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研究了基于GPU的稀疏线性方程组的预条件共轭梯度法加速求解问题,并基于统一计算设备架构(CUDA)平台编制了程序,在NVIDIAGT430 GPU平台上进行了程序性能测试和分析。稀疏矩阵采用压缩稀疏行(CSR)格式压缩存储,针对预条件共轭梯度法的算法特性,研究了基于GPU的稀疏矩阵与向量相乘的性能优化、数据从CPU端传到GPU端的加速传输措施。将编制的稀疏矩阵与向量相乘的kernel函数和CUSPARSE函数库中的cusparseDcsrmv函数性能进行了对比,最优得到了2.1倍的加速效果。对于整个预条件共轭梯度法,通过自编kernel函数来实现的算法较之采用CUBLAS库和CUSPARSE库实现的算法稍具优势,与CPU端的预条件共轭梯度法相比,最优可以得到7.4倍的加速效果。  相似文献   

基于GPU的高性能稀疏矩阵向量乘及CG求解器优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以有限元/有限差分等为代表的一类数值方法,其总体矩阵常常具有“带状”、稀疏的特点。针对“带状”稀疏矩阵,提出和实现了一种高效的矩阵向量乘存储格式和算法“bDIA"。基于nVidia的GTX280系列GPU对其进行了测试,结果显示:与CUSP支持的5种常见稀疏矩阵存储格式和算法相比较,所提出的bDIA格式以及相应的spMV算法的单双精度浮点效率均可以提高1倍以上,并突破了该系列GPU在spMV计算时4%的单精度浮点效率上限和22.2%的双精度浮点效率上限;应用于共扼梯度(CG)与稳定双共扼梯度(BiCGStab)求解器,相对于DIA格式均有1.5倍左右的加速。  相似文献   

稀疏矩阵与向量相乘SpMV是求解稀疏线性系统中的一个重要问题,但是由于非零元素的稀疏性,计算密度较低,造成计算效率不高。针对稀疏矩阵存在的一些不规则性,利用混合存储格式来进行SpMV计算,能够提高对稀疏矩阵的压缩效率,并扩大其适应范围。HYB是一种广泛使用的混合压缩格式,其性能较为稳定。而随着GPU并行计算得到普遍应用以及CPU日趋多核化,因此利用GPU和多核CPU构建异构并行计算系统得到了普遍的认可。针对稀疏矩阵的HYB存储格式中的ELL和COO存储特征,把两部分数据分别分割到CPU和GPU进行协同并行计算,既能充分利用CPU和GPU的计算资源,又能够发挥CPU和GPU的计算特性,从而提高了计算资源的利用效能。在分析CPU+GPU异构计算模式的特征的基础上,对混合格式的数据分割和共享方面进行优化,能够较好地发挥在异构计算环境的优势,提高计算性能。  相似文献   

稀疏矩阵向量乘(SpMV)在线性系统的求解问题中具有重要意义,是科学计算和工程实践中的核心问题之一,其性能高度依赖于稀疏矩阵的非零分布。稀疏对角矩阵是一类特殊的稀疏矩阵,其非零元素按照对角线的形式密集排列。针对稀疏对角矩阵,在GPU平台上提出的多种存储格式虽然使SpMV性能有所提升,但仍存在零填充和负载不平衡的问题。针对上述问题,提出了一种DRM存储格式,利用基于固定阈值的矩阵划分策略和基于迭代归并的矩阵重构策略,实现了少量零填充和块间负载平衡。实验结果表明,在NVIDIA? Tesla? V100平台上,相比于DIA、HDC、HDIA和DIA-Adaptive格式,在时间性能方面,该存储格式分别取得了20.76,1.94,1.13和2.26倍加速;在浮点计算性能方面,分别提高了1.54,5.28,1.13和1.94倍。  相似文献   

稀疏矩阵存储格式中的稀疏矩阵向量乘(SpMV)计算效率低下,且分块行列(BRC)存储格式的计算结果缺少再现性和确定性。为此,提出一种改进的BRCP存储格式。采用不同的二维分块策略,根据矩阵各行非零元素分布的统计特性自适应调节分块参数,提高SpMV在GPU平台上的并行性,并设计基于快速分段求和算法的GPU内核函数,保证计算结果的确定性及其在不同GPU平台上的再现性。实验结果表明,BRCP存储格式具有较高的计算效率,相比BRC存储格式可减少并行环境中的SpMV计算误差,并提高PageRank排序的准确率。  相似文献   

