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The float–sink of density adjusted spheres of different diameter (10–40 mm) in a gas–solid fluidized bed was investigated at various bed heights (50–200 mm). The maximum density of floating spheres (ρfloat) and the minimum density of sinking spheres (ρsink) were determined by the float–sink experiments. The fluidized bed density (ρfb) was measured using the height and cross section of the fluidized bed and total weight of the fluidized media. The diameter of air bubbles at the bed surface was measured at each bed height, and was normalized by the sphere diameter. It was found that the value of ρfbρfloat approaches zero as the normalized bubble diameter decreases from 4 to 0.5 regardless of the sphere diameter. The value of ρsinkρfb for sphere diameter = 10 mm approaches zero as the normalized bubble diameter decreases from 4 to 1.5, whereas the value for sphere diameter = 20–40 mm rises from zero as the normalized bubble diameter decreases from 1.5 to 0.5. The float and sink of spheres basically tend to follow the fluidized bed density with decreasing the normalized bubble diameter. However, relatively larger spheres do not sink based on the density difference as the normalized bubble diameter decreases, which may be due to that the fluidized bed viscosity becomes larger as the normalized bed diameter decreases.  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of the fluidized bed height on the float–sink of different sized spheres in a gas–solid fluidized bed was investigated. Fluidized beds with heights h = 200, 150, 100 and 50 mm were prepared using a cylindrical column of inner diameter = 290 mm and a mixture of zircon sand and iron powder as the fluidized medium. Float–sink experiments were carried out using density adjusted spheres of diameter Dsp = 40, 30, 20 and 10 mm. It was found that the float–sink performance at Dsp ?20 mm is not affected by the height of the bed, and the sharpness of separation (the density range where spheres neither float nor sink completely) is less than or equal to 200 kg/m3. In the case of Dsp = 10 mm, the sharpness of separation is a larger value (1100 kg/m3 at h = 200 mm), whereas it decreases with decreasing h and is 400 kg/m3 at h = 50 mm. The fluctuation of the surface height of the fluidized bed was visually recorded. The fluctuation is reduced by reducing h. The fluctuation vs. h correlates with the sharpness of separation at Dsp = 10 mm vs. h. These results indicate that the dry float–sink separation of smaller sized spheres is improved as the fluctuation of fluidized bed surface is decreased by reducing the fluidized bed height.  相似文献   

A continuous separator based on float–sink density separation using a gas–solid fluidized bed dense medium was used to upgrade iron ore. The separator has three devices for (A) conveying floaters, (B) recovering floaters, and (C) conveying and recovering sinkers. The optimum speeds of these devices were investigated using density adjusted spheres of the diameter = 30 mm in the range of 2400–3300 kg/m3 in density increments of 100 kg/m3. A mixture of zircon sand and iron powder was used as the fluidized medium to adjust the fluidized bed density to produce a separation density = 2850 kg/m3, a typical separation density for lump iron ore wet separation. The recovery of the spheres as floaters or sinkers depended on the speed of the devices, because the recovery was affected by the number density of spheres directly under the feeder, the local fluidized bed density, and flow currents in the medium derived from the movement of the devices. The optimum speeds were determined to be 3.5 cm/s for (A), 2.0 rpm for (B) and 1.0 cm/s for (C), respectively. Continuous separation experiments were conducted on lump iron ore particles in the size range of +11.1–31.5 mm in the fluidized bed with medium density of 2850 kg/m3 and feed rate of 200 kg/h. Comparison of the feed rate and the recovery rate indicated that the feed and the recovery were in equilibrium after 10 min of operation. The experiments resulted in nearly perfect separation; 98.4% of the ore with density greater than 2850 kg/m3 was recovered. The Fe, Al and Si content of the feed ore particles (before the separation) and the floaters and sinkers (after the separation) was measured using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. The separator produced an upgrade in iron content of 3.3 wt% and reduced the Al and Si content by 44%.  相似文献   

