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一种具有能力约束性能的任意源覆盖多播方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈世平  施伯乐 《软件学报》2006,17(10):2152-2162
近年来提出的许多面向单个数据源设计的多播树并不能简单扩展到任意源多播系统中,因为针对每个源建立一个树代价高昂.而已存在的一些允许多数据源的P2P(peer-to-peer)系统的维护量大,在体现结点能力差异等方面缺少灵活性.提出一个任意源覆盖多播服务方案,并具有结点能力约束性能.它建立在非DHT(distributed hash table)覆盖网络上,无须建立显式的多播树.设计了两种分布式多播算法,它们将任意源的多播信息传送到所有结点的期望跳数是O(logcn),其中,c是平均结点能力,n是多播组中的结点个数.  相似文献   

rdquoApplication-level multicast is a promising alternative to IP multicast due to its independence from the IP routing infrastructure and its flexibility in constructing the delivery trees. The existing overlay multicast systems either support a single data source or have high maintenance overhead when multiple sources are allowed. They are inefficient for applications that require any-source multicast with varied host capacities and dynamic membership. This paper proposes ACOM, an any-source capacity-constrained overlay multicast system, consisting of three distributed multicast algorithms on top of a non-DHT overlay network with simple structures (random overlay with a non-DHT ring) that are easy to manage as nodes join and depart. The nodes have different capacities, and they can support different numbers of direct children during a multicast session. No explicit multicast trees are maintained on top of the overlay. The distributed execution of the algorithms naturally defines an implicit, roughly balanced, capacity-constrained multicast tree for each source node. We prove that the system can deliver a multicast message from any source to all nodes in expected O(logc n) hops, which is asymptotically optimal, where c is the average node capacity and n is the number of members in a multicast group.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of one-to-many, or multicast, communication in wormhole-routed,n-dimensional torus networks. The proposed methods are designed for systems that support intermediate reception, which permits multidestination messages to be pipelined through several nodes, depositing a copy at each node. A key issue in the design of such systems is the routing function, which must support both unicast and multicast traffic while preventing deadlock among messages. An efficient, deadlock-free routing function is developed and used as a basis for a family of multicast algorithms. TheS-torusmulticast algorithm uses a single multidestination message to perform an arbitrary multicast operation. TheM-torusalgorithm is a generalized multiphase multicast algorithm, in which a combination of multidestination messages is used to perform a multicast in one or more communication steps. Two specific instances of the M-torus algorithm, theMd-torusandMu-torusmulticast algorithms, are presented. These algorithms produce contention-free multicast operations and are deadlock-free under all combinations of network traffic. A simulation study compares the performance of the different multicast algorithms, and implementation issues are discussed. The results of this research are applicable to the design of architectures for both wormhole-routed massively parallel computers and high-speed local area networks with wormhole-routed switch fabrics.  相似文献   

刘莹  吴建平  刘三阳  唐厚俭 《软件学报》2002,13(6):1130-1134
在应用多播(multicast)时,有效的多播路由是关键.现有的多播路由算法一般假定每个节点都支持multicast,但在实际网络中,某些节点并不支持多播,而为了保证网络速度,需限制进行多播所要复制信息的数量.为此,采用度约束来表示每个节点的多播能力,提出了一种有度约束的分布式多播路由算法.算法的复杂度和所需传递信息的数量都低于已有的同类算法.  相似文献   

A theory for the design of deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for wormhole networks, proposed by the author (1991, 1993), supplies sufficient conditions for an adaptive routing algorithm to be deadlock-free, even when there are cyclic dependencies between channels. Also, two design methodologies were proposed. Multicast communication refers to the delivery of the same message from one source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. A tree-like routing scheme is not suitable for hardware-supported multicast in wormhole networks because it produces many headers for each message, drastically increasing the probability of a message being blocked. A path-based multicast routing model was proposed by Lin and Ni (1991) for multicomputers with 2D-mesh and hypercube topologies. In this model, messages are not replicated at intermediate nodes. This paper develops the theoretical background for the design of deadlock-free adaptive multicast routing algorithms. This theory is valid for wormhole networks using the path-based routing model. It is also valid when messages with a single destination and multiple destinations are mixed together. The new channel dependencies produced by messages with several destinations are studied. Also, two theorems are proposed, developing conditions to verify that an adaptive multicast routing algorithm is deadlock-free, even when there are cyclic dependencies between channels. As an example, the multicast routing algorithms of Lin and Ni are extended, so that they can take advantage of the alternative paths offered by the network  相似文献   

