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简大圣  李曦  王爱峰  雷霆 《计算机工程》2006,32(1):248-250,259
分析了现有动态电压调节算法,提出了改进算法的频率设置部分,以提高算法的性能,并在Linux系统上实现了这些算法。经过在物理平台上的测试,表明改进算法能够在不影响性能的情况下减少系统能量消耗。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统的重要特点之一就是工作负载的不均匀性以及动态变化性,可以通过动态关闭设备或者动态调节处理器的工作电压来取得系统性能和功耗之间的平衡。目前已经在系统的多个层次提出了动态电源管理和动态电压调节技术,而且这两种技术已经成为动态低功耗设计过程中的主流技术。本论文则重点阐述动态电压调节设计技术的基本原理和策略模型。  相似文献   

讨论在嵌入式系统中使用动态电压调节技术降低视频解码功耗。提出一种基于动态电压调节的低功耗解码技术。该方法采用移动平均法预测帧的解码时间,依据预测的结果动态地调节解码过程中微处理器的工作电压,降低能量消耗。实验结果表明,基于动态电压调节的视频解码器比常规解码器减少10% ̄30%的能量消耗。  相似文献   

功耗问题是计算机系统发展亟待解决的问题,硬件和软件在解决功耗问题上都有重要的作用.尽管有许多工具可用于低功耗硬件的开发,但支持软件技术开发的低功耗工具并不多见.我们基于ARM的指令集开发了一个实时动态电压调节低功耗系统RTLPower.RTLPower综合了编译指导的动态电压调节和程序的性能功耗模拟,该系统能够有效支持编译指导的动态电压调节技术的研究开发.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统设计者在以往设计过程中,通常只考虑到系统的稳定性、实时性等,但现在却面临着一个新的挑战降低系统的功耗.基于LP线性规划模型,针对具有离散工作电压模式的处理器提出了一种动态电压调节策略LPBVSP(LP based voltage scaling policy).LPBVSP能够根据工作负载的需求变化实现处理器...  相似文献   

在实时嵌入式系统中,核心处理器的能耗占据整个能耗的相当大一部分.动态电压调节被看作是降低处理器能耗的关键技术,介绍实时系统和动态电压调节的基本概念,并在CMOS器件功耗理论和实时系统下任务调度理论的基础上,提出基于混合任务集的减慢因子DVS算法.  相似文献   

无线传感器节点一般由电池供电,且电池不易更换,所以传感器网络最关注的问题是如何高效地利用有限的能量.动态电压调节技术允许软件在运行时动态的改变处理器的频率和电压,以减少它的能量消耗.分析了现有的一些动态电压调节算法,根据无线传感器网络多跳路由和拓扑易变化的特点,提出了一种针对中继节点的动态电压调节算法,并在NS2平台上对算法进行了仿真.通过对仿真结果的分析,表明改进的算法能够很好地减少系统能量消耗,延长无线传感器网络的使用寿命.  相似文献   

卜爱国 《计算机应用研究》2011,28(10):3750-3752
基于Markov模型,针对具有离散工作电压模式的处理器提出了一种动态电压调节策略MKBVSP(Markov based voltage scaling policy)。MKBVSP能够根据工作负载的需求变化实现处理器工作模式的动态切换,达到系统性能与能耗之间的平衡。实验结果表明,MKBVSP策略能够在更大程度上降低系统平均能耗,最大比率可达58%。  相似文献   

基于语法树的实时动态电压调节低功耗算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
易会战  陈娟  杨学军  刘喆 《软件学报》2005,16(10):1726-1734
动态电压调节是一种有效的低功耗技术.使用这种技术,编译器指导的动态电压调节能够有效地降低系统功耗.提出了基于语言语法树的实时动态电压调节低功耗算法.该算法在静态程序最差时间分析方法的辅助下,通过在程序内部自动插入电压调节代码来实现电压调节.在RTLPower(real-time low-power)实时低功耗系统上完成了算法的实现,对嵌入式测试,程序集的初步测试证明该算法最大可节省50%的能量消耗.  相似文献   

基于Windows CE平台设计的动态电压管理框架提供了管理处理器运行状态的机制,其核心的电压管理驱动程序实现了对处理器运行频率的查询和设置等功能,为应用程序中实施动态电压调节优化策略提供了充分的支持,进一步降低了系统的能耗.  相似文献   

动态电压缩放技术是一种能有效优化处理器能耗的方法,它允许处理器在运行时动态地改变其时钟频率和供电电压.针对处理器提出了一种基于程序段的动态电压缩放算法PBVSA,该算法使用建立在指令工作集签名基础上的程序段监测状态机来判断程序段是否发生变化,并作出CPU电压和频率调整决定,在程序段内,通过计算该段的频率缩放因子β(片外工作时间与片上工作时间的比例关系)来设定CPU的电压和频率,在sim-panalyzer模拟器上完成了算法的实现,通过对Mibench测试程序集的测试表明:该算法平均降低了处理器29%的能耗,而性能损失平均为5.3%.  相似文献   

动态调压算法能够降低系统功耗,可用来降低CPU发热量、延长电池供电系统的工作时间.然而,现有动态调压算法均不允许进程进行资源操作(申请或释放资源),这在实际应用中是难以满足的.因此,现有算法不便于实际应用,本文提出了一种新的强实时动态调压算法.该算法允许进程进行资源操作,并且功耗低于现有算法;该算法还能避免死锁.该算法易于应用到实际系统中.  相似文献   

