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Ammonia loss from urea applied to dry-seeded rice, determined using a micrometeorological technique, varied considerably depending on the time of application. Ammonia volatilization was negligible, before and after flooding, when urea was applied to the dry soil surface two days before permanent flood. Before flooding, the urea prills remained undissolved and urea hydrolysis could not proceed. Thus there was no source of fertilizerderived ammonia for volatilization to occur. Upon flooding, the urea prills were washed into cracks in the soil which subsequently closed. Therefore the movement of soluble nitrogen into the floodwater was prevented, and again there was no ammonia source for the volatilization process.When urea was broadcast into the floodwater a few days after permanent flood, ammonia losses were high and varied from 11–21% of the nitrogen applied. These losses were associated with high floodwater pHs and high wind speeds near the water surface.However, when urea was applied into the floodwater at panicle initiation, ammonia losses were low (3–8% of the applied nitrogen). At this stage of growth the plant canopy shaded the floodwater, inhibiting algal photosynthesis and consequent pH elevation, thus resulting in low ammonia gas concentrations at the floodwater surface. In addition, the plant canopy restricted air movement at the water surface, thereby reducing ammonia transport away from the air-water interface.These findings provide basic information required for improving current fertilizer management practices.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in Central Thailand under a rice–fallow–rice cropping sequence during consecutive dry and wet seasons of 1998 to determine the impact of residue management on fertilizer nitrogen (N) use. Treatments consisted of a combination of broadcast urea (70 kg N ha–1) with rice straw (C/N 67) and rice hull ash (C/N 76), which were incorporated into the puddled soil 1 week before transplanting at a rate of 5 Mg ha–1. Nitrogen-15 balance data showed that the dry season rice recovered 10 to 20% of fertilizer N at maturity. Of the applied N, 27 to 36% remained in the soil. Loss of N (unaccounted for) from the soil–plant system ranged from 47 to 54% of applied N. The availability of the residue fertilizer N to a subsequent rice crop was only less than 3% of the initial applied N. During both season fallows NO3-N remained the dominant form of mineral-N (NO3+NH4) in the aerobic soil. In the dry season grain yield response to N application was significant (P=0.05). Organic material sources did not significantly change grain yield and N accumulation in rice. In terms of grain yields and N uptake at maturity, there was no significant residual effect of fertilizer N on the subsequent rice crop. The combined use of organic residues with urea did not improve N use efficiency, reduced N losses nor produced higher yields compared to urea alone. These results suggested that mechanisms such as N loss through gaseous N emissions may account for the low fertilizer N use efficiency from this rice cropping system. Splitting fertilizer N application should be considered on the fertilizer N use from the organic residue amendment.  相似文献   

Rice is a very responsive crop to nitrogen, but the efficiency of the N-fertilizer is low. Greenhouse experiment has been conducted to evaluate several methods to improve fertilizer efficiency and reduce N-losses in rice fields. N-15 labelled urea was applied to 10 kg soils in pots, urea was applied alone, addition of two urease inhibitors N-(n-butyle) thiosphosphoric triamide (NBPT) and hydroquinone (HQ), with addition of nitrification inhibitor Dicyandimide (DCD), or with the combination of both inhibitors. The fertilizer was applied either broadcast on soil surface or at depth of 8 cm below the surface. At maturity, plants were separated into grain and straw, dried and weighted. Soil and plant samples were analyzed for total N and N-15 excess. Both fertilizer placement and inhibitor application significantly increased straw and grain yield, as well as N- uptake. Nitrogen derived from fertilizer (% Ndff) was more than doubled, when urea was applied deep and in combination with inhibitors. Total plant recovery of N-15 labelled urea ranged from 17% to 75% according to treatment. Regardless of inhibitors application, plant recovery was increased from 39% to 65% when urea was applied at depth of 8 cm. Approximately, 2/3 of the applied urea (64%) was lost, when urea was applied alone. Those losses were reduced down to 12% with deep placement and inhibitor application. The two management practices show significant effect on minimizing N-losses and increasing plant recovery.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 1988–1989 at two adjacent sites on an acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquept) in Thailand to determine the influence of urea fertilization practices on lowland rice yield and N use efficiency. Almost all the unhydrolyzed urea completely disappeared from the floodwater within 8 to 10 d following urea application. A maximum partial pressure of ammonia (pNH3) value of 0.14 Pa and an elevation in floodwater pH to about 7.5 following urea application suggest that appreciable loss of NH3 could occur from this soil if wind speeds were favorable. Grain yields and N uptake were significantly increased with applied N over the control and affected by urea fertilization practices (4.7–5.7 Mg ha–1 in dry season and 3.0–4.1 Mg ha–1 in wet season). In terms of both grain yield and N uptake, incorporation treatments of urea as well as urea broadcasting onto drained soil followed by flooding 2 d later were more effective than the treatments in which the same fertilizer was broadcast directly into the floodwater either shortly or 10 d after transplanting (DT). The15N balance studies conducted in the wet season showed that N losses could be reduced to 31% of applied N by broadcasting of urea onto drained soil and flooding 2 d later compared with 52% loss by broadcasting of urea into floodwater at 10 DT. Gaseous N loss via NH3 volatilization was probably responsible for the poor efficiency of broadcast urea in this study.  相似文献   

