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度约束QoS组播路由遗传算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
有度约束的QoS组播路由问题在通信网络中具有重要意义。提出一种基于遗传算法的度约束组播路由算法,采用节点连接路径形式的编码方法构成一棵组播树的表示,设计了相应的具有树形结构的交叉和变异算子,以及节点度的改变算法。算法可以实现具有树形结构染色体的遗传进化。数值实验表明算法具有找到最优解的能力,特别适合于求解大规模网络有度约束的QoS组播路由问题。 相似文献
The rapid growth of multicast applications initiated the need to realise multicasting in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks in an efficient and cost-effective way. However, most of the applications need to support dynamic multicast sessions wherein the membership of the multicast group changes with time as nodes join or leave the session dynamically. In addition, with the advancements in the multimedia and other real-time group applications, the construction of multicast trees satisfying Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the member nodes is becoming a problem of prime importance. In this paper, we deal with on-line QoS multicast routing in WDM networks. As members leave the sessions, it will be mandatory to rearrange the trees in order to save costs, at the same time accounting for the disruption caused to the ongoing transmissions because of the rearrangement. We try to effectively decrease the disruption by considering only certain portions of the multicast tree and limiting the rearrangement to only those portions. A region’s usefulness to the overall tree is judged by a novel concept of Cost-to-Service Ratio (CSR) and a region is selected for rearrangement based on its CSR value. Extensive simulation results reveal that rearrangements based on CSR can reduce the disruption to the member nodes by 20–85% compared to rearrangements based on the best known metric (Quality Factor) in the literature, for the same cost performance. We also demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the trees generated by our on-line algorithm compared to that of static algorithm. 相似文献
探讨了基于遗传算法的无线网状网QoS多播路由算法,选用边集表示方式对多播树进行编码,其空间复杂度为O(N),给出了该编码方式下的初始种群生成算法RandWalkMT,同时对传统的遗传操作进行改进使子代个体中不会产生非法多播树,从而避免了复杂的惩罚机制或多播树修复算法。实验表明该算法收敛快且性能较好。 相似文献
Der-Rong Din 《Artificial Intelligence Review》2008,29(3-4):195-222
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is an important technique to make use of the large amount of bandwidth in optical fibers to meet the bandwidth requirements of applications. Multicast is the transmission of information from one source to multiple destinations simultaneously. Given a multicast request in a WDM network, the goal is to find a set of light-trees, the assigned wavelengths of light-trees, and construct a light-forest. In this paper, the Minimal cost multicast routing problem (MCMRP) on WDM networks with Tap-and-continue nodes is defined and studied. A new cost model which consists of thewavelength usage and communication cost is defined. The objective is to minimize the sum of the cost of used wavelengths and the communication cost of the light-forest. Specifically, the formulation for the WDM multicast routing problem is given. Because the MCMRP is NP-hard, two genetic algorithms (GAs) are proposed to solve this problem. In the proposed GAs, a path-oriented encoding chromosome is used to represent the routing paths. These routing paths are used to construct source-based light-forests to represent a feasible solution to the multicast request. Moreover, to speed up the convergence of GAs, a Farthest-first greedy heuristic algorithm is proposed and used to generate one of the initial chromosomes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed GAs can run efficiently. 相似文献
遗传算法是一种非常适合求解QoS组播路由问题的全局优化算法。针对算法运行初期易陷入早熟现象,运行后期收敛速度慢的不足,进行了改进,采用初始群体均衡生成法和自适应变异操作可以很好地抑制早熟现象,引入排序对适应度进行拉伸,从而加快了算法的收敛速度。在嵌入式视频监控系统上进行仿真实验,结果表明改进后的遗传算法收敛速度快,性能好,可以满足系统资源有限和实时性的要求。 相似文献
张宗飞 《计算机工程与应用》2008,44(36):119-121
QoS组播路由问题是一个非线性的组合优化问题,已证明了该问题是NP完全问题。提出一种将基于量子计算原理的量子进化算法用于此类问题求解的算法,该算法对基本的量子进化算法进行改进,采用进化方程对量子门进行调整,采用量子变异阻止未成熟收敛,使之更适合于QoS组播路由的求解。仿真结果显示,该算法能快速搜索并收敛到全局(近似)最优解,且随着网络规模的增大算法保持了良好的特性,在寻优速度上与解的质量上优于其他进化算法与基本的量子进化算法。 相似文献
QoS多播路由算法的核心问题就是建立满足QoS约束的多播树,它是计算机网络中著名的受约束最小Steiner树问题,是一个NP完全问题。量子遗传算法是基于量子计算理论的新型遗传算法,基于量子遗传算法的基本原理,提出了QoS约束的多播路由算法(QoSMR-QGA),并详细介绍了QoSMR-QGA算法的实现过程。仿真实验表明,该算法具有较好的算法收敛性和多播路由成功率。 相似文献
