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This paper considers resource allocation decisions in an unreliable multi-source multi-sink flow network, which applies to many real-world systems such as electric and power systems, telecommunications, and transportation systems. Due to uncertainties of components in such an unreliable flow network, transmitting resources successfully and economically through the unreliable flow network is of concern to resource allocation decisions at resource-supplying (source) nodes. We study the resource allocation decisions in an unreliable flow network for a range of demand configurations constrained by demand-dependent and demand-independent cost considerations under the reliability optimization objective. Solutions to these problems can be obtained by computing the resource allocation for each demand configuration independently. In contrast, we pursue an updating scheme that eludes time-consuming enumeration of flow patterns, which is necessary in independent computation of resource allocations for different demand configurations. We show that updating is attainable under both demand-independent and demand-dependent cost constraints when demand incurs an incremental change, and demonstrate the proposed updating scheme with numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, algorithms are developed to update the reliability-maximizing resource allocation in an unreliable flow network when either resource demand or the characteristic of the flow network changes. An unreliable flow network consists of nodes, characterized as source nodes, which supply resources of various types, sink nodes, at which resource demand takes place, and intermediate nodes, as well as unreliable directed arcs, which join pairs of nodes and whose capacities have multiple operational states. The network reliability of such an unreliable flow network is the probability that resources can be transmitted successfully from source nodes to sink nodes. With earlier developments on evaluating network reliability and resolving reliability-maximizing resource allocation problems in an unreliable flow network, one may recompute a new resource allocation strategy, when either resource demand or the characteristic of the flow network changes, without incorporating the efforts that have been made in obtaining the existing resource allocation. This study, in contrast, proposes updating, rather than recomputing, alternatives that take advantage of existing minimal path vectors and corresponding flow patterns. Procedural comparisons and numerical examples indicate that the updating schemes would perform better than the recomputing scheme in a large sized flow network that transmits various resource types.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth of the Internet of Things(Io T) has led to a huge amount of wireless resource consumption in a network. Due to limited wireless resources, a network can only guarantee the quality of service(QoS) of authenticated users rather than that of all users. By acknowledging this limitation,we realise that user authentication would be a big issue in Io T networks. Although traditional authentication methods can enhance network security to a certain extent, their vulnerability to ...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a hierarchical smart resource coordination and reconfiguration framework for distributed systems. We view the coordination problem as one of context aware resource reconfiguration. The fundamental unit in this hierarchy is a Fault Containment Unit (FCU) that provides run-time fault-tolerance by deciding on the best alternative course of action when a failure occurs. FCUs are composed hierarchically and are responsible for dynamically reconfiguring failing FCUs at lower levels. When such a reconfiguration is not possible, FCUs propagate the failure upward for resolution. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework in a people tracking application using a network of cameras. The task for our multi-camera network is to allocate pairs of cameras that localize a subject optimally given the current run-time context. The system automatically derives policies for switching between camera pairs that enable robust tracking while being attentive to certain performance measures. Our approach is unique in that we model the dynamics in the scene and the camera network configuration steers the policies to provide robust tracking.  相似文献   

金勇  龚胜丽 《计算机应用》2018,38(1):217-221
针对家庭基站密集部署情况下的下行干扰问题,提出一种基于分簇的资源分配方案。首先,采用部分频率复用(FFR)技术将网络中所有小区划分成不同的空间,既能抑制宏基站之间的同层干扰,又能降低边缘区域宏基站与家庭基站间的跨层干扰;然后,结合图论的知识及凸优化理论对家庭基站进行分簇,并采用基于用户速率公平的信道分配算法对家庭基站进行子信道分配,抑制家庭基站间的同层干扰;最后,采用分布式功率控制算法对家庭基站功率进行动态调整,进一步提升系统的性能。仿真结果表明:相比传统未分组算法,所提算法的信干噪比(SINR)和吞吐量有明显提高,其中,系统吞吐量低于4 Mb/s的概率降低为30%;同时,与未分组算法相比,所提算法公平性提高了12%,使用户获得更高的满意度。  相似文献   

张清丰  王晟  廖丹 《计算机应用》2015,35(9):2424-2429
针对对等(P2P)网络中普遍存在的自由下载问题,提出保证节点最小服务质量的一种基于纳什议价的资源分配方案。首先,建立保证节点最小服务质量的理论模型,分析表明合作博弈的节点议价权力与其最大贡献能力正相关,非合作博弈节点的议价权力与其最大贡献能力负相关,因此,合作节点比非合作节点获得更多的资源;其次,证明了合作博弈中节点的相对议价权力越大,节点获得的资源越多,收益越大,反之亦然。最后,通过仿真验证系统保证节点获得最小服务质量的前提下,合作节点获得的资源与节点的初始资源分配和纳什议价权力等因素相关;初始资源分配与节点的最大贡献能力呈正相关,并随着节点数目的增加而减少;议价权力随着节点数目的增加而下降,节点获得的资源随着节点议价权力的增加而增加。该方案与经典保证公平性的平均资源分配方案相比,合作节点能获得更多的资源。仿真结果验证了理论分析中在保证节点服务质量前提下,节点议价权力越大,获得的资源越多。  相似文献   