Poor N fertilizer use efficiency by flooded rice is caused by gaseous losses of N. Improved fertilizer management and use of nitrification inhibitors may reduce N losses. A microplot study using15N-labelled urea was conducted to investigate the effects of fertilizer application method (urea broadcast, incorporated, deep-placed) and nitrification inhibitor [encapsulated calcium carbide (ECC)] treatments on emission of N2+N20 and total loss of applied N on a grey clay near Griffith, NSW, Australia. Both incorporation and deep placement of urea decreased N2+N2O emission compared to urea broadcast into the floodwater. Addition of ECC significantly (P < 0.05) reduced emission of N2+N20 from incorporated or deep-placed urea and resulted in increased exchangeable ammonium concentrations in the soil in both treatments. Fifty percent of the applied N was lost when urea was broadcast into the floodwater. Total N loss from the applied N was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced when urea was either incorporated or deep placed. In the presence of ECC the losses were reduced further and the lowest loss (34.2% of the applied N) was noted when urea was deep-placed with ECC.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to study the balance sheet of15N labelled urea at three rates (zero, 31.48 and 62.97 mmol N pot–1) applied to rice under flooded conditions with two moisture regimes (continuous and alternate flooding) using three Australian vertisols differing in organic carbon level. Walkley-Black organic carbon values for the three soils were 0.65, 2.13 and 3.76 for the low carbon (LC), medium carbon (MC) and high carbon (HC) soils respectively.Rice dry weight and nitrogen uptake was significantly affected by N fertilizer rates, water regimes and soils. Alternate flooding gave much lower dry weight and nitrogen uptake than continuous flooding and the LC soil gave lower dry weight and nitrogen uptake than for the MC and HC soils.Recovery of15N labelled urea fertilizer in the rice plant was low (15.4 to 38.4%) and the15N urea not accounted for in the plant or soil and presumed lost was high (36.2 to 76.0%). Recovery was lower and loss higher under alternate flooding and for the LC soil. There was no effect of fertilizer rate. The results obtained stress the need for careful management to reduce losses of nitrogen fertilizer, particularly for soils low in organic carbon.  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficiency of applied N, P, and K fertilizers under tropical conditions. To meet their food demands, tropical countries are importing large quantities of fertilizers at an enormous cost. There is a need for improving crop yields at a reduced cost and a better understanding of the factors that contribute to the overall efficiency of applied fertilizers. It is estimated that under tropical condition, the efficiency of applied N is less than 50%, less than 10% for P and for K it is somewhere around 40%. Losses of N are mainly due to leaching, runoff and volatile losses of ammonia. Under flooding and in alternate wetting and drying conditions of rice lands and low lands, dentrification and volatile ammonia losses are considerable. The N losses from these soil could be minimized by proper management such as rate, methods and time of application. The coating of urea with S has shown some improvement in increasing efficiency. Nitrification and urea hydrolysis inhibitors can improve fertilizer efficiency in certain situations provided they are properly used. The efficiencies of these inhibitors depend on the nature of the chemical compounds, soil properties, and method of application. Low efficiency of applied P fertilizer is mainly due to retention of P by soil clay fractions and iron and aluminum hydroxides. Even though retained P is not available to the first crop, it is made available to a certain extent to the succeeding crops. The rate and methods of P applications and forms of P determine the efficiency of applied P fertilizers. The use of native rock phosphate along with P fertilizers on acid soils appears to be an attractive alternative in reducing the fertilizer cost. The loss of K in tropical soils is largely attributed to leaching and runoff. To reduce K loss by leaching, it is more advisible to apply K in split doses than a single dose. Liming has a beneficial effect in retention of K and reducing P fixation in acid soils.Senior author formerly was a Research Advisor to EMBRAPA/IICA/World Bank program at National Corn and Sorghum Research Center, Sete Lagos, MG, Brazil.  相似文献   