在文件共享、流媒体和协作计算等P2P应用模型中,节点间采用单播通信并构建出对应的覆盖网络.由于覆盖网络通常建立在已有的底层网络之上,节点随机加入系统将导致上下层网络拓扑不匹配,不仅增加了节点间通信延时而且给底层网络带来较大的带宽压力.当前的拓扑匹配算法尚存在可扩展性低、节点聚集时延长等问题.在网络坐标算法和DHT算法基础之上,提出一种分布式的拓扑感知节点聚集算法TANRA,利用等距同心圆簇对节点二维网络坐标平面进行等面积划分,并根据节点所处区域进行多层命名空间中区间的一一映射.由于保留了节点之间的邻近关系,从而可使用DHT基本的"发布"和"搜索"原语进行相邻节点聚集.仿真结果表明,TANRA算法在大规模节点数时能有效保证网络拓扑匹配,并且具有较低的加入延时.  相似文献   

Each single source multicast session (SSMS) transmits packets from a source node s i to a group of destination nodes t i , i=1,2,…,n. An SSMS’s path can be established with a routing algorithm, which constructs multicast path between source and destinations. Also, for each SSMS, the routing algorithm must be performed once. When the number of SSMS increases to N≥2, the routing algorithm must be separately performed N≥2 times because the number of source nodes increase to N≥2 (for each SSMS the routing algorithm must be performed once). This causes that time of computation and bandwidth consumption to grow. To remove this problem, in this paper, we will present a new approach for merging different SSMSs to make a new multicast session, which is performed only with one execution of a routing algorithm. The new approach, merging different sessions together, is based on the optimal resource allocation and Constraint Based Routing (CBR). We will show that as compared to other available routing algorithms, it improves time of computation and bandwidth consumption and increases data rate and network efficiency. The new approach uses CBR and merges more than one single source multicast session (SSMS) problem to one multisource multicast session (MSMS) problem. By solving one MSMS problem instead of solving more than one SSMS, we can obtain an optimal solution that is more efficient than optimal solutions of SSMS problems.  相似文献   

Fault-tolerant message routing mechanism is a key to the performance of reliable multicomputers. Multicast refers to the delivery of the same message from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. This paper presents two types of partially adaptive fault tolerant multicast algorithms. The Type A algorithm can deliver messages to all destinations through shortest paths if each fault-free node has at most one faulty neighbor. The Type B algorithm can deliver messages to all destinations if the total number of faulty links and faulty nodes is less than the dimension of the hypercube. The proposed algorithms have the following important features: they are distributed, they only require local information to determine the paths, and they need very little additional message overhead. The performance of the algorithms, measured by the traffic created by the communication, is very close to that in fault-free hypercubes.  相似文献   

