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基于AHP的群决策风险评估方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用层次分析法对一信息系统进行风险评估,以风验发生的概率、风险的影响、风险的不可控性作为层次模型中准则层的元素,采用群决策的方式确定风险因素相对于准则层各元素的层次单排序,专家的权重由其所构造的判断矩阵与其他矩阵之间的相似程度来确定,然后采用加权几何平均的算法将专家的判断聚合为一个共识度矩阵.  相似文献   

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) elicits a corresponding priority vector interpreting the preferred information from the decision-maker(s), based on the pairwise comparison values of a set of objects. Since pairwise comparison values are the judgments obtained from an appropriate semantic scale, in practice the decision-maker(s) usually give some or all pair-to-pair comparison values with an uncertainty degree rather than precise ratings. By employing the property of goal programming (GP) to treat a fuzzy AHP problem, this paper incorporates an absolute term linearization technique and a fuzzy rating expression into a GP-AHP model for solving group decision-making fuzzy AHP problems. In contrast to current fuzzy AHP methods, the GP-AHP method developed herein can concurrently tackle the pairwise comparison involving triangular, general concave and concave–convex mixed fuzzy estimates under a group decision-making environment.

Scope and purpose

Many real world decision problems involve multiple criteria in qualitative domains. As expected, such problems will be increasingly modeled as multiple criteria decision-making problems, which involve scoring on subjective/qualitative domains. This results in a class of significant problems for which an evaluation framework, which handles occurrences of seeming intransitivity and inconsistency will be required. Another interesting issue of group decision-making analysis is how to deal with disagreements between two or more different rankings within an alternative set. These phenomena are likely to appear in qualitative/subjective domains where the decision-making environment is ambiguous and vague. Therefore, this study proposes a GP-AHP model that is sufficiently robust to permit conflict and imprecision. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed models in deriving the most promising priority vector from a fuzzy AHP problem within a group decision-making environment.  相似文献   

为克服传统DS/AHP方法中因度量标度选择问题和知识矩阵求解问题而带来的推断信息精确性差和集成结果有效性有待商榷的缺陷,结合传统方法的建模思路分析指出其中存在的问题,通过引入互补判断矩阵提取决策者对方案组与识别框架之间的相对偏好推断,在此基础上提出由残缺互补知识矩阵向BPA函数转换的定理,并结合证据折扣思想和证据组合规则构建了开展推理判断的改进方法步骤,应用一个算例说明了提出方法的具体操作过程。  相似文献   

The Analytic Hierarchy Process is a useful method in aggregating group preference. However, judgments are frequently inconsistent, and, in reality, pairwise comparison matrices rarely satisfy the inconsistency criterion. In this situation, we suggest a new method, called a loss function approach, that uses inconsistency ratio as the group evaluation quality. For this method in detail, we introduce Taguchi's loss function. We also develop an evaluation reliability function to derive group weight. Finally, we provide a step-by-step numerical example of a loss function approach.  相似文献   

为了解决传统DS/AHP方法不适用于具有多位专家或专家意见富有分歧的群体决策问题,基于能够有效描述专家群组推理判断信息的三端点区间数对传统判断矩阵进行拓展,提出三端点区间数知识矩阵,基于三端点区间数中的一致性原理构建了用于从该矩阵中提取证据信息的基本概率分配函数的确定模型,在此基础上依据Dempster组合规则提出改进DS/AHP方法的操作步骤,应用一个数值模拟实例演示了该方法的具体操作过程。  相似文献   

