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We report here a new microscopic technique for imaging and identifying sedimentary organic matter in geologic materials that combines inverted fluorescence microscopy with scanning electron microscopy and allows for sequential imaging of the same region of interest without transferring the sample between instruments. This integrated correlative light and electron microscopy technique is demonstrated with observations from an immature lacustrine oil shale from the Eocene Green River Mahogany Zone and mid‐oil window paralic shale from the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Group. This technique has the potential to allow for identification and characterization of organic matter in shale hydrocarbon reservoirs that is not possible using either light or electron microscopy alone, and may be applied to understanding the organic matter type and thermal regime in which organic nanoporosity forms, thereby reducing uncertainty in the estimation of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources.  相似文献   

A simple inexpensive grid system reproduced photographically on black-and-white film provides a support system that allows the same cells to be examined by light and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Integrated array tomography combines fluorescence and electron imaging of ultrathin sections in one microscope, and enables accurate high‐resolution correlation of fluorescent proteins to cell organelles and membranes. Large numbers of serial sections can be imaged sequentially to produce aligned volumes from both imaging modalities, thus producing enormous amounts of data that must be handled and processed using novel techniques. Here, we present a scheme for automated detection of fluorescent cells within thin resin sections, which could then be used to drive automated electron image acquisition from target regions via ‘smart tracking’. The aim of this work is to aid in optimization of the data acquisition process through automation, freeing the operator to work on other tasks and speeding up the process, while reducing data rates by only acquiring images from regions of interest. This new method is shown to be robust against noise and able to deal with regions of low fluorescence.  相似文献   

A method for preparing nondecalcified bone and tooth specimens for imaging by both light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron microscopy in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM) is presented. Bone blocks are embedded in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) mixture and mounted on glass slides using components of a light-cured dental adhesive system. This method of slide preparation allows correlative studies to be carried out between different microscopy modes, using the same histologic section. It also represents a large time savings relative to other mounting methods whose media require long cure times.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Rapid Transfer System (RTS), an attachment to the Leica EMPACT2 high‐pressure freezer, is described as a new tool for special applications within the cryofixation field. The RTS is an automated system that allows for fast processing of samples (<5 s) that make it possible for the first time to use high‐pressure freezing in combination with high time resolution correlative light and electron microscopy. In addition, with a working cycle of 30 s this rapid turn over time allows one to acquire more samples of biopsy material before it deteriorates than with other HPF machines with longer cycle times. With the use of the RTS it was possible to obtain three samples each of four different tissues in 6 min. Together with the finding that 90% of samples of cells grown on sapphire discs were well frozen, the RTS was both fast and reliable. Most important, together with other newly developed accessories, the RTS made it possible to capture specific events occurring live in the cell as observed by light microscopy, to cryofix that sample/event within 4 s, and then to analyze that event at high resolution in the electron microscope with excellent preservation of ultra‐structure. These developments should give us the tools to unravel intracellular processes that can be observed by live cell imaging but are too rare or fast to be picked up by routine EM methods or where the history of a structure is necessary to be able to discern its nature.  相似文献   

A method of direct visualization by correlative scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence light microscopy of cell structures of tissue cultured cells grown on conductive glass slides is described. We show that by growing cells on indium–tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides, secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images of uncoated cells can be obtained in high-vacuum SEM without charging artefacts. Interestingly, we observed that BSE imaging is influenced by both accelerating voltage and ITO coating thickness. By combining SE and BSE imaging with fluorescence light microscopy imaging, we were able to reveal detailed features of actin cytoskeletal and mitochondrial structures in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. We propose that the application of ITO glass as a substrate for cell culture can easily be extended and offers new opportunities for correlative light and electron microscopy studies of adherently growing cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a correlative microscopy workflow to combine detailed 3D fluorescence light microscopy data with ultrastructural information gained by 3D focused ion beam assisted scanning electron microscopy. The workflow is based on an optimized high pressure freezing/freeze substitution protocol that preserves good ultrastructural detail along with retaining the fluorescence signal in the resin embedded specimens. Consequently, cellular structures of interest can readily be identified and imaged by state of the art 3D confocal fluorescence microscopy and are precisely referenced with respect to an imprinted coordinate system on the surface of the resin block. This allows precise guidance of the focused ion beam assisted scanning electron microscopy and limits the volume to be imaged to the structure of interest. This, in turn, minimizes the total acquisition time necessary to conduct the time consuming ultrastructural scanning electron microscope imaging while eliminating the risk to miss parts of the target structure. We illustrate the value of this workflow for targeting virus compartments, which are formed in HIV‐pulsed mature human dendritic cells.  相似文献   