稀疏矩阵与向量乘(SpMV)属于科学计算和工程应用中的一种基本运算,其高性能实现与优化是计算科学的研究热点之一。在微分方程的求解过程中会产生大规模的稀疏矩阵,而且很大一部分是一种准对角矩阵。针对准对角矩阵存在的一些不规则性,提出一种混合对角存储(DIA)和行压缩存储(CSR)格式来进行SpMV计算,对于分割出来的对角线区域之外的离散非零元素采用CSR存储,这样能够克服DIA在不规则情况下存储矩阵的列迅速增加的缺陷,同时对角线采用DIA存储又能充分利用矩阵的对角特征,以减少CSR的行非零元素数目的不均衡现象,并可以通过调整存储对角线的带宽来适应准对角矩阵的不同的离散形式,以获得比DIA和CSR更高的压缩比,减小计算的数据规模。利用CUDA平台在GPU上进行了实验测试,结果表明该方法比DIA和CSR具有更高的加速比。  相似文献   

尹孟嘉  许先斌  何水兵  胡婧  叶从欢  张涛 《计算机科学》2017,44(4):182-187, 206
稀疏矩阵向量乘(Sparse matrix-vector multiplication,SPMV)是广泛应用于大规模线性求解系统和求解矩阵特征值等问题的基本运算,但在迭代处理过程中它也常常成为处理的瓶颈,影响算法的整体性能。对于不同形态的矩阵,选择不同的存储格式 ,对应的算法往往会产生较大的性能影响。通过实验分析,找到各种矩阵形态在不同存储结构下体现的性能变化特征,构建一个有效的性能度量模型,为评估稀疏矩阵运算开销、合理选择存储格式做出有效的指导。在14组CSR,COO,HYB格式和8组ELL格式的测试用例下,性能预测模型和测量之间的差异低于9%。  相似文献   

稀疏矩阵向量乘(SpMV)采取压缩行存储格式的算法性能非常差,而寄存器分块算法可以使得数据尽量在靠近处理器的存储层次中访问而提高性能.利用RAM(h)模型进行分析和比较不同算法形式的存储访问复杂度,可以比较两种算法的优劣.通过RAM(h)分析SpMV两种实现形式的存储访问复杂度,同时在奔腾四平台上,测试了7个稀疏矩阵的SpMV性能,并统计了这两种算法中L1,L2,和TLB的缺失率,实验结果与模型分析的数据一致.  相似文献   

油藏数值模拟和很多其他科学计算问题一样需要求解大型稀疏线性代数方程组.在求解稀疏线性代数方程组的迭代法中,稀疏矩阵向量乘法(SpMV)是影响计算效率的核心函数之一.随着计算机硬件架构异构化,科学计算从单核、多核CPU计算架构逐渐发展到多核CPU+众核加速卡(GPU卡或MIC等)的计算架构.SpMV的实现效率与稀疏矩阵的存储格式及硬件架构关系密切.本文针对油藏模拟中常见的Jacobian矩阵的稀疏模式,利用GPU核心的合并访问和并发计算等特点,结合油藏模拟线性解法器的算法要求,设计了一种BHYB矩阵存储格式及其对应的线程组并行策略.数值实验测得基于该存储格式的SpMV相对串行BCSR格式的SpMV的加速比可达19倍,比cuSPARSE库中效率最高的HYB格式的SpMV快30%到80%.此外,本文所提出的BHYB存储格式对块状矩阵在GPU上的存储以及线程组并行策略对其它GPU并行程序中内核函数的设计和优化能起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

刘芳芳  杨超  袁欣辉  吴长茂  敖玉龙 《软件学报》2018,29(12):3921-3932
世界首台峰值性能超过100P的超级计算机——神威太湖之光已经研制完成,该超级计算机采用了国产申威异构众核处理器,该处理器不同于现有的纯CPU,CPU-MIC,CPU-GPU架构,采用了主-从核架构,单处理器峰值计算能力为3TFlops/s,访存带宽为130GB/s.稀疏矩阵向量乘SpMV(sparse matrix-vector multiplication)是科学与工程计算中的一个非常重要的核心函数,众所周知,其是带宽受限型的,且存在间接访存操作.国产申威处理器给稀疏矩阵向量乘的高效实现带来了很大的挑战.针对申威处理器提出了一种CSR格式SpMV操作的通用异构众核并行算法,该算法从任务划分、LDM空间划分方面进行精细设计,提出了一套动静态buffer的缓存机制以提升向量x的访存命中率,提出了一套动静态的任务调度方法以实现负载均衡.另外还分析了该算法中影响SpMV性能的几个关键因素,并开展了自适应优化,进一步提升了性能.采用Matrix Market矩阵集中具有代表性的16个稀疏矩阵进行了测试,相比主核版最高有10倍左右的加速,平均加速比为6.51.通过采用主核版CSR格式SpMV的访存量进行分析,测试矩阵最高可达该处理器实测带宽的86%,平均可达到47%.  相似文献   