Induced Choquet integral is a powerful tool to deal with imprecise or uncertain nature. This study proposes a combination process of the induced Choquet integral and neutrosophic information. We first give the operational properties of simplified neutrosophic numbers (SNNs). Then, we develop some new information aggregation operators, including an induced simplified neutrosophic correlated averaging (I-SNCA) operator and an induced simplified neutrosophic correlated geometric (I-SNCG) operator. These operators not only consider the importance of elements or their ordered positions, but also take into account the interactions phenomena among decision criteria or their ordered positions under multiple decision-makers. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of I-SNCA and I-SNCG operators, including the properties of idempotency, commutativity and monotonicity, and study the relationships among the proposed operators and existing simplified neutrosophic aggregation operators. In order to handle the multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) situations where the weights of criteria and decision-makers usually correlative and the criterion values are considered as SNNs, an approach is established based on I-SNCA operator. Finally, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach and to verify its effectiveness and practicality.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel approach is developed to deal with multiple-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) problem under q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment. Firstly, some operators have been proposed to aggregate q-rung orthopair fuzzy information, such as the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power averaging (q-ROFGPA) operator, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power weighted averaging (q-ROFGPWA) operator, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power geometric (q-ROFGPG) operator, and the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power weighted geometric (q-ROFGPWG) operator. In addition, some desirable properties and special cases of these operators are discussed. Second, a novel approach is developed to solve MAGDM problem under the q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment based on the proposed q-ROFGPWA and q-ROFGPWG operators. Finally, a practical example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method, and further the sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis are carried out.  相似文献   

Abstract: In group decision-making situations, the decision-makers' opinions are generally characterized by subjectivity, imprecision and vagueness. Such opinions can be represented by fuzzy numbers such as positive trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Several aggregation methods have been proposed previously; however, there are still deficits which limit their applications. This paper proposes an aggregation method based on centroid measurement which aims to overcome some of the shortcomings. In the paper, a number of axioms are proposed. A numerical example is given at the end to illustrate the application of the proposed aggregation method.  相似文献   

针对直觉模糊群决策问题,依据专家的直觉模糊评价信息,利用直觉模糊相似度和相异度构造直觉模糊相似矩阵,为了得到合理的专家聚类结果,设计风险参数并提出聚类阈值变化率分析方法,综合聚类结果和直觉模糊熵对各专家进行组合赋权。提出基于离散正态分布的位置权重确定方法,构造直觉模糊集混合加权集结算子对各专家关于方案集的直觉模糊评价信息进行综合集成。结合算例验证了方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Teng  Fei  Liu  Peide  Liang  Xia 《Artificial Intelligence Review》2021,54(5):3431-3471
Artificial Intelligence Review - In group decision-making problems, decision makers prefer to use several linguistic terms to describe their own perception and knowledge, and give their preference...  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel compromise solution method for solving fuzzy group decision-making problems by a group of experts, which can determine the best alternative by considering both conflicting quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria in real-life applications. The compromise solution method is developed based on the concept that the chosen alternative should be as close as possible to the positive ideal solution and as far away from the negative ideal solution as possible concurrently. The performance rating values of alternatives versus conflicting criteria as well as the weights of criteria are described by linguistic variables with multi-judges and are converted to triangular fuzzy numbers. Then, a new collective index is introduced to distinguish among potential alternatives in the assessment process with respect to subjective judgment and objective information. Finally, a real case study and an application example for a contractor selection problem are provided in construction industry to demonstrate the implementation process of the proposed method.  相似文献   

To be fully utilized, linguistic information present in decision-making, has to be made operational through information granulation. This study is concerned with information granulation present in the problems of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is available in the characterization of a pairwise assessment of alternatives studied in the decision-making problem. The granulation of entries of reciprocal matrices forming the cornerstone of the AHP is formulated as a optimization problem in which an inconsistency index is minimized by a suitable mapping of the linguistic terms on the predetermined scale. Particle Swarm Optimization is used as an optimization framework. Both individual and group decision-making models of AHP are discussed.  相似文献   

