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Sr0.3Ba0.7Nb2O6 (SBN) and La0.030Sr0.255Ba0.700Nb2O6 (LSBN) ceramic compounds have been prepared using the traditional ceramic method at two different calcination temperatures (900 and 1000 °C) and later sintered both at 1400 °C. A study of the effects of the calcination temperatures and La substitution on the morphological, compositional, and structural properties of SBN and LSBN is presented using scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. From Rietveld refinement processes, the XRD patterns were interpreted to evaluate such effects in the structural parameters and the site occupation factors of the heavy metals and oxygen atoms. The effect of the incorporation of La resulted in a 0.25% cell contraction and turned out to be higher than the 0.08% dilation effect produced by the increase of calcination temperature. The La ion with similar effective ionic radius and higher electronegativity is incorporated into the structure occupying the A1 site just like the Sr ions in the SBN compound. Differences in the site occupation factors between the SBN and LSBN samples lead to substantial changes in the physical properties such as temperature of relative dielectric constant maximum, relative dielectric constant, and dielectric loss, correlated with the distortion and the relative orientation of the oxygen octahedra.  相似文献   

In this study, synthesis and characterization of novel quaternary tellurite glass system TeO2–Bi2O3–GeO2–Li2O is presented. The compositions include TeO2 and GeO2 as glass formers while different proportion of Bi2O3 and Li2O act as network modifiers. Differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, UV–Vis and Raman spectroscopy are applied to study the structural, thermal and optical properties of the studied glasses. Obtained glasses possess a relatively low glass transition temperature (around 300 °C) if compared to other tellurite glasses, show good thermal transparency in the visible and near infra-red (from 2.4 to 0.4 μm) and can double the frequency of laser light from its original wavelength of 1064 nm to its second-harmonic at 532 nm (i.e. second harmonic generation).  相似文献   

The microcrystalline TlNd(MoO4)2 and TlPr(MoO4)2 molybdates have been prepared with solid state synthesis on the same synthesis route. The final products have been studied by XRD and SEM. Vibrational properties have been evaluated with Raman spectroscopy. More than 20 narrow Raman lines have been observed in the experimental spectrum of the microcrystals. The most intensive lines related to breathing vibrations of MoO4 tetrahedra have been found at 904 and ∼930 cm−1. The earlier proposed empirical relation between MoO bond length and stretching mode wavenumber has been tested by the comparative analysis for a suite of sixteen complex molybdates. This well-known relation is found to be unusable for molybdates containing different cations in the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

In this study we report the optical, spectroscopic, and structural properties of vacuum deposited tris (8-hydroxyquinolinate) gallium film upon thermal annealing in the temperature range from 85 °C to 255 °C under a flowing nitrogen gas for 10 min. The optical UV–vis–NIR and luminescence spectroscopy measurements were performed to estimate the absorption bands, optical energy gap (Eg), and photoluminescence (PL) of the films. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques were used to probe the spectroscopic and structural nature of the films. We show that, by annealing the films from 85 °C to 235 °C, it is possible to achieve an enhanced absorption and increased photoluminescence to five times stronger than that of the pristine film. The PL quenching at 255 °C was attributed to the presence of plainer chains allow easy going for excitons to a long distance due to the crystalline region formation of α-Gaq3 polymorph. The reduction in Eg and infrared absorption bands upon annealing were referred to the enhancement in π–π interchain interaction and conformational changes by re-arrangement of the Gaq3 quinolinate ligands, respectively. Stokes shift for the films were observed and calculated. From the differential scanning calorimetry, DSC measurements, higher glass transition temperature was observed for Gaq3 (Tg = 182 °C) compared to that of Alq3 (Tg = 173 °C), which suggests the existence of stronger dipolar interaction in Gaq3 due to the Ga3+ cation effect, in comparison to that of Alq3.  相似文献   

