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《Biomass & bioenergy》2006,30(4):363-369
An increased trend toward whole-tree harvesting in the Maritimes region of Canada, followed by the planting of different tree species, highlighted a need to investigate the potential impacts of different harvesting methods on nutrient loss and the growth rates of different tree species planted in the treated areas. Thus, in 1990, a harvesting study with three main treatments was conducted in an old-field white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) stand in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The treatments included whole-tree harvesting (WTH) with chain saws, in which almost all the aboveground biomass was removed from the site, stem-only (SO) harvest, consisting of chainsaw felling and removal of only the merchantable boles from the site, and control (CON), an uncut area. Glass-body lysimeters, connected to hanging-bottle vacuum generators, were installed at three depths to collect soil solution. The leachates collected over a 6-year period (1991–1997) were analyzed for pH and various anions and cations. Soil temperatures were also measured at three depths.The hourly mean temperature immediately below the organic horizon in the WTH blocks was 8–10 °C more than that in SO blocks. The daily mean temperature showed a similar pattern. Concentrations of nitrate and hydrogen ions were higher in the leachates collected from SO blocks than from WTH blocks. The estimates of calculated quantities of nutrients lost from WTH blocks were higher than those from SO blocks. Ground vegetation recovered within 2 years following harvest and the calculated Shannon–Weiner biodiversity index showed no difference in index values among different treatments. The height growth of trees planted during May 1992 in the harvested blocks is greater in SO blocks than in WTH blocks. Planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees are generally taller than planted white spruce trees.  相似文献   

A significant amount of logging residues is available for recovery in clear-cut areas. The forest residues’ potential has usually been estimated using biomass models. In Norway spruce (Picea abies) dominated stands, a large share of material is left on site especially due to dropping of needles as residues are left on site to dry in small heaps. In this study, we compared the measured dry weight of logging residues at a power plant with the potential biomass estimations made at a stand level. The study was performed in eight Norway spruce dominated stands, three of which were located in eastern Finland (North Karelia region) with the remainder being in Central Finland. The dry weights of branches, needles and stem tops were estimated using biomass models developed for individual trees by Repola et al. [1]. These dry weights were also compared with Swedish biomass models produced by Marklund [2]. The diameter and tree height information of each harvested tree served as input data in these model-based computations. Tree diameter information was obtained straight from the harvester’s stem value files, while the height information was obtained from models using the data from the stem value files as input. Inventory data before logging was used as a control material for harvester based estimates to spot possible measurement errors on the harvester measurement data. In addition, inventory data were used to get the crown height information, which was not available in the harvester measurement data. It was found that the average recovery rate was approximately 62% when applying Repola’s et al. [1] models and 61% when applying Marklund’s [2] models. However, variation between the logging sites was high. According this study, at least a third of the residues remains on the logging site if they are seasoned during the spring and summertime in small heaps.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2006,30(4):326-333
The extraction of residues from the harvesting processes for energy production is common practice particularly in Finland and Sweden. Furthermore, the removal is expected to increase also in Central European and the Baltic countries. The extraction of forest biomass provides an extra source of income for the forest owner and positively affects the economy of the forest operation, scenic values and reduces chances of an insect pest outbreak. At the same time, the harvesting of forest residues affects the ecological state of the forest site both in the long term and short term. For example, nutrient depletion might have a negative effect on the future growth of the stand and additionally may be detrimental for biodiversity. The impact on the stand can be manipulated by either seasoning the residues so that needles are left in the stand or through compensation fertilizing using ash.The individual forest owner is faced with a large number of options regarding forest fuel recovery though they have only limited knowledge of the potential impact on the forest ecosystems. Consequently, they will probably have difficulties making a decision. Another aspect is that various forest owners have different preferences regarding economical or ecological factors. A computer-based decision support program is therefore developed to assist the forest owners in making a decision concerning the utilisation of wood for energy. The program deals with a large number of aspects such as revenues from sales, environmental effects and silvicultural benefits. The forest owner provides the program with the basic data of the forest site such as site classification, basal area, mean height and diameter. Thereafter, the forest owner can rank their personal preferences, for instance, how they weigh the importance of net income, nutrient loss, biodiversity, scenic value or the risk of insect pests. The results of various treatment options are then presented to the forest owner, and recommendations for further additional treatment (amount of fertilizer) will also be provided.The decision support program is a unique tool to assist the forest owner to make a comprehensive decision on whether they should harvest forest residues on their forest site and, if they decide to do so, what fuel recovery option will be the most beneficial for them. The EnerTree decision support program also provides an excellent opportunity to convey knowledge gained in research to the forest owner by very practical and understandable means.  相似文献   

