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增材制造技术(又称"3D打印")被誉为"21世纪最具潜力的技术",在"中国制造2025战略"中明确提出将增材制造作为未来智能制造的重点技术加以扶持[1].而要使增材制造技术获得广泛应用,所用耗材是决定其发展的关键物质基础[2].目前,增材制造耗材主要包括:塑料、树脂、橡胶、陶瓷和金属等材料[3],其中金属材料作为增材制...  相似文献   

近些年来,冷喷涂技术得到快速的发展,并逐渐形成了一门新的增材制造方法。 但由于目前存在的诸多技术壁垒以及居高不下的制造成本,使得冷喷涂增材制造技术尚未得到广泛的应用。 文中从技术与应用的角度出发,对冷喷涂增材制造目前存在的一些关键技术问题以及未来发展的方向进行梳理与讨论,同时也提出了一些适用的解决方案。 目的是为促进该技术实现更高价值的制造过程,从而推动冷喷涂增材制造技术的发展。  相似文献   

Cold spray is a solid-state rapid deposition technology in which metal powder is accelerated to supersonic speeds within a de Laval nozzle and then impacts onto the surface of a substrate. It is possible for cold spray to build thick structures, thus providing an opportunity for melt-less additive manufacturing. Image analysis of particle impact location and focused ion beam dissection of individual particles were utilized to validate a 3D multicomponent model of cold spray. Impact locations obtained using the 3D model were found to be in close agreement with the empirical data. Moreover, the 3D model revealed the particles’ velocity and temperature just before impact—parameters which are paramount for developing a full understanding of the deposition process. Further, it was found that the temperature and velocity variations in large-size particles before impact were far less than for the small-size particles. Therefore, an optimal particle temperature and velocity were identified, which gave the highest deformation after impact. The trajectory of the particles from the injection point to the moment of deposition in relation to propellant gas is visualized. This detailed information is expected to assist with the optimization of the deposition process, contributing to improved mechanical properties for additively manufactured cold spray titanium parts.  相似文献   

冷喷涂由于具有粉末加热温度低、涂层中氧含量及孔隙率较常规热喷涂涂层显著降低等特点,而广泛应用于制备各种类型的涂层或块体材料。近年来,冷喷涂设备及工艺的改善使其在增材制造和零件修复方面也具有极大的应用前景。综述了冷喷涂制备高性能软质相金属和硬质相金属/非金属涂层的研究进展,重点围绕原始颗粒结构、冷喷涂工艺参数、添加第二相和后处理手段对涂层制备及性能优化的效果进行总结,并对冷喷涂制备复合涂层的结合机理进行了阐述,包括软质相颗粒形成单一涂层和添加硬质相颗粒复合涂层的结合机理,且涂层中颗粒之间的结合主要为机械结合、物理结合、冶金结合和化学结合中的一种或多种结合形式。同时,介绍了冷喷涂技术在增材制造领域和零件修复方面的研究进展和存在的问题。最后,分析总结了冷喷涂的应用前景和存在的问题。  相似文献   

基于冷喷涂的多孔钛与钛合金的制备与表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于冷喷涂技术的优点,结合喷涂后热处理开发了一种新的多孔钛与钛合金制备工艺.研究了热处理对所制备多孔钛与钛合金块材的组织与结合强度的影响.结果表明,所得多孔块材的气孔率与粉末本身及喷涂条件有关,气孔率在10%~50%之间变化.热处理态的气孔率代表了冷喷涂制备块材的实际气孔率.所得多孔块材喷涂态的结合强度在10~30 MPa之间变化.热处理后粒子间接触界面通过扩散达到冶金结合,多孔块材的结合强度均明显增加(超过55 MPa).  相似文献   

康华伟  尹翠兰 《轧钢》2012,29(1):63-65
介绍了山东钢铁莱钢集团公司根据纯钛带的不同特点、利用六辊可逆带钢冷轧机轧制纯钛带的冷轧工艺、退火工艺和平整矫直工艺,莱钢生产的冷轧钛带的表面质量和各项性能都符合标准,满足客户使用要求。  相似文献   

