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Need for food and energy challenge humanity. Producing biofuels from energy crops leads to the dilemma: “energy crops for biofuel or for food?” This paper aims to answer this dilemma through the SWOT analysis, for the first time for Greece. Results of the first alternative show strengths including creation of direct and indirect jobs (Biofuel production industry), diversity of energy supply, and positive contribution of the greenhouse effect. Weaknesses include environmental impact, and dependence on land availability (additional need of arable land other than that required to grow food). Energy and climate change priority on policy agenda, EU directives promoting the use of biofuels, and economic competitiveness with fossil fuels, could create the external environment to promote bioenergy production. Conversely, results of the second option show strengths including food security, and non-risk of deforestation in order to find new land. Weaknesses include failure to increase employment opportunities by not creation of indirect jobs, and non exploitation of marginal lands. Respective external environmental factors include solution to food crisis, use of second generation biofuels, and development of new and non-edible varieties. Dependence on fossil fuels and failure to comply with the world agenda regarding climate change, constitute threats for this option.  相似文献   

This paper describes a methodology to explore the (future) spatial distribution of biofuel crops in Europe. Two main types of biofuel crops are distinguished: biofuel crops used for the production of biodiesel or bioethanol, and second-generation biofuel crops. A multi-scale, multi-model approach is used in which biofuel crops are allocated over the period 2000-2030. The area of biofuel crops at the national level is determined by a macro-economic model. A spatially explicit land use model is used to allocate the biofuel crops within the countries. Four scenarios have been prepared based on storylines influencing the extent and spatial distribution of biofuel crop cultivation. The allocation algorithm consists of two steps. In the first step, processing plants are allocated based on location factors that are dependent on the type of biofuel crop processed and scenario conditions. In the second step, biofuel crops are allocated accounting for the transportation costs to the processing plants. Both types of biofuel crops are allocated separately based on different location factors. Despite differences between the scenarios, mostly the same areas are showing growth in biofuel crop cultivation in all scenarios. These areas stand out because they have a combination of well-developed infrastructural and industrial facilities and large areas of suitable arable land. The spatially explicit results allow an assessment of the potential consequences of large-scale biofuel crop cultivation for ecology and environment.  相似文献   

Energy crops are expected to greatly develop in a very short-term bringing to significant social and environmental benefits. Nevertheless, a significant number of studies report from very positive to negative environmental implications from growing and processing energy crops, thus great uncertainty still remains on this argument. The present study focused on the cradle-to-grave impact assessments of alternative scenarios including annual and perennial energy crops for electricity/heat or first and second generation transport fuels, giving special emphasis to agricultural practices which are frequently surprisingly neglected in Life Cycle Assessment studies despite a not secondary relevance on final outcomes. The results show that cradle-to-farm gate impacts, i.e. including the upstream processes, may account for up to 95% of total impacts, with dominant effects on marine water ecotoxicity. Therefore, by increasing the sustainability of crop management through minimizing agronomic inputs, or with a complementary use of crop resides, can be expected to significantly improve the overall sustainability of bioenergy chains, as well as the competitiveness against fossil counterparts. Once again, perennial crops resulted in substantially higher environmental benefits than annual crops. It is shown that significant amount of emitted CO2 can be avoided through converting arable lands into perennial grasslands. Besides, due to lack of certain data, soil carbon storage was not included in the calculations, while N2O emission was considered as omitted variable bias (1% of N-fertilization). Therefore, especially for perennial grasses, CO2 savings were reasonably higher that those estimated in the present study. For first generation biodiesel, sunflower showed a lower energy-based impacts than rapeseed, while wheat should be preferred over maize for first generation bioethanol given its lower land-based impacts. For second generation biofuels and thermo-chemical energy, switchgrass provided the highest environmental benefits. With regard to bioenergy systems, first generation biodiesel was less impacting than first generation bioethanol; bioelectricity was less impacting than first generation biofuels and second generation bioethanol by thermo-chemical hydrolysis, but highly impacting than Biomass-to-Liquid biodiesel and second generation bioethanol through enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Algal biorefinery-based integrated industrial ecology has received increased attention as a sustainable way of producing biofuel, food, high value products and feed ingredients in the Southwestern United States (US). However, these regions already face serious freshwater supply issues. Hence, new policies and regulations for water management and use is a high priority for the sustainable development of an algal biofuel sector to meet liquid fuel needs in the US without hampering the regional hydrologic pattern.  相似文献   