We present an integrated light‐electron microscope in which an inverted high‐NA objective lens is positioned inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM objective lens and the light objective lens have a common axis and focal plane, allowing high‐resolution optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on the same area of a sample simultaneously. Components for light illumination and detection can be mounted outside the vacuum, enabling flexibility in the construction of the light microscope. The light objective lens can be positioned underneath the SEM objective lens during operation for sub‐10 μm alignment of the fields of view of the light and electron microscopes. We demonstrate in situ epifluorescence microscopy in the SEM with a numerical aperture of 1.4 using vacuum‐compatible immersion oil. For a 40‐nm‐diameter fluorescent polymer nanoparticle, an intensity profile with a FWHM of 380 nm is measured whereas the SEM performance is uncompromised. The integrated instrument may offer new possibilities for correlative light and electron microscopy in the life sciences as well as in physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) has recently gained increasing attention, because it enables the acquisition of dynamic as well as ultrastructural information about subcellular processes. It is the power of combining the two imaging modalities that gives additional information as compared to using the imaging techniques separately. Here, we briefly summarize two CLEM approaches for the analysis of cells in mitosis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Aclar, a copolymer film with properties very similar to those of tissue culture plastic, is a versatile substrate to grow cells for light (including fluorescence) and electron microscopic applications in combination with both chemical fixation and cryoimmobilization. In this paper, we describe complete procedures to perform correlative light and electron microscopy using Aclar as substrate for the culture of cell monolayers to be finally embedded in plastic. First, we developed straightforward, efficient and flexible ways to mark the surface of the Aclar to create substrates to locate cells first at the light microscopy and then the electron microscopy level. All the methods enable the user to self‐design gridded Aclar pieces, according to the purpose of the experiments, and create a large number of substrates in a short time. Second, we confirmed that marked Aclar supports the normal growth and morphology of cells. Third, we validated the correlative light and electron microscopy procedure using Aclar. This validation was done for the high‐resolution analysis of endothelial cells using transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam–scanning electron microscopy in combination with the use of fluorescence, phase contrast and/or bright field microscopy to map areas of interest at low resolution. The methods that we present are diverse, easy to implement and highly reproducible, and emphasize the versatility of Aclar as a cell growth substrate for diverse microscopic applications.  相似文献   

It is likely that superficial corneal epithelial cells (SCECs) of the dromedary camels have a significant role in their survival at arid and semiarid regions. To the best of our knowledge, SCECs of camels' eyes have not been characterized previously using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), combined with morphometric analysis. Therefore, in the current study, we aim to describe the shape, topographical distribution, and density of SCECs associated with morphometric analysis using SEM. Twelve healthy adult camels' corneas were obtained immediately after slaughter. Each cornea has been divided into nine parts: central (C), middle dorsal (MD), middle ventral (MV), middle nasal (MN), middle temporal (MT), peripheral dorsal (PD), peripheral ventral (PV), peripheral nasal (PN), and peripheral temporal (PT). SCECs were distinguished and characterized into light, medium, and dark mosaics. The polygonal cells have been externally covered with microplicae that were more numerous above the light cells. The topographic distribution of light, medium, and dark cells revealed a well-defined concentration of light cells in excess of other cells in all parts as follows: PV (92.5%), PN (78.5%), MN (78%), MT (74.7%), PD (73.8%), PT (70.7%), MV (68.7%), MD (66.3%), and C (19.3%). The PV part recorded the highest density of light cells, while the C portion showed the lowest density for the same cells. We concluded that the light cells extensively predominate in all parts of the camels' cornea except the C part, indicating an adaptive modification to the harsh environment. Additionally, the PV and PN parts represent the permanent and endogenous source as well as a proliferative reserve for SCECs in dromedary camel.  相似文献   

An instrument for combined scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) to which a photometer unit is attached is described. A special stage in the vacuum chamber of a scanning electron microscope incorporates light microscope optics (objective and condenser) designed for transmission and epi-illumination fluorescence LM. An optical bridge connects these optics to a light microscope, without objective and condenser. The possibility of performing quantitative DNA measurements in this combined microscope (the LM/SEM) was tested using preparations of either chicken erythrocytes, human lymphocytes, or mouse liver cells. The cells were fixed, brought on a cover-glass, quantitatively stained for DNA, dehydrated, and critical point dried (CPD). After mounting the cells were coated with gold. The specimens were brought into the vacuum chamber of the combined microscope and individual cells were studied with SEM and LM. Simultaneously DNA measurements were performed by means of the photometer unit attached to the microscope. It is shown in this study that DNA measurements of cells in the combined microscope give similar results when compared to DNA measurements of embedded cells performed with a conventional fluorescence microscope. Furthermore, it is shown that although the gold layer covering the LM/SEM specimens weakens the fluorescence signal, it does not interfere with the DNA measurements.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) provides sub‐nanometre‐scale details in volumetric samples. Samples such as pathology tissue specimens are often stained with a metal element to enhance contrast, which makes them opaque to optical microscopes. As a result, it can be a lengthy procedure to find the region of interest inside a sample through sectioning. We describe micro‐CT scouting for TEM that allows noninvasive identification of regions of interest within a block sample to guide the sectioning step. In a tissue pathology study, a bench‐top micro‐CT scanner with 10 μm resolution was used to determine the location of patches of the mucous membrane in osmium‐stained human nasal scraping samples. Once the regions of interest were located, the sample block was sectioned to expose that location, followed by ultra‐thin sectioning and TEM to inspect the internal structure of the cilia of the membrane epithelial cells with nanometre resolution. This method substantially reduced the time and labour of the search process from typically 20 sections for light microscopy to three sections with no added sample preparation.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of biological phenomena often involve multiple microscopy and imaging modes and media. For bone biology, various forms of light and electron microscopy are used to study the microscopic structure of bone. Integrating information from the different sources is necessary to understand how different aspects of the bone structure interact. To accomplish this, methods were developed to prepare and image thin sections for correlative light microscopy (LM) and backscattered electron imaging in the scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM). Images of the same fields of view may then be analyzed for degrees of relationships between specimen features not observed by LM or SEM alone. These methods are applied here to study possible associations between the degree of bone mineralization and pattern of collagen fiber orientation in the mid-shaft of the human femur. The "relational images" obtained allow us to examine the relationship between these two variables, both objectively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