The increasing applications of liquid–solid circulating fluidized bed in chemical/biochemical industries require a better understanding of hydrodynamics of such system. This work aims to experimentally investigate the slip between the phases in a LSCFB. The variation of slip velocity with superficial liquid velocity, solids velocity, bed voidage and particle size and density is discussed. The apparent slip velocity of the phases is higher than the particle terminal velocity of a single particle. The R–Z equation developed based on the homogenous flow characteristics underpredicts the slip velocity in a LSCFB. The drift-flux model which considers the radial non-uniformity and slip between the phases was applied to the data of the present study. The predicted value by the model agreed with the apparent slip velocity well. The study also proposed an empirical correlation to predict the slip velocity. The empirical correlations aggress well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

In order to decrease Cl content in waste plastics, dry density float-sink separation of Cl-contained and Cl-free plastics was explored using a semi-continuous rotating-type gas–solid fluidized bed separator with silica sand. The separator has two distinctive features: (1) the plastics can be fed at a middle height of the sand bed, and (2) when the plastics are recovered with the sand from a container after the float-sink, the recovery height of the sand bed can be changed to designate the plastics as floaters or sinkers. The waste plastics of Cl content = 5.4 wt% were used in this study. The separation was investigated by changing the experimental conditions. As a result, the float-sink of the plastics was affected by the air velocity for fluidization, the float-sink time and the feed amount of plastics. The possible causes of the effects were discussed by focusing on the apparent density of fluidized bed, the fluidization intensity, the size segregation of fluidized particle, the shape of the plastics, and the interactions between the plastics during the float-sink. When the recovery height was changed at the adjusted conditions, the Cl content in the floaters was successfully decreased to be 0.4–0.85 wt%, at which the recovery of the Cl-free plastics was 40–60%.  相似文献   

A gas–solid fluidized bed has been used to separate particulate iron ore (+250–500 μm in size) by segregating the particles by density. The ore particles were put into a cylindrical column of inner diameter of 100 mm and bed height of 50 mm, and were fluidized at a given air velocity u0/umf = 1.2–3.2 for 10 min. u0 and umf are the superficial air velocity and the minimum fluidization air velocity, respectively. The bulk density of the ore particles after fluidization was measured as a function of height through the bed in 5 mm increments (the 50 mm height was divided into 10 layers) to investigate the density-segregation. The size of the particles in each of the 10 layers was also measured to investigate size-segregation. It was found that both density-segregation and size-segregation occurred as a function of height through the bed after fluidization at u0/umf = 2.0. However, the segregation did not occur near the bottom of the bed for lower u0/umf and did not occur near the top of the bed for larger u0/umf. The origin of the segregation-dependence on the air velocity was discussed considering the air bubbles size and the fluidizing intensity at upper and lower sections of the bed. The Fe content of the 10 layers at u0/umf = 2.0 was measured to calculate the Fe-grade and Fe-recovery. The ore-recovery was also calculated using the weight of ore particles as a function of height through the bed. The feed Fe-grade (before separation) was 52.1 wt%. If the ore particles in the bottom half of the bed were regarded as the product, the Fe-grade was 59.0 wt%, and the Fe-recovery and the ore-recovery were 68.5 wt% and 60.5 wt%, respectively.  相似文献   

In this article, an attempt is made to develop a 3D gas–solid fluidized bed reactor (FBR). Basically, it deals with simulation of a FBR in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using the software, Ansys Fluent v14. The simulation of gas–solid flow is carried out using Eulerian multifluid model which is integrated with the solid particle kinetic theory. The coefficients of exchange momentum are estimated using the Syamlal & O'Brien, Gidaspow, Wen-Yu, and Huilin–Gidaspow drag functions. The results of the simulation have been validated with the experimental data available in literature and had proven that the model is capable to predict the hydrodynamics of FBR. The variation in kinetic energy of the solid phase is calculated by varying the restitution coefficient (RC) from 0.90 to 0.99. The predictions of pressure drop compare excellently with the experimental data. Finally, the effect of particle diameter on the expanded bed height has been studied for FBR.  相似文献   

