文献   

针对传统的关联规则蕴含式表示方式和图形可视化方法对非专家用户来说不易理解的问题,提出了一种新的基于自然语言生成的关联规则可视化方法。该方法将自然语言生成技术引入到关联规则可视化中,通过领域知识库中的解释模式将关联规则中每一项生成简单的自然语言句子,并经过句子规划、表层实现,最终生成流畅的自然语言句子。实验最终得出的结果,便于普通用户理解和应用,从而帮助用户获取更有价值的信息。  相似文献   

初步建立了具有某种分配律的扩展格序效应代数和格序QMV代数这两种unsharp量子结构上的自动机与文法理论的基本框架。引入了ε-值正则文法的概念,证明了任意ε-值自动机识别的语言等价于某种ε-值正则文法所生成的语言;反之,任意[ε]-值正则文法所生成的语言等价于某种ε-值自动机识别的语言。讨论了ε-值正则语言在和、连接及反转运算下的封闭性质。  相似文献   

针对如何在计算机中生成和显示方块苗文的问题,提出了一种方块苗文动态构造方法,给出了该方法的基本原理,定义了实现方块苗文动态构造所需要的操作符,并以谓词规则的形式对方块苗文动态构造变换操作进行了描述。该方法仅需存储方块苗文构件及独体字的显现字符,通过对显现字符进行上下组合、左右组合、侧围组合来实现方块苗文的动态构造,为方块苗文字库中字形构件提取及合体字自动生成技术提供了重要支持。  相似文献   

多通道自然人机对话系统要求计算机能够对用户的语句产生智能应答,传统的人机对话系统由于知识库的限制以及用户话语的随意性,当对话内容超出知识库范围时,系统将无法应答或产生与用户期望不符的回答,这在一定程度上影响了人机对话系统用户的体验感.为了解决该问题,提出了一种融合多模态历史交互信息和面向数据的句法分析(data-oriented parsing,简称DOP)模型的最优答句生成方法:首先从大规模句法树库中提取上下文无关文法的语法规则,然后结合对话过程中用户呈现的表情、姿态等多模态历史交互信息,融合DOP模型对上下文无关文法生成的汉语句子进行过滤,最终生成一个符合语法规则且符合语义的答句返回给用户,让计算机在无法获得知识库支撑时,根据交互历史信息生成应对当前对话的语句,有效地提升了多通道自然人机交互系统用户的体验感.该方法应用于交通信息查询以及咖啡厅的多主题多模态人机自由对话系统.用户的体验表明,该方法能够有效提高用户交互的自然度和体验感.  相似文献   

句子相似度计算是自然语言处理的重要研究内容。运用自然语言处理的概念层次网络(HNC)理论和依存句法理论提出一种句子相似度的计算方法。该方法认为句子的相似度是由词语的语义相似度和句法结构相似度共同决定的,利用HNC理论词汇层面联想的概念表述体系来计算词语之间的相似度,利用依存句法理论来获取句子中词语的词语搭配和构成特征,与现有典型的句子相似度算法和人工判断进行了比较。实验结果表明,该方法能够较好地反应句子之间的语义差别,是一种可行有效的方法。  相似文献   

A lexicon is an essential part of any natural language processing system. The size, content and format of the lexicon is crucial in determining the power and sophistication of a natural language processing system. However, a lexicon which provides comprehensive, consistent and accurate lexical information and which is in a format facilitating fast retrieval is not easily available. This paper reports on a project which aims at the development of such a lexicon. The resulting lexicon is actually the modified and extended version of the machine tractable version of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The modification and extension concentrate mainly on the aspects of comprehensiveness, consistency, explicitness, accuracy and the dictionary format. The modified and extended version is considered a desirable source of lexical information for any natural language processing system.Si-Qing Chen received her Ph.D. in computational linguistics (1992) from Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages. His research interests include natural language processing, computer-assisted language teaching, and computational lexicography. She is currently furthering her study and research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has published several articles on psycholinguistics, language teaching, philosophy of language, and natural language processing in, amongst other journals, Language Learning and the CALICO Journal.Luomai Xu is an associate professor in the Department of English at Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages. He has been working on several projects and published several articles on natural language processing.  相似文献   

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