Dear editor, Recently,the satellite-integrated Internet of Things (S-IoT)has supported many emergent IoT applications[1],such as smart agriculture,remote health...  相似文献   

Application Layer Networks like Utility Grid Networks or Cloud Computing Systems, often depicted as large scale self-organising architectures using a shared infrastructure, will need innovative management approaches for controlling and matching services demand and supply. This article shows a self-organising resource allocation approach based on principles of the Catallaxy, an economic concept of F.A. von Hayek. The implementation uses a coevolutionary learning algorithm for adaptation of the agent strategy to the dynamic Application Layer Network environment. The simulation study performs a sensitivity analysis of a large scale Application Layer Network scenario with 2000 agents. A set of representative agents is selected and their evolutionary behaviour analysed.  相似文献   

Neural network models for a resource allocation problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University admissions and business personnel offices use a limited number of resources to process an ever-increasing quantity of student and employment applications. Application systems are further constrained to identify and acquire, in a limited time period, those candidates who are most likely to accept an offer of enrolment or employment. Neural networks are a new methodology to this particular domain. Various neural network architectures and learning algorithms are analyzed comparatively to determine the applicability of supervised learning neural networks to the domain problem of personnel resource allocation and to identify optimal learning strategies in this domain. This paper focuses on multilayer perceptron backpropagation, radial basis function, counterpropagation, general regression, fuzzy ARTMAP, and linear vector quantization neural networks. Each neural network predicts the probability of enrolment and nonenrolment for individual student applicants. Backpropagation networks produced the best overall performance. Network performance results are measured by the reduction in counsellors student case load and corresponding increases in student enrolment. The backpropagation neural networks achieve a 56% reduction in counsellor case load.  相似文献   

在虚拟网络环境中,提出了基于效用的链路资源分配模型,使链路资源在存在拥塞的情况下达到最优分配。模型设计了单寡头垄断情况下虚拟业务提供用户与垄断者的效用函数,以及其达到均衡的条件,同时增加寡头数来讨论企业进入条件以及资源最优分配下的企业数量。由仿真分析可以得出,基于效用的资源分配模型能够有效地促进用户与企业之间、企业与企业之间的博弈,在双方利益最大化基础上实现资源最优分配。  相似文献   

We propose a mechanism for auctioning bundles of multiple divisible goods in a network where buyers want the same amount of bandwidth on each link in their route. Buyers can specify multiple routes (corresponding to a source-destination pair). The total flow can then be split among these multiple routes. We first propose a one-sided VCG-type mechanism. Players do not report a full valuation function but only a two-dimensional bid signal: the maximum quantity that they want and the per-unit price they are willing to pay. The proposed mechanism is a weak Nash implementation, i.e., it has a non-unique Nash equilibrium that implements the social-welfare maximizing allocation. We show the existence of an efficient Nash equilibrium in the corresponding auction game, though there may exist other Nash equilibria that are not efficient. We then generalize this to arbitrary bundles of various goods. Each buyer submits a bid separately for each good but their utility function is a general function of allocations of bundles of various divisible goods. We then present a double-sided auction mechanism for multiple divisible goods. We show that there exists a Nash equilibrium of this auction game which yields the efficient allocation with strong budget balance.  相似文献   

We consider the multiobjective optimization problem for the resource allocation of the multiagent network, where each agent contains multiple conflicting local objective functions. The goal is to find compromise solutions minimizing all local objective functions subject to resource constraints as much as possible, i.e., the Pareto optimums. To this end, we first reformulate the multiobjective optimization problem into one single-objective distributed optimization problem by using the weighted L<...  相似文献   

针对应用非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术的异构蜂窝网络,提出了一种具有回程容量约束的能效最大化的功率和带宽分配算法。首先,考虑小蜂窝发射功率约束、小蜂窝速率约束和回程链路容量约束,构建了功率和带宽分配模型。然后,对于功率分配,利用凸差(DC)规划和函数的拟凹性将原问题转换为等价的凸问题,并使用凸差迭代法和二分法求得全局最优解;对于回程链路带宽分配,将其转换为可行性问题并给出了解析解。仿真结果显示,该方案的能量效率高于相同场景中的已有方案。  相似文献   