Biomass provides two thirds of the total energy produced from renewables in Europe. The share of bioenergy from energy crops is growing rapidly. Given the environmental pressures arising from pesticide pollution from current agricultural food production, a substantial increase in energy crop cultivation might put additional pressure on biodiversity and soil and water resources. In the present study, we examine the potential of energy crops for pesticide contamination and develop general conclusions and recommendations for the future large-scale expansion of agricultural bioenergy. We base our analysis on the development of energy crop cultivation in Germany, the European country with the largest share of energy crops. Our findings reveal that there will not necessarily be an increase or decrease in the amounts of pesticides released into the environment. Due to the great variety of energy crops, the potential effects will depend rather on the future design of the agricultural systems. Possible risks are associated with the increased cultivation of pesticide-intensive energy crops, such as rapeseed, especially when grown in monocultures or on formerly set-aside land or converted grassland. Instead, energy crops should be integrated into the existing food production systems. Financial incentives and further education are needed to encourage the use of sustainable crop rotations, innovative cropping systems and perennial energy crops, which may add to crop diversity and generate lower pesticide demands than intensive food farming systems. Optimised cultivation systems with diverse crop rotations could help to improve monotonous agricultural landscapes, increase biodiversity and minimise pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

A graphical pinch approach for analysis of water footprint constraints on biofuel production systems is presented. The technique is based on the composite curve method which was originally developed for carbon-constrained energy planning, which is extended in this paper based on the underlying similarities of source-sink allocation problems. The pinch analysis approach enables limiting water footprint conditions to be identified, and provides insights that are useful for planning the large-scale cultivation of biofuel crops. An illustrative case study based on the bioethanol program of the Philippines is solved using the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Sustainable production of second-generation energy crops on marginal land holds a great potential for renewable energy development. Because a vast area of marginal land is located in the arid and semiarid regions of the world, water shortage is the most serious environmental limitation. In this study, we developed a water balance model to address the question of whether Miscanthus energy crops can be sustainably produced in the Loess Plateau of China, a region of more than 60 million hectares particularly abundant in semiarid marginal land. The simulation of 20-year soil water content in bare soil, the winter wheat field, and the Miscanthus field across the Loess Plateau suggested that the long-term production of Miscanthus would not cause water depletion in deep soil. This finding addressed a serious concern that growing high-biomass plants in the Loess Plateau might lead to deep-soil water depletion, which was suggested to be the cause of previous failure of afforestation. Planting Miscanthus was effective in reducing surface runoff and consequently preventing water and soil loss in this heavily eroded region. The model and analyses illustrated where in the Loess Plateau this perennial energy crop could be produced with stable and sufficient yield.  相似文献   

Modifications to a pellet manufacturing process must be made based on the characteristics of raw material used. The purpose of this work was to determine the alternations required to a wood pellet manufacturing process and the quality of the pellets produced using this process from five energy crops. Quality measurements include: the caloric value, the loss of moisture content in each production stage, the efficiency index of particle-pellet, ash content and quality as defined using the quantity of cracks and the transversal density and longitudinal density determined using X-ray radiography. The crops analyzed were rhizomatous plants, with caloric values ranging between 17.1 and 20.3 MJ kg−1. This work determined that it was possible to produce pellets with Gynerium sagittatum and Phyllostachys aurea using the same production process for wood; however, Arundo donax and Pennisetum purpureum needed pre-air-drying and the Sorghum bicolor required mechanical dewatering before drying. A. donax, P. purpureum and G. sagittatum provided the highest efficiency index. When evaluating the pellet quality P. aurea and G. sagittatum hard a large quantity of cracks, unlike A. donax, P. purpureum and S. bicolor. The transversal and longitudinal pellet density varied from 1129 to 1294 kg m−3. The highest values of bulk density were obtained in A. donax and P. purpureum, followed by G. sagittatum and P. aurea, and the lowest bulk density was obtained in S. bicolor. Althogh out, some species produced cracks and high ash content, this work demonstrated that it is possible to produce pellets with moderate quality.  相似文献   

India’s growing population and economy generate an increasing demand for energy. Facing the decline of global fossil fuel resources, the Indian government and energy industry are considering the long-term expansion of biofuel production in order to increase energy security. This development leads to a strong competition of energy crops versus food crops for land and may result in an increasing pressure on natural resources. In a pilot scenario study, the LandSHIFT model is applied to assess the impact of biofuel production on land-use change in India up to the year 2030. The model aims at the spatially explicit simulation of land-use change and its relation to other global change processes on the national up to the global scale. It explicitly addresses competition between land-use activities such as human settlement, biofuel production and food production as well as the resulting effects on the spatial extent of natural land. Baseline of the study is a simulation with drivers from the “Order from Strength” scenario of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. To illustrate the consequences of expanded biofuel production for the extent of natural land, we calculate three scenarios of bioethanol production to substitute 5%, 10% and 20% of the expected petrol demand in 2030. In the simulations shown, a comprehensive linkage is made between driving forces (such as population change) and policies (such as biofuel usage) that will affect land-use change over the coming decades.  相似文献   