As an extension of fuzzy set, a Pythagorean fuzzy set has recently been developed to model imprecise and ambiguous information in practical group decision‐making problems. The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel aggregation method for the Pythagorean fuzzy set and analyze possibilities for its application in solving multiple attribute decision‐making problems. More specifically, a new Pythagorean fuzzy aggregation operator called the Pythagorean fuzzy induced ordered weighted averaging‐weighted average (PFIOWAWA) operator is developed. This operator inherits main characteristics of both ordered weighted average operator and induced ordered weighted average to aggregate the Pythagorean fuzzy information. Some of main properties and particular cases of the PFIOWAWA operator are studied. A method based on the proposed operator for multiple attribute group decision making is developed. Finally, we present a numerical example of selection of research and development projects to illustrate applicability of the new approach in a multiple attribute group decision‐making problem.  相似文献   

因参考点选择不恰当及折扣方式不合理,DS/AHP 群决策方法存在决策信息损失的问题。为此,基于由决策主体推理判断出的互斥方案组和七级标度陒对偏好信息,构建能够对所有决策主体在特定属性上进行偏好集成的主体信息融合模型。在此基础上参照传统方法中由知识矩阵向BPA函数转换的思想,以及利用Dempster组合规则进行信息融合的思想,提出能够综合集成所有属性上证据信息的方法步骤,并通过案例模拟验证该方法的科学有效性和应用可行性,其 Pignistic概率与标准结果之间的总差异程度较小。  相似文献   

A single-valued neutrosophic set is a special case of neutrosophic set. It has been proposed as a generalization of crisp sets, fuzzy sets, and intuitionistic fuzzy sets in order to deal with incomplete information. In this paper, a new approach for multi-attribute group decision-making problems is proposed by extending the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution to single-valued neutrosophic environment. Ratings of alternative with respect to each attribute are considered as single-valued neutrosophic set that reflect the decision makers’ opinion based on the provided information. Neutrosophic set characterized by three independent degrees namely truth-membership degree (T), indeterminacy-membership degree (I), and falsity-membership degree (F) is more capable to catch up incomplete information. Single-valued neutrosophic set-based weighted averaging operator is used to aggregate all the individual decision maker’s opinion into one common opinion for rating the importance of criteria and alternatives. Finally, an illustrative example is provided in order to demonstrate its applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

针对决策过程中区间数更适合表达决策者对候选方案的偏好程度,基于区间数判断矩阵,综合考虑决策者个体权重,扩展“和积法”,应用“相对熵”的概念,提出了一种加权个体方案权重集结的群体决策方法.该方法将中间结果转化为实数型再进行集结,避免了决策者判断信息的丢失.最后,通过算例说明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

一种面向效用值偏好信息的大群体决策方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
徐选华  陈晓红  王红伟 《控制与决策》2009,24(3):440-445,450
针对群体成员偏好信息以效用值形式给出的大群体决策问题.提出了判断群体成员提供信息量多寡程度的熵权方法,去除提供较少信息量的成员,形成群体关于决策方案的效用矩阵.利用聚类方法对大群体成员效用向量进行聚类.根据聚类结果确定成员权重,将该权重与效用矩阵合成获得决策方案排序向量.提出了成员意见反映度指标和差异度指标.对群决策结果进行评价.最后通过一个实例说明该方法的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

To describe decision makers’ judgments for an evaluated object more comprehensively in the decision-making process, this paper firstly defines the concept of a single-valued neutrosophic interval number (SVNIN), which is composed of both its interval number (interval judgment) and its single-valued neutrosophic number (SVNN) (confident degree). Then we present the basic operational laws of SVNINs and the score function of SVNIN based on the attitude index and confident level of decision makers to compare SVNINs. Next, we propose a single-valued neutrosophic interval number weighted arithmetic averaging (SVNINWAA) operator and a single-valued neutrosophic interval number weighted geometric averaging (SVNINWGA) operator to aggregate SVNIN information. Further, a multiple attribute group decision-making (MDGDM) method using the proposed SVNINWAA or SVNINWGA operator is established under an SVNIN environment. Finally, an illustrative example regarding the selection problem of global suppliers is presented to show the application and effectiveness of the developed method.  相似文献   

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