Sensor networks are often used to perform monitoring tasks, such as animal and vehicle tracking, or the surveillance of enemy forces in military applications. In this paper we introduce the concept of proximity queries, which allow us to report interesting events, observed by nodes in the network that lie within a certain distance from each other. An event is triggered when a user-programmable predicate is satisfied on a sensor node. We study the problem of computing proximity queries in sensor networks and propose several alternative techniques that differ in the number of messages exchanged by the nodes and the quality of the returned answers. Our solutions utilize a distributed routing index, maintained by the nodes in the network, that is dynamically updated as new observations are obtained by the nodes. This distributed index allows us to efficiently process multiple proximity queries involving several different event types within a fraction of the cost that a straightforward evaluation requires. We present an extensive experimental study to show the benefits of our techniques under different scenarios using both synthetic and real data sets. Our results demonstrate that our algorithms scale better and require significantly fewer messages compared to a straightforward execution of the queries.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new protocol for reliable multicast in a multihop mobile radio network. The protocol is reliable, i.e., it guarantees message delivery to all multicast nodes even when the topology of the network changes during multicasting. The proposed protocol uses a core-based shared tree. The multicast tree may get fragmented due to node movements. The notion of a forwarding region is introduced which is used to glue together fragments of multicast trees. The gluing process involves flooding the forwarding region of only those nodes that witness topology change due to node mobility. Delivery of multicast messages to mobile nodes is expedited through (i) pushing the message by witness nodes in their forwarding regions and (ii) pulling messages by a mobile node during (re)joining process. Hence, the protocol conserves network bandwidth by using a combination of the push–pull approach and by restricting flooding only to the essential parts of the network that are affected by topology change.  We develop a theoretical model to compute the probability of packet loss (as a function of the mobility rate) for our proposed scheme compared to the the core-based tree protocol (CBT); we also evaluate the effectiveness of forwarding regions as compared to traditional flooding. Our analysis shows that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms CBT.  相似文献   

Delay tolerant networks (DTNs) experience frequent and long lasting network disconnection due to various reasons such as mobility, power management, and scheduling. One primary concern in DTNs is to route messages to keep the end-to-end delivery delay as low as possible. In this paper, we study the single-copy message routing problem and propose an optimal opportunistic routing strategy – Leapfrog Routing – for probabilistically contacted DTNs where nodes encounter or contact in some fixed probabilities. We deduce the iterative computation formulate of minimum expected opportunistic delivery delay from each node to the destination, and discover that under the optimal opportunistic routing strategy, messages would be delivered from high-delay node to low-delay node in the leapfrog manner. Rigorous theoretical analysis shows that such a routing strategy is exactly the optimal among all possible ones. Moreover, we apply the idea of Reverse Dijkstra algorithm to design an algorithm. When a destination is given, this algorithm can determine for each node the routing selection function under the Leapfrog Routing strategy. The computation overhead of this algorithm is only O(n 2) where n is the number of nodes in the network. In addition, through extensive simulations based on real DTN traces, we demonstrate that our algorithm can significantly outperform the previous ones.  相似文献   

Efficient routing of messages is a key to the performance of multicomputers. Multicast communication refers to the delivery of the same message from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. While multicast communication is highly demanded in many applications, most of the existing multicomputers do not directly support this service; rather it is indirectly supported by multiple one-to-one or broadcast communications, which result in more network traffic and a waste of system resources. The authors study routing evaluation criteria for multicast communication under different switching technologies. Multicast communication in multicomputers is formulated as a graph theoretical problem. Depending on the evaluation criteria and switching technologies, they study three optimal multicast communication problems, which are equivalent to the finding of the following three subgraphs: optimal multicast path, optimal multicast cycle, and minimal Steiner tree, where the interconnection of a multicomputer defines a host graph. They show that all these optimization problems are NP-complete for the popular 2D-mesh and hypercube host graphs. Heuristic multicast algorithms for these routing problems are proposed  相似文献   