The dry dense medium separation of iron ore based on floating and sinking of ore particles in a gas–solid fluidized bed was investigated using zircon sand as the fluidized medium. The float-sink of ore particles with mean size Dave = 23.6 mm was investigated as the fluidizing air velocity and the float-sink time were varied. It was found that gangue with density less than 2850 kg/m3 which float is able to be separated from valuable ore with density greater than 2850 km/m3 which sink. The set point (density where half the particles float and half the particles sink) decreases with increasing the air velocity, and that the float-sink separation is completed within 2 min. The influence of different sized ore particles in the float-sink experiments was also investigated. As a result, the iron ore with Dave ? 17.6 mm are successfully separated. As Dave decreases below 17.6 mm, the ore particles with density near the set point tend to scatter in the fluidized bed without floating or sinking, resulting in separation efficiency which decreases with decreasing Dave. This indicates that the size of the ore particles is one of the major factors to achieve high separation efficiency.  相似文献   


In this paper, the heat transfer characteristics of a 2D gas–solid spout fluidized bed with a hot gas jet are investigated using computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method. The initial temperature of the background gas and particles in the spouted bed was set to 300?K. The particle temperature distribution after injection of 500?K gas from the bottom, center of the bed, is presented. The simulation results indicate well heat transfer behavior in the bed. Then, statistical analysis is conducted to investigate the influence of inlet gas velocity and particle thermal conductivity on the heat transfer at particle scale in detail. The results indicate that the particle mean temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient (HTC) linearly increase with the increase in inlet gas velocity, while the conductive HTC and the uniformity of particle temperature distribution are dominated by the particle thermal conductivity. The conductive and convective heat transfer play different roles in the spout fluidized bed. These results should be useful for the further research in such flow pattern and the optimization of operating such spouted fluidized beds.  相似文献   

The specularity coefficient is an unmeasurable parameter in the most popular wall boundary model during the two-fluid modeling of dense gas–solid flows. Using multiphaseEulerFoam solver, the influence of different specularity coefficient setting strategies on the gas–solid flow inside a pseudo-2D fluidized bed has been explored. It is found that the single specularity coefficient plays a regulatory role in the quantitative prediction. Increasing the specularity coefficient would cause a fluidization transition from freely bubbling to slugging, and the bed characteristics such as pressure drop and bed expansion present monotonic nonlinear changes. The double specularity coefficients approach is shown to significantly improve the predictive accuracy through verifying with the measured particle velocities, bubble diameter and rise velocity. In addition, the lognormal bubble size distribution and Gaussian bubble rise velocity distribution are observed. The specularity coefficient for walls in thickness direction is crucial and its different effects are unignorable. Overall, the present study provides a practical strategy of double specularity coefficients for the solid wall boundary conditions during two-fluid modeling.  相似文献   

Circulating particle flow and behavior of air bubbles in a two-dimensional gas-solid fluidized bed of various superficial air velocities are investigated by recording videos of movement of a plastic pellet put into the fluidized bed and rising air bubbles using a video camera. The movement velocity of the plastic pellet and properties of the air bubbles such as the bubble rising velocity and the bubble distribution coefficient, which shows the proportion of the bubbles erupting at the center of the bed surface, are measured by analyzing the videos. It is found that the plastic pellet moves following the circulating particle flow; the particles rise up at the center of a column and fall down near the side walls, and that the movement velocity increases with the superficial air velocity. The bubble rising velocity, the apparent erupting bubble size and the bubble distribution coefficient increase, and the bubble eruption frequency slightly decreases, with the superficial air velocity. These results indicate that the circulating particle flow is generated by the rising air bubbles. In particular, the fact that the air bubbles rise at the center of the column and coalesce with other bubbles is closely related to the generation of the circulating particle flow.  相似文献   

