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为研究非共沸混合工质在螺旋折流板换热器(HBHX)中的传热机理和热力参数对冷凝传热系数的影响,建立HBHX冷凝分布参数模型(DPM),并进行乙烯、丙烷和异戊烷混合工质冷凝实验,利用实验结果验证模型的正确性。结果表明:冷凝过程中混合工质沿程分别经历剪切力控制区、过渡区和重力控制区,受气相热阻和液相热阻共同影响,冷凝传热系数随干度的减小先增大后减小,在干度0.72处达到最小值;质量流速对冷凝传热系数的影响在剪切力控制区和过渡区大于重力控制区;随混合工质轻组分的增加在剪切力控制区和过渡区冷凝传热系数减小,在重力控制区冷凝传热系数增加。  相似文献   

采用计算流体力学(CFD)软件,在流体体积(VOF)模型中引入Boussinesq近似模型,以水为工质对不同加热功率下的重力热管进行了数值模拟,将实验、理论与数值结果三者结合对其内部流动与传热过程进行了分析.结果表明:CFD模拟得到的壁温与实验壁温吻合较好,可以用CFD可视化定性分析加热功率对重力热管传热特性的影响;在10~80 W范围内,随着加热功率的增大,蒸发段对流传热系数先增大后减小,冷凝段对流传热系数一直增大;当加热功率超过一定值时,蒸发段传热性能恶化,CFD可视化结果显示液池干涸,达到传热极限.  相似文献   

通过对纯钛(TA2)表面改性获得不同静态接触角的冷凝表面,并对水蒸气在各试样表面的传热特性进行了可视化实验研究。实验结果表明,蒸汽在原始表面为液滴和沟流状液膜共存的混合冷凝,在氢氟酸刻蚀表面为膜状冷凝,传热性能降低为原始表面的30%以下,而在双氧水氧化表面及氢氟酸刻蚀后再双氧水氧化表面则为明显的滴状冷凝,相应传热性能也有明显提高,约为原始表面的1.3~1.6倍,且经两步处理表面强化冷凝效果更为明显。通过对试样表面显微形貌的观察和分析指出,冷凝表面微观形貌的改变是导致各试样表面静态接触角和冷凝形貌存在差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

为了探究制冷剂在多孔铝扁管内的冷凝传热特性,采用实验方法对 R410A在多孔铝扁管内的冷凝传热和压降特性进行了研究。冷凝温度分别为47、40和30℃,单位截面质量流率在200~600kg/(m2·s)。给出了实验 测 试 结 果,并 采 用 公 开 发 表 的 学 术 文 献 中 的 模 型 与 这 些 实 验 测 试 结 果 进 行 了 对 比。 Müller-Steinhagen和 Heck模型预测压降的精度最高,它预测93.3%测试点的偏差在±20%之内,预测100%测试点的偏差在±30%之内。Koyama等模型预 测 传 热 系 数 的 精 度 最 高,它 预 测 93.3%测 试 点 的 偏 差 在 ±10%之内,预测100%测试点的偏差在±20%之内。  相似文献   

通过对水平管外双组分(TFE/NMP为三氟乙醇/氮甲基吡咯烷酮)部分膜状冷凝过程特点的分析,建立起部分膜状冷凝过程中热质传递过程的物理模型。以双膜理论为基础,利用部分膜状冷凝的特点,通过对界面传质、液膜内质量平衡、界面相平衡、界面能量平衡和汽膜截面能量平衡的分析计算,得到汽相温度和界面温度分布、汽相及液相NMP质量分数分布,由此进一步计算出冷凝膜厚分布、液膜传热系数分布和热流密度的分布。计算的热流密度与相关实验作了比较,发现与实验能较好的吻合。  相似文献   

空冷凝汽器椭圆翅片椭圆管束外空气的流动与传热特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究空冷凝汽器椭圆翅片椭圆管管束外空气的流动与传热特性,对火电站空冷岛的设计与运行具有重要意义.通过CFD模拟,获得了椭圆翅片椭圆管管束外冷却空气的流场和温度场,计算得到了空冷凝汽器冷却空气对流换热平均Nu和摩擦系数f随Re的变化规律,并采用最小二乘法拟合得到了相应的关联式.结果表明:随冷却空气流动Re的增大,Nu增大,f减小.  相似文献   