This study explores the economic feasibility of fossil fuel substitution with biomass from short-rotation willow plantations as an option for greenhouse heating in southern Ontario, Canada. We assess the net displacement value of fossil fuel biomass combustion systems with an integrated purpose-grown biomass production enterprise. Key project parameters include greenhouse size, heating requirements, boiler capital costs and biomass establishment and management costs. Several metrics have been used to examine feasibility including net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, and the minimum or break-even prices for natural gas and heating oil for which the biomass substitution operations become financially attractive. Depending on certain key assumptions, internal rates of return ranged from 11-14% for displacing heating oil to 0-4% for displacing natural gas with woody biomass. The biomass heating projects have payback periods of 10 to >22 years for substituting heating oil and 18 to >22 years for replacing a natural gas. Sensitivity analyses indicate that fossil fuel price and efficiency of the boiler heating system are critical elements in the analyses and research on methods to improve growth and yield and reduce silviculture costs could have a large beneficial impact on the feasibility of this type of bioenergy enterprise.  相似文献   

Renewable bioenergy could be supplied by high yielding grass crops, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Successful development of a bioenergy industry will depend on identifying cultivars with high yield potential and acceptable biofuel quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate 20 switchgrass populations in a field study planted in May 1997 in southern Iowa, USA. The populations included released cultivars and experimental germplasm of both upland and lowland ecotypes. Yield, plant height, stand, lodging, leaf:stem ratio, cell wall fiber, total plant nitrogen, and ash were determined on all entries between 1998 and 2001. Ultimate and proximate analyses together with chlorine and major oxide determinations were made on three cultivars in 2000 and 2001. Biomass yield was determined from a single autumn harvest each year. The lowland cultivars ‘Alamo’ and ‘Kanlow’ produced the most biomass, exceeding the production of the widely recommended upland cultivar ‘Cave-In-Rock’. Other traits differed among the cultivars, although the range was less than that for yield. The differences among years were substantially greater for the ultimate, proximate, and major oxide analyses than differences among cultivars. The highest yielding cultivars had low ash, slightly lower fiber concentrations, and moderate levels of important minerals, suggesting that excellent germplasm is available for biofuel production. The persistence of the lowland cultivars in southern Iowa may need more research because the winters during the experiment were mild.  相似文献   

土地利用方式对丘陵地区水量水质影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苏南丘陵地区句容市为例,采用分布式水文模型(SWAT)对不同土地利用方式、水量水质的影响进行模拟,分析了土地利用变化前后对区域产流产污的影响及不同比例下的土地利用方式产流产污的变化,为句容地区土地利用方式提供指导.  相似文献   

Biofuels are being promoted as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels both from energy supply perspective as well as a technical option to respond to climate change. Various crops are grown throughout the world to supply feedstocks for the production of biofuels. In sub-Saharan Africa, Jatropha curcas is considered to be the most suitable feedstock for production of biodiesel. Zimbabwe is a tropical country with suitable growth conditions for Jatropha. Since 2005, the production of Jatropha has gathered momentum in the country. The plan for production of Jatropha has concentrated on boosting production areas. Not much attention has been given to technical issues that are important in optimizing the yield and quality norms of Jatropha seed. This paper discusses technical interventions at two levels of the value chain that are required to optimize production of Jatropha in the country as a commercially viable energy crop. Emphasis is placed on the need to supply elite planting materials to optimize seed yield and seed quality as well as consider suitable agro-techniques required to establish the Jatropha plantations. Given that the longevity of Jatropha trees is 50 years, the objective is to establish plantations based on improved germplasm rather than rely on wild type germplasm.  相似文献   

Dedicated energy crop cultivation is expected to be the prevalent form of biomass production for reaching renewable energy targets set by the European Union. However, there are some concerns with regard to its sustainability. This study demonstrates how this problem can be evaded by applying phytoremediation, i.e. the use of plants to remove pollutants from moderately contaminated soils. By selecting the appropriate plants a considerable biomass flow is produced without taking in scarce agricultural land, while simultaneously remediating the soil to levels of contamination below threshold values. Since phytoremediation is only applicable within a limited range of soil pollutant concentrations, the outer values of this range have to be determined at first. Subsequently, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is needed to perform further analyses. The contamination in the region is predicted using GIS, after which the agricultural area is determined that can be committed to energy crop cultivation. This way, the biomass potential and the resulting bioenergy potential from phytoremediation can be assessed. In this paper the Campine region in Belgium, a region diffusely contaminated with heavy metals like cadmium (Cd), is examined. It is illustrated that more than 2000 ha of agricultural land hold Cd concentrations exceeding guide values set by the Flemish Government. However, a large majority of these soils can be remediated by phytoremediation within a reasonable time span of 42 years. Concurrently, a significant amount of biomass is supplied for renewable energy production.  相似文献   

