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《Spectrum, IEEE》2000,37(10):34-39
Concentrating the computational power of a multimedia desktop or laptop computer into a central processing unit only slightly larger than a hand-held organizer, wearable PCs are finding plenty of users in the commercial world. What wearable computers have to offer is job-critical information to people whose hands must be free for other work. Assembly line workers, for example, can access a database and look at drawings of what's being worked on and see step-by-step instructions for putting it together. These are shown on a small color display that hangs before a worker's eye, supported there by a head-mounted boom. The rest of the system-its central processing unit (CPU), which includes a microprocessor, RAM, and hard drive-is worn in a belt around the waist. The display is a small liquid-crystal chip, whose image is picked up by a silvered mirror, or transmitted through a prism, and reflected or redirected into the user's eye. The display is held at the end of a toothbrush-sized boom, supported by a headboard, say, or by a larger eye-covering mirror or prism arrangement. Thanks to magnifying optics and despite the closeness of the image to the eye, the viewer has the illusion of reading a normal-sized desktop screen at the usual arm's length viewing distance. Commands are either keyed into a small keyboard worn on the wrist or spoken into a microphone. A video camera is an option, and the computers have standard I/O ports for adding peripherals. In addition, the machines can handle off-the-shelf applications, such as database management and word processing, written for Windows or Linux operating systems. Just what is displayed varies, of course, depending upon the imagination of the system designer and the application. The computers are not cheap, ranging from US $5000 to $10000. They may be worth it, though, for what they can add to a person's job effectiveness  相似文献   

DSP与PC间的数据通讯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DSP由于具有高性能和灵活可编程的优点而得到广泛的应用。文章给出了用PC机作主机 ,DSP作从机来实现DSP与PC机间有效、可靠通讯的实现方法。同时通过一个数据传输程序的例子来详细阐述如何使用VB6.0专业版作为开发工具 ,并利用DSP中的SCI(SerialCommunicationInter face)模块来实现DSP与微机间的数据传递方法。  相似文献   

王科 《中国新通信》2006,(12):44-46
印度电脑普及率多年来一直比较低,但是,不断下跌的电脑价格和人们收入的提高正刺激需求迅猛增长。印度个人电脑市场现在已经成为亚太地区增长最快的市场,目前的市场规模约为每年500万台。据估计,印度现在每千人中只有大约17人拥有电脑,在未来几年内,这一比例有望大幅提高。据市场调研公司IDC发布的报告显示,受来自政府和中型企业需求活跃的推动,近两年印度的计算机年销量增长达到了30%以上,远高于亚洲14%的平均水平。2005财年,印度笔记本电脑的销量达到了40万台,  相似文献   

Gang scheduling is an efficient resource management scheme for distributed systems which combines elements of time sharing and space sharing. It is a suitable technique particularly in the case when parallel tasks have to be running concurrently to make progress in communication. This paper studies the impact on scheduling performance when dynamically generated sequential gangs exist in the workload. In the case of sequential gangs, a subsequent gang can be dynamically generated after the execution of the initial gang based on affinity information which resides on the caches of the previously seized processors. The performance of different gang‐scheduling algorithms is examined for various cases of workload compositions which range from cases with a low demand for dynamically generated gangs to cases with a high ratio of sequential gangs to solitary gangs. A simulation model is implemented to address associated performance issues. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we will discuss the development and state-of-the-art results for an essential component in any fiber telecommunications system: the photoreceiver. The device technologies used in monolithically integrated receivers, the techniques for integration of the various devices required to realize a fully-functional OEIC, and the performance thus far achieved using these technologies will be described. In addition, some of the advantages of monolithic integration, as well as the promise of this technology for future network generations, will be presented  相似文献   

A comprehensive research on key issues of the multimedia set-top-box used in active TV is conducted. Meanwhile a practical architecture for the multimedia set-top-box based on PC platform is designed. The architecture, with its advanced feature set, high integration and PCI interface is well suited to bring the set-top-box experience to consumers at an affordable price, and makes it very attractive for the consumer.  相似文献   

由国内安全产品的老牌企业,华北工控研制的新一代舰旗产品——NORCO MB-3L和NORCOMB-5L系列专业PC主板,主要是针对网络应用而专门量身打造的。NORCO MB-3L和NORCO MB-5L的推出是华北工控在技术推新上的又一次革新,在国内同类产品中处于领先地位。此系列产品有良好的性能,采用强大的INTEL 810E(NORCO MB-3L)和INTEL 815E/815EP(NORCO MB-5L)  相似文献   