对一种非规则截面的航空散热板轴向槽道热管,分别建立了基于SINDA软件HEATPIPE算法的一维模型和基于QFLOW算法的二维模型,比较了两种传热模型和算法下热管的暂态和稳态传热特性。结果表明,两种模型对热管平均工作温度的计算结果吻合较好,由于一维模型没有考虑热管壳体的周向传热以及热管的结构对边界条件施加的影响,最大传热能力的计算结果小于二维模型。一维模型适于对航空热管进行系统级的初步热设计,二维模型适于对非规则截面热管的定量传热分析。  相似文献   

讨论了地源热泵的地热换热器的三种传热模型,给出了各自的解析式,并进行了比较,指明了各自的适用范围与条件,指出准三维模型能够提供更准确的数据。  相似文献   

为了寻找适宜的表面处理技术制备能长期地维持滴状冷凝传热型态 ,实验研究了垂直黄铜管外类金刚石和含氟有机薄膜水蒸气常压下冷凝传热特性。两种表面均能促进水蒸气的滴状冷凝型态 ,但类金刚石表面上液滴形状较扁 ,脱落频率不高 ,而有机膜表面的液滴形状、大小以及脱落频率均优于类金刚石表面。在管内冷却水雷诺数为 1 .0× 1 0 4~ 2 .0× 1 0 5时 ,类金刚石和含氟有机薄膜表面的热流密度和冷凝传热系数分别为 4 85~ 80 7k W/ m2 和 1 8~ 2 3k W/ ( m2 · K)、1 71~ 330 k W/ m2 和 4 .8~ 7.2 k W/ ( m2 · K)。含氟有机薄膜表面表现了优良的涂层结合强度 ,寿命实验已经持续了近 1 0个月。  相似文献   

研究了浸没在过冷水中的超音速蒸汽射流的形状及其直接接触冷凝传热特性.给出了基于射流出口压力、质量流密度和池水温度的三维识别图与查表识别法2种判断蒸汽射流形状的方法.通过理论分析得到了基于马赫数Ma和雅克比数Ja的蒸汽射流无量纲穿透长度、最大膨胀比以及新的传热关系式,并对相关文献的实验数据进行了拟合与对比验证.结果表明:传热关系式计算值与实验数据拟合结果吻合较好,蒸汽射流无量纲穿透长度计算值与实验数据的误差约为±25%,最大膨胀比误差在±12%;通过蒸汽射流形状判断,选择与其对应的形状与传热关系式,可完成超音速蒸汽射流在过冷水中直接接触冷凝的传热计算.  相似文献   

邵飞 《热科学与技术》2017,16(6):470-477
珠状凝结与膜状凝结相比是一种高效的、有相变的换热方式,得到了广泛关注。介绍了关于珠状凝结换热在实验和理论模型方面的研究状况,并进行了对比。并且考虑了接触角、促进层以及裸露表面强制对流换热的影响,建立了新的计算珠状凝结换热特性的模型,新模型可以计算不同工况下的不同换热结果。将新模型的计算结果与实验数据进行对比,发现二者较为吻合。为进一步研究珠状凝结换热提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Considering the liquid transverse suction effect at the porous layer interface, a mathematical model was presented to investigate the influence of the porous layer characteristic parameters on condensation heat transfer. The results revealed that the enhancement ratio increased with the increase of the porous layer thickness and permeability. The effective thermal conductivity of the porous layer was, however, of little significance for condensation heat transfer enhancement. Also, the enhancement mechanism was analyzed by comparing the thermal resistances within the external condensate film and the porous layer. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 31(7): 568–577, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10058  相似文献   

The theoretical analysis of filmwise condensation outside a finite-size horizontal flat surface embedded in a porous medium filled with a dry saturated vapor has been solved by a boundary layer treatment. The Newton-Raphson scheme was employed to solve the finite-size horizontal flat plate in porous medium. Results turns out that the average Nusselt number for condensation heat transfer is expressed in terms of Darcy number, Jakob number, film liquid Prandtl number, Darcy-modified Rayleigh number and the parameter of suction, as well as are given for the condensate layer thickness profiles.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fractal model for dropwise condensation heat transfer is developed based on the fractal characteristics of drop size distributions on condensing surfaces. Expressions for the fractal dimension and area fraction of drop sizes are derived, which are shown to be a function of temperature difference between condensing surface and saturated vapor. The condensation heat transfer is found to be a function of the fractal dimension for drop sizes, maximum and minimum drop radii, the temperature difference, and physical properties of fluid. The predicted total heat flux from a condensing surface based on the present fractal model is compared with existing experimental data. Good agreement between the model predictions and experimental data is found, which verifies the validity of the present model.  相似文献   

