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锡环 《国外丝绸》2007,22(6):24-24
澳洲Woollnnovafion公司与Invista公司合作研制成美利奴Coolmax织物,它用美利奴羊毛和新型合纤Coolmax混合制成,它适用于运动外衣、贴身内衣和女式时装。Coolmax纤维可使体表汗水快速传输散发出来,提高织物干燥速度,使穿着者感觉凉爽、干燥,它不用化学处理就可赋予织物透气、柔软、机可洗和优良悬垂性。澳洲美利奴羊毛则有天然耐久性、吸湿性和优雅柔软性,它与Coolmax纤维优势组合可创制一系列品种各异的高档衣料。  相似文献   

澳洲Wool Innovation公司与Invista公司合作研制成美利奴Coolmax织物,它用美利奴羊毛和新型合纤Coolmax混合制成,它适用于运动外衣、贴身内衣和女式时装。Coolmax纤维可使体表汗水快速传输散发出来,提高织物干燥速度,使穿着者感觉凉爽、干燥,它不用化学处理就可赋予织物透气、柔软、机可洗和优良悬垂性。澳洲美利奴羊毛则有天然耐久性、吸湿性和优雅柔软性,它与Cooimax纤维优势组合可创制一系列品种各异的高档衣料。美利奴羊毛和Coolmax纤维可在纺纱前混合,也可用二种纱线加捻并合,或者在针织过程中添纱到织物中。用上述方法均可制成质轻而耐穿的织物。  相似文献   

澳大利亚时尚品牌Sabatini,Kirrily Johnston以及Gina Kim将帮助AWI和Austrade扩大美利奴羊毛在韩国的市场份额。  相似文献   

新西兰美利奴羊毛的天然性能和独特性能不仅适用于成人服装.而且也是婴儿和儿童服装的理想原料在新西兰南部和东北沿海的羊群通过精心育种、细心饲养,所产的美利奴羊毛既细又长.有光泽和弹性。用该羊毛制成婴儿和儿童服装.十分耐洗涤且始终柔软如初,使婴儿感到温暖和舒适。[第一段]  相似文献   

澳大利亚美利奴羊毛公司将于2008年向英国马莎公司供应140t19.5μm的有机美利奴羊毛,马莎公司在毛里求斯Ciel纺织公司加工成毛衣后进行市场销售。  相似文献   

平建明  胡慧源 《纺织学报》2005,26(3):140-141
介绍澳大利亚毛用羊的血统、牧场管理和养羊过程中的羊毛品质控制等情况,并对澳毛产地分级、抽样方法、羊毛质量指标的测试及测试精度等作了分析。  相似文献   

近年来细羊毛的产量大幅增加,超细毛由于其良好的手感,越来越为消费者所喜欢。羊毛的手感同它的平均细度有关,因此研究人员正在探索超细美利奴羊毛的饲育过程。  相似文献   

澳大利亚羊毛发展公司的“美利奴清新”技术。在“智能100”指数排名中被列为澳大利亚前100项创新之一。这是澳大利亚该行业最大的奖项之一。“美利奴清新”是在世界上第一项可喷淋清洁的“淋浴西服”技术的基础上,使美利奴羊毛的梭织产品,例如西服、西裤、衬衫等,在穿过后简单地使用家中的淋浴器就能清洗并使其焕然一新。  相似文献   

海燕 《中国纤检》2012,(13):78-78
生态纺织品是指达到环境标志产品技术要求和通过检测的纺织行业中那些采用对周围环境无害或少害的原料,并合理利用这些原料生产的对人体健康无害的纺织产品。近日,一种由北欧纺织服装机构确立的www.ecolabel.no.网站发布了修正型生态纺织标准。该标准仅为建议型.它受挪威生态商标部门监督,专门针对如今市面上出现的大量生态型纺织服装的认证。凡获得该标准的产品一律要在该网站上发布。  相似文献   

不同季节的曲药皆具有糖化发酵、提供菌源、生香功能于一体的复合微生物与酶系。但区别在分别富集不同季节的微生物系并在培养过程中产生不同能力作用的糖化、发酵、生香功能于一体的复合微生物与酶系,通过春、夏、秋季曲药合理搭配在酿酒生产使用,既能保证质量稳定,同时提升基础酒的醇后感和陈香味。  相似文献   