增材制造大型TC4钛合金横梁成形完成后进行缺陷检查,通过超声检测对梁缺陷的尺寸和位置进行检测,然后通过线切割对相应位置进行取样,磨制抛光后利用体视显微镜、金相显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱检测仪的手段,分别对缺陷类型及形貌进行分析统计,对缺陷附近组织、缺陷内部形貌进行观察分析,对夹杂物成分进行能谱检查,分析得出缺陷类型和形成原因。结果表明:TC4钛合金横梁的孔洞缺陷为熔合不良造成,与成形过程中局部出现搭接率和和Z轴单层行程ΔZ匹配不良的情况有关;夹杂缺陷为氧化物夹杂,是由于熔覆环境受到一定程度的氧气污染,合金熔滴表面反应生成氧化皮夹杂嵌入基体,氧气的存在同时影响熔合不良孔洞附近组织,使其出现α相增多和富氧α层的现象。  相似文献   

Powder bed fusion (PBF) of titanium alloys is an interesting manufacturing route for many applications requiring light weight and strength combined with geometric complexity. Managing PBF challenges, including porosity, surface finish, distortions and residual stresses of as-built material, is mandatory to bring the advantages of this process to production main stream. This paper builds on previous work addressing process parameter optimization to focus on manufacturability analysis of complex shapes. Simulation of the build process predicts layer for layer distortion as well as the final component shape. Validation is pursued to ensure accuracy before proceeding with analysis of different build strategies for a complex component.  相似文献   

针对电化学增材制造已有较多探究,但研究内容多为工艺参数对柱体成形质量的影响,工艺参数对微螺旋构件的影响尚缺乏系统研究。通过单因素试验法研究极间电压、脉冲占空比和初始极间隙对微螺旋结构直径、体沉积速率和表面形貌的影响,采用数字显微镜及扫描电镜对微螺旋构件进行检测,得出极间电压为4.0~4.4 V时,可以制备出直径均匀、形状规整的微螺旋结构,微螺旋结构体沉积速率由210μm3/s增长至5 728μm3/s;而电压增至4.6 V时,微螺旋结构出现大量瘤状沉积。当初始极间隙从5μm增加到20μm时,微螺旋结构平均直径由128μm增长至163μm。极间电压为4.2 V、初始极间隙为10~20μm时,随着初始极间隙的增大,微螺旋结构底部明显变粗,直径波动较大。研究结果表明,采用三轴联动控制阳极运动轨迹,定域电化学增材制造三维微螺旋构件,是三维金属微结构一种可行的技术方法。试验优化参数为极间电压4.2 V、脉冲占空比60%和初始极间隙5μm时,得到微观形貌质量较好、直径均匀的微螺旋构件(圈数为2圈、螺距为400μm)。  相似文献   

冷喷涂工艺中射流过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在冷喷涂材料表面改性技术研究中,喷嘴出口的超音速气流射流流场直接影响喷涂的效果和喷涂质量,故喷嘴出口后射流的流场数值计算分析非常重要。通过对数学模型的工程简化,完成气相射流流场的数值模拟,给出了可压缩气体压力、温度和速度分布,根据计算结果,完成对实验的优化设计。  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing techniques such as cold spray are translating from research laboratories into more mainstream high-end production systems. Similar to many additive processes, finishing still depends on removal processes. This research presents the results from investigations into aspects of the machinability of aluminum 6061 tubes manufactured with cold spray. Through the analysis of cutting forces and observations on chip formation and surface morphology, the effect of cutting speed, feed rate, and heat treatment was quantified, for both cold-sprayed and bulk aluminum 6061. High-speed video of chip formation shows changes in chip form for varying material and heat treatment, which is supported by the force data and quantitative imaging of the machined surface. The results shown in this paper demonstrate that parameters involved in cold spray directly impact on machinability and therefore have implications for machining parameters and strategy.  相似文献   

冷喷涂是近年来发展起来的一种固态材料沉积技术,具有沉积温度低、沉积速度大、沉积效率高等特点,在金属材料尤其是温度敏感的金属材料固态喷涂成型方面具有明显优势。冷喷涂中,喷涂粉末的状态(包括形状、尺寸和含氧量等)对整个涂层的影响较大,对冷喷涂粉末进行改性和合理设计显得十分重要。阅读和整理近年来冷喷涂研究领域中喷涂粉末的前处理技术,主要包括粉末预热和热处理以及粉末复合技术,粉末复合技术的主要方法有机械混合法、球磨法、造粒法和包覆法等。总结整理了各种技术的优缺点,可为冷喷涂过程中粉末处理技术的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