The mechanism of fine particles on the separation of waste printed circuit boards by vibrated fluidized bed is not clear. In this paper, the influence of particle composition on fluidization behavior and separation characteristics of waste printed circuit boards particles was studied. The separation results showed that the increase of fine particles significantly reduced the metal recovery. When the content of fine particles was 20 %, the concentrate yield decreased by 11.26 % and the metal recovery declined by 15.93 %. The analysis of fluidization characteristics proved that the stability of the bed was reduced at higher fine particle content. When the content of fine particles was 20 %, the standard deviation of bed pressure drop was 34.15 Pa higher than that without fine particles. And the microscopic and X-ray fluorescence analysis confirmed that the adhesion behavior of fine particles prevented them from being separated by density. In addition, it was found that the pre-removal of iron and aluminum could effectively improve the separation performance with a fine particle content of 20 %, and the metal recovery increased by 6.29 %. Based on this, our findings will provide important guidance for efficient recovery of valuable metals from waste printed circuit boards.  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2014,25(3):1031-1037
Dense-phase high-density fluidized bed has received considerable attention worldwide due to the urgent need for an efficient dry separation technology. This study on magnetite particle attrition model and size distribution change rule in a dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed for dry beneficiation analyzes the complex process of magnetite particle attrition and fine particle generation. A model of magnetite particle attrition rate is established, with the particle attrition rate leveling off gradually with the attrition time in the dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed. Magnetite particle attrition in the dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed is consistent with Rittinger’s surface theory, where the change in surface area of magnetite particles is proportional to the total excess kinetic energy consumed and the total attrition time. An attrition experiment of magnetite particles is conducted in a laboratory-scale dense-phase gas–solid fluidized bed for dry beneficiation.  相似文献   

Fluidised beds are characterised by excellent thermal and chemical uniformity and have a wide application range including heat and surface treatment, ore roasting and catalyst production. However, compared to other gas-based systems, to fluidise a particulate mass, a significant quantity of gas is required. To conserve gas there is potential to operate the fluid bed under low-pressure conditions. It is also observed that heat transfer remains constant with reduction in pressure. The present work has numerically studied the nature of hydrodynamics in fluidised bed at sub-atmospheric conditions and a new drag law is proposed to account for the increased mean free path of the fluid. A wide range of sub-atmospheric pressures were considered such that slip flow regime, which is characterised with Kn  1, is applicable. An open source code (MFIX) is used to numerically solve the multiphase problem of a jet in the fluidised bed column with an immersed surface at vacuum pressure conditions. Bubbling fluidisation in shallow and deep beds are also solved. The new drag model takes into consideration the effect of slip flow to model drag force on the particles and the results of velocity distributions in the column and around the submerged surface is presented. The results of velocity distributions from the slip flow model are compared with the existing Gidaspow’s model. Significant differences were observed in the simulation results of velocity distributions and flow structure in the fluidised bed under vacuum conditions.  相似文献   

To further elucidate the mechanism of energy-conserving conveying in horizontal pneumatic conveying with the dune model, the high-speed particle image velocimetry is applied to measure particle fluctuation velocity near the minimum conveying velocity of the conventional pneumatic conveying. This study focuses on the effect of mounting dune models on the horizontal pneumatic conveying in terms of power spectrum, autocorrelation coefficients, two-point correlation coefficients, fluctuation intensity of particle velocity, skewness factor, and probability density function. It is found that the power spectrum peaks with the dune model are larger than those of the nondune system, suggesting the acceleration and suspending efficiency of the dune model, especially dune models mounted at the bottom of the pipe. Meanwhile, the profiles of particle fluctuation velocity intensity indicate that the large particle fluctuating energy is generated due to mounting the dune model so that the particles are more easily accelerated and suspended. This is one of the important reasons why the mounted dune model results in a low pressure drop and low minimum conveying velocity. Based on the distribution of skewness factor and probability density function, it is found that the particle fluctuation velocities of all cases follow the Gaussian distribution in the lower and middle parts of the pipe. The particle fluctuation velocities in the case of the dune models mounted at the bottom of the pipe obey the Gaussian-type fluctuation more.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2001,32(5):731-738
Porous titanium compacts of fine and coarse sponge titanium powders were reacted with methane gas to produce Ti–TiC in situ composites. The kinetics of titanium carbide formation during the reaction were studied in relation to powder size, reaction temperature and time, and methane flow rate. The titanium carbide was initially formed as a layer around each titanium powder and the rate of formation was found to be diffusion-controlled. Titanium hydride was also formed during the reaction but was easily removed by post-vacuum annealing. A significant reduction of chlorine content in the compact also resulted during the processing. High temperature vacuum sintering could densify the reacted compacts to over 95% theoretical density and, at the same time, alter the layered titanium carbide phase into rounded particles. It was possible to produce fully dense titanium base composites containing up to 30 vol% by the present gas–solid reaction-based processing.  相似文献   