The future is in the PC cards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sternglass  D. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1992,29(6):46-50
The growing use of IC memory cards, with their small size and low power consumption, in key roles in all sorts of handheld equipment is discussed. Three events that have propelled the credit-card-sized descendants of the original battery-packed memory cards are discussed. They are the development of a standard for 68-pin personal computer cards, known as PC cards, that allows them to act as peripherals, such as modems and network ports, as well as storage devices; the development of flash-type nonvolatile memory chips of very high capacity; and the emergence of palmtop and notebook computers  相似文献   

世界PC快速成长20世纪70-80年代世界电子计算机继大型机、小型机后再次"缩小化"成为个人计算机(PC)。1977年美国苹果公司成功推出的AppleII是最早的PC,颇受推崇。  相似文献   

对PC机在EPP模式下与C6000系列DSP的HPI口之间进行的并行通讯进行了研究,提出了用EPP协议和CPLD实现DSP与计算机并口的双向高速数据传输的方法并给出了技术解决方案。通过HPI口PC机可实现直接访问DSP的存储空间(包括映射的片内外设),并实现对DSP存储空间的读、写功能,同时在高级语言下完成了对DSP应用系统的在线监控。该电路设计已成功应用于信号处理系统并可以应用到利用并口进行通讯的其他课题中。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new algorithm for generation of scheduling constraints in networks of communicating processes. Our model of communication intertwines the schedules of the machines in the network: timing constraints of a machine may affect the schedules of machines communicating with it. This model of communication facilitates the modular specification of timing constraints. A feasible solution to the set of constraints generated gives a schedule for each machine in the network such that all internal constraints of each machine are satisfied and communication between machines is statically coordinated whenever possible. Static scheduling of communication saves on the cost of handshake associated with dynamic synchronization. Our algorithm can handle complex, state-dependent and cyclic timing constraints. Experimental results show that our algorithm is both effective and efficient  相似文献   

The technical communication literature contains many articles and books providing advice on how scientists and engineers can improve their skills at communicating research results. The journal articles and book chapters the authors felt offered sound advice on fifteen topics relevant to writing original research results for publication are briefly discussed  相似文献   

微波接力通信由于具有通信容量大、传输质量高、建设速度快、组网方便等优点,目前已广泛应用于邮电、广播、电力、水利等公众网和专业通信网中,是我国地面通信传输的主要手段之一,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。近几年,随着城市建设的迅速发展和城市规模的不断扩大,城市高层建筑阻挡微波接力通信电路,造成通信质量下降甚至中断的事故时有发生。  相似文献   

The authors maintain that proposals are typically overwritten, poorly researched documents that force recipients to search for ideas of pertinent concern and rarely accomplish their objectives. They suggest that short proposals, introduced early in the negotiation process, can act as replacements for formal proposals or as interim documents leading to more productive, persuasive formal proposals. They explain why many long proposals fail and short proposals succeed  相似文献   

2005年4月,联想、兆目科技基于可信计算技术的PC安全芯片(TPM)正式浮出水面,不久之后,分别采用联想“恒智”安全芯片的联想开天M400S和采用兆日TPM安全芯片(SSX35)的清华同方超翔S4800、长城世恒A和世恒S系列安全PC产品也纷纷面世。另一家国内知名的PC巨头方正也不甘示弱,声称:“不会在推出安全PC产品上落后于人”。一时间,“安全芯片”和“安全PC”的字眼频频曝光于媒体,引起了业界的广泛注意。  相似文献   

一、安全防护涉密计算机的研制背景目前,通用计算机大多使用由国外厂商提供的中央处理器和操作系统,由于这些关键部件在设计时存在先天的安全漏洞,因此,由这些计算机构建的信息系统,在安全信息保密方面无疑存在着极大的隐患。在我国的政治、军事、经济、生活等越来越依赖现有信息系统时,如何保证电子政务中国家秘密信息的安全保密,最安全可信的办法就是使用我国自主研发的安全保密产品。  相似文献   

针对目前蒙特卡罗模拟并行计算的两个制约因素,提出了利于普及的完整解决方案。建立了算法、参数与MCNP一致的并行随机数发生器模块。参考Linux集群方案,提出了一种基于Windowsxp的pc机并行计算系统的实现方案,采用通用局域网络设置,并行环境为MPICH2实现,编程调试工具为MicrosoftDevelopStudio。该方案对并行系统中的计算机没有硬件和软件的一致性的严格要求,具有灵活的可扩展性,对于一台计算机的也可以虚拟并行,适合单机下的并行程序调试。最后给出了简单蒙特卡罗模拟实例进行演示。  相似文献   

主处理器系统是整个交换机设备的控制中心,它主要完成向交换电路提供地址、数据通道,并对来自群路端口的数据流、用户电路信令和本地人机接口的信息及命令进行处理。本文主要介绍了PC104模块的功能以及它在交换机主处理器系统中的应用。  相似文献   

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