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Computer models were used to examine whether and under what conditions the multimeric protein complex is inhibited by high concentrations of one of its components-an effect analogous to the prozone phenomenon in precipitin tests. A series of idealized simple "ball-and-stick" structures representing small oligomeric complexes of protein molecules formed by reversible binding reactions were analyzed to determine the binding steps leading to each structure. The equilibrium state of each system was then determined over a range of starting concentrations and Kds and the steady-state concentration of structurally complete oligomer calculated for each situation. A strong inhibitory effect at high concentrations was shown by any protein molecule forming a bridge between two or more separable parts of the complex. By contrast, proteins linked to the outside of the complex by a single bond showed no inhibition whatsoever at any concentration. Nonbridging, multivalent proteins in the body of the complex could show an inhibitory effect or not depending on the structure of the complex and the strength of its bonds. On the basis of this study, we suggest that the prozone phenomenon will occur widely in living cells and that it could be a crucial factor in the regulation of protein complex formation.  相似文献   

The CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta (C/EBPbeta) mRNAs are templates for the differential translation of several isoforms. Immunoblotting detects C/EBPalphas with molecular masses of 42, 38, 30, and 20 kDa and C/EBPbetas of 35, 20, and approximately 8.5 kDa. The DNA-binding activities and pool levels of p42(C/EBPalpha) and p30(C/EBPalpha) in control nuclear extracts decrease significantly whereas the binding activity and protein levels of the 20-kDa isoforms increase dramatically with LPS treatment. Our studies suggest that the LPS response involves alternative translational initiation at specific in-frame AUGs, producing specific C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta isoform patterns. We propose that alternative translational initiation occurs by a leaky ribosomal scanning mechanism. We find that nuclear extracts from normal aged mouse livers have decreased p42(C/EBPalpha) levels and binding activity, whereas those of p20(C/EBPalpha) and p20(C/EBPbeta) are increased. However, translation of 42-kDa C/EBPalpha is not down-regulated on polysomes, suggesting that aging may affect its nuclear translocation. Furthermore, recovery of the C/EBPalpha- and C/EBPbeta-binding activities and pool levels from an LPS challenge is delayed significantly in aged mouse livers. Thus, aged livers have altered steady-state levels of C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta isoforms. This result suggests that normal aging liver exhibits characteristics of chronic stress and a severe inability to recover from an inflammatory challenge.  相似文献   

Photon correlation spectroscopy demonstrated for the first time that co-purified meningococcal TbpA+B form a complex in solution. This structure bound hTf and the resultant species underwent partial dissociation after exposure to additional hTf or following prolonged incubation. Purified TbpA and TbpB had similar apparent sizes but showed distinctive size profiles suggesting that TbpA forms a largely homogeneous population while TbpB may produce more variable particle sizes under these conditions.  相似文献   

Adult male volunteers with a prior history of either moderate (N = 12) or heavy (N = 14) marihuana use were systematically observed before, during and after a 21-day period of free access to 1 g 2% delta-9 THC marihuana cigarettes. A matched sample of casual alcohol drinkers (N = 11) served as a control group. Sleep and other molar behaviors were observed hourly to obtain a representative sample of daily activity. Both moderate and heavy users were less active immediately after marihuana use and slept more on days following heavier consumption. Heavy users reduced their waking activity on days following heavier consumption, as well as during the entire period of marihuana availability. These reactions did not persist beyond the period of availability for either group. The findings suggest a dose-related delayed reaction to heavy marihuana consumption which disappears following the cessation of regular use. However, changes in activity following single doses of marihuana may be related more to the social circumstances of its use than to its pharmacological action.  相似文献   