钛合金高强度、高耐热的特性决定了其在航空航天、船舶制造等领域的广泛应用,但由于钛合金的难加工性,使得传统锻造+机加的方式模具损耗严重、制造周期长。增材制造作为一种制造成本低、成形效率高的绿色化制造工艺,凭借其无需模具、直接成形的优势在钛合金制造领域受到国内外学者的广泛关注。电弧增材制造技术相较于其他增材工艺(如激光增材制造、电子束增材制造等)沉积效率更高,不受零件尺寸的限制,在大型和超大型结构件的制造中具有突出优势,其中基于冷金属过渡(Cold metal transfer,CMT)的电弧增材制造技术由于沉积过程更稳定、热输入量更低,已逐渐成为钛合金增材制造领域的研究热点。文中对基于冷金属过渡的钛合金电弧增材制造技术的研究现状进行综述,介绍钛合金打印件的微观组织和力学性能特征,总结分析了成形参数对打印件微观组织与力学性能的影响规律,并概述了形核条件调控、轧制和超声冲击等辅助技术对打印件微观组织与力学性能的影响机制,最后展望了钛合金CMT电弧增材制造的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Warm spraying has been developed by NIMS, in which powder particles are accelerated and simultaneously heated, and deposited onto a suitable substrate in thermally softened solid state. In this study, commercially available titanium powder was sprayed onto steel substrate by the spraying process. Microstructural developments and deposition behaviors from a deposited single particle to a thick coating layer were observed by high resolution electron microscopes. A single titanium particle sprayed onto the substrate was severely deformed and grain-refined mainly along the interfacial boundary of particle/substrate by the impact of the sprayed particle. A successive impact by another particle further deformed the previously deposited particle and induced additional grain refinement of the remaining part. In a thick coating layer, the severe deformation and grain refinement were also observed. The results have demonstrated the complex deposition behavior of sprayed particles in the warm spraying using thermally softened metallic powder particles.  相似文献   

冷喷涂设备及冷喷涂技术应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
冷喷涂技术相比于传统热喷涂技术有许多优势,例如喷涂温度低,涂层氧含量低,孔隙率低,在喷涂过程中不易发生氧化、烧损、相变等现象,这使得传统喷涂技术难以制备的氧敏感、热敏感、非晶、纳米材料涂层成为可能。从冷喷涂技术原理出发,介绍了各类冷喷涂设备及冷喷涂涂层的沉积机理,详细阐述了冷喷涂涂层结合机理和结合方式(机械咬合、物理结合、冶金结合、化学结合),介绍了各类冷喷涂装备(高压和低压冷喷涂系统、真空冷喷涂系统、激光辅助冷喷涂系统、静电辅助冷喷涂系统、脉冲气体冷喷涂系统和激波风洞冷喷涂系统)及其研究现状。综述了近几年冷喷涂技术在防腐涂层、耐磨涂层、生物医用、抗菌涂层、电子工业、功能涂层、修复与再制造等领域的研究和应用现状,最后对冷喷涂技术的应用和发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

General principles of metal spraying by the powder process are described, and an account is given of an improved powder-spraying pistol. In this apparatus, powder is conveyed into an oxy-gas flame by any desired conveying gas under pressure: this allows the application of denser, less oxidized and better adherent coatings of zinc, aluminium, etc., than does the older spraying pistol wherein the powder is sucked into the pistol in an air stream, and also the spraying operation is faster and more efficient.

A simple quantitative adhesion test for sprayed metal coatings is described.

Some recent specialized techniques and applications are outlined, including the production of sprayed coatings of very low and of very high resistivity, the spraying of steels, the production of “aluminized” coatings by powder spraying followed by heat treatment, the production of hard, non-porous surfaces by “flaming” special sprayed coatings, and the improvement of the adhesion of zinc and aluminium coatings to be had either by an undercoat of sprayed steel or by preheating the base metal.  相似文献   

应用spraywatch热喷涂在线监测系统测定了ZrO2纳米粉等离子喷涂工艺参数与喷涂粒子温度和速度的关系;测定了涂层耐磨性,分析了涂层表面形貌、界面结合状况和物相组成;获得了涂层制备的较佳喷涂工艺参数。涂层为纳米结构,主要由四方相构成。  相似文献   

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