This contribution presents two simple and cost-effective routes for the low-temperature and large-scale production of pure and Eu-doped Y3Al5O12 (yttrium aluminum garnet YAG) nanopowders. The proposed methodologies combine a mechanically assisted metathesis reaction or coprecipitation from solution followed by crystallization of the obtained precursors from molten sodium nitrate/nitrite. Both procedures allow obtaining pure and/or doped YAG nanopowders at remarkably low temperatures, i.e. already at 350 °C although firing at 500 °C is needed in order to get single phase and fully crystalline materials. As-obtained samples were characterized by XRD, TEM, Raman, IR and luminescence methods. These methods showed that the mean crystallite size is near 23–31 and 51 nm, when crystallization is performed from the amorphous precursor obtained by a mechanically assisted metathesis reaction and coprecipitation, respectively. Raman and IR spectra indicated better crystallinity of the powders prepared at 500 °C. The emission study showed that the intensity ratio between hypersensitive 5D0 → 7F2 and magnetic-dipole 5D0 → 7F1 transitions of Eu3+ is significantly larger than expected for well-crystallized YAG. Origin of this behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of Fe-dopant concentration on the structure, as well as optical, electrical transport and magnetic properties of SrTi1? x Fe x O3 (x?=?0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 and 0.50) nanoparticles prepared by sol–gel method. The dopant-induced changes are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, optical absorption, impedance and magnetic measurements. The results show an average particle size of about 15–30?nm, depending on the Fe-doped concentration. The decrease in lattice parameters and the change of phonon modes related to structural changes, decreasing gap with increasing dopant concentration in conjunction with increasing grain boundary contribution to the impedance. The Fe-doped content has affected the structure, absorption and Raman spectroscopy of the samples. These indicate that the Fe ion has replaced the site of Ti in unit cell. By this method, we have decreased the annealing temperature considerably than that in the conventional solid-state reaction.  相似文献   

The thermal and environmental barrier coatings (T/EBC) are technologically important for advanced propulsion engine system. In this study, RE4Hf3O12 (RE=Ho, Er, Tm) with defect fluorite structure was investigated for potential use as top TBC layer. Dense pellets were fabricated via a hot pressing method and the mechanical and thermal properties were characterized. RE4Hf3O12 (RE=Ho, Er, Tm) possessed a high Vickers hardness of 11 GPa. The material retained high elastic modulus at elevated temperatures up to 1773 K, which made it attractive for high temperature application. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of RE4Hf3O12 (RE = Ho, Er, Tm) laid in the range between 7 × 10−6 K−1 to 10 × 10−6 K−1 from 473 K to 1673 K. In addition, the rare earth hafnates exhibited lower thermal conductivity which rendered it a good candidate material for thermal barrier applications.  相似文献   

A new chalcone derivative, 1-(4-aminophenyl)-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-prop-2-en-1-one (DMAC) was synthesized and single crystals were grown by slow evaporation technique. The FT-Raman and FT-IR spectra of the sample were recorded in the region 3700–100 cm−1 and 4000–400 cm−1, respectively. The spectra were interpreted with the aid of normal coordinate analysis following structure optimizations and force field calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory. Normal coordinate calculations were performed using the DFT force field, corrected by a recommended set of scaling factors, yielding fairly good agreement between the observed and calculated wavenumbers. DMAC is thermally stable up to 220.0 °C and optically transparent in the visible region. Information about the size, shape, charge density distribution and site of chemical reactivity of the molecule has been obtained by mapping electron density isosurface with electrostatic potential surfaces (ESP). The SHG efficiency of DMAC is observed to be 10 times that of standard urea crystal of identical particle size.  相似文献   

Oxides of the type (La2/5Ba2/5Ca1/5)(Mn(2/5)-x Ni x Ti3/5)O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) have been synthesized by the ceramic route. All the above oxides have been found to crystallize in the cubic perovskite structure. Rietveld refinement of the Ni-based oxide, (La2/5Ba2/5Ca1/5)(Ni2/5Ti3/5)O3 gave rise to a composition (La0.44Ba0.38Ca0.18) (Ni0.42Ti0.58)O2.85(6) and the refined lattice parameter obtained was 3.9411(2) Å (space group Pm3m;R(F2) = 0.026,R p = 0.074,wR p = 0.087). A shift from antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic behaviour is observed with increase in nickel concentration, the Mn-rich phases showing antiferromagnetism around 5 K. There is a systematic decrease in the dielectric constant, ε and loss tangent with increase in Ni concentration (from ε = 592 forx = 0 to ε = 78 forx = 0.4).  相似文献   

