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在对辽东湾滩海地区的海洋阵列大地电磁测深资料进行研究的基础上,结合地质、地震、重磁以及测井资料,利用二维有限元法对该区地质结构、结构特征进行了分析。结果表明郯庐断裂带对该区影响深远。郯庐断裂带北延部分在辽东湾地区有4条大断裂,其中二界沟-盖州滩断裂分割了该区古老的结晶基底,以东为鞍山群,以西为建平群;大洼-海南断裂则控制了中上元古界的分布,中上元古界仅分布在该断裂西侧。郯庐断裂作为一整体又控制了中  相似文献   

同步阵列大地电磁测深法及其在山区的应用技术与效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对地表异常体引起曲线畸变的理论分析,研究了同步阵列大地电磁测深法山区资料的处理方法,采用爱滤波,带地形的二维反演方法地消除地形的影响与静偏移。在湖北利川山区的试验表明,该方法在复杂地表山区不失为一种有效的勘探方法。  相似文献   

针对大地电磁测深中视电阻率曲线的静态畸变问题,作者提出了用瞬变电磁测深校正MT曲线静态位移的方法技术,并利用此技术在塔里木盆地北部开展了MT实测资料的静校研究,通过对静校前后MT资料的解释对比分析,说明了用TEM法校正MT曲线静态位移的有效性。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段大地电磁测深剖面与地壳结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来完成的穿过郯庐断裂带的4条大地电磁测深剖面,揭示了断裂带丰富的深部结构信息。郯庐断裂带已切穿了整个地壳,并且向下延入上地慢。该断裂带在深部显示为陡立的走滑构造,浅部为伸展断层及断陷盆地所叠加,最后又发生过一期明显的逆冲活动。在苏鲁造山带西缘,该断裂带早期呈现为典型的走滑构造,暗示造山期应为走滑构造起源。在该断裂带内部及其旁侧,浅部的断陷盆地发育并与深部的高导层(带)紧密伴生,反映断陷盆地发育时在深部都出现了软弱拆离带,也指示了断陷盆地发育中重要的深部过程。  相似文献   

在火山岩覆盖的下扬子盆地南京拗陷开展了大地电磁测深,取得了可靠的电性参数。结合地质及其它地球物理资料对其分析研究,认为在火山岩盖层下面存在中、古生代海相沉积地层,并有大片的侵入岩出现。这一结论对于该地区的地质构造研究和油气勘探工作将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

在火山岩覆盖的下扬子盆地南京拗陷开展了大地电磁测深,取得了可靠的电性能参数。结合地质及其它地物理物理资料对其分析研究,认为在火,山夺盖层下面存在中,古生长海相沉积地层,并有大片的侵入岩出现。这一结论对于该地区的地质构造研究和油气勘探工作将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

针对大地电磁测深(MT)资料处理中存在的静态偏移问题,利用小波变换的Mallat算法对实测MT资料进行静校正处理。实测资料的处理结果表明,利用小波变换可以进行压制MT中的静态偏移,是一种有效的、潜在的静校正方法。  相似文献   

Saraev A K,Pertel M I,Larionov K A.音频大地电磁测深在金伯利岩勘探中的应用.石油地球物理勘探,2004,39(增刊):144~145  相似文献   

阵列感应测井在低电阻率油层的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阵列感应测井技术的产生,较好的解决了常规感应测井仪器中存在的纵向分辨率差、径向探测深度不固定、不能解决复杂侵入剖面等问题。本文将以阿特拉斯公司的阵列感应测井仪器HDIL为例,着重介绍它在低电阻率油层中的应用,其中一种是高矿化度地层水造成的低电阻率油层,另一种是咸水泥浆造成的低电阻率油层,总结出了利用阵列感应测井资料和其它相关资料进行储层流体识别的方法。  相似文献   