The parallelization of sophisticated applications has dramatically increased in recent years. As machine capabilities rise, greater emphasis on modeling complex phenomena can be expected. Many of these applications require the solution of large sparse matrix equations which approximate systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). Therefore we consider parallel iterative solvers for large sparse non-symmetric systems and issues related to parallel sparse matrix software. We describe a collection of parallel iterative solvers which use a distributed sparse matrix format that facilitates the interface between specific applications and a variety of Krylov subspace techniques and multigrid methods. These methods have been used to solve a number of linear and non-linear PDE problems on a 1024-processor NCUBE 2 hypercube. Over 1 Gflop sustained computation rates are achieved with many of these solvers, demonstrating that high performance can be attained even when using sparse matrix data structures.  相似文献   

赫姆霍兹方程求解是GRAPES数值天气预报系统动力框架中的核心部分,可转换为大规模稀疏线性系统的求解问题,但受限于硬件资源和数据规模,其求解效率成为限制系统计算性能提升的瓶颈。分别通过MPI、MPI+OpenMP、CUDA三种并行方式实现求解大规模稀疏线性方程组的广义共轭余差法,并利用不完全分解LU预处理子(ILU)优化系数矩阵的条件数,加快迭代法收敛。在CPU并行方案中,MPI负责进程间粗粒度并行和通信,OpenMP结合共享内存实现进程内部的细粒度并行,而在GPU并行方案中,CUDA模型采用数据传输、访存合并及共享存储器方面的优化措施。实验结果表明,通过预处理优化减少迭代次数对计算性能提升明显,MPI+OpenMP混合并行优化较MPI并行优化性能提高约35%,CUDA并行优化较MPI+OpenMP混合并行优化性能提高约50%,优化性能最佳。  相似文献   

研究基于GPU的有限元求解中的总刚矩阵生成和线性方程组求解问题.通过对单元着色和分组完成总刚矩阵的生成,并以行压缩存储(Compressed Sparse Row,CSR)格式存储,用预处理共轭梯度法求解所生成的大规模线性稀疏方程组.在CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)平台上完成程序设计,并用GT430 GPU对弹性力学的平面问题和空间问题进行试验.结果表明,总刚矩阵生成和方程组求解分别得到最高11.7和8的计算加速比.  相似文献   


In the state-of-the-art parallel programming approaches OpenCL and CUDA, so-called host code is required for program’s execution. Efficiently implementing host code is often a cumbersome task, especially when executing OpenCL and CUDA programs on systems with multiple nodes, each comprising different devices, e.g., multi-core CPU and graphics processing units; the programmer is responsible for explicitly managing node’s and device’s memory, synchronizing computations with data transfers between devices of potentially different nodes and for optimizing data transfers between devices’ memories and nodes’ main memories, e.g., by using pinned main memory for accelerating data transfers and overlapping the transfers with computations. We develop distributed OpenCL/CUDA abstraction layer (dOCAL)—a novel high-level C++ library that simplifies the development of host code. dOCAL combines major advantages over the state-of-the-art high-level approaches: (1) it simplifies implementing both OpenCL and CUDA host code by providing a simple-to-use, high-level abstraction API; (2) it supports executing arbitrary OpenCL and CUDA programs; (3) it allows conveniently targeting the devices of different nodes by automatically managing node-to-node communications; (4) it simplifies implementing data transfer optimizations by providing different, specially allocated memory regions, e.g., pinned main memory for overlapping data transfers with computations; (5) it optimizes memory management by automatically avoiding unnecessary data transfers; (6) it enables interoperability between OpenCL and CUDA host code for systems with devices from different vendors. Our experiments show that dOCAL significantly simplifies the development of host code for heterogeneous and distributed systems, with a low runtime overhead.


刘青昆  马名威  阎慰椿 《计算机应用》2011,31(12):3327-3330
矩阵乘法在科学计算领域中起着重要的作用,不同结构模型能够改善并行矩阵乘的性能。现有的MPI+CUDA同步模型中,主机端需要进入等待状态,直到设备端完成任务后才能继续工作,这显然浪费时间。针对上述问题,提出一种基于MPI+CUDA异步模型的并行矩阵乘法。该模型避免了主机端进入等待状态,并采用CUDA流技术解决数据量超过GPU内存问题。通过分析异步模型的加速比和效率,实验结果表明,此方法显著提高了并行效率和大型矩阵乘法的运算速度,充分发挥了节点间分布式存储和节点内共享内存的优势,是一种有效可行的并行策略。  相似文献   

针对基于GPU求解大规模稀疏线性方程组进行了研究,提出一种稀疏矩阵的分块存储格式HMEC(hybrid multiple ELL and CSR)。通过重排序优化系数矩阵的存储结构,将系数矩阵以一定的比例分块存储,采用ELL与CSR存储格式相结合的方式以适应不同的分块特征,分别使用适用于不对称矩阵的不完全LU分解预处理BICGStab法和对称正定矩阵的不完全Cholesky分解预处理共轭梯度法求解大规模稀疏线性系统。实验表明,应用HMEC格式存储稀疏矩阵并以调用GPU kernel的方式实现前述两种方法,与其他存储格式的实现方式作比较,最优可分别获得31.89%和17.50%的加速效果。  相似文献   