SNAP-25, syntaxin, and synaptobrevin play a key role in the regulated exocytosis of synaptic vesicles, but their mechanism of action is not understood. In vitro, the proteins spontaneously assemble into a ternary complex that can be dissociated by the ATPase N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein and the cofactors alpha-, beta-, and gamma-SNAP. Since the structural changes associated with these reactions probably form the basis of membrane fusion, we have embarked on biophysical studies aimed at elucidating such changes in vitro using recombinant proteins. All proteins were purified in a monomeric form. Syntaxin showed significant alpha-helicity, whereas SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin exhibited characteristics of largely unstructured proteins. Formation of the ternary complex induced dramatic increases in alpha-helicity and in thermal stability. This suggests that structure is induced in SNAP-25 and synaptobrevin upon complex formation. In addition, the stoichiometry changed from 2:1 in the syntaxin-SNAP-25 complex to 1:1:1 in the ternary complex. We propose that the transition from largely unstructured monomers to a tightly packed, energetically favored ternary complex connecting two membranes is a key step in overcoming energy barriers for membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Interactions of the beta subunit of the Oxytricha nova telomere binding protein with the telomeric DNA sequences, d(T4G4)2 and dT6(T4G4)2, have been investigated in vitro using Raman and fluorescence spectroscopies. Raman difference spectra show that the beta subunit binds to both d(T4G4)2 and dT6(T4G4)2 but promotes the formation of a parallel-stranded quadruplex only in dT6(T4G4)2, thus demonstrating the importance of the telomeric 5' tail for in vitro recognition and guanine quadruplex formation. While d(T4G4)2 is not a suitable substrate for quadruplex promotion by the beta subunit, the Raman spectra reveal other structural rearrangements of this DNA strand upon beta subunit binding, including changes in guanine glycosyl torsion angles from syn to anti and disruption of carbonyl hydrogen-bonding interactions. The conformation of d(T4G4)2 in the beta:d(T4G4)2 complex is suggested as a plausible intermediate along the pathway to formation of the parallel-stranded guanine quadruplex. Fluorescence band shifts indicate that at least one of the two tryptophans of the beta subunit is shielded from solvent as a consequence of DNA binding in both the beta:dT6(T4G4)2 and beta:d(T4G4)2 complexes. However, the Raman spectra of these complexes suggest no significant changes in the beta subunit secondary structure attendant with DNA binding. A model for beta subunit binding by Oxytricha telomeric DNA sequences and a mechanism for quadruplex formation are proposed. A key feature of this model is the use of a telomeric hairpin secondary structure as the recognition motif.  相似文献   

Interferon-gamma (IFNgamma), in common with a number of growth factors, binds both to heparan sulfate or heparin-related molecules and to a specific high affinity receptor (IFNgammaR). Using surface plasmon resonance technology, kinetic analysis of the IFNgamma. IFNgammaR complex formation was performed with the extracellular part of IFNgammaR immobilized on a sensor chip. At the sensor chip surface, IFNgamma was bound by two IFNgammaR molecules with an affinity in the nanomolar range (0.68 nM). This binding was characterized by an important on rate, kon = 7.3 x 10(6) M-1.s-1, and an off rate, koff = 5 x 10(-3).s-1. This binding assay was used to investigate a possible role of heparin in the IFNgamma.IFNgammaR complex formation. In contrast to growth factors for which binding to heparin is usually required for high affinity receptor interaction, we found in this study that IFNgamma bound to heparin displayed a strongly reduced affinity for its receptor. This is consistent with the fact that a cluster of basic amino acids (KTGKRKR, called the C1 domain) in the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the cytokine was involved both in heparin and receptor recognition. To understand how a single domain of IFNgamma could be implicated in two discrete functions (i.e. binding to heparin and to IFNgammaR), we also analyzed in a detailed manner the role of the IFNgamma carboxyl-terminal sequence in receptor binding. Using forms of IFNgamma, with carboxyl terminus truncations of defined regions of the heparin binding sequence, we found that the C1 domain functioned by increasing the on rate of the IFNgamma.IFNgammaR binding reaction but was not otherwise required for the stability of the complex. Interactions between the IFNgamma carboxyl-terminal domain and IFNgammaR could increased the association rate of the reaction either by increasing the number of encounters between the two molecules or by favoring productive collisions. The mechanisms by which heparan sulfate regulates IFNgamma activity may thus include both control of selective protease cleavage events, which directly affect the cytokine activity, and also an ability to modulate the interaction of IFNgamma with the IFNgammaR via competitive binding to the C1 domain.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure in the range of 10(-3)-10 kbars upon the ultraviolet fluorescence of the riboflavin binding protein and the fluorescences of its complex with flavin mononucleotide has been studied. The fluorescence spectrum of the isolated protein showed a reversible red shift of 12nm (1000 cm-1) at high pressure, indicating the reversible exposure of the tryptophan to solvent. From the pressure dependence of the visible fluorescence of the protein-flavin complex in the region of 1-4 kbars the volume change in dissociation of the protein-ligand complex was estimated to be +3.3ml/mol. A very sharp increase in fluorescence-up to 30-fold of the low-pressure value-takes place in the region 5-8 kbars. This increase is due to release of the flavin from the complex and is assigned to pressure denaturation of the protein. The midpoint, rho 1/2, of this transition was found at 6.5 kbars and the change in volume, delta, in the reaction (native-to-denatured) was calculated to be -74ml/mol. Addition of up to 30% methanol results in a progressive decrease both in delta and rho 1/2, in agreement with the concept that hydrophobic bonding stabilizes the native structure.  相似文献   

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