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The application of lighting control technologies with photosensors has led to an increase in public interest. Although these technologies have been promoted during the last years their successful use in buildings has been accomplished in a small percentage of new projects. One reason is the difficulty in quantifying the energy savings and thus the subsequent payback period. Daylight responsive dimming systems consist of three basic components: photosensor, controller, and dimming unit. Electronic dimming ballast (EDB) is one substantial component of these lighting control systems which can adjust the light output due to the transferred signal from the photosensor and lighting controller. The aim of this study is to quantify energy savings among different EDBs. Eighteen commercial EDBs were selected and various sets of electrical and illuminance measurements were taken for different dimming levels, in order to develop polynomial functions between light output and consumed power. Using the measured data, a set of simulations were performed for a photosensor with an ideal cosine spatial sensitivity distribution installed in a typical office room using two control algorithms, closed loop and integral reset, trying to quantify the relative differences in energy savings. 相似文献
Lighting control technologies using photosensors have a great potential for energy savings in areas with high levels of daylight. Although the proper application of these controls can exploit this potential, unfortunately, it has been accomplished in a small percentage of new projects. One reason is the difficulty in justification of energy savings, which in turn, is directly linked with the simulation of the behaviour of these lighting controls. The core of these systems is the photosensor, which adjusts the electric light output in proportion to the amount of the daylight that detects, using its spatial and spectral response. The aim of this study is to quantify the impact of photosensor spectral response on its illuminance values, by taking into account various daylight spectra as these are modified due to various types of coloured glazing. Five commercial photosensors were selected and their spectral response was measured. In addition, spectral transmittance of 16 commercial types of glazing was measured as well. Using these data, a set of simulations were performed using three colour channels in a typical office room and the relative differences in illuminance – and thus energy savings – among the photosensors are presented. The results show that differences are significant ranging from 36 to 118%, a fact that can affect the estimated payback period of a lighting control system. 相似文献
Byoung-Chul Park An-Seop Choi Jae-Weon Jeong Eleanor S. Lee 《Building and Environment》2011,46(3):747-757
Daylight responsive dimming systems have been used in few buildings to date because they require improvements to improve reliability. The key underlying factor contributing to poor performance is the variability of the ratio of the photosensor signal to daylight workplane illuminance in accordance with sun position, sky condition, and fenestration condition. Therefore, this paper describes the integrated systems between automated roller shade systems and daylight responsive dimming systems with an improved closed-loop proportional control algorithm, and the relative performance of the integrated systems and single systems. The concept of the improved closed-loop proportional control algorithm for the integrated systems is to predict the varying correlation of photosensor signal to daylight workplane illuminance according to roller shade height and sky conditions for improvement of the system accuracy. In this study, the performance of the integrated systems with two improved closed-loop proportional control algorithms was compared with that of the current (modified) closed-loop proportional control algorithm. In the results, the average maintenance percentage and the average discrepancies of the target illuminance, as well as the average time under 90% of target illuminance for the integrated systems significantly improved in comparison with the current closed-loop proportional control algorithm for daylight responsive dimming systems as a single system. 相似文献
D. J. Carter 《Building Research & Information》2004,32(3):220-234
Tubular daylight guidance systems are linear devices that channel daylight into the core of a building. They consist of a light transport section with, at the outer end, some device for capturing natural light and, at the inner end, a means of distributing the light within the interior. This technology is examined in terms of performance, cost, design issues and governance (codes) for the different generic types of systems. Gaps in the knowledge on a range of issues, particularly operational human factors, are identified as key determinants delaying the wider implementation of this technology. 相似文献
An overview is provided of recent developments in different daylighting systems. The systems range from a simple adaptation of venetian blinds for a better use of daylighting, to specially developed daylight-guiding venetian blinds, mirror louvers, optical mirror elements, ADO-Toplight, holographic optical elements, prismatic systems, Micro-Grates, Plexiglas Daylight, transparent insulation material, moveable glass louvers, a three-layer pipe-grid system and the ‘light sculptor’ in the cupola of the German Parliament. Most of these technologies are available in the market. Others, e.g. the ‘light sculptor’, were designed for a unique application. Cet article présente les grandes lignes des développements récents en matière de systèmes d'éclairage naturel. Ces systèmes vont de la simple adaptation de stores vénitiens pour un meilleur usage de la lumière naturelle jusqu'à des stores vénitiens de conception spéciale à commande par la lumière du jour, en passant par des rideaux à lattes miroirs, des éléments de miroirs optiques, le système ADO-Toplight, des éléments optiques holographiques, des systèmes prismatiques, des microgrilles, des systèmes d'éclairage naturel en plexiglas, des matériaux isolants transparents, des systèmes à lattes de verre amovibles, un système à grille tubulaire à trois couches et le “sculpteur de lumière” qui équipe la coupole du Parlement allemand. La plupart de ces technologies sont disponibles sur le marché. D'autres, comme le “sculpteur de lumière” ont été conçus pour une application unique. 相似文献
《Energy and Buildings》1996,24(3):223-230