在解决QoS(Quality of Service)组播路由问题上,针对蚁群算法缺点,提出了一种融合量子粒子群算法(QPSO)思想的多行为蚁群算法。该算法采用QPSO作为前期搜索,根据各粒子历史最优值来初始化路径信息素浓度,后期利用多行为蚁群算法来优化路径。仿真结果表明:该算法寻优能力强,可靠性高,是解决QoS组播路由问题的有效方法。 相似文献
Sanjeev Verma Rajesh K. Pankaj Alberto Leon-GarciaAuthor vitae 《Performance Evaluation》1998,34(4):2282-294
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in providing real-time multimedia services like digital audio and video over packet-switched networks such as Internet and ATM. These services require certain quality of service (QoS) from the network. The routing algorithm should take QoS factor for an application into account while selecting the most suitable route for the application. In this paper, we introduce a new routing metric and use it with two different heuristics to compute the multicast tree for guaranteed QoS applications that need firm end-to-end delay bound. We then compare the performance of our algorithms with the other proposed QoS-based routing algorithms. Simulations were run over a number of random networks to measure the performance of different algorithms. We studied routing algorithms along with resource reservation and admission control to measure the call throughput over a number of random networks. Simulation results show that our algorithms give a much better performance in terms of call throughput over other proposed schemes. 相似文献
The paper considers the problem of establishing robust routes for multi-granularity connection requests in traffic-grooming WDM mesh networks and proposes a novel Valiant load-balanced robust routing scheme for the hose uncertain model. Our objective is to minimize the total network cost when construct the stable virtual topology that assure robust routing for all possible multi-granularity connection requests under the hose model. Since the optimization problem is shown to be NP-complete, two heuristic algorithms are proposed and evaluated. Finally we compare the traffic throughput of the virtual topology by Valiant load-balanced robust routing scheme with that of the traditional traffic-grooming algorithm under the same total network cost by computer simulation. 相似文献
一种基于可用带宽的QoS多播路由算法 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
余萍 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(16):2976-2978
设计一个加权最大可用带宽多播树求解模型,将可用带宽作为主度量并同时兼顾时延、时延抖动和包丢失率3个QoS约束构建多播树.各QoS度量的重要性可根据实际的服务需求灵活调整,算法具有多项式复杂度,并通过仿真证明其有效性. 相似文献
利用遗传算法的快速全局搜索能力和蚁群算法的正反馈收敛机制,把蚁群算法和遗传算法融合起来,提出了一种遗传蚁群算法(GAAC)来解决Ad Hoc网络中QoS路由问题。首先利用遗传算法生成信息素分布,然后用蚁群算法求精解,优势互补,期望获得优化性能和时间性能的双赢。并针对算法应用于Ad Hoc网络QoS路由普遍产生的拥塞问题,采用拥塞回避的策略,从而实现网络业务流负载均衡。仿真表明该算法比其它单一采用蚁群算法进行路由选择更适合于动态Ad Hoc网络环境。 相似文献
杨鹏 《计算机工程与应用》2008,44(5):140-142
随着多媒体业务的普及,如何为MANET多播路由提供QoS保障成为研究热点。提出了一种带宽和时延受限的QoS多播路由协议,它利用遗传算法搜索满足QoS要求的最优多播树。仿真结果表明该协议收敛速度快,寻径成功率高,它为移动网络中具有QoS保障的多播通信提供了一种有效途径。 相似文献
A method for least-cost QoS multicast routing based on genetic simulated annealing algorithm (NGSA) is presented. Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm are combined to improve the computing performance in this method. The chromosomes of the multicast tree are represented by tree structure coding to save the time of conversion between encoding space and solution space. A new population initialization method is used to make sure that every chromosome in initial population is reasonable multicast tree without loops. The adaptive crossover probability is used to improve the evolutionary efficiency. The simulation results show that this method has high speed of convergence and search capability. And the problem of least-cost QoS multicast routing is solved effectively. 相似文献
针对Ad Hoc网络中带QoS约束的多播路由问题,提出了一种基于免疫蚁群算法的QoS多播路由发现算法。利用人工免疫算法的快速全局搜索能力寻找较优解,生成初始信息素的分布,加快收敛速度;通过蚁群算法的正反馈收敛机制求得精解,借鉴抗体排斥度的思想避免算法陷入局部最优。仿真结果表明,该算法具有较好的收敛性和寻优能力,适应于Ad Hoc网络环境的变化。 相似文献
对带宽、延时、延时抖动约束最小代价的QoS组播路由问题进行了研究,提出一种基于量子行为微粒群优化(QPSO)算法来设计路由优化算法。该算法采用一种节点序列编码方案,将路由优化问题转化成一种准连续优化问题,并采用罚函数处理约束条件。应用QPSO算法求解QoS组播路由问题的算例,并与遗传算法和改进后的遗传算法进行比较。计算机仿真实验证明,该算法可以更有效地求得QoS组播路由问题的优化解,可靠性较高。 相似文献
提出了一个传感网络中基于位置信息的成簇思想,并基于该思想给出了一种传感网络中基于位置信息的分布式多播路由算法.该算法首先利用相邻节点的位置信息分布式成簇,然后各簇头利用蚂蚁算法分布式地找到一条具有最短总跳数的到目的节点组的实际路径.最后,由簇头负责收集本簇内的传感信息,并在对这些信息进行汇聚处理后,沿找到的最优路径将汇聚数据分别发送到各目的节点.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法能有效地节约能量,具有较好的路由性能. 相似文献