渤海海域和滩海勘探工作的新进展及发展方向   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
张抗 《石油学报》2002,23(5):1-6
渤海湾盆地是陆海统一的大型裂谷盆地 ,陆地和海域有共同的油气生聚规律。但其沉积中心有序地向海域中部迁移 ,生储油层系向东增多、变新 ,含油气性更好。海域的渤中凹陷和滩涂-极浅海是近期内增储上产的两大领域。它们的进展说明 ,随时间推移 ,在我国新生代东部近海盆地和陆架盆地普遍存在沉积中心向外转移的现象。因而建议同时强化对渤海两个领域的勘探 ,开拓南黄海和南海北部上陆坡地区及加强东海陆架盆地东带的勘探工作。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地油藏类型多样,低孔低渗储集层较多,岩性差异大,岩石致密,产层较多但较薄,并且还有顶、底水,试油低产,不经过压裂改造很难形成工业油气流,为了解放这些储集层,采用了优化射孔层段与压裂工艺相结合的方式对储层进行了压裂改造。射孔层段优化和压裂工艺相结合技术不仅使各个薄油层都得到了较好的改造,并且防止了压裂时压窜目的层上、下水层或应力较小的夹层,以免影响压裂效果。  相似文献   

川西地区复合射孔技术的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
川西地区90%以上气井采用后期射孔完井并配合加砂压裂改造的复合技术。结合川西地区致密砂岩气藏低孔渗的地质特点,对复合技术进行了研究。通过对该技术的作用机理分析,提出了复合射孔在川西地区的主要应用目的,并结合地质条件给出了优化设计的方案。通过现场应用,提出了相关的施工注意事项。现场应用证明,复合射孔的应用克服了常规射孔穿深浅、存在压实伤害等缺点,达到了降低地层破裂压力、改善渗流条件的目的。特别是其有效降低致密砂岩地层破裂压力的特点,为川西地区高破裂压力气藏的开发提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Depleted chalk oilfields and chalk structures in the Danish Central Graben, North Sea, are potential CO2 storage sites. In most of these fields, the main reservoir is the Upper Cretaceous – Danian Chalk Group and the Eocene – Miocene mudstones of the Horda and Lark Formations constitute the primary seal. In a few fields, the reservoir is composed of the Lower Cretaceous Tuxen and Sola Formations. Here the main seal is assumed to be the Chalk Group which however has poor gas sealing characteristics; the Horda and Lark Formations constitute an efficient secondary seal although they are quite high in the section. This study documents a workflow that may help to evaluate the seal integrity of the structures from an integration of mud gas data from wells with seismic data. Mud gas data provide detailed information about the distribution and types of gas (biogenic or thermogenic) throughout the seal section and overburden. The presence of higher carbon number gases (C3–C5, propane to pentane) in the seal indicates migration of thermogenic gas into the thermally immature sealing mudstones; whereas the dominance of C1 (methane) and partly C2 (ethane) likely reflects the presence of in situ generated biogenic gas in the mudstones, thus indicating that there are no seal integrity issues. The vertical thermogenic gas migration front has been determined, and a “traffic light” indicator system has been used for seal integrity evaluation. Where no or minor migration of thermogenic gas into the primary seal has occurred and a primary seal >30 m thick is present, the seal is considered to have good matrix seal integrity (green). If some significant thermogenic gas migration has occurred into the primary seal but more than 30 m of primary seal is present above the thermogenic gas migration front, the seal integrity is reduced (yellow). In structures where thermogenic gas migration is recorded through the primary seal and into the overburden, seal integrity is considered to be poor (red). In areas where significant leakage of thermogenic gas has occurred into the seal, high density, low porosity carbonate beds frequently occur encapsulated within the sealing mudstones and are interpreted to be composed of methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDACs). Seismic data show that there is a convincing correlation between leakage as indicated from mud gas data and the presence of vertical wipe-out zones (gas chimneys), bright zones (gas-charged sediments or MDACs), and depressions (pockmarks). In general, potential CO2 storage sites in the study area in tectonically inverted structures show good seal integrity, but this may locally be reduced and require additional analyses. Storage sites associated with salt diapirs generally show poor seal integrity and are likely to be poor candidates for CO2 storage. In combination, mud gas and seismic data are therefore powerful tools to investigate (palaeo-) leakage phenomena and provide support for seal integrity evaluation at local to regional scales.  相似文献   

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