The literature on climate policy modeling has paid scant attention to the important role that R&D is already playing in industrializing countries such as China, where R&D investments are targeting not only productivity improvements but also enhancements in the quality and variety of products. We focus here on the effects of quality-enhancing innovation on energy use and GHG emissions in developing countries. We construct an analytical model to show that efficiency-improving and quality-enhancing R&D have opposing influences on energy and emission intensities, with the efficiency-improving R&D having an attenuating effect and quality-enhancing R&D having an amplifying effect. We find that the balance of these opposing forces depends on the elasticity of upstream output with respect to efficiency-improving R&D, the elasticity of downstream output with respect to upstream quality-enhancing R&D occurring upstream, and the relative shares of emissions-intensive inputs in the costs of production of upstream versus downstream industries. We employ a computable general equilibrium (CGE) simulation of the Chinese economy to illustrate the difficulties that arise in incorporating these results into models for climate policy analysis, and we offer a simple remedy.  相似文献   

Expansion of ethanol production has led to regional-scale cultivation of cellulosic biofuel crops, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), on agriculturally marginal lands. A range of forest-based solutions are also being evaluated, especially in the southeastern U.S. However, there may be unanticipated environmental consequences, including changes in water export when managing forests to accommodate biofuel demands at a regional scale. We used the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate effects of regional-scale conversion of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations to switchgrass biofuel production on stream flow in the ∼5 million ha Tombigbee River Watershed in the southeastern U.S. Greater than 50% of the Tombigbee Watershed is forested, with 20% of the watershed supporting primarily loblolly pine forests. We modified the SWAT model by adding five age classes of loblolly pine trees, to more accurately represent existing forested systems. We found that maximum conversion of loblolly pine to switchgrass, affecting 7% of the watershed, represented an extreme land-use change and resulted in a 4% increase in annual stream flow. The more operationally and economically feasible option of converting young (≤4 yrs) and old (≥16 yrs) loblolly pine stands to switchgrass on <8% slope (2% of the watershed) resulted in a 2% increase in stream flow. Changes in annual stream flow were driven primarily by alterations in evapotranspiration (ET). Seasonal changes in stream flow were attributed to complex interactions among water-balance components of ET, surface flow, and groundwater flow.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of different land-use systems for energy, up to the farm or forest “gate”, has been quantified with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Four representative crops are considered: OilSeed Rape (OSR), Miscanthus, Short-Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow and forest residues. The focus of the LCA is on changes in Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) but energy use, emissions of GreenHouse Gases (GHGs), acidification and eutrophication are also considered. In addition to providing an indicator of soil quality, changes in SOC are shown to have a dominant effect on total GHG emissions. Miscanthus is the best land-use option for GHG emissions and soil quality as it sequesters C at a higher rate than the other crops, but this has to be weighed against other environmental impacts where Miscanthus performs worse, such as acidification and eutrophication. OSR shows the worst performance across all categories. Because forest residues are treated as a by-product, their environmental impacts are small in all categories. The analysis highlights the need for detailed site-specific modelling of SOC changes, and for consequential LCAs of the whole fuel cycle including transport and use.  相似文献   

The present work concerns a systematic investigation of power sector portfolios through discrete scenarios of electricity and CO2 allowance prices. The analysis is performed for different prices, from regulated to completely deregulated markets, thus representing different electricity market policies. The modelling approach is based on a stochastic programming algorithm without recourse, used for the optimisation of power sector economics under multiple uncertainties. A sequential quadratic programming routine is applied for the entire investigation period whilst the time-dependent objective function is subject to various social and production constraints, usually confronted in power sectors. The analysis indicated the optimal capacity additions that should be annually ordered from each competitive technology in order to substantially improve both the economy and the sustainability of the system. It is confirmed that higher electricity prices lead to higher financial yields of power production, irrespective of the CO2 allowance price level. Moreover, by following the proposed licensing planning, a medium-term reduction of CO2 emissions per MW h by 30% might be possible. Interestingly, the combination of electricity prices subsidisation with high CO2 allowance prices may provide favourable conditions for investors willing to engage on renewable energy markets.  相似文献   

This paper presents measurement system and detailed analysis of power quality at the substation of two different wind farm sites which are of low and high power rate. Measurement system has been designed using a data acquisition board (DAQ), Labview software, Matlab programming and a portable PC. The system has been installed at medium voltage level at substation of both wind farms. The real measurement results at substations are compared to current regulations in Turkey.  相似文献   

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