A survey of methods combining light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy is presented. A simple correlation is made when two preparations from adjacent parts of one specimen are investigated in two different microscopes. A more sophisticated method is the consecutive investigation of one specimen with two microscopes. A major problem in this method is the relocation of the area of interest. Several authors have presented solutions for this problem. It is preferable when one preparation is investigated in only one instrument, combining the two microscopical (LM and SEM) techniques, thus making relocation redundant.  相似文献   

Fluorescence light microscopy (LM) has many advantages for the study of cell organization. Specimen preparation is easy and relatively inexpensive, and the use of appropriate tags gives scientists the ability to visualize specific proteins of interest. LM is, however, limited in resolution, so when one is interested in ultrastructure, one must turn to electron microscopy (EM), even though this method presents problems of its own. The biggest difficulty with cellular EM is its limited utility in localizing macromolecules of interest while retaining good structural preservation. We have built a cryo-light microscope stage that allows us to generate LM images of vitreous samples prepared for cryo-EM. Correlative LM and EM allows one to find areas of particular interest by using fluorescent proteins or vital dyes as markers within vitrified samples. Once located, the sample can be placed in the EM for further study at higher resolution. An additional benefit of the cryo-LM stage is that photobleaching is slower at cryogenic temperatures (−140°C) than at room temperature.  相似文献   

The use of large unfixed frozen tissue samples (10 × 10 × 5 mm3) for combined light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) is described. First, cryostat sections are applied for various LM histochemical approaches including in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry and metabolic mapping (enzyme histochemistry). When EM inspection is needed, the tissue blocks that were used for cryostat sectioning and are stored at −80 °C, are then fixed at 4 °C with glutaraldehyde/paraformaldehyde and prepared for EM according to standard procedures. Ultrastructurally, most morphological aspects of normal and pathological tissue are retained whereas cryostat sectioning at −25 °C does not have serious damaging effects on the ultrastructure. This approach allows simple and rapid combined LM and EM of relatively large tissue specimens with acceptable ultrastructure. Its use is demonstrated with the elucidation of transdifferentiated mouse stromal elements in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma explants grown subcutaneously in nude mice. Combined LM and EM analysis revealed that these elements resemble cartilage showing enchondral mineralization and aberrant muscle fibres with characteristics of skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

High resolution light microscopical images that can be superimposed on a test system for the estimation of stereological parameters are obtained by a television system modified for point-counting morphometry. The full resolving power of the light microscope is exploited and a test system applied in the same plane as the microscopical image displayed on the monitor screen. Volume fraction estimates of nuclei and zymogen granules from the rat pancreas made with the television microscopical system and with electron-microscopic micrographs rendered the same precision, and showed that the volume fraction of objects as small as zymogen granules was measurable with the light microscope. The measuring with the television microscopical system was about 15 times faster than with electron-microscopic micrography and about 5 times faster than with conventional photomicrography and the light microscope.  相似文献   

Epoxy-embedded biological material, sectioned for conventional or high-voltage electron microscopy, can be visualized within the section with good contrast and detail by phase-contrast or dark-field light microscopy. The (phase) contrast of such material is not substantially influenced by the type of embedding resin or section support substrate. It is, however, influenced by the type of fixation, by heavy metal (uranyl and lead) staining and by the section thickness. After screening ultrathin and semithin sections for content with the light microscope, one need stain and examine only those grids containing sections of interest. This approach eliminates the need to screen sections with the electron microscope and, in some cases, the need to stain non-useful sections. This time-saving procedure is particularly useful for studies requiring ultrastructural examination of a selected area or structure which is large enough to be visualized with the light microscope but which comprises only a small volume of the embedded material.  相似文献   

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