Benchmark evaluation of the IBM SP2 for parallel signal processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the IBM SP2 architecture, the AIX parallel programming environment, and the IBM message-passing library (MPL) through STAP (Space-Time Adaptive Processing) benchmark experiments. Only coarse-grain parallelism was exploited on the SP2 due to its high communication overhead. A new parallelization scheme is developed for programming message passing multicomputers. Parallel STAP benchmark structures are illustrated with domain decomposition, efficient mapping of partitioned programs, and optimization of collective communication operations. We measure the SP2 performance in terms of execution time, Gflop/s rate, speedup over a single SP2 node, and overall system utilization. With 256 nodes, the Maul SP2 demonstrated the best performance of 23 Gflop/s in executing the High-Order Post-Doppler program, corresponding to a 34% system utilization. We have conducted a scalability analysis to reveal the performance growth rate as a function of machine size and STAP problem size. Important lessons learned from these parallel processing benchmark experiments are discussed in the context of real-time, adaptive, radar signal processing on massively parallel processors (MPP)  相似文献   

Existing formats for Sparse Matrix–Vector Multiplication (SpMV) on the GPU are outperforming their corresponding implementations on multi-core CPUs. In this paper, we present a new format called Sliced COO (SCOO) and an efficient CUDA implementation to perform SpMV on the GPU using atomic operations. We compare SCOO performance to existing formats of the NVIDIA Cusp library using large sparse matrices. Our results for single-precision floating-point matrices show that SCOO outperforms the COO and CSR format for all tested matrices and the HYB format for all tested unstructured matrices on a single GPU. Furthermore, our dual-GPU implementation achieves an efficiency of 94% on average. Due to the lower performance of existing CUDA-enabled GPUs for atomic operations on double-precision floating-point numbers the SCOO implementation for double-precision does not consistently outperform the other formats for every unstructured matrix. Overall, the average speedup of SCOO for the tested benchmark dataset is 3.33 (1.56) compared to CSR, 5.25 (2.42) compared to COO, 2.39 (1.37) compared to HYB for single (double) precision on a Tesla C2075. Furthermore, comparison to a Sandy-Bridge CPU shows that SCOO on a Fermi GPU outperforms the multi-threaded CSR implementation of the Intel MKL Library on an i7-2700 K by a factor between 5.5 (2.3) and 18 (12.7) for single (double) precision.  相似文献   

Swan: A tool for porting CUDA programs to OpenCL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of modern, high-performance graphical processing units (GPUs) for acceleration of scientific computation has been widely reported. The majority of this work has used the CUDA programming model supported exclusively by GPUs manufactured by NVIDIA. An industry standardisation effort has recently produced the OpenCL specification for GPU programming. This offers the benefits of hardware-independence and reduced dependence on proprietary tool-chains. Here we describe a source-to-source translation tool, “Swan” for facilitating the conversion of an existing CUDA code to use the OpenCL model, as a means to aid programmers experienced with CUDA in evaluating OpenCL and alternative hardware. While the performance of equivalent OpenCL and CUDA code on fixed hardware should be comparable, we find that a real-world CUDA application ported to OpenCL exhibits an overall 50% increase in runtime, a reduction in performance attributable to the immaturity of contemporary compilers. The ported application is shown to have platform independence, running on both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs without modification. We conclude that OpenCL is a viable platform for developing portable GPU applications but that the more mature CUDA tools continue to provide best performance.

Program summary

Program title: SwanCatalogue identifier: AEIH_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEIH_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: GNU Public License version 2No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 17 736No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 131 177Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: CComputer: PCOperating system: LinuxRAM: 256 MbytesClassification: 6.5External routines: NVIDIA CUDA, OpenCLNature of problem: Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) from NVIDIA are preferentially programed with the proprietary CUDA programming toolkit. An alternative programming model promoted as an industry standard, OpenCL, provides similar capabilities to CUDA and is also supported on non-NVIDIA hardware (including multicore ×86 CPUs, AMD GPUs and IBM Cell processors). The adaptation of a program from CUDA to OpenCL is relatively straightforward but laborious. The Swan tool facilitates this conversion.Solution method:Swan performs a translation of CUDA kernel source code into an OpenCL equivalent. It also generates the C source code for entry point functions, simplifying kernel invocation from the host program. A concise host-side API abstracts the CUDA and OpenCL APIs. A program adapted to use Swan has no dependency on the CUDA compiler for the host-side program. The converted program may be built for either CUDA or OpenCL, with the selection made at compile time.Restrictions: No support for CUDA C++ featuresRunning time: Nominal  相似文献   

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