对电池供电的嵌入式系统来说,电池工作时间是重要的指标.利用动态调压算法对CPU频率进行调度.可以延长电池工作时间.然而,目前尚没有通用的方法对CPU频率和电池之间的关系进行深入研究,这导致动态调压算法不能最大限度地延长电池工作时间,本文提出一种新方法来研究CPU频率对电池的影响,其结论具有通用性,并得到实验的验证,利用这个结论,本文对动态调压算法进行了优化,使之更适于电池供电系统。  相似文献   

For real-time computer-controlled systems, control performances of tasks as well as energy consumption of overall system must be optimized. A control task does not have a fixed period but a range of periods in which the control performance varies. Hence, when more than one control tasks are scheduled on a single processor, an optimization problem appears. Furthermore, when an energy saving technique such as dynamic voltage scaling is used, its properties affect the control performance.Using a performance index that involves control performance and energy consumption, a static solution is proposed to obtain the optimal processor speed and a set of periods for given control tasks in O(k). Also a dynamic solution is proposed to utilize system services of real-time operating systems to overcome unavoidable deficiencies of the static solution and to further reduce the energy consumption of the overall system. The performances of proposed solutions are revealed via simulation studies.Hyung Sun Lee received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronics engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2000 and 2002, respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at KAIST. His research interests include real-time control and power-aware real-time embedded systems.Byung Kook Kim received his B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Seoul National University in 1975, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from KAIST in 1977 and 1981, respectively. Dr. Kim was a manager and founder of the Calibration Laboratory, Woojin Instrument Co. Ltd, in 1981. He performed his postdoctoral research at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, from 1982 to 1983. He returned to Woojin Instruments as a chief researcher of the R&D Department from 1984 to 1986. He joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering at KAIST in 1986, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include real-time systems, parallel and distributed systems, fault-tolerant computing, mobile robot sensing and navigation, and manipulator control.  相似文献   

Many embedded systems are constrained by limits on power consumption, which are reflected in the design and implementation for conserving their energy utilization. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) has become a promising method for embedded systems to exploit multiple voltage and frequency levels and to prolong their battery life. However, pure DVS techniques do not perform well for systems with dynamic workloads where the job execution times vary significantly. In this paper, we present a novel approach combining feedback control with DVS schemes targeting hard real-time systems with dynamic workloads. Our method relies strictly on operating system support by integrating a DVS scheduler and a feedback controller within the earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling algorithm. Each task is divided into two portions. The objective within the first portion is to exploit frequency scaling for the average execution time. Static and dynamic slack is accumulated for each task with slack-passing and preemption handling schemes. The objective within the second portion is to meet the hard real-time deadline requirements up to the worst-case execution time following a last-chance approach. Feedback control techniques make the system capable of selecting the right frequency and voltage settings for the first portion, as well as guaranteeing hard real-time requirements for the overall task. A feedback control model is given to describe our feedback DVS scheduler, which is used to analyze the system's stability. Simulation experiments demonstrate the ability of our algorithm to save up to 29% more energy than previous work for task sets with different dynamic workload characteristics. This work was supported in part by NSF grants CCR-0208581, CCR-0310860 and CCR-0312695. Preliminary versions of parts of this work appeared in the ACM SIGPLAN Joint Conference Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'02) and Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES'02) (Dudani et al., 2002), in the Workshop on Compilers and Operating Systems for Low Power 2002 (Zhu and Mueller, 2002) and in the IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004 (Zhu and Mueller, 2004a).  相似文献   

较高的能量消耗会导致处理器热量的增加及系统可靠性的降低,合理运用动态电压调整技术有效降低实时任务运行所需的能耗成为一个研究热点.提出一种动态实时节能调度算法MSF,以最大空闲时间优先调度为基础,结合动态调整技术,使得实时任务在其截止期内完成的同时能够最大限度地降低整个系统的能量消耗.实验结果表明, 该方法能够充分利用任务的不同能量特性和动态空闲时间,更有效的实现节能,优于其它算法.  相似文献   

低功耗目前已成为嵌入式实时系统设计中非常重要的性能需求。动态电压调度DVS机制通过动态调整处理器电压进而有效降低系统功耗,正在逐渐得到广泛应用。抢占阈值调度策略实现双优先级系统,每个任务具有两个优先级,任务优先级被用于任务之间竞争处理器,而抢占阈值作为任务开始运行后实际使用的优先级,从而减少现场切换次数,降低系统功耗,同时也提高整个任务集合的可调度性。本文提出一种在线节能调度算法EPTS,拓展抢占阈值调度模型,在任务执行过程中动态调节处理器电压,力求在保证任务集合可调度性的前提下尽可能减少系统功耗,提高系统性能。而后在AMDAthlon4处理器和RT-Linux平台上实现了EPTS调度器,实验证明对于实际任务集合能够有效节能,提高了处理器的利用率,改善了RT-Linux的实时性能。  相似文献   

高性能计算机电源系统设计的关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了高性能计算机电源系统设计的三个关键问题--确定电源架构、选择DC/DC电源和进一步提高电源系统的可靠性.本文作者根据实际工程设计经验,总结出解决这些问题的技术方案和方法.  相似文献   

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