The (C3H12N2)0.94[Mn1.50Fe1.50III(AsO4)F6] and (C3H12N2)0.75[Co1.50Fe1.50III(AsO4)F6] compounds 1 and 2 have been synthesized using mild hydrothermal conditions. These phases are isostructural with (C3H12N2)0.75[Fe1.5IIFe1.5III(AsO4)F6]. The compounds crystallize in the orthorhombic Imam space group. The unit cell parameters calculated by using the patterns matching routine of the FULPROOF program, starting from the cell parameters of the iron(II),(III) phase, are: a = 7.727(1) Å, b = 11.047(1) Å, c = 13.412(1) Å for 1 and a = 7.560(1) Å, b = 11.012(1) Å, c = 13.206(1) Å for 2, being Z = 8 in both compounds. The crystal structure consists of a three-dimensional framework constructed from edge-sharing [MII(1)2O2F8] (M = Mn, Co) dimeric octahedra linked to [FeIII(2)O2F4] octahedra through the F(1) anions and to the [AsO4] tetrahedra by the O(1) vertex. This network gives rise two kinds of chains, which are extended in perpendicular directions. Chain 1 is extended along the a-axis and chain 2 runs along the c-axis. These chains are linked by the F(1) and O(1) atoms and establish cavities delimited by eight or six polyhedra along the [1 0 0] and [0 0 1] directions, respectively. The propanediammonium cations are located inside these cavities. The thermal study indicates that the structures collapse with the calcination of the organic dication at 255 and 285 °C for 1 and 2, respectively. The Mössbauer spectra in the paramagnetic state indicate the existence of two crystallographically independent positions for the iron(III) cations and a small proportion of this cation in the positions of the divalent Mn(II) and Co(II) ones. The IR spectrum shows the protonated bands of the H2N- groups of the propanediamine molecule and the characteristic bands of the [AsO4]3− arsenate oxoanions. In the diffuse reflectance spectra, it can be observed the bands characteristic of trivalent iron(III) cation and divalent Mn(II) and Co(II) ones in a distorted octahedral symmetry. The calculated Dq and B-Racah parameters for the cobalt(II) phase are 710 and 925 cm−1, respectively. The ESR spectra of compound 1 maintain isotropic with variation in temperature, being g = 1.99. Magnetic measurements for both compounds indicate that the main magnetic interactions are antiferromagnetic in nature. However, at low temperatures small ferromagnetic components are detected, which are probably due to a spin decompensation of the two different metallic cations. The hysteresis loops give values of the remnant magnetization and coercive field of 84.5, 255 emu/mol and 0.01, 0.225 T for phases 1 and 2, respectively.  相似文献   

The organo-templated iron(III) borophosphate (C4H12N2)3FeIII6(H2O)4[B6P12O50(OH)2]·2H2O was prepared under mild hydrothermal conditions (443 K). The crystal structure was determined from single-crystal X-ray data at 295 K (orthorhombic, Pbca (No. 61), Z=4, a=17.8023(7) Å, b=16.1037(5) Å, c=19.1232(6) Å, V=5482.3(3) Å3, R1=0.055, wR2=0.104, 6576 observed reflections with I>2σ(I)) and contains a new type of borophosphate anion: a mixed open- and loop-branched zehner single chain, , built from heptamers [B2P5O21] interconnected by BO3(OH) tetrahedra sharing their third oxygen corners with additional (terminal) PO4 tetrahedra to form open branchings. The mixed open- and loop-branched single chains running along [0 0 1] are interconnected by three crystallographically independent iron coordination octahedra to form a 3D framework structure containing eight-membered ring channels running along [0 1 0] and cages, which are occupied by two crystallographically independent piperazine cations and H2O molecules. The displacement parameters of C and N atoms in the piperazine cations are dramatically influenced by the strength of the hydrogen bond reflecting the shape of the cavities. The magnetic investigations indicate the existence of antiferromagnetic interactions as the major components. A narrow hysteresis at low temperatures indicates a weak ferromagnetic component, due to a non-cancellation of spins.  相似文献   

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