针对电力无线专网中强干扰、高故障风险等场景下保障终端通信的问题,提出了一种面向安全风险的高能效分布式资源分配方法。首先,分析基站的能耗组成,建立系统能效最大化的资源分配模型;然后,采用K-means++算法对网络中的基站进行分簇,从而将整个网络划分成多个独立区域,并在各个簇内单独处理高风险基站;其次,在每个簇内,基于基站的风险值对高风险基站进行休眠,并把高风险基站下的用户转移连接到同一簇内的其他基站;最后,在各个簇内进一步优化正常工作基站的传输功率。理论分析和仿真实验结果表明,基站分簇操作大幅降低了基站休眠和功率优化分配的复杂度,并且在关闭了高风险基站之后,整体网络的能效从0.158 9 Mb/J提升至0.195 4 Mb/J。所提的分布式资源分配方法能够有效提高系统的能量效率。  相似文献   

针对电力无线专网中强干扰、高故障风险等场景下保障终端通信的问题,提出了一种面向安全风险的高能效分布式资源分配方法。首先,分析基站的能耗组成,建立系统能效最大化的资源分配模型;然后,采用K-means++算法对网络中的基站进行分簇,从而将整个网络划分成多个独立区域,并在各个簇内单独处理高风险基站;其次,在每个簇内,基于基站的风险值对高风险基站进行休眠,并把高风险基站下的用户转移连接到同一簇内的其他基站;最后,在各个簇内进一步优化正常工作基站的传输功率。理论分析和仿真实验结果表明,基站分簇操作大幅降低了基站休眠和功率优化分配的复杂度,并且在关闭了高风险基站之后,整体网络的能效从0.158 9 Mb/J提升至0.195 4 Mb/J。所提的分布式资源分配方法能够有效提高系统的能量效率。  相似文献   

为满足网络切片在智能电网中的多样化需求,提出了一个在智能电网中基于云-边协同的切片资源分配模型.为优化网络切片分配,提出一种两阶段的切片分配模型:在第一阶段中,以用户体验最优为目标,建立了本地边缘网络的资源分配问题的优化模型,并采用拉格朗日乘子法对此最优问题进行了求解;在第二阶段中,首先将网络切片资源分配系统建模成Ma...  相似文献   

In this study, quality of experience(QoE)-driven resource allocation for multi-applications in Internet Protocol(IP)-based wireless networks is studied. Considering that the mean opinion score(MOS) summation maximization problem is not fair to satisfy heterogeneous users’ QoE with various mobile applications, we apply multi-objective optimization method to maximize each user’s MOS utility. At the beginning of this work, the relationship between MOS utility and user transmission rate for three multimedia applications, that is, File Download, Internet Protocol Television, and Voice over Internet Protocol are discussed. However, the relations under diverse evaluation models are quite different and users in various mobile applications have different requirements, which make the optimization problem difficult to solve. To meet each user’s minimum rate requirement,the idea of Nash bargaining solution is applied in the Hungarian-based subcarrier assignment problem. Then to simplify the power allocation problem, the concept of equivalent channel is introduced. Further by applying the tolerance membership function, we develop a fuzzy Max-Min decision model for generating an optimal power allocation solution. Simulation results demonstrate the satisfying characteristics of the proposed algorithm in terms of MOS utility and average data rate.  相似文献   

网络虚拟化是克服当前Internet僵化问题的一种重要方法,而资源分配是网络虚拟化技术的核心.为了平衡负载,本文提出了一种启发式资源分配算法HVNE.该算法充分利用虚拟节点和虚拟链路间的关联因素(虚拟网络拓扑),将节点映射和链路映射两个过程合并为一个统一的过程,改善了传统映射算法在拓扑稀疏时,算法性能不理想的问题.此外,HVNE允许同一个虚拟请求中的多个虚拟节点映射到同一个物理节点,节约了物理链路资源.HVNE将无向图的"k-区域划分优化"理论与传统的拓扑分割理论相结合,定义了虚拟拓扑间节点的关联因子,改进了传统的星形分割方法,使之能适用于大规模网络.仿真实验表明,HVNE在保证网络负载的情况下,获得了较好的虚拟请求接受率,较高的资源利用率和网络收益.  相似文献   

We present a decentralized market-based approach to resource allocation in a heterogeneous overlay network. This resource allocation strategy dynamically assigns resources in an overlay network to requests for service based on current system utilization, thus enabling the system to accommodate fluctuating demand for its resources. Our approach is based on a mathematical model of this resource allocation environment that treats the allocation of system resources as a constrained optimization problem. From the solution to the dual of this optimization problem, we derive a simple decentralized algorithm that is extremely efficient. Our results show the near optimality of the proposed approach through extensive simulation of this overlay network environment. The simulation study utilizes components taken from a real-world middleware application environment and clearly demonstrates the practicality of the approach in a realistic setting.  相似文献   

误码率高、频繁中断的高速列车移动场景宜采用多宿主容迟网络。但其资源分配计算复杂,实时性较差。基于效用差分法设计初始化过程资源分配算法,以保证过程中每一步的效用单调不减,算法时间复杂度降至O(n)。  相似文献   

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