The expansion of the bioenergy industry in Maine has led to an increase in integrated roundwood and energy wood whole-tree harvesting. A better understanding of the amounts of logging residue left unrecovered on whole-tree harvested sites will enable the refinement of available forest residue estimates for Maine and the assessment of the potential effect of such harvesting on forest health. Several states have developed biomass harvesting guidelines in response to concerns generated from an expanding bioenergy industry. In this study downed wood and snags were inventoried on twelve sites in central Maine that had recently been whole-tree harvested for roundwood and energy wood. The percentage of harvested material retained as residue on the study sites was determined. On average, 45% of the energy wood generated during the harvest was left on site. This removal efficiency must be considered when developing forest residue availability estimates. Additionally, the volumes of logging residue were compared to measurable criteria from biomass and biodiversity guidelines of several states. We found that enough fine woody material (<15 cm diameter) remained on the harvest sites to meet the guideline criteria; however, the quantities of coarse woody material (≥15 cm diameter), large logs (≥38 cm dbh), and snags (≥25 cm dbh) were insufficient to meet the guideline criteria. These deficiencies likely resulted from prior forest practices rather than from the current energy wood removal. Retaining more trees of larger sizes in the future can address this concern.  相似文献   

In order to increase the harvesting volumes of energy wood and pulpwood from first thinnings, harvesting costs have to be reduced significantly. Metsäteho Oy studied the integrated harvesting of pulpwood and energy wood based on a two-pile method, where industrial roundwood (pulpwood) and energy wood fractions are stacked into two separate piles when cutting a first-thinning stand. The productivity and cost levels of the integrated, two-pile cutting method were determined, and the harvesting costs of the two-pile method were compared with those of conventional separate wood harvesting methods.In the time studies, when the size of removal was 50 dm3, the productivity in conventional whole-tree cutting was 6% higher than in integrated cutting. With a stem size of 100 dm3, the productivity of whole-tree cutting was 7% higher than in integrated cutting. The results indicated, however, that integrated harvesting based on the two-pile cutting method enables harvesting costs to be decreased to below the current cost level of separate pulpwood harvesting in first-thinning stands. The greatest cost-saving potential lies in small-sized (d1.3 = 7-11 cm) first thinnings. The costs of forest haulage after integrated pulpwood and energy wood cutting were higher than those of separate wood harvesting because of lower removals in integrated harvesting. The results showed that when integrated wood harvesting is based on the two-pile cutting method, the removals of both energy wood and pulpwood should be more than 20-25 m3 ha−1 at the integrated harvesting sites in order to achieve economically viable integrated procurement.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for energy wood in Europe is accompanied by the development of new harvesting tools to mobilize forest biomass, notably hardwood biomass. Two logging operations are targeted more specifically: the first thinnings in regular high forest, and the clear cuttings of traditional coppices and of high productive short rotation coppices. The challenge is to find efficient and sustainable harvesting tools for hardwood trees that are very common in central and southern Europe.Two French manufacturers have recently developed shear heads dedicated to hardwood: Jacquier C360 and Sève S350. Nowadays, many logging companies are investing in these tools, as they are relevant to the whole tree system that has been adopted for harvesting woody biomass.The performance of these shear heads was determined on 3 logging sites in the North East of France. A regression analysis was run in order to evaluate models for cutting productivity of each machine, considering significant factors influencing productivity: tree size and stand type (high forest/coppice).The two shear heads were more productive at high forest than at coppice. The stand type had a significant effect only on the C360’s productivity. At high forest sites with small diameter trees, the C360 was 11.8% more productive than the S350. However, at coppice site, the S350 was 15% more productive than the C360 for harvesting big clumps. Results showed that working in coppice forest requires a head that must be very powerful and have a wide opening.  相似文献   