Efficient and flexible management of nitrogen for rainfed lowland rice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting nutrient in the rainfed lowland rice soils of Laos. Indigenous N supply of these soils was low, ranging from 12 to 64 kg N/ha and was correlated with soil organic matter content. Resource-poor farmers and erratic rainfall are characteristic features of Lao rainfed lowland rice systems. Such climatic and economic factors influence farmers' ability to apply N at the recommended time and therefore efficient and flexible recommendations are required. Research on N management focused on the timing of N applications. Splitting the N recommendation into three equal splits at transplanting, active tillering and panicle initiation increased yields by 12% compared to a single application at transplanting. Agronomic efficiency (AE = kg increase in grain yield/kg N applied) was further increased by 9 kg/kg N if a higher proportion of the N was applied during active tillering and panicle initiation when crop N demand is high. Under conditions of suboptimal N supply, the first N application can be applied from transplanting to 30 d after transplanting without lowering grain yield or AE (for medium duration varieties transplanted 1 month after sowing). The last N application can be made between two weeks before to one week after panicle initiation without lowering yield. These findings provide the basis for an efficient (AE of 20 to 25 kg/kg N) and flexible N management strategy for Lao rainfed lowland rice under conditions of suboptimal N supply.  相似文献   

Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in rice is low due to the inefficient management of fertilizer N by farmers. We evaluated a leaf color chart (LCC) as a simple tool for improving the time and rate of N fertilizer use in farmers’ fields for 4 years (2000–2003) in irrigated rice in northwestern India. Application of N fertilizer whenever leaf greenness was less than shade 4 on the LCC (the critical LCC value) produced rice grain yields on a par with blanket recommendation of applying 120 kg N ha−1 in three equal splits in different years, but it resulted in an average saving of 26% fertilizer N across villages and seasons. In most situations, there was no significant advantage of applying 20 kg N ha−1 as basal N at transplanting on grain yield and NUE of rice compared with no basal N. Use efficiencies of fertilizer N were higher when N was applied using LCC with a critical value of 4 than the recommended practice of applying 120 kg N ha−1 in three equal split doses on all sites and in all years. The LCC with a critical value of 4 for real-time N management can be efficiently used to increase NUE in all types of inbred rice cultivars presently popular with the farmers of the Indian Punjab. The LCC is a cheap and easy-to-use tool that allows real-time N management by farmers on a large area leading to improved fertilizer N use efficiency, and reduced risks associated with fertilizer N application.  相似文献   

Nitrogen transformations in wetland rice ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In Asia, rice production has increased an average 2.7% annually - due to greater fertilizer use and crop intensification together with varietal improvement and investment in irrigation facilities. Nitrogen efficiency in tropical rice is low.15N recovery rarely exceeds 30–40% in wetland rice production systems. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization and denitrification are recognized as major nitrogen loss mechanisms in such systems. Information on the relative importance of the two loss processes is available for few sites in Asia. The greatest losses of N are reported to occur when the fertilizer treatment leads to a high concentration of ammoniacal N in the floodwater. Results from the studies using micrometereological technique suggest that ammonia volatilization may be the most important loss process in wetland rice ecosystems. Directly measuring denitrification in the field proved more difficult than measuring NH3 volatilization due to difficulty in distinguishing the main end product of denitrification (N2) against a large background of atmospheric N2. However, the directly measured (N2 + N2O) -15N flux for rice in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines rice fields was less than 1% of the applied N. Green manure incorporation in wetland rice fields reduced N losses from mineral N source due to resulting lower floodwater pH and lower partial pressure of NH3 (pNH3) than that of urea applied alone. At present, the integrated use of green manure and mineral N is receiving much attention in the hope of meeting farmers' desire to reduce cost of production as well as ecological considerations such as increased methane production which contribute to global climate change. Other promising alternative practices for increasing fertilizer N efficiency include improved timing and application methods, particularly through better incorporation of basal N fertilizer without standing water, deep placement, and use of coated fertilizers.  相似文献   