An increasing number of distributed systems relies on forms of message correlation, which result in atomic delivery of multiple messages aggregated by following process-specific criteria. Generally, more than one process is aggregating messages, implying that messages are multicast. While delivery guarantees for multicast scenarios with single message delivery are well understood, existing systems and models for aggregated deliveries either consider only unicast, centralized setups, or focus on efficiency thus providing only best-effort guarantees. This paper investigates the foundations of Multi-Delivery Multicast (MDMcast) in asynchronous distributed systems with crash-stop failures. We first describe a succinct aggregation model with a concise and generic predicate grammar for expressing conjunctions on messages and properties for a corresponding multicast primitive, which we term Conjunction-MDMcast (C-MDMcast). We show that for processes interested in identical conjunctions to achieve agreement on delivered messages, a total order on individual messages (or equivalent oracle) is not only useful but necessary, which is clearly opposed to single-message deliveries. We show this indirectly by exhibiting an algorithm implementing C-MDMcast on top of Total Order Broadcast (TOBcast) and vice-versa for a majority of correct processes. Then, we extend our predicate grammar with disjunctions, leading to the specification of Disjunction-MDMcast (D-MDMcast). We exhibit an algorithm implementing D-MDMcast, derived from our algorithm implementing C-MDMcast. We formalize several additional properties for both of our specifications, including ordering properties on aggregated messages and a notion of agreement capturing non-identical yet “related” conjunctions, and show how our respective algorithms implement these.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(7):1451-1472
We present a platform for building a range-queriable system. A distinguishing characteristic of the platform is that objects are not bound to any particular node. Rather, they can be freely moved between neighboring nodes to balance load as long as some ordering between objects in different nodes is respected. Decoupling the link between nodes and objects allows the overlay network to be constructed independently of object placement, focusing only on its own concerns, e.g. proximity and balanced load in routing. The main focus then is to present several heuristics for proximity-aware node joining to reduce communication costs in the platform. These heuristics are based on a novel process called hierarchical neighborhood search, which utilizes the overlay links to provide incoming nodes an overview of the network topology, thereby to guide them to find their neighborhood in the overlay. The experimental results show that some of the heuristics are very effective; they can reduce as much as 80% of the communication costs for neighboring nodes, and 40% overall.  相似文献   

Structured peer-to-peer overlay networks, like distributed hash tables (DHTs), map data items to the network based on a consistent hashing function. Such mapping for data distribution has an inherent load balance problem. Data redistribution algorithms based on randomized matching of heavily loaded nodes with light ones can deal with the dynamics of DHTs. However, they are unable to consider the proximity of the nodes simultaneously. There are other methods that rely on auxiliary networks to facilitate locality-aware load redistribution. Due to the cost of network construction and maintenance, the locality-aware algorithms can hardly work for DHTs with churn. This paper presents a locality-aware randomized load-balancing algorithm to deal with both the proximity and network churn at the same time. We introduce a factor of randomness in the probing of lightly loaded nodes in a range of proximity. We further improve the efficiency by allowing the probing of multiple candidates (d-way) at a time. Simulation results show the superiority of the locality-aware two-way randomized algorithm in comparison with other random or locality-aware algorithms. In DHTs with churn, it performs no worse than the best chum-resilient algorithm. It takes advantage of node capacity heterogeneity and achieves good load balance effectively even in a skewed distribution of items  相似文献   

Two mobile agents having distinct identifiers and located in nodes of an unknown anonymous connected graph, have to meet at some node of the graph. We seek fast deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous problem, under two scenarios: simultaneous startup, when both agents start executing the algorithm at the same time, and arbitrary startup, when starting times of the agents are arbitrarily decided by an adversary. The measure of performance of a rendezvous algorithm is its cost: for a given initial location of agents in a graph, this is the number of steps since the startup of the later agent until rendezvous is achieved. We first show that rendezvous can be completed at cost O(n + log l) on any n-node tree, where l is the smaller of the two identifiers, even with arbitrary startup. This complexity of the cost cannot be improved for some trees, even with simultaneous startup. Efficient rendezvous in trees relies on fast network exploration and cannot be used when the graph contains cycles. We further study the simplest such network, i.e., the ring. We prove that, with simultaneous startup, optimal cost of rendezvous on any ring is Θ(D log l), where D is the initial distance between agents. We also establish bounds on rendezvous cost in rings with arbitrary startup. For arbitrary connected graphs, our main contribution is a deterministic rendezvous algorithm with cost polynomial in n, τ and log l, where τ is the difference between startup times of the agents. We also show a lower bound Ω (n2) on the cost of rendezvous in some family of graphs. If simultaneous startup is assumed, we construct a generic rendezvous algorithm, working for all connected graphs, which is optimal for the class of graphs of bounded degree, if the initial distance between agents is bounded.  相似文献   