Rapidly solidified powders of Al–5.0Cr–4.0Y–1.5Zr (wt%) were prepared by using a multi-stage atomization-rapid solidification powder-making device. The atomized powders were sieved into four shares with various nominal diameter level and were fabricated into hot-extruded bars after cold-isostatically pressing and vaccum degassing process. Influence of atomized powder size on microstructures and mechanical properties of the hot-extruded bars was investigated by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electronic microscopy with EPSX and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the fine atomized powders of rapidly solidified Al–5.0Cr–4.0Y–1.5Zr aluminum alloy attains supersaturated solid solution state under the exist condition of multi-stage rapid solidification. With the powder size increasing, there are Al20Cr2Y (cubic, a = 1.437 nm) and Ll2 Al3Zr (FCC, a = 0.407 nm) phase forming in the powders, and even lumpish particles of Al20Cr2Y appearing in the coarse atomized powders, as can be found in the as-cast master alloy. Typical microstructures of the extruded bars of rapidly solidified Al–5.0Cr–4.0Y–1.5Zr aluminum alloy can be characterized by fine grain FCC α-Al matrix with ultra-fine spherical particles of Al20Cr2Y and Al3Zr. But a small quantity of Al20Cr2Y coarse lumpish particles with micro-twin structures can be found, originating from lumpish particles of the coarse powders. The extruded bars of rapidly solidified Al–5.0Cr–4.0Y–1.5Zr aluminum alloy by using the fine powders eliminated out too coarse powders have good tensile properties of σ0.2 = 403 MPa, σb = 442 MPa and δ = 9.4% at room temperature, and σ0.2 = 153 MPa, σb = 164 MPa and δ = 8.1% at high temperature of 350 °C.  相似文献   

In this work, the influence of processing variables such as strain, strain rate, temperature and cooling medium, on workability, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a carbon–manganese–silicon (C–Mn–Si) steel have been studied. Hot deformation of the C–Mn–Si steel has been carried out using compression testing over a domain 1223–1473 K and 0.001–10 s 1 where the steel is in austenitic phase field. The effect of cooling medium on the microstructural evolution has been studied by carrying out post-deformation cooling of the specimens in air and water media. Influence of the cooling medium on properties of the steel has been evaluated by comparing the hardness and Charpy impact test results. Based on the flow behavior analysis and microstructural examinations the optimum domain for the hot deformation of C–Mn–Si steel is found to be in the ranges of 1273–1350 K and 3–10 s 1. Flow instability in C–Mn–Si steel is manifested in the form of deformation bands in the microstructure. The signature of instability is not influenced by the phase transformation. The hardness of the material is dependent on the temperature of deformation and influenced by cooling medium. However, it does not show any correlation with deformation strain rate.  相似文献   


The influence of different amounts of sulphur impurity on the oxidation behaviour of a Ni–10Cr–9Al alloy in air at 1000°C has been investigated. It is indicated by the results that with increasing sulphur content, not only is there a decrease in the scale spalling resistance, but also there is a significant change in the initial growth rate and composition of the scale. Sulphur causes the formation of an inhomogeneous alumina scale by promoting the initial formation of chromia possibly originating from the oxidation of chromium sulphide. It is found that the addition of yttrium is beneficial in reducing both the spalling of the scales and the enhanced scale growth. The influence of the various impurities on the scale spalling characteristics can be correlated with the observed growth mechanisms in the initial stages of oxidation.

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