The decomposing roots of harvested trees are a potential source of nutrients for new trees on both conventional and whole-tree harvested clearfell sites. Roots contain significant reservoirs of nutrients, but little is known about the magnitude and rate of their release. The aim of this study was to use stable isotope techniques in a model system to trace nutrients released by decomposing roots. Labelled biomass was obtained by growing Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings with a generous or poor nutrient supply containing elevated 15N, 41K, 26Mg and 44Ca. Labelled trees were re-potted in sand and in two contrasting soils types to remove them from the enriched isotope supply. After re-potting, the labelled above-ground biomass was harvested, removed and used in a separate study described previously (Part I of II). In the study described here (Part II of II), new Sitka spruce seedlings were planted alongside the labelled root systems. A full destructive harvest was undertaken after one growing season. Enriched 15N, 41K, 26Mg, and 44Ca were recovered in the new seedlings in both sand and soils. The elevated amounts of 15N, 41K, 26Mg and 44Ca recovered in new seedlings indicate that nutrients released from decomposing roots can make a direct contribution to the growth of new trees on restock sites. The success of this model system will provide guidance for the application of similar techniques in field experiments.  相似文献   

Marginal lands could be utilized for increasing energy biomass production independent of industrial roundwood procurement. Dedicated energy biomass production systems on such sites would be based on low stand establishment cost, clear-cutting at an early stage, and coppice regeneration. Harvesters designed for the processing of industrial roundwood are inefficient or too costly to use in small-diameter and dense stands, while insufficient cutting capacity and uneven space distribution of trees limit the use of modified agricultural harvesters developed for short-rotation woody-crop plantations (e.g. willow). We constructed time consumption models for clear-cutting and forwarding of whole trees from un-thinned, small-diameter stands. The data originated from naturally afforested downy birch-dominated stands located in a cutaway peat production area in northern Finland. Stand age varied from 14 to 29 years and stand density was 5150–160,250 trees per hectare. In clear-cutting, a medium-sized forest harvester equipped with an accumulating felling head fitted with a circular saw disc was used, and subsequent forwarding was done using a modified medium-sized forwarder. Cutting productivity was 3–11oven-dry tons (ODt) per effective hour (E0-h), and was highly dependent on stand characteristics (e.g. mean whole-tree volume). At a distance of 300 m, for example, the productivity of forwarding in the time study plots was 6.7–10.4 ODt E0-h−1. Our study indicates that energy biomass can be harvested from young downy birch thickets efficiently by clear-cutting with appropriate machinery.  相似文献   

Early growth performance of four native and two introduced tree species was studied during six years at 13 sites in the southern region of Costa Rica. Selected study sites represent a wide environmental gradient.The selected species were: Pinus caribaea Morelet var hondurensis (Barret y Golfari) and Gmelina arborea Roxb as the introduced species, and Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Exell, Vochysia ferruginea Mart., Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm. and Hieronyma alchorneoides Fr. Allemao. A study about the distribution of aboveground biomass, nutrients and total carbon content of these young plantations by compartments (branches, stem, bark and leaves) was also conducted. Biomass equations for tree compartments were fitted simultaneously using the data corresponding to 24 trees felled. Total export quantities of nutrient from stem and bark biomass were estimated in order to conduct an evaluation of the potential effect of harvesting these species on soil nutrient reserves. The data presented in this study related to plantation growth, aboveground biomass and nutrient concentration and C content by tree compartment, aboveground biomass equations by tree compartment, soil nutrient reserves, stability indices can be used as a reference for: a) selection of tree species vs site characteristics, b) estimation of nutrient export by stem + bark harvesting, c) planning for a second rotation, c) maintenance of site productivity and d) generate better carbon sequestration estimations.  相似文献   