Improving the Fault Resilience of Overlay Multicast for Media Streaming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A key technical challenge for overlay multicast is that the highly dynamic multicast members can make data delivery unreliable. In this paper, we address this issue in the context of live media streaming by exploring 1) how to construct a stable multicast tree that minimizes the negative impact of frequent member departures on an existing overlay and 2) how to efficiently recover from packet errors caused by end-system or network failures. For the first problem, we identify two layout schemes for the tree nodes, namely, the bandwidth-ordered tree and the time-ordered tree, which represent two typical approaches to improving tree reliability, and conduct a stochastic analysis on their properties regarding reliability and tree depth. Based on the findings, we propose a distributed reliability-oriented switching tree (ROST) algorithm that minimizes the failure correlation among tree nodes. Compared with some commonly used distributed algorithms, the ROST algorithm significantly improves tree reliability and reduces average service delay, while incurring only a small protocol overhead; furthermore, it features a mechanism that prevents cheating or malicious behaviors in the exchange of bandwidth/time information. For the second problem, we develop a simple cooperative error recovery (CER) protocol that helps recover from packet errors efficiently. Recognizing that a single recovery source is usually incapable of providing the timely delivery of the lost data, the protocol recovers from data outages using the residual bandwidths from multiple sources, which are identified using a minimum-loss-correlation algorithm. Extensive simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes  相似文献   

Multicast communication services, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes, are being provided in new-generation multicomputers. Broadcast is a special case of multicast in which a message is delivered to all nodes in the network. The nCUBE-2, a wormhole-routed hypercube multicomputer, provides hardware support for broadcast and a restricted form of multicast in which the destinations form a subcube. However, the broadcast routing algorithm adopted in the nCUBE-2 is not deadlock-free. In this paper, four multicast wormhole routing strategies for 2-D mesh multicomputers are proposed and studied. All of the algorithms are shown to be deadlock-free. These are the first deadlock-free multicast wormhole routing algorithms ever proposed. A simulation study has been conducted that compares the performance of these multicast algorithms under dynamic network traffic conditions in a 2-D mesh. The results indicate that a dual-path routing algorithm offers performance advantages over tree-based, multipath, and fixed-path algorithms  相似文献   

针对覆盖组播节点的动态特性,研究自组织覆盖网络带度和延时约束的组播动态路由问题,提出了动态覆盖组播路由算法AHMQ。组播树由目的节点驱动动态渐近形成,动态路由优化在通信过程中进行。协议是软状态的,仅要求节点维护局部状态信息,同时利用覆盖网络技术和无线媒质的广播能力,降低了网络负载,提高了重构能力。对算法进行了分析研究,通过实验验证了该算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of maximizing multicast throughput under a fairness constraint. Multiple server nodes wish to communicate to their intended set of client nodes over a shared network infrastructure. Our goal is to devise distributed algorithms to construct multicast sessions, one for each server node, such that (a) the network infrastructure is optimally utilized and (b) the network resources are fairly distributed between multicast sessions, i.e., no individual session claims more than a prescribed share of the network bandwidth resources. We are particularly interested in multi-tree multicast strategies in which every multicast session may contain many multicast trees. We show how the use of multiple trees increases network throughput and the load distribution in the network. We propose a class of round-robin algorithms that are based on successive selection of multicast trees for each multicast session, in a loosely cooperative, yet distributed fashion. Our best algorithm, the Cooperative Shortest Path Tree Packing (CSPTP) algorithm, performs well in a variety of scenarios, ranging from very sparse to dense applications. Through extensive simulations on random networks, we compare the performance of our algorithms with those commonly used in IP-multicast as well as theoretical upper bounds derived from network coding formulations. We show that the CSPTP can improve the throughput, and often achieves about 90% of the theoretical upper bound.  相似文献   

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