In the southern U.S. rice belt it is recommended that rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in the dry-seeded, delayed flood cultural system have the preflood N fertilizer applied and the field flooded at the fourth to fifth leaf stage of plant development. The objective of this field study was to determine if delaying the flood and preflood N application past the fifth leaf stage was detrimental to rice total N and fertilizer15N uptake, total dry matter, and grain yield. This study was conducted on a Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaqualfs) and a Perry clay (Vertic Haplaquepts). The preflood N fertilizer and flood were delayed 0, 7, 14, or 21 d past the fourth to fifth leaf stage, after which time a permanent flood was established and maintained until maturity. All treatments received 20.5 g N m–2 as15N-labeled urea in three topdress applications. All plant and soil samples were taken at maturity. Harvest index increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed past the 4 to 5 leaf stage. Total N in the grain + straw either decreased or showed a decreasing trend as the N and flood were delayed. Similarly, uptake of native soil N decreased as flood was delayed. Conversely, percent recovery of fertilizer N in the rice plant and the plant-soil system increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed. Rice grain yield was not significantly affected by delaying the preflood N and flood up to 21 d.Received....... . Published with permission of the Director of the Arkansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Project ARK01386. Supported in part by the Tennessee Valley Authority National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center and the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to assess the effect of rate and time of N application on yield and N uptake of wetland rice grown on a Rangsit acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts). Response of rice at N rates of 800, 1600 and 2400 mg N/pot (5 kg of soil) was compared between urea and ammonium sulfate when applied at two times: (i) full-rate basal at transplanting and (ii) one half at transplanting and one half at the PI stage. In addition, labelled15N sources were applied either at transplanting or at the PI stage to determine the nitrogen balance sheet in the soil/plant system.No significant difference in grain and straw yields between urea and ammonium sulfate at low rate was observed. At the higher N rates, urea produced higher yields than did ammonium sulfate regardless of timing. The highest yields were obtained when urea at the high N rate was applied either in a single dose or a split dose while lowest yields were observed particularly when ammonium sulfate at the same rate was applied. Split application of N fertilizer was shown to be no better than a single basal application. The occurrence of nutritional disorder, a symptom likely reflected by high concentration of Fe (II) in combination with soluble Al, was induced with high rate of ammonium sulfate.In terms of fertilizer N recovery by using15N-labelling, ammonium sulfate was more efficient than urea when both were applied at transplanting. In contrast, application at the PI stage resulted in higher utilization of urea than of ammonium sulfate. The recovery of labelled N in the soil was higher with urea than with ammonium sulfate when the two sources were applied at transplanting, while the opposite result was obtained when the same fertilizers were applied at the PI stage. The losses from urea and ammonium sulfate were not different when these fertilizers were applied at transplanting but loss from urea was higher than that from ammonium sulfate when both were applied at the PI stage.  相似文献   

The recovery of applied nitrogen by rice is low due to several loss processes operating in the ricefields. Split application of fertilizer suggested for increasing nitrogen-use efficiency is often not practical in rainfed lowland rice due to adverse soil–water situations. Hence, the entire required amount of N has to be applied in one single application when the water regime is favorable. A single broadcast application, however, increases N loss. Deep placement of urea supergranules (USG) has been proven to improve N fertilizer efficiency. The placement technology is best suited to conditions where the predominant N loss mechanism is ammonia volatilization rather than leaching or denitrification. Deep placement of USG thus has greater benefit over surface split application on soils with moderate to heavy texture, low permeability and percolation rate, and high cation exchange capacity and pH. Environments and management factors conducive to high ammonia volatilization potential would benefit most from deep-placement technology. Improved N recovery and efficiency of USG has been well-documented for lowland rice, but its market availability and methods to achieve placement pose problems. The technology has very limited adoption because USG is not commercially available or manufactured in most countries, and labor requirement is high with hand placement. Manual application creates more difficulties in handling the granules, besides taking 36–42 more hours per hectare, than 2 split broadcast applications of prilled urea. Applicators developed so far have not worked satisfactorily under standing water conditions and in direct-seeded rice conditions due to hardness of the soil. Hence, it is necessary to develop a suitable applicator to overcome these difficulties. Alternatively, for direct-seeded rice, N-fertilizers can be subsoil-banded near seedrows. The placement technology, if adopted by the farmers of the potential lowland areas in eastern India, is expected to give an additional production of 5.6 million tons of rice.  相似文献   