基于Nusselt凝结传热理论,沿肋片管圆周方向划分有限个微元角,建立了每个微元角内肋侧壁、肋间基管及肋顶三个区域的凝结传热模型,通过求解非淹没区和淹没区总传热量,推导管外平均传热系数计算式。计算不同肋片高度、肋密度时,R134a饱和蒸汽的管外平均凝结传热系数。结果表明:随肋密度的增加,平均传热系数先增大后减小,肋密度为25fpi时传热最佳;高肋片管的平均凝结传热系数大于低肋片管的,肋片高度达到一定值时,平均传热系数几乎不随肋高增加而增加。当R134a饱和蒸汽为20℃时,两种不同翅片密度的管外平均凝结传热系数随温差的增大而减小,并通过所建模型得到的计算值与Beatty-Kate模型进行了比较,平均误差分别为约16.1%和8.3%,故所建模型基本反映肋片管外蒸汽凝结传热机理。  相似文献   

The heat transfer model of stable dropwise condensation for saturated vapor on a horizontal tube is developed based on previous theoretical models. Through a comprehensive analysis of all the contributing thermal resistances, the convection effect inside the droplet itself is taken into consideration in the model. For the stable dropwise condensation process in dynamic conservation, a method of double integration of heat flux through numerous inclined plates with different inclination angles is introduced to obtain the overall heat flux through the horizontal tube surface. The model can predict the variation of heat transfer of stable dropwise condensation with different contact angles outside a horizontal tube. The influences of contact angle, temperature difference, and other typical parameters on both a single droplet and the whole condensation process are discussed. The results indicate that a high contact angle can cause a size reduction of falling droplets from condensing surface and thus taking more heat away. The adsorbed condensate film adds an extra thermal resistance and its thickness plays a significant role on the dropwise condensation heat transfer.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the condensation of carbon dioxide and its heat transfer on a vertical surface in the subcritical region. In this region, the physical properties of carbon dioxide show significant temperature and pressure dependence. In particular, as the pressure increases and approaches the critical pressure, the difference in the properties of liquid and vapor, and surface tension approach zero. Therefore, condensate flow from natural convection decreases and the configuration of condensation may differ from that at lower pressures. In this study, the configuration of condensation is observed and at the same time, condensation heat transfer is obtained by measuring the volume of condensate. Heat transfer is discussed in connection with the configuration. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res 25(4): 214–225, 1996  相似文献   

This paper discusses the convective condensation of a gas mixture in a vertical tube. A mathematical model was derived by combining a modified film model and Nusselt's condensation theory. The effect of wall temperature on film thickness and interfacial temperature was predicted and film thickness was calculated. When compared with the gas phase resistance method, the film model is better. The phenomenon of SO2 absorption into condensate is illustrated and discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 33(4): 219–228, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20011  相似文献   

Laminar convective heat transfer of nanofluids in a circular tube under constant wall temperature condition is studied numerically using a CFD1 approach. Single-phase and two-phase models have been used for prediction of temperature, flow field, and calculation of heat transfer coefficient. Effects of some important parameters such as nanoparticle sources, nanoparticle volume fraction and nanofluid Peclet number on heat transfer rate have been investigated. The results of CFD simulation based on two-phase model were used for comparison with single-phase model, theoretical models and experimental data. Results have shown that heat transfer coefficient clearly increases with an increase in particle concentration. Also the heat transfer enhancement increases with Peclet number. Two-phase model shows better agreement with experimental measurements. For Cu/Water nanofluid with 0.2% concentration, the average relative error between experimental data and CFD results based on single-phase model was 16% while for two-phase model was 8%. Based on the results of the simulation it was concluded that the two-phase approach gives better predictions for heat transfer rate compared to the single-phase model.  相似文献   

介绍了各种类型的管外冷凝强化换热管,分析了其强化机理及结构特点,并总结得出:管外冷凝强化管的换热系数与管型有关,且各管型的结构参数对强化传热具有重要的作用.对国内外管外冷凝强化技术研究工作进行分析,结果表明,目前管外冷凝强化换热管的研究主要集中于翅片形状、翅片密度、翅片高度等结构参数对换热性能的影响.强化换热管的冷凝传热性能不仅与翅片结构参数有关,而且也与管材的表面特性和导热系数有关.管外冷凝强化换热管的研究重点是开发新型三维结构翅片的双侧强化管并研究其传热关联式,以及研究不锈钢等低成本材料制造的强化管换热管的传热性能和强化结构的优化.  相似文献   

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