法磊 《中国纤检》2012,(9):36-37
今年初,国家工业和信息化部门正式发布了《纺织工业"十二五"发展规划》,提出了"十二五"纺织工业发展的指导思想、发展目标、重点任务和政策措施,突出了结构调整、自主创新、品牌建设和可持续发展等重点内容。其中,化纤新材料和产业用纺织品成为纺织工业今后发展的重点领域,成为新的亮点。  相似文献   

The agronomic characteristics and chemical composition of seven advanced day-neutral strawberry lines and a commercial cultivar ‘Seascape’ were evaluated for their horticulture and quality attributes. The results showed that the advanced strawberry lines had the best horticultural characteristics, such as more resistance to diseases, less weight and juice losses and better fruit glossiness during storage, compared to ‘Seascape’. Among the advanced lines, FIN005–55 had the better fruit quality with higher soluble solids content (SSC)/titratable acidity (TA) ratio and highest SSC, FIN005–7 had the highest total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant capacity (AC), and both had potential for commercial trials.  相似文献   

<正> 今日的食品工业所要面对的挑战,不仅是消费者对食品高质量的要求,而且对于产品包装的美观及方便程度有更高度的要求;在包装材料的使用方面,更提倡要注意保护环境。生产制造商因而要努力钻研合乎消费者口味的产品。 无菌加工包装技术 要使牛奶、酸奶、果汁等饮料及软质冰淇淋或牛奶混合等配料产品能够在不同的地方(如热带地区)、在不同的温度条  相似文献   

The aims of this study were quantitative determination of the bio-active compounds and to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of soy mixed wheat flour and traditional wheat flour. Soy mixed wheat flour was developed by combination of processed soy flour and wheat flour. Total phenolics, flavonoids, tannin, and proanthocyanidin contents of the crude methanolic extract were determined by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. Further individual bio-active compounds were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector and showed (+)-catechin, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, (–)-epicatechin, p-coumaric acid, rutin hydrate, and ellagic acid in soy mixed wheat flour but only rutin in traditional wheat flour. The soy mixed product showed significantly higher concentration of bio-active compounds than traditional wheat flour. Antioxidative activities were measured through different in vitro models: phosphomolybdenum blue method, FeCl3 reducing power, ABTS scavenging activity, 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) scavenging activity, N,N-dimethyl-1,4-diaminobenzene free radical scavenging activity, reducing power, metal chelating power and super oxide scavenging ability. All results of in vitro antioxidant models revealed that the soy product showed significantly higher antioxidant activities than traditional wheat flour. These results suggested that soy mixed wheat flour can play the greater roles than the traditional wheat flour for different physiological activities in human body due to the presence of greater amount of bio-active compounds and can be considered as a potential antioxidant containing flour for human consumption than the traditional wheat flour.  相似文献   

负债经营是企业扩大外延投入,寻求外力支撑的一个成功之道。本文详细介绍了国内外成功经验和应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Vegetarianism is a dynamic and fluid lifestyle that can be described as unique for each person who practices. Vegetarianism traditionally falls outside of the accepted eating patterns in Western nations; furthermore, the meat-free lifestyle can be classified as a form of positive deviance. Semistructured interviews were conducted with self-described vegetarians regarding eating patterns and motivations within the initial adoption of the lifestyle. Vegetarian vocabularies of motive were categorized according to established deviance theory referred to as accounts. This newly practicing, or developmental, stage of vegetarianism was more likely to fall on the less strict side of the vegetarian continuum for eating patterns and the motives had a propensity to be monothematic.  相似文献   

日益发展的冷冻面团面包生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷冻面团是面包生产的一种新工艺,伴随着烘焙行业内新的经营模式的发展变化而不断完善和发展.对冷冻面团的市场需求背景、现状和主要技术问题作了简要的介绍;对传统与现代经营模式、不同的冷冻工艺及产品适用对象及各自的优缺点进行了对比分析;并对相关的技术、设备进行了关注,最后对我国冷冻面团的发展前景作了展望.  相似文献   

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