This study compared first- and second-rotation biomass and nutrient equations between successive loblolly pine plantations on an Upper Coastal Plain Site in Alabama. Nutrient concentration relationships with crown position were explored in order to evaluate their significance for biomass studies determinations. Trees were destructively sampled from across the diameter distribution of the stand for each rotation. Tissues were separated into foliage, branch, stemwood, and stembark and analyzed for nutrient concentration and dry weight. Distance from the top of the tree was recorded for all tissues of the selected second-rotation trees and plotted against nutrient concentrations. Regression equations for individual tree tissue biomass and nutrient content were fit for each rotation and compared. Analyses of nutrient concentration relationships with crown position indicated that mobile nutrient (N, P, K, Mg, S, and Zn) concentrations of stemwood, bark, and branches decreased with distance from the top of the tree and height of the live crown. Foliar nutrient concentrations and non-mobile nutrients (Ca and B) for other tissues showed no patterns with tree height. Stemwood biomass regression equations were equivalent after two rotations. However, biomass and nutrient content regression equations for foliage, branches, and bark differed between rotations. Major differences between rotations were in stemwood N and P, and foliage, branch and bark B concentrations, which suggested reduced availability of these nutrients in the second-rotation stand.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2007,31(10):717-725
Concentrations of elements in stem wood, bark, branches and needles, and empirical functions for the variation in concentrations with stem diameter in bark and stem wood for Norway spruce (Picea abies) are presented. The samples were collected from 36 trees from nine different localities from the central and southern parts of Sweden. Disc samples were taken from the trunk of each tree at five heights and the diameters of each disc were measured. Living branches and their needles from each tree were collected and separated and each fraction was treated as one bulk sample. Concentrations of 23 elements were analysed by ICP-MS. The needles contained the highest concentrations of most of the elements, followed by branches, bark and wood in that order. The element concentrations for Ba, Cd and Pb in wood and Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Mn, Sr and Zn in bark were significantly positively correlated with diameter, while negative correlations were found for Cu, Fe, K, Mg and P in wood and Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Na, Ni and P in bark. Due to high variation in element concentrations between single trees, the functions should be used at the stand level rather than for single trees. Calculations of export of elements through removal of logging residues using the diameter-based functions were compared with calculations using average concentrations of elements in the stem and bark. The average concentration method resulted in an underestimation of 26%, 17%, 30%, 22% and 51% for Cu, Fe, K, Mg and P, respectively, and an overestimation of 29%, 24% and 29% for Ba, Cd and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2007,31(10):685-692
This study presents biomass functions applicable to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on Arenosols in Lithuania, and exemplifies the potential biomass removal from Scots pine stands during thinnings. Scots pine is the most common tree species on Arenosols in Lithuania. Stands of ages 10, 20, 40, 50 and 65 years were chosen for the biomass study. We sampled 5 Scots pine trees per plot (in total 25 trees) that were stratified according to the basal area. The sampling was performed in April 2003, before the vegetative period. The following components of each tree were sampled for the above-ground biomass measurements: (1) 5 stem discs, (2) 1 branch with needles from each whorl and (3) 1 dead branch per tree.Observed biomasses of above-ground components were examined using a non-linear regression model, using stem diameter (D), tree height (H) and D2H as independent variables.For stemwood biomass, the best approximation was D2H. However, D2H was not the best parameter for crown biomass because it does not allow evaluation of the opposite effects of diameter and height on crown biomass. The calculations at stand level showed that crown biomass changed insignificantly with the increase in stand age. However, the total stand biomass increased with age due to the growth of the stem. The removal of all logging residues from the Scots pine stand over a 100-year rotation could increase extraction of forest fuel by 15–20% compared with conventional harvesting.  相似文献   

The report reviews the current developments in forest management planning and practices to integrate the production of biomass for energy along with more conventional forest management goals. However, these have direct or indirect benefits on site preparation, planting and regeneration, stand improvement, and forest protection, soil compaction and disturbance, leaching and removal of nutrients maybe associated with increases in biomass harvesting.

Efforts are under way to adapt management practices and silvicultural treatments to biomass production. These begin at the planning stage with the development of management tools and more accurate forest inventory data. They include silvicultural treatments such as shelterwood thinning in mixed wood stands and the interplanting of various tree species with the dual purpose of producing energy wood and conventional forest products.

Three systems are available for recovering residues at time of final harvesting. The postharvest recovery of residues area is commonly used in Europe but is generally uneconomic in North America where the harvesting of small stems and integrated harvesting are favoured.