The daylight coefficient approach is used for the theoretical analysis of various shading systems. Once a set of these coefficients has been calculated, it is very easy to calculate illuminance in the interior of a room under various sky luminance distributions. The present paper examines a method based on daylight coefficients to evaluate daylight in the interior of a room. The method is compared with existing radiosity and ray-tracing methods. The examined method is experimentaly validated using measurements obtained in a PASSYS test-cell equipped with shading devices. 相似文献
《Journal of Building Performance Simulation》2013,6(1):3-15
The daylight coefficient (DC) method is a powerful and efficient method to perform annual daylight illuminance simulation. A set of coefficients are calculated for a given room space and static fenestration systems prior to simulation start. Time series of indoor daylight illuminances are obtained by only knowing the sky luminance. However, for rooms with dissimilar dynamic complex fenestration systems (such as windows with movable shadings) whose optical behaviour (transmission, reflection and scattering) may change during simulation, the efficiency of the DC method may be compromised as another whole set of coefficients must be re-calculated. This study presents the development of a new methodology to compute the DC set for rooms with dissimilar complex fenestration components only once prior to simulation start. A validation study is carried out, in which the daylight illuminances in an office space equipped with a clear window and internal Venetian blinds are compared using predictions from the present model, the Radiance program, as a benchmark model employing detailed optical model of Venetian blinds, and the Daysim program employing a simple engineering blinds model. Findings from the validation study show that the present model yields overall accurate results when compared with the benchmark model for any window orientation, although some local illuminance differences are observed in areas under direct sunlight exposure. 相似文献
《Building and Environment》2001,36(5):605-618
In tropical areas where the exclusion of solar heat from buildings is a paramount consideration, shading systems consisting of adjustable parallel multiple slats have evolved which exclude direct solar radiation whilst permitting some daylight penetration. The modelling of daylight illuminance from these systems is not easy using conventional graphical or computational quantitative techniques. This paper sets out a computer-based model for the analysis of the general case of parallel shading systems. The model is illustrated by reference to the Rowshan shading system used in the Hedjazi architecture of Saudi Arabia. 相似文献
Building Simulation - Simulation with two types of bi-directional scattering distribution function (BSDF) was used to model the prism daylight redirecting fenestration (PDRF) in the indoor luminous... 相似文献
Daylight guidance systems are linear devices that channel daylight into the core of a building. This paper analyses costs and benefits of using the two main classes of daylight guidance to light offices as an alternative to conventional electric lighting. The work demonstrates that daylight guidance is generally not economical using conventionally accepted measures of both cost and benefit. It is shown that if intangible benefits associated with the delivery of daylight to offices are included in an analysis, a more favourable balance of cost and benefit is obtained. The implications of this for practical use of the systems are discussed. 相似文献
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of space occupancy on indoor daylight quality in hospitals. It assesses the effect of various design variables on the indoor daylight quality in King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH) in Jordan. By conducting a comparative study on the indoor daylight quality of pre- and post-occupancy in patient wards, it was found that hospital occupancy is highly correlated with indoor daylight quality. 相似文献
Attitudes of school children to daylight and fenestration 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Duncan M. Stewart 《Building and Environment》1981,16(4):267-277
The behaviour and attitudes towards their visual environment of 350 primary school children were studied in 11 schools of varying design, with particular attention to factors associated with fenestration and daylight. The investigation included social factors, personality characteristics of the children and the varying visual characteristics of the buildings including photometric studies. A significant proportion of children choose to sit or work near windows, the chief factor being the amount of daylight. View out, view content and nature are important. The most popular children occupy favoured window places. Space and comfort both visual and thermal are important. Sex separation is natural. 相似文献
对自然光设计在剖面设计、设计策划等方面进行了分析,提出了自然光作为设计元素在设计过程中应注意的关键问题,并提出在设计前期和中期的具体解决方法。 相似文献
《Journal of Building Performance Simulation》2013,6(1):24-37
A new capability that enables annual simulation of optically complex fenestration systems has been added to Radiance. The method relies on bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) input data, which are used in an efficient matrix calculation to compute time-step performance given TMY data. The objective of this study was to explain the value of this capability to designers and developers of innovative daylighting systems and to demonstrate its speed and accuracy via comparisons of simulated to measured illuminance data for a daylight-redirecting optical louver system. The method was shown to provide valid results that accurately replicate real-world conditions with an absolute mean bias error below 13% and a root mean square error below 23%. Routine application of this new capability will not be hindered by slow computational speed for illuminance calculations. Instead, the capability will be dependent on the availability of BSDF data for daylighting, shading and fenestration systems. 相似文献
通过查阅大量的文献资料,从建筑、结构、经济性能等方面对交错桁架结构体系的特点作了较为详细的介绍,并介绍了该体系的设计和安装要点,总结了该体系具有的一些优点。 相似文献
One of the crucial problems in predetermining the role of daylighting in energy efficient buildings is the need for reliable localized data on daylight availability. There have been several approaches to define daylight availability standards using different reference models. It has been found, through validation from recent measured data in Australia, that a theoretical model which introduces empirical formulae utilizing relative sunshine duration, cloud type and cover, and turbidity factors can be used with confidence to define typical and average exterior daylight conditions in different climatic zones. 相似文献