Green manuring of rice with dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) is widely practised under irrigated puddle-transplanted conditions. In flood-prone lowlands, the rice is established through direct seeding early in the season and flooding occurs after 1–2 months of crop growth following regular rains. The low yields are due to poor crop stands and difficulty in nitrogen management under higher depths of water. The effect of green manuring with dhaincha intercropped with direct-seeded rice vis-à-vis the conventional practice of incorporating pure dhaincha before transplanting was investigated under flood-prone lowland conditions (up to 50–80 cm water depth) at Cuttack, India. Treatment variables studied in different years (1992, 1994 and 1995) were: rice varieties of different plant heights, crop establishment through direct seeding and transplanting, varying length of periods before dhaincha incorporation, and urea N fertilizer levels. Dhaincha accumulated 80–86 kg N ha-1 in pure stand and 58–79 kg N ha-1 when intercropped with direct-seeded rice in alternate rows at 50 days of growth. The growth of rice improved after dhaincha was uprooted manually and buried in situ between the rice rows when water depth was 10–20 cm in the field. The panicle number was lower but the panicle weight was higher with dhaincha green manuring than with recommended level of 40 kg N ha-1 applied as urea. The grain yield was significantly higher with direct seeding than with transplanting due to high water levels (>60 cm) immediately after transplanting. Dhaincha manuring was at par with 40 kg N ha-1 as urea in increasing the yield of direct-seeded and transplanted crops. The highest yield of direct-seeded crop was obtained when 20 kg N ha-1 was applied at sowing and dhaincha was incorporated at 50 days of growth. The results indicate that green manuring of direct-seeded rice with intercropped dhaincha is beneficial for substituting urea fertilizer up to 40 kg N ha-1 and augmenting crop productivity under flood-prone lowland conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is a key input in increasing rice production in East, South, and Southeast Asia. The introduction of high-yielding varieties has greatly increased the prospect of increasing yields, but this goal will not be reached without great increases in the use and efficiency of N on rice. Nitrogen enters a unique environment in flooded soils, in which losses of fertilizer N and mechanisms of losses vary greatly from those in upland situations. Whereas upland crops frequently use 40–60% of the applied N, flooded rice crops typically use only 20–40%. There is a great potential for increasing the efficiency of N uptake on this very responsive crop to help alleviate food deficits in the developing world.This article reviews current use of N fertilizers (particularly urea) on rice, the problems associated with rice fertilization, and recent research results that aid understanding of problems associated with N fertilization of rice and possible avenues to increase the efficiency of N use by rice.  相似文献   

N-use efficiency in flooded tropical rice is usually low. Fertilizer N losses result mainly from losses of volatile NH3 after broadcast application of urea into floodwater between transplanting and early tillering which is a common practice of farmers. Losses appear predominantly during the first week after urea application. With broadcast and incorporation of N into soil at transplanting losses may be reduced but are still substantial. Deep placement of urea supergranules (USG) has not been adopted by farmers because it is very laborious. A new application technique, namely injection of dissolved urea into the upper soil layer, was developed by which fertilizer N losses were effectively minimized while at the same time allowing flexible timing of application independent of crop stage and water management. It provides N-use efficiency equal to that achieved by USG point placement but is less labor-intensive.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted in a rice–fallow–rice cropping sequence during consecutive dry and wet seasons of 1997 on a Fluvic Tropaquept to determine the fate and efficiency of broadcast urea in combination with three residue management practices (no residue, burned residue and untreated rice crop residue). Ammonia volatilization losses from urea (70 kg N ha–1) broadcast into floodwater shortly after transplanting for 11 d were 7, 12 and 8% of the applied N from no residue, burned residue and residue treated plots, respectively. During that time, the cumulative percent of N2 + N2O emission due to urea addition corresponded to 10, 4.3 and nil, respectively. The 15N balance study showed that at maturity of the dry season crop, fertilizer N recovery by the grain was low, only 9 to 11% of the N applied. Fifty to 53% of the applied 15N remained in the soil after rice harvest, mainly in the upper 0–5 cm layer. The unaccounted for 15N ranged from 27 to 33% of the applied N and was unaffected by residue treatments. Only 4 to 5% of the initial 15N-labeled urea applied to the dry season rice crop was taken up by the succeeding rice crop, to which no additional N fertilizer was applied. Grain yield and N uptake were significantly increased (P=0.05) by N application in the dry season, but not significantly affected by residue treatments in either season.  相似文献   

Recent developments on the use of urease inhibitors in the tropics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urea has become the most widely used form of N fertilizer in the world, particularly in the tropics. Its efficiency, however, is decreased by losses of N through ammonia volatilization when the urea is not incorporated into the soil. High temperatures and high biological activity at the soil surface promote rapid hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and carbonate species by the soil enzyme urease, leading to large ammonia losses. These conditions have generated interest in materials that can inhibit the urease enzyme, slowing urea hydrolysis and allowing the urea to move away from the soil surface to where it is not as susceptible to ammonia loss. The phosphoryl di- and triamides, which are structural analogs of urea, meet the requirements for effective soil urease inhibition to varying degrees depending on the conditions of their use. Until the discovery of these compounds, there was little hope that urease inhibition could be achieved either economically or in an environmentally acceptable way. Included in this group is N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBTPT), which is that most widely tested proinhibitor or precursor of the actual inhibitor N-(n-butyl) phosphoric triamide. Recent research in tropical rice systems indicates that urease inhibitors such as N-(n-butyl) phosphoric triamide and cyclohexylphosphoric triamide can play an important role in increasing urea efficiency. In some experiments where urease inhibition was only partially successful, better results were obtained when the phosphoroamides were used in conjunction with an algicide, to restrict ammonia loss, and nitrification inhibitors, to reduce loss of N by denitrification. Further research on tropical soils in different environments is required to determine the most suitable combination of inhibitors to reduce N loss and increase the efficiency of fertilizer N use.  相似文献   

Nitrapyrin [2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine] has been shown to delay nitrification and may increase nitrogen (N) utilization efficiency of crops under N loss conditions. Current application recommendations suggest immediate incorporation. With fertilizer N sources such as urea and urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution, immediate incorporation may not be practical. Experiments were conducted with irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) over 3 years to determine if nitrification inhibitor (NI) incorporation and contact with the fertilizer source was essential with urea and UAN to maintain efficacy of nitrapyrin and etridiazol [5-ethoxy-3-(trichloromethyl)-1,2,4-thiadiazole]. Nitrogen at a rate of 134 kg ha–1 was broadcast on a Hubbard loamy coarse sand (sandy, mixed Udorthentic Haploboroll) before planting. Nitrification inhibitors were applied at 0.56 kg ha–1 either as coating on urea, mixed with UAN, or applied in a broadcast application separate from the application of the N fertilizer. Incorporation was conducted immediately after NI application. Leaching losses, reduced N availability each year of experimentation. Nitrogen uptake from urea with no NI applied was 26% higher than uptake from UAN and resulted in 11% higher grain yields. Volatilization of urea from either N source was not apparent. Nitrapyrin and etridiazol produced similar increases in N utilization and yield. Incorporation of nitrapyrin and etridiazol was essential to obtain efficacy with both fertilizer sources. Incorporation of both NIs (averaged over NI) increased grain yields 28% with urea and 16% with UAN. Separate applications of NI provided comparable results to application with the fertilizer material if the NI was incorporated immediately.Journal Paper No. 16074 Univ. of Minnesota Agric. Expt. Sta., St. Paul, MN 55108. Contribution from the Department of Soil Science. This work was supported in part by Dow Chemical U.S.A. and the Olin Corp.  相似文献   

Alternative N fertilizer management practices are needed to increase productivity and N use efficiency in lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.). In 1986 dry season, a field study using15N-labeled urea evaluated the effect of time and method of fertilizer N application on grain yield and N use efficiency. Conventional fertilizer application was compared with band placement of liquid urea and point placement of urea supergranules (USG). Grain yields were significantly higher with either band or point placement than with broadcast and incorporation or surface application. Partial pressure of NH3 (NH3) was significantly reduced when N was deep-placed.15N balance data show that fertilizer N applied basally and incorporated gave a total15N recovery of 52% and crop (grain + straw) recovery of 30%. Band placement of liquid urea N resulted in 82–90% total and 57–65% crop15N recovery. USG point placement gave 94% total and 70% crop15N recovery. Deep placement of second N application gave only slightly higher (98%)15N recovery compared with broadcast application (89%).  相似文献   

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