Future work is required to develop techniques for estimating the quantity of bioenergy resources available under different management strategies and to elucidate the long-term environmental impacts of producing wood for energy from conventional forestry systems.  相似文献   

To increase the volume of energy wood and pulpwood harvested from early thinnings, their procurement costs will have to be significantly reduced. This can be done through the integration of pulpwood and energy wood procurement applying a newly-developed supply chain based on whole-tree bundling. In 2007, the first prototype of the bundle harvester capable of incorporating compaction into the cutting phase was launched. Cost savings, especially in primary and secondary transportation, can be achieved by increasing the load sizes by replacing undelimbed whole trees with bundles. The bundles can be hauled by a standard forwarder to the roadside storage area, from where they are transported by a standard timber truck to the pulp mill. Batches of bundles are then fed into a wood flow consisting of conventional delimbed pulpwood. Separation of the bundles into pulpwood and energy wood fractions does not take place until the wood reaches the debarking drum.In this feasibility study, the required productivity level of bundle harvesting (i.e., cutting and bundling) in Scots pine-dominated stands was assessed by comparing the total supply chain costs based on whole-tree bundling with those of the other pulpwood and energy wood supply chains by means of system analysis. The cost calculations indicated that whole-tree bundling enables the procurement costs to be reduced to below the current cost level of separate pulpwood and energy wood procurement in early thinnings. The greatest cost-saving potential lies in small-diameter (d1.3 = 7-10 cm) first-thinning stands, which are currently unprofitable for conventional pulpwood procurement.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2001,20(4):261-270
Most African savannas are subjected to harvesting of wood, especially for fuelwood, charcoal and construction timber. A key attribute of the resilience and productivity of savannas is the ability of damaged trees to regrow from the remaining stump. Survival of the cut stem and growth rate of the resultant coppice shoots is influenced by several factors, including size of the tree, cutting height and the root/shoot ratio after felling. Some of these can be manipulated to maximise subsequent regrowth, but this is little understood for most African savanna species. This study investigated the influence of original tree size, height of cut and post-harvest pruning on regrowth of Terminalia sericea. Regrowth was monitored as the number of coppice shoots, the mean coppice shoot length and the cumulative coppice shoot length per cut stump over four growing seasons. There was a positive relationship between cutting height and number of coppice shoots, but height of cut did not significantly affect mean or cumulative coppice shoot length. Larger stems produced more coppice and had greater mean and cumulative coppice shoot lengths than smaller stems. Post-harvest pruning increased the mean shoot length, but not the cumulative shoot length. After four growing seasons mean shoot length for the single shoot pruning treatment (one shoot left) was 54% greater than for the no prune treatment, whilst the double shoot pruning (two shoots left) was 40% greater. Extrapolated harvest intervals for fuelwood poles were 3–4 years for large stems, 4–5 years for medium-sized stems, and 4–9 years for small stems.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion and over-cutting of trees for fuelwood are important causes of deforestation in arid and semi-arid countries such as Sudan. The consequence is increased desertification and high erosion and loss of soil nutrients leading to declining agricultural productivity. However, the social costs of the deforestation externality are not taken into account in present forest management and land use planning in Sudan leading to under-pricing and over-exploitation of the country's forest resources. This study evaluated the suitability of approaches commonly used by most forest resource management agencies for prediction of the state and control of harvesting of forest resources against alternative empirical simulation models using relevant information about economic behaviour of trading agents in the fuelwood market. Results showed the clear superiority of models integrating market behaviour over current approaches in the ability to better simulate real trends of wood consumption and hence depletion rates. The study also adopted an optimal control model to derive socially optimal forest harvesting regimes. The results showed that current rates of forest resource rent recovery and reforestation efforts are very far from optimal. Results also suggest that, in addition to optimal pricing and higher reforestation efforts, promotion and availability of fuel substitutes and investment in wood energy conversion efficiencies have a strong potential for curbing the problem of deforestation in Sudan.  相似文献   

Bioenergy is one of the alternatives to reduce the dependence of global energy on fossil fuels. The short rotation coppice (SRC) of eucalypt species appears as an interesting option for forest biomass production in a short time. However, the harvesting of whole trees (included the crown) in SRC systems has implications on sustainable land use. More information is required on the increase of biomass as renewable energy resource to achieve the sustainability of these crops. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainable use of biomass from very high-density eucalypt plantations, managed at tropical conditions for bioenergy. To accomplish this objective, the tree was fractionated into three fractions: stem, branches, and leaves, and there was determination of the dry matter, energy yield, and nutrients export. This experiment used a short rotation coppice, a hybrid clone of Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis, of 2 years old. According to the results obtained, the density planting and fertilization levels have a greater influence on the dry matter yield, energy yield, and nutrient exports. The higher density planting reaches mean values of 30.9 tonnes of dry matter per hectare (t DM ha−1) and 743.3 GJ ha−1. Considering the biomass yield and nutrients export of short rotation coppice of eucalypt, the higher density planting with the lower dose of fertilization is more indicative of sustainable use. The leaves have an important participation in nutrients export and should be retained in the soil of forest.  相似文献   

Forest logging residues are systematically left after exploitation. In Romania, logging residues were traditionally used by population for fuel but have not been considered at large scale for industrialization. The estimation of the resource needed a more accurate assessment and the development of devoted biomass models for large-scale applications. Our study aims at estimating the amount of logging residues based on direct biomass measurements for the two main species of Romanian Carpathian forests: Norway spruce and beech. A country-scale field measurement campaign resulted in the sampling of 100 Norway spruce and 74 beech trees. Models of logging residues biomass were developed for both species. The amount of potential logging residues per tree was greater in beech than in Norway spruce. The models developed, nonlinear by essence, showed that diameter-based equations enable the evaluation of individual logging residues potential. Using tree height as an additional independent variable did not improve the models. The models fitted were applied to yield tables in order to estimate the resource potential in spruce and beech stands for each productivity class, and its dynamic during the production cycle. The calculations proved that the potential amount of logging residue is larger in spruce stands. The amount in beech is very sensitive to the productivity class, unlike in spruce stands. The potential biomass produced during early thinnings is however greater in beech stands than in spruce ones. A more systematic and organized collecting of residues could offer a fast answer to the need of increasing renewable energy share.  相似文献   

The value and volumes of industrial stump fuel supply are increasing for energy production. Accurate estimates of aboveground and belowground biomass of trees are important when estimating the potential of stumps as a bioenergy source. In this study two stump biomass equations were adapted and tested using them as calibrated stump biomass models computed as the cumulative sum by a local stand. In addition, variables derived from stem measurements of the forest harvester data were examined to predict stump biomass of a stand by applying regression analysis. The true stump yield (dry weight) was used as the reference data in the study. Both biomass models performed well (adjusted R2 ˜ 0.84) and no advance was found in using other stem dimensions as independent variables in the model. The stand-level model can be used in innovative stump biomass prediction tools for increasing efficiency of energy wood procurement planning to stands within a certain area. In practice, wood procurement managers would need to adapt developed system and decide whether the degree of accuracy/precision provided by the models is acceptable in their local stand harvesting conditions.  相似文献   

Increasing and more intensive energy wood harvesting from forests necessitate efforts to ensure that adequate amounts of nutrients are recycled back onto the site. Recycling nutrients back to the forest in the form of wood ash is a natural means to correct the nutrient imbalance and acidity of forest soils that can occur from intensive management, as well as to solve the problem of disposing of wood combustion wastes. Methods of refining and spreading have been developed to improve the logistics and cost competitiveness of recycling wood ash back into the forest as fertilizer. In this study, the costs of spreading granulated wood ash in the forest were calculated under Finnish conditions. The profitability of recycling wood ash to drained peatland forests as a fertilizer was also analyzed, from the forest owner’s point of view. For this analysis, wood ash was compared with chemical fertilizer in terms of effect, cost and profitability. Wood ash fertilization using the ground-based forwarder system was two to three times cheaper than using the aerial helicopter-loader system. From the forest owner’s point of view, the fertilization of peatland forest with wood ash proved to be a very profitable silvicultural investment (IRR 3-12 percent). To improve the economics of wood ash recycling to forests, ground-based spreading of granulated ash should be emphasized. Furthermore, in order to create large enough operational units for the cost-efficient spreading of ash, there needs to be comprehensive